TCM16: TEI Council Conference Call

All Council members were present, except LR who had sent apologies; SB arrived late

Review of Actions

The following action items from the previous minutes were reviewed:

Stylesheet call* JF had produced notes, and these had been discussed. It had been suggested that MZ might set up a WIKI to host process at NYU. Chair queried whether this would not be better done on the main TEI site. JF agreed this would be desirable, but it was not yet clear how this fitted in with UVA's website development plans. SR noted that the choice of site supporting the WIKI did not matter so long as the address (or could be mapped to it.

JF to pursue wiki redirection with DP and report.

2005-04-10 P5 Editing Environment* LB reported that he had received input from most Council members and was working on a draft HowTo document to help testers get started. Council stressed the importance of making such a document available as soon (and as widely) as possible. Noted that the document would need input from those with access to non-Unix platforms and expertise in other editors.

LB to circulate preliminary draft of HowTo document within next two weeks

2005-04-10 P5 delivery* SR reported that he had drafted a document on P5 system maintenance with information useful for those trying to use the supplied P5 Makefile. Council agreed that this topic also needed to be addressed, and that a simple README for P5 would also be useful.

JC to draft README for P5 source files


LB stated that investigation into how best to install P5 in non-Linux platforms was also needed. Editorial Committee* LB reported that there had been some feedback on this, but not as yet enough to warrant setting up a committee distinct from the Council.

Activity Reports

StandOff WG* SB reported complete inactivity from the group. Council noted that the current SA chapter still needed a considerable amount of explanatory and editorial work. ISO-FS* LB reported that the DIS was now out for national ballot within ISO member organizations Phys Bib WG* JF reported that she had approached ODonnell to head this wg, who had declined; she was pursuing other possibilities. The group had however made some preliminary suggestions which could be considered for inclusion in P5: it was agreed that this should be circulated to Council for comment.

JF to circulate informal report on suggestions so far produced by PhysBib wg to Council.

2005-04-10 BiblItem* PW had had some discussion with members of the group about the nature of the new proposal. LB expressed concern that the existing biblStruct element should not be removed from P5 until there had been opportunity to compare the two proposals; this was agreed. SB and PW were requested to collect and report on the issues. A link to the relevant documents and proposals should be available from the Activities web page, and the matter discussed at the next Council meeting. LB reported that the basic ideas had been well received by INIST at the meeting he had recently attended in Nancy.

PW to report on biblItem proposals to Council.

2005-04-15 Metadata Standards* JW and NS were poised to request input from cataloguers for production of a TEI Header/MARC cross-walk using a spreadsheet. Council requested that this should also be made available for review via the Activities web page.

JW to provide draft report for posting on website.

2005-04-05 Manuscript description* MD reported that he and LB had a preliminary list of potential reviewers for the new MS material and hoped to send it out within the next two weeks, as soon as supporting documentation was available. There had been some minor changes to the draft in response to comments received since the first release, and more were anticipated. Council approved the suggested review method, recommending that reviewers be asked to file individual reports within a short timescale, and that feedback provided should also be circulated to the existing MS-SIG list. It was noted that dealing with comments might require considerable effort.

MD to progress review procedure for MS chapter


Work on P5

Council considered three documents concerning next stages of work on TEI P5: ../Drafts/edw81.xml, ../Drafts/edw86.xml and ../Drafts/edw87.xml. The first sets out the current state of the various chapters of P5. It had been proposed that each council member should attempt to review at least one chapter before the Paris meeting. There was some discussion about the nature of review required, and the stability of the current version of P5, in which some systematic changes were still anticipated. It was agreed that chapters should be reviewed primarily for content, in line with the draft suggestions for MS reviewers (circulated to Council for comment by LB in an email of 29 March). Council members were requested to notify the chair of their preferences by suggesting up to three chapters in preference order.

ALL to send CW a list of their chapter preferences


CW to collate stated preferences and send out list of chapter assignments


ED86 and EDW87 contain both suggested design principles and lists of attributes or elements affected by their proposed application. The former concerns (primarily) text-valued attributes and the latter concerns class membership. In discussion of EDW81, it was agreed that attributes replaced by child elements should not be retained also as attributes. A question was raised about what policy should apply to cases where attributes were being transformed into child elements for elements which already had child content, in particular mixed content. Lack of time prevented detailed discussion of the documents.

Council endorsed the general direction of the principles proposed and agreed that they should be discussed in more detail at the Paris meeting, with a view to proceeding directly to implementation of the principles thereafter.

ALL to review documents EDW86 and EDW87 in detail, raising any queries by email as soon as possible.


Next Meeting

As previously agreed, the Council will hold its annual face to face meeting at AFNOR in Paris, starting at 1400 on 28 April. The aim is to complete the meeting by Friday 29th evening, but the morning of Saturday 30th will be available if necessary.