TCM09: TEI Council Conference Call 27 Jan 04

The following were present: Syd Bauman (SB), Alejandro Bia (AB), David Birnbaum (DB) in part, Lou Burnard (LB), Matthew Driscoll (MD), David Durand (DD), Tomaz Erjavec (TE), Julia Flanders (JF), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Laurent Romary (LR), Chris Ruotolo (CR; for item 1 only), Susan Schreibman (SS), Natasha Smith (NS), Edward Vanhoutte (EV), Perry Willett (PW), Christian Wittern (CW) (and an unnamed rock band).

Reporting on the status of the Migration Task Force, CR said that the deliverables were all but complete. She anticipated two further weeks work were needed to integrate some text from the Editors and to complete the Tools page. Scripts and stylesheets from case studies needed some work. As regards dissemination, two conference proposals had been submitted so far. Some funding remained, which might be used to implement an online conversion service of some kind. Council members suggested that future maintenance of the project report might be integrated with information about migration from P4 to P5.

Actions from previous meeting were reviewed:

SR presented a a report from Metaworkgroup which summarized the current state of P5 work and asked for Council's endorsement of the direction taken in defining the new ODD format. He also drew attention to a list of specificproposals which the group wished to refer to Council for decision. Council noted that documentation of how the new ODD format should be deployed was still needed: LB is working on this; the current P5TD chapter simply describe the tags used. Some council members had already tried Roma and wished to provide feedback: it was agreed that this should be rolled out for user testing and feedback as soon as possible. SRasap to set up mailing list for discussion of Roma development. Turning to MEW07, Council reviewed its proposals as follows

Finally, returning to MEW08, Council agreed :-


major.minor.micro, with numeric values.

CW15 Feb to confirm date of next council call