TCM07: TEI Council Meeting, Oxford, 15-16 May 2003

Minutes of the TEI Council Meeting Held at Rewley House, Oxford, 15 and 16 May 2003

18 May 2003

Present: Syd Bauman (SB), Alexandro Bia (AB), David Birnbaum (DB), Lou Burnard (LB), Matthew Driscoll (MD), David Durand (DD), Tomaž; Erjavec (TE), Merrillee Proffitt (MP) [Friday only], Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Susan Schreibman (SS), John Unsworth (JU), Perry Willett (PW), Christian Wittern (CW). Apologies had been received from Laurent Romary (LR).

PW6 Sept to set up discussion list on the IMLS grant proposal, to include all Council members not explicitly opted out

It was agreed that CEW01 was close to completion: the WG was asked to consider adding more discussion of beginners' problems; it was felt that some illustrations would make it more accessible (examples were offered from the Menota project); some explicit discussion of typographic issues and in particular of scripts might also be useful. Maybe a section on output (as distinct from input and storage) of characters would provide an appropriate locus for these issues. Some explanation of character properties might also be helpful. Section 4.5 (on XML issues) might perhaps be better located in Chapter 2 of the Guidelines: this was a matter for the editors to resolve.

Turning to CEW06, a free-standing replacement for chapter 25 on the WSD, Council noted that this paper was less complete but endorsed its approach. CW said that it was intended to add discussion of how encoded documents using the proposed scheme would be migrated once non-Unicode characters had been standardized; and to review and expand ways of handling positional variant glyphs, and mapping rules for glyph rendering. There was some discussion of glyphs used to represent abbreviation; the scheme as proposed seemed adequate to the needs of medieval ms encoders in this regard. It was agreed that the proposed character description element might be placed in the Header, or as an external document linked to by a URI. It was noted that the reliance of this proposal on the availability of the c element suggested that the latter should be in the core tagset rather than in the segmentation tagset. The names and documentation used for the specific elements proposed needed to be brought in line with common TEI practice, notably to include more examples Editorsasap to provide sample tagdocs for charDesc elements to workgroup Combining characters such as ligatures should not be represented as nested c elements: the content of a c might be multiple codepoints. Council also requested more discussion of mapping issues in the document.

Council next discussed the CDATA attribute issue, and reviewed document EDW79. It was agreed that there was no viable alternative to the CE workgroup's proposal of converting attributes with textual content (which might therefore include c elements) to daughter elements: it was less clear whether such conversion should be mandatory or alternative. Reviewing the following examples:

buck duck (b)


(c) buck (d) buck ]]>

Council expressed a strong preference for (a) above (b) as an alternative method of encoding (c) or its analog (d), but recognised that there might not always be an appropriate outer "wrapper" element. Council decided that such methods must be made available in P5, but did not decide whether or not the P4-style usage should continue to be available as an alternative, pending further examples.

EditorsJuly 2003 to revise and expand EDW79 to propose appropriate wrapper elements and to add more datatype information. Council thanked CW and the group for their work, and agreed that the group should continue for a further year. Council also agreed to recommend to the Board that funding should be made available for a further face to face meeting of the workgroup.

Council was concerned that any changes necessary in the substance of the current proposals should be identified before production of the ISO document began: doubts were expressed as to the feasibility of keeping to the proposed timetable. TE, LR, Editors6 Sept to review chapters FS and FD and propose any needed changes to Council

LB asked whether there was any need to retain the current TEI chapter on terminology. Editors6 Sept to attempt to discover whether the terminology chapter is being used

LB6 Sept to add osx binaries to website and investigate provision of an online conversion service

CW, AB, SR6 Septto provide technical recommendations on definition and maintenance of TEI term bank

In the P4 ODDs, element content models were expressed by embedded DTD language, and attribute list specifications by specific ODD elements. The WG was now proposing to replace the former by RelaxNG; it might also be appropriate to do the same for the latter. The decision to use RelaxNG for this purpose (rather than W3C Schema) did not preclude generation of W3C schemas. Council debated at some length which schema language should be used, and the extent to which it should be exposed to users of the Guidelines, before voting on the following propositions:

+ The maintenance form for the definition of the TEI schema should be RelaxNG + In the printed form of the Guidelines, formal definitions for elements should be given using the RelaxNG

compact syntax + In digital versions of the Guidelines, formal definitions should be available in one or more of the available schema languages (DTD, W3C schema, RelaxNG) as a user-configurable option + It should be possible for users to define extensions in any of the three schema languagesEach of the above motions was carried unanimously. Council recommended, however, that further comment on these fundamental changes in P5 should be sought from the wider TEI community. JU; Edsasapto report schema language proposals to TEI-L and invite comment

The WG had also identified a problem in the use of namespaces. Definition of a TEI namespace while superficially attractive would have the undesirable effect of causing all existing TEI software to fail, since namespaces cannot be defaulted by e.g. XSLT processors. It was also unclear whether there should be a single TEI name space, or multiple ones. Council felt that both questions should be further investigated before any recommendation could be made.

Meta WG6 SeptTo produce a working paper on the namespace problem

Such a licence would enable TEI materials to be built into Linux distributions and other Open Source products, which Council felt highly desirable. The Board was requested to review this issue at its conference call in June, and also to pursue the feasibility of getting sample TEI dtds and other materials built into commercial XML products.

All15 June to make proposals for new Council chair to JU

Council agreed that the merged recommendations must support ways of encoding pre-existing descriptions as effectively as possible. After further discussion, focussed on ways of supporting both a structured normative view and an unstructured low-cost transitional view, Council suggested that the best way of reconciling the two sets of recommendations would be to define alternative elements, one for structured and one for unstructured elements, using identical low-level access points. This would be analogous to the existing biblStruct and

bibl, or entry and entryFree elements.

MD agreed to take this suggestion further with the taskforce. He noted also that it might be possible to generalize the model further to include non-manuscript material; it was agreed to postpone this work until a set of merged recommendations adequate to the handling of manuscripts in general (not simply Western medieval and renaissance materials) was available. Council re-iterated its concern that this work should be completed without further delay and agreed that a face to face meeting of the Taskforce within the next three months might help to accomplish this.

MD, MP, DB, Edsasapto fix date/place for MS ftf meeting

version attribute to the new TEI element. The editors (and others) expressed strong opposition to the idea of dropping camel case identifiers.