TC M12: TEI Council Conference Call 2 Jul 04

The following were present during the call which started at 13:02 UTC: Syd Bauman (SB), David birnbaum (DB), Lou Burnard (LB), Matthew Driscoll (MD), David Durand (DD), Julia Flanders (JF), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Laurent Romary (LR); Susan Schreibman (SS); John Smith (JS; for first item only), Natasha Smith (NS), Edward Vanhoute (EV); Perry Willett (PW); Christian Wittern (CW).

Alejandro Bia was unable to join the call, being in transit.

sequence element, not on its children). LB asked in what respect the existing general mechanisms for segmentation and analysis (in chapters SA and AI of the Guidelines) were inadequate to the problem in hand, and agreed to demonstrate how they might be used for the cited examples. LB e-mail one of Sanskrit examples re-encoded with <seg> and <ana>. 1 aug 04

Noting that the Taskforce was uneasy with the implied semantics of the choice tag (since the intent in this case was to mark a segmentation plus an interpretation, rather than to present two alternative ways of doing the same thing), LB suggested it might be useful for JS to join the recently-set-up TEI-choice list. LB add JS to TEI-choice discussion list

7 jul 04

LB also asked whether Unicode tokenization was not an adequate way of handling word-segmentation for these languages; CW and JS explained that it was not, because the same character might be shared between two words in a compound. LR noted that ISO TC37/SC4 ( had an active workgroup on morpho-syntactic annotation, which had produced a detailed working paper of relevance to the discussion LR circulate reference to TC37/SC4 workgroup on paper on this issue to council list

7 jul 04 Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed:

choice mechanism had been issued on TEI-L in early June. Response had been very good amongst members of the newly set up Digitial medievalist list; in the last few days, a special purpose list on source forge had been set up to work on the proposal (

Noting the intention to remove the chapter on the Independent Header, PW commented that members of the Libraries SIG attached considerable importance to the material presently in that chapter about the relationship between the TEI Header and other metadata schemes, which should be maintained and updated. Council noted that there was a need for such comparative information, whether or not the independent header module was retained as a distinct schema. It was agreed that the editors should try to draft a discussion of related issues which might become part of the header chapter or a free standing document.

editors draft document discussing relationship of TEI Header to other meta standards on the basis of material already available, to be handed to the TEI Libraries SIG for improvement and updating. 1 sep 04

The request for feature requests on SourceForge had not met with much response, but the mechanism was available for use. This led to some discussion about ways of improving involvement and awareness of the TEI community in current development activities. It was suggested that a regular news feed from the TEI Chair might be one way of meeting this and JF agreed to look into doing this.

JF to consider drafting of regular news items for distribution to membership, readership of TEI-L, posting as news feed to TEI website.

1 Aug 04

all send material for Council report to CW

30 Sep 04

A provisional date of Mon, 20 Sep 04 was set for the next call.