TCM15: TEI Council Conference Call

Times are UTC unless otherwise noted.

Started 13:04 with all Council members except MD (who had posted he would be unavailable), and LR who arrived at 14:05.

Previous Minutes

The following are listed in the same order as in the previous minutes themselves.

JF produce call, run it by Lou (for XSLT expertise) and post it




JW reports that SB & TEI in Libraries SIG had asked him & NS to review SH chapter. They have done so, keeping and elaborating the sections on meta-data mapping for incorporation into HD, and removing the independent header bits, as the concept of an independent header is being dropped from the Guidelines. JW has catalogers in Indiana reviewing the meta-data stuff, and it will then go via NS to catalogers at UNC. At this point the draft will be opened to bigger group probably TEI-LIB initially. JW thinks discussion of MARC records and Dublin Core will be done by end of Feb. The editors applaud the work done so far, and hope it can continue. There is need for more material on interoperability, mentioning for example the use of name spaces, related standards like DC and METS. The suggestion that a generic metadata element is needed (see for example Tim Finney's proposal) needs to be addressed — perhaps this chapter should have a section explaining why such an element is not a good idea, as it seems to be a FAQ.

WG reports


JF reports PB chair has resigned for personal reasons. Seeks advice of Council on identifying a new chair. EV is too busy. Two names suggested were Murray McGilvray and Daniel O'Donnell: JF to contact them, proposing a very precise brief.


SB reports the WG as a whole has been moribund, but chair DD spent time in 2004-12 helping get their working papers incorporated into SA. Still a lot of work to be done, but it's there.


The DIS is going for final ballot very soon. It was pointed out that, because the FS WG did not switch from ID/IDREF to xml:id/URI, we are now out of synchronization with the proposed standard. It is not clear what ISO TC37/SC4 wants to do with FSDs; so far they have been unable to find an editor to take it on.


P5 first alpha draft is out. After some discussion about the need to get people to use, test, and report back about P5, it was decided that we'd make some effort to provide people with easier installation methods.

all send their preferred P5 editing environment to LB SS suggests that there should be conference-related half-day workshops about how to set up and use P5.

CW suggests that a SF package should have same file hierarchy as Debian. SR build tarballs that have hierarchy built in (from /usr/share/xml/ level on down)

P5 Editorial Committee

There was some agreement that a management or oversight subcommittee of the Council was needed.

all read edw81 & send comments to the council list

all send views on editorial committee (including whether or not you volunteer) to LB


Council thanks SR and META, WG decommissioned.


After miraculously brief discussion, we decided to hold a face-to-face meeting at AFNOR in Paris (thanks, LR!) on Thu 04-28 afternoon, Fri 04-29 all day, and also allowing for overflow into Sat 04-30 if needed.

Call ended at approximately 14:40.