TEI Council Minutes: Face to Face in Providence 2016-04-25/27

TEI Council Minutes: Face to Face in Providence 2016-04-25/27Meeting started @ 04-25 ~09:40 with:

Meeting ended 04-27 ~16:55

Action Items Summary

Action Responsibility Due Date
reach out to TeX community — can they help us maintain the TEI->LaTeX->PDF pipeline? LB 2016-06-01
organize virtual Stylesheets sessions, either semi-monthly or quarterly SB 2016-06-01
Fix the (LaTeX) build SM
move Roma tickets from TEIC/TEI to TEIC/Roma PS 2016-05-12
Add to TCW-22 a step to check on OTHER repos for release-blocking issues: stylesheets, oxgarage, Roma, oXygen framework, any TEI-C repos that have current issue. HC, release tech group 2016-06-01
ask Ian Rifkin to make a subdomain in TEI-C for debian release packages. Name for repo? packages.tei-c.org. To point to a packages/ folder on tei-c. Needs about 3–4 gigabytes. HC 2016-07-01
try removing the dependency on Oxygen (via commenting out the task in the makefile). MH 2016-06-01
locate the missing correspDesc commits PS ASAP
See if XML documentation can be displayed on GitHub RV, HC 2016-06-01
Revise TEI Simple documentation language. LB
Modify stylesheets so as to process processing model elements in reference documentation for an ODD; SB, HC
develop a proposal for how and where ProcMod should be incorporated into TEI-C/Stylesheets/ repository. MT 2016-07-01
make a JavaScript version of Roma! Will interface with oxGarage for processing. RV Next F2F
try looking at the PHP and fix the old sanity checker and remove it from the user view until it might be fixed. HC 2016-07-01
ask JF, or on SB to ask MSMcQ for a pointer to papers from Darmstadt — MSMcQ thinks there are none available on the web (they are planning a printed monograph, though) EM, SB DONE
ask JF about upcoming book on modelling LB
send Council a pointer to papers from Brown modelling conference — here is index page; few papers, but lots of videos! SB DONE
eport to EP that Council members are interested in exploring methods of formalising the abstract model (though less so in the formats in which this might be serialized). Done, but don’t know if paper was submitted. HC DONE
Investigate the dates of real conference start. HC
get Council to understand Stylesheets more than they do now, by any reasonable means HC


Day 1, Mon 04-25 09:30–17:00

Action on PS by 2016-05-12: move Roma tickets from TEIC/TEI to TEIC/Roma

Lunch in the meeting room: 12:00 (actual time: 12:40)

Day 2, Tue 04-26, 09:00–17:00

Lunch out: 12:30

Day 3, Wed 04-27, 09:00–13:00

Lunch out: 12:30