TC M13: TEI Council Conference Call 20 Sept 04

The following were present during the call which started at 13:05 UTC: Syd Bauman (SB), Alex Bia (AB), David Birnbaum (DB), Lou Burnard (LB), Matthew Driscoll (MD), David Durand (DD), Julia Flanders (JF), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Laurent Romary (LR), Susan Schreibman (SS), Natasha Smith (NS), Edward Vanhoute (EV), Perry Willett (PW), Christian Wittern (CW).

Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed:

mirror tags in P4, or whether they should be expanded to include e.g. combinations of addition and deletion. LB27 sep 04 propose and document revised content model for <choice> to choice list; use date of members meeting as guillotine for discussion.

DD/SB 4 Oct 04 Post updated version of SOW09 to Council

SB/DD 4 Oct 04 Check in a valid and updated version of chapter SA

LR1 Jan 05 investigate and report on any incompatibility between P4 FSD and ISO feature structure representation.

MD/DB4 Oct 04 finalize draft of MS

Editors?To propose a method of managing SF feature requests so as to facilitate gathering of input from Council members All14 OctRead all feature requests and express an opinion on as many as possible

All send material for Council report to CW

30 Sep 04

A provisional date of Mon 29 Nov at 1300 UTC was set for the next call.