TCM21: TEI Council Conference Call 16 Dec 05
Call began at 12:00 with SB, AB, LB, JC, DP, SR, NS, SS, CT, PW, CW
Apologies were relayed from MD; also received (subsequently) from MZ and LR
Review of ActionsAction items from both the previous full meeting and the classes sub meeting were reviewed
P5 "Howto"
- Draft had been reviewed and updated and was now thought to be ready for prime time: it should be moved from the Drafts section of the website to a putative Notes section, or maybe published on the Wiki. JCReview and then disseminate the P5 howto.2005-12-31
XPointer scheme registration
- SB had succeded in registering the TEI scheme, modulo some need to choose between xpath and xpath1 as a name.
- [The minutes of the Sept meeting say this action on SB was "deliberately deferred" but it seems to have vanished without trace!].
- All actions completed.
lbl vs label
- LB reported no action, pending discussion with LR
stylesheet problems
- SR reported stylesheets had
been fixed to make
now visible and section numbering now more rational in HTML version of P5 Guidelines: this won't be visible to the world until next release however
- SR reported stylesheets had
been fixed to make
g availability
- Done
Review of WG etc. progressPB: Physical Bibliography
- CW had received an update from Murray McGilvray which he would circulate to Council: not much progress yet.
SO: segmentation & alignment
- The workgroup was now inactive and the status of its deliverables seemed a little unclear. SB was asked to investigate and report. SB2005-12-31 Circulate summary report on SO workgroup outputs to date
FS: feature structures
- LB reported that the draft had now been ratified by ISO. The new work item on feature system declaration had been accepted, and a meeting had been proposed to start the work in Korea on 16 Jan; LB was however unable to attend.
- CW noted that the list of activities on the web site was out of date; LB made the traditional comment that web site maintenance was not the editors' job.LBto update the Activities webpage asap. It was noted that no other work groups were still active.
New Work Item: personographyAs informally discussed in Sofia, LB had recently completed some minor changes to the available elements for recording data about persons and introduced a new listPerson element. SR, Matthew Driscoll, and he had discussed how best to take the work forward, and come to the conclusion that it might be worth paying a student to undertake some preliminary survey work before convening a small meeting on the topic.
SR noted that the board had allocated $24K to the Council for the current financial year; if half that was devoted to the May meeting, a budget of $6K for each of two workgroups would be feasible.
Several Council members expressed interest in contributing to the work. After discussion, Council agreed to ask Matthew Driscoll to chair the activity with a fixed budget of $6K. CW, LBDraft charge for personography activity, including deadlines and workplan.2005-12-31
New Work Item: PageImagesFollowing recent discussion on the council list, it was agreed that there was a need to document TEI best practice with respect to the management of texts including or consisting of digitized page images, given the wide variety of current practice. Conall agreed to take on the task of producing a preliminary draft, and making it available for further discussion via the TEI wiki.CTInitiate and facilitate production of note on Page Image Management; report on progress to next Council meeting. 2006-02-24
P5 progressLB had previously circulated the following brief note:
- During October there was extensive work on attributes and datatypes, which was completed in time for a release of P5 (0.2.1) to take place on the 21st.
- During November, the priority was to work on classes. A detailed programme of work was agreed following the Council meeting in Oxford, and is now complete. Full details of the changes made are available from
- Some outstanding issues remain on the class front, in particular there is still need for a review of many chapters not discussed at the Oxford meeting. Enough work has been done, however, to proceed to the revision of chapter ST, which is the next priority.
- In December, Matthew Driscoll visited Oxford, resulting in a number of minor corrections to the MS chapter.
- A new "listPerson" element has been introduced to facilitate encoding of "personographical" data: this was tested on some data supplied by Matthew which now forms a new component of the test suite.
- New material for inclusion in chapters SA and NH has been received but not yet reviewed by both editors.
Discussing this, Council noted that the legend "done" in EDW92 meant that the change had been applied in CVS. A new full release would include these changes; it was agreed that the next release should also include a less misleading version of chapter ST, much of which is currently plain wrong. LB Ensure that ST corrections are completed 2006-01-31
Council discussed how best to take forward the outstanding work on revising class memberships, in particular how to repeat the Oxford process for chapters other than core, header, structure. Possibilities included another ftf meeting for the same group, a series of conference calls taking each module one at a time, email list etc. A specific proposal was requested. SB organize a proposal on how best to prosecute the class struggle 2005-12-31
Annual FTF Meeting
Council agreed that a meeting mid-May in Kyoto would be its first preference. Travel costs could be reduced if this were held in conjunction with some kind of TEI Training event. CWInvestigate options for holding council meeting/TEI training meeting in Kyoto, reporting back by next call. 2006-02-24
SS offered facilities at MITH, in the Washington area, should this not be possible. Paris and Oxford were also available, as previously.
PW reported that the "TEI in Libraries" group was now working as part of the US Digital Library Foundation, and wouild be holding a meeting next month in Washington to update its now rather elderly Guidelines on best practice in using the TEI. These Guidelines will continue to be based on TEI P4. It was suggested that they could nevertheless be usefully enhanced with a section on preparing for P5 or some such, which should highlight any potential problems in migration from P4 to P5 for the library community. SB (and other Council members) will be attending this meeting and was asked to report back from it. SB/SS/NSReport back from TEI Libraries meeting at next TEI Council call. 2006-02-24
Next CallThe date of 24 Feb at the same time was proposed.
Call ended at 13:10 or thereabouts.