TCM10: TEI Council Conference Call

The following were present: Syd Bauman (SB), Alejandro Bia (AB), David Birnbaum (DB) in part, Lou Burnard (LB), Matthew Driscoll (MD), David Durand (DD), Tomaz Erjavec (TE), Julia Flanders (JF), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Susan Schreibman (SS), Natasha Smith (NS), Edward Vanhoutte (EV), Perry Willett (PW), Christian Wittern (CW).

Apologies had been received from Laurent Romary; DB joined the meeting half way through after an unfortunate elevator-related incident.

Actions from previous meeting were reviewed:

EditorsImmediatelyattempt to re-establish contact with Michael Beddows

SB & DD 2004-04-06 Write up draft of main XPointer recommendations

2004-05-06SB & DD Write up draft of main portions of SO W 03

Noting that getting another person up to speed in time for P5 would be difficult, and that other wg members (e.g. Fabio Vitale) were just as short of time, Council agreed in principle to this plan, on the assumption that SB and DD would meet regularly, and that LB and JF would monitor progress.


SR was confident that the work would be complete by early May. Council members were urged to study this documentation, since it is the one part of the TEI which all future developers and workgroup heads need to understand fully.

It was suggested that additional tutorial material should be prepared to complement the basic reference material in this draft. JF mentioned that the

WWP Encoding Guide was currently being revised and would include a section on P5 migration, which might usefully include a layman's explanation and case study on how to do customization. SR suggested that the Ibsen project also had a major customization and that he had been working with Tone Merete Brevik on porting this to P5.

SR 1 May 04 to produce documentation of a few simple customizations using the new facilities

DB ASAP Send details of previous completed work on encoding of collation sequences to JF.

JF 2004-04-15 Draft and circulate to Council a proposed charge to the Physical Bibliography workgroup