Teleconference 2015-02-27 13:30 UTC
meeting started at 13:36
Syd Bauman (SB)
Hugh Cayless (HC)
Fabio Ciotti (FC)
James Cummings @ 13:40 (JC)
Martin Holmes (MH)
Stefan Majewski (SM)
Paul Schaffner (PFS)
Peter Stadler (PWS)
Raff Viglianti (RV)
Stefanie Gehrke (SG) (13:46)
Lou Burnard (LB — able to be online for latter portion, but not on conference call)
Discuss/finalizeredefining msPart (see:Google Doc (SG / PWS))
Some discussion on list; FC still has some issues, MH raised a Q this morning. Action on PWS to make the document editable/commentable (DONE). JC notes that the main worry is that <msPart> is being used for two different things; we could create a new element (msFrag?), or we could add <msPart> to att.typed and use @type. The argument against this is that MS description is talking about one specific physical object; we use msPart when that single catalogued object is formed separate physical fragments. That’s the exact reverse of having a notional object formed from dispersed fragments which are being unified virtually. RV: notes an example of four notebooks from Godwin-Shelley were unbound and distributed; they were once physical objects; the component parts contain works which cross notebook boundaries. The pieces have been arranged into boxes corresponding to the works. We need to be able to describe both the component parts, the current arrangement, and the original physical objects. PWS: We’ll have to change (the description/semantics of) msDesc as well to support this.
- perhaps attr (e.g., @type) should be of parent <msDesc>, not <msPart>
- Whatever solution we come up with should map well to the same problem as it occurs when the manuscripts are being transcribed not merely described
- Thorny enough that we probably need to take this off conference call
DiscussTEI Simple report (JC)
JC would like feedback on TEI-Council list, TEI-Simple list, or direct e-mail if you don’t want it public.
Definitely wants written council feedback on the proposal. Nothing should come as a surprise when we eventually propose these new elements to Council.
- Most meaty interesting part is the processing model documentation:
- See also Magdalena Turska’s blog post: or
- The premise of processing model implementation is to generate XSLT stylesheet based solely on TEI Simple ODD file that contains models and renditions that define intended processing for TEI Simple elements. Base TEI Simple ODD can be found at Processing model implementation files can be found in polygon subdirectory and this is assumed to be working directory in all examples below. To generate the XSLT stylesheet one can run following command: saxon -xi -s:../teisimple.odd -o:simple.xsl -xsl:simpleoddtoxsl.xsl That will generate simple.xsl file which can be used in turn to transform the TEI Simple documents, eg: saxon -s:../tests/5730.xml -o:../tests/treasureisland.html -xsl:simple.xslwill produce html output for Treasure Island sample file.
DiscussTranscription of Spoken Language draft (LB) — deferred for lack of LB
PFS points us to section 5.7 with a concern that it suggests non-tessellating <div>s; or annotatedU being simultaneously a div-like object and a p-like object.
Council took quick look, and all but gasped in horror [clearly this example only makes sense if <annotatedU> is a divLike object, which is not made explicit elsewhere in the document -- LB]
Action on PFS to comment about this on FR
JTEI schema integration into P5 and Stylesheets: what goes where? (MH)
Ready to start
- new customization w/ documentation -> P5
- transforms for docs in that schema -> Stylesheets
- stuff for O2 framework to do that -> oxygen-tei plugin framework
One concern is that have to do this in a manner that does not permit the framework to be published w/ only a piece of this
MH wants to aim for next release (early April)
JC and SB volunteer to test; JC suggests Sebastian Rahtz and Magdalena Turska might be CC’ed on emails as people with experience in this area.; JC noted that the updates of the framework from Jenkins were functioning fine.
Action on MH to investigate the feasibility of accomplishing all this by the next release, and report back within a week.
Action on SB and HC to contact Oxygen and find out their release schedule.
Update oncorrespDesc proposal (PWS)
Current state:
LB updated prose
PWS updated examples and added <listRef> for elements
suggested values for correspAction/@type still under debate
PWS suggests sticking with past participles (“sent”, “received”) rather than LB’s suggested “sent-by”, because the latter suggest an actor, who may not be known. Council generally agrees with PWS. [but if there is named agent, don’t you want to know whether it was received by them or from them? LB]
Action on PWS to take this to the mailing list for final decision.
Announcement re: Balisage pre-conference event (HC)
- HC suggests people put in proposals. Deadline is April 17th
Face to Face dates
Location: Ann Arbor
Dates: May 28–30
Council thanks PFS for taking this on.; Action on PFS to report back to council list on meeting details / hotel / travel / etc.
HC points out there are a lot of new bug reports (by Jens Østergaard Petersen)
suggests people should choose those they want, including mentor/mentoree pairs.
HC will wait until 2014-03-06 or so then assign them (on 2014-03-07 or so)