TCM05: TEI Council Conference Call 18 Mar 03

The following were present: Syd Bauman (SB), David Birnbaum (DB) in part, Lou Burnard (LB), Matthew Driscoll (MD), David Durand (DD), Laurent Romary (LR), Chris Ruotolo (CR) in part, Susan Schreibman (SS), John Unsworth (JU), Perry Willett (PW), Christian Wittern (CW).

Actions from previous meeting: all actions not deemed already complete are on today's agenda. It was agreed to defer to the next meeting the question of who should succeed JU as chair.

Council approved the procedure defined in EDW78, and actioned the editors to begin implementing them.

Council agreed that further work was needed to decide whether this proposal was necessarily restricted to schemaland, how the content models and attributes for generated elements should be determined, and whether such a scheme might generate name clashes. Proposals should be sent to the ML list for further discussion.

Editors1 May to produce categorised list of attributes and investigate possible name clashes CW1 May to propose content models for generated sub-elements

DD reported that the Standoff workgroup continued to make slow progress. Some papers were now available on the web site, (SO W01 discusses use of Xpointer and gives an overview of the groups major concerns; SO W02 is a discussion of the canonical reference scheme described in the Guidelines; SO W03 is a working paper on graph description); several others are in progress and should be available by end of April in time for d1scussion at the Council's May meeting. Council was requested to review SO W01 as soon as possible.

SB1 Aprilto update SO website with details of papers as they become available DD30 Aprilto make remaining work group drafts available to Council

LR? to send current draft documents to LB for the website. LB/JUimmediate to progress letter requesting liaison status SR? to investigate feasibility of embedding Feature Structures eg in Docbook

JU and LRimmediate to produce detailed feedback which JU would pass to PD

pre-grant activity would be expected before then. JU suggested setting up an e-mail discussion list to include Martha Crowley (the program officer).

PW1 May to set up discussion list, to include all council members who did not explicitly opt out