TCM19: TEI Council Conference Call 09 Sep 05
Call began at 13:03 with SB, LB, JC, JF, NS, SS, PW, and
CW; LR joined at approximately 13:36
All times are UTC unless otherwise noted.
Review of ActionsThe following action items from the previous minutes were reviewed:JC, HOWTO
- Draft is done, updates in progress. JC Finish up based on recent discussion on council list; 1 or 2 Council members should test-drive the result. After update based on Council members' input, if any, JC to post to TEI-L requesting users to test-drive. 2005-09-18
MD post summary of comments, etc.
- LB reports this has been done.
- reports that he has assassinated a few attributes
JF, cert
- report posted last night, but still needs to address the specific question of cert, certainty, and exact. Suggested that JF will be finishing up the rationalization of the attributes, but also to post to TEI-L and raise discussion of certainty in general.
- not done; waiting on SA
SB, XPointer scheme registration
- DD has been in touch with Henry Thompson, and has learned that the W3C has yet to get a mechanism for scheme registration going. In the meantime, TEI should announce (to which specific person at the W3C or a list should we announce this?) our intention to register our schemes when such a registration system is available. It is not clear whether a MIME type will be required or not. It was suggested that it might be helpful for TEI to officially inform W3C that we are looking forward to the appearance of such a registration mechanism. CW write a letter to W3C expressing TEI's interest in the completion of an XPointer scheme registry and system for registering schemes.
- deliberately deferred.
- — all done.
Review of WG etc. progress
SA: segmentation & alignmentSB reports that DD sent him a draft of sa.odd less than 8 hours ago, and he has not read it yet. There will be a slight delay getting it merged with current changes and checked in properly. SB expects it will be checked in by Monday. FS: feature structuresLB was recently at the TEI-ISO WG meeting in Warsaw, and reports that FS is now officially a draft international standard, and that it received almost unanimous support. Much of the credit goes to Kiyong Lee, whom council thanks for shepherding this chapter through the sometimes daunting challenges of ISO procedure. In Warsaw there was agreement that there be a new work item for ISO to do the same thing for feature system declaration. This will be part 2 of ISO 24610. The current idea is to start with TEI FD as a basis, but look at other ontology definition languages, other automatic validation tools, etc. Hoping to involve some people from the web ontology community. Group will be set up under SC4, LB will continue to be liaison.
Report about TEI Council/ W3C I18N collaborationSR has finally officially become an invited expert of the W3C workgroup charged with the issue of internationalization of tagsets, and will be joining their second face-to-face meeting in Nice in a few days. Report about TEI I18N activitySR, VL, and JF have made great progress on the draft grant request to ALLC. An appeal was posted to TEI-L seeking people interested in translating, and about 20 responses were received. SR is keeping a database of these interested parties. A little translation work has actually already been done. Stylesheets are finished.How to incorporate translated ODDs into P5 has yet to be worked out. SR plans to show some examples at Members' Meeting.
SR asks about translations of attributes and things that are going to be dropped. We need a mechanism for translators to be able to ascertain when the canonical English language version is changed. CW would like to get a time frame for when things settle down and major changes have subsided.
We also discussed the P4->P5 translation stylesheet, which SR suggested should be kept up to date with changes to P5.
LB reports a related fact: he has recently received a first draft of translation into French of HD from [??].
There are going to be a lot of terminological issues in maintaining translations. Furthermore, we need to be clear how we support internationalized examples.
P5 progress
on Attributes and Datatypes (EDW90)SB reports that great progress has been made in recent discussions. The EDW90 data was created under the presumption that we would have the capability to declare an attribute as a particular datatype and then further constrain or relax the allowed values using RelaxNG. Since this turns out not to be the case, a second pass through the assigned values to attributes (with possible modification of datatypes) is required. SB Re-assign attribute datatypes without presumption of further RelaxNG constraint or relaxationThe previously agreed item that should be an xsd:Name was reiterated, but SB notes this change has not been reflected in EDW90 yet.
on ClassesClass meeting will be held in Oxford, 26 & 27 Sep. At the meeting we should review the way elements are assigned to classes, and, much as EDW90 has for datatypes, come up with a semi-definitive list for classes and element assignments to them. The output of this meeting should be the source of rewriting ST.
- complete datatypes LB make tagdocs of datatypes themselves 2005-09-23
- complete attributes Eds. assign attributes to datatypes
- classes
- remove DTD dependencies, rewrite SG
- It is hoped that all of the above, including rewrites of SG and ST, can be substantially complete by the end of the year.
- DI
- terminology
- PB
- SH
Other businessNone.
MeetingsJF & SB report that planning for the Members' Meeting is going well. After some initial false starts Matt Zimmerman seems to be doing an excellent job. Logistics are almost completely in place, thanks to the efforts of both Matthew and local organizer Anissava Miltenova.The program has been decided upon in the greater sense (what events there will be, who the speakers are, what is on which day), and Matt has even proposed a detailed schedule which will hopefully be hammered out in the next 2 weeks.
SB has recently secured corporate sponsorship funding from SyncRO Soft (makers of <oXygen/>).
Next CallOur next conference call should occur sometime in mid-November. We will once again use to attempt scheduling, SR to coordinate.
Call ended at 14:18.