Notes from TEI Council Conference Call of 24 Feb 06

All times are UTC unless otherwise noted.

Call started at 12:06 with CW, DP, SB, JW, AB, LB, SR, MD, CT, DB; absent were MZ, SS, LR, JC, although JC had sent along his apologies in advance.

Review of the minutes and action itemsJC: Review and then disseminate the P5 howto

SB: Circulate summary report on SO work-group outputs to date

LB: to update the Activities web-page

CW, LB: Draft charge for personography activity, including deadlines and workplan

CT: Initiate and facilitate production of note on Page Image Management; report on progress to next Council meeting

LB: Ensure that ST corrections are completed

SB: organize a proposal on how best to prosecute the class struggle

CW: Investigate options for holding council meeting/TEI training meeting in Kyoto, reporting back by next call

SB/SS/NS: Report back from TEI Libraries meeting at next TEI Council call

Review of WG etc. progress

PB MM = Murray McGillivraySB reports that MM has posted some documents with some suggested sample encodings of collation formulae to the PB list, and that JF has commented on them, but no one else has. LB has put the documents on the website off the Physical Bibliography Work Group page, under the headings Manuscript example and Print example. LB says that progress is being made, Council members should read & comment.

personographyMD reports that the preliminary report by the graduate student Eva Wedervang-Jensen, whom TEI paid to research other biographic XML schemes, has been put on the web at . Eva looked at ~10 systems for biographical data in XML (the list is in the document). MD notes that, because it started life as an MS Word document which was later hand-converted to TEI, it has some significant formatting problems which he hopes to iron out soon; however, he does not want to post it to TEI-L until these formatting problems have been fixed.

The plan is to have a face-to-face meeting about this, hopefully soon. The exact reason for and makeup of this meeting was discussed. The intent would be to gather some non-TEI folks who are practiced in this field, to solicit their opinions on our proposed scheme, in particular whether or not they would use it. We are looking for anxious implementors of this scheme.

Council members should send names of individuals who should be involved in the personography face-to-face to the council list or directly to MD. End of March a possibility for this meeting.

P5The newest pre-release alpha-test snapshot of P5, whose Sourceforge number is 0.3.1, was released 2006-01-30. This is a significant improvement over the previous snapshot. LB apologized to Council for not having a written progress report prepared ahead of the conference call, but promised to have one ready for inclusion in these minutes, which he promptly did. For details see the release notes.

It was suggested that the newest snapshot should be included with oXygen.SB bundle up 0.3.1 for oXygen 2006-03-18

A revision of the TEI Lite tutorial, making it conformant with TEI P5, was also undertaken. A preliminary draft of this revision was circulated to Council mid February, and also to TEI-L. Major differences are summarised in .

MeetingsNext conference call is tentatively scheduled for Tue 25 Apr @ 12:00 UTC.

MiscellaneaLB & SB suggest that the Class Struggle is currently high priority.

Council members reviewing documents should post their thoughts about the document reviewed, even if it is nothing more than It's OK.

Meeting ended ~13:30.

Changes to TEI Lite (P5 version)