TEI Council Minutes: Face to Face in Providence 2016-04-25/27
TEI Council Minutes: Face to Face in Providence 2016-04-25/27Meeting started @ 04-25 ~09:40 with:
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
- Lou Burnard (LB)
- James Cummings (JC), chairing Monday Morning
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EB)
- Peter Statler (PS)
- Elli Mylonas (EM), local organizer
- Stefan Majewski (SM) (departed 04-27 ~15:50),
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Hugh Cayless (HC) (arrived late at 04-25 12:45. Thank you American Airlines)
Meeting ended 04-27 ~16:55
Action Items Summary
Action | Responsibility | Due Date |
reach out to TeX community — can they help us maintain the TEI->LaTeX->PDF pipeline? | LB | 2016-06-01 |
organize virtual Stylesheets sessions, either semi-monthly or quarterly | SB | 2016-06-01 |
Fix the (LaTeX) build | SM | |
move Roma tickets from TEIC/TEI to TEIC/Roma | PS | 2016-05-12 |
Add to TCW-22 a step to check on OTHER repos for release-blocking issues: stylesheets, oxgarage, Roma, oXygen framework, any TEI-C repos that have current issue. | HC, release tech group | 2016-06-01 |
ask Ian Rifkin to make a subdomain in TEI-C for debian release packages. Name for repo? packages.tei-c.org. To point to a packages/ folder on tei-c. Needs about 3–4 gigabytes. | HC | 2016-07-01 |
try removing the dependency on Oxygen (via commenting out the task in the makefile). | MH | 2016-06-01 |
locate the missing correspDesc commits | PS | ASAP |
See if XML documentation can be displayed on GitHub | RV, HC | 2016-06-01 |
Revise TEI Simple documentation language. | LB | |
Modify stylesheets so as to process processing model elements in reference documentation for an ODD; | SB, HC | |
develop a proposal for how and where ProcMod should be incorporated into TEI-C/Stylesheets/ repository. | MT | 2016-07-01 |
make a JavaScript version of Roma! Will interface with oxGarage for processing. | RV | Next F2F |
try looking at the PHP and fix the old sanity checker and remove it from the user view until it might be fixed. | HC | 2016-07-01 |
ask JF, or on SB to ask MSMcQ for a pointer to papers from Darmstadt — MSMcQ thinks there are none available on the web (they are planning a printed monograph, though) | EM, SB | DONE |
ask JF about upcoming book on modelling | LB | |
send Council a pointer to papers from Brown modelling conference — here is index page; few papers, but lots of videos! | SB | DONE |
eport to EP that Council members are interested in exploring methods of formalising the abstract model (though less so in the formats in which this might be serialized). Done, but don’t know if paper was submitted. | HC | DONE |
Investigate the dates of real conference start. | HC | |
get Council to understand Stylesheets more than they do now, by any reasonable means | HC |
Day 1, Mon 04-25 09:30–17:00
- 09:30–10:00: Agenda setting
- The future of PDF generation. LaTeX, etc.
- SM explains that PDF generation, while not broken, has problems and is quite fragile. E.g.:
- Font dependencies
- Stylesheet maintenance
- Suggestion #1 (MT): create a test suite to exercise that which we know is fragile
- We have both a political and a practical issue:
- Stylesheet author is no longer with us;
- Why are we producing PDF, anyway?
- Because TEI->PDF is a desirable set of stylesheets to have anyway
- We have both LaTeX and XSLFO generation paths (the latter in oXygen)
- There seems to be general agreement within council that PDF generation is important and the council needs to maintain it. (See GH #1357)
- Action on LB (by 2016-06-01): reach out to TeX community — can they help us maintain the TEI->LaTeX->PDF pipeline?
- PS: or hire it out?
- Or rewrite with XSLFO? TEI->PDF (nb we already have some FO stylesheets written by Sebastian, which is what Oxygen uses)
- Discussion: Are there enough people in our community who know XSL-FO?
- SB: Make it an iceberg we all chip at or one we all try to grok in its entirety?
- JC: Let’s have a meeting or something to do in-depth training for Stylesheets and fixing bits of them. But not just one or two people, but most of Council.
- SB: Spend one day each in the next three F2Fs on the Stylesheets together. Plus dedicated conference calls in addition to our regular business on Stylesheets.
- Action on SB (by 2016-06-01): to organize virtual Stylesheets sessions, either semi-monthly or quarterly
- Action on SM: Fix the (LaTeX) build
- Main current problem is just that underlying GNU/Linux system no longer includes the same font we used for Japanese; all we have to do is switch to the new one, so this sounds like a solvable problem.
- Use of Processing Model driven transformations of the guidelines is a possibility.
- LB: how best should we devote our limited technical resources?
- SB: We should maintain PDF ourselves as best we can, and not outsource it. For the long term, presumably we do this through XSL-FO and not LaTeX. We have already put some work into this and have a starting point with XSL-FO
Action on PS by 2016-05-12: move Roma tickets from TEIC/TEI to TEIC/Roma
- Action on HC and release tech group by 2016-06-01: Add to TCW-22 a step to check on OTHER repos for release-blocking issues: stylesheets, oxgarage, Roma, oXygen framework, any TEI-C repos that have current issue.
Lunch in the meeting room: 12:00 (actual time: 12:40)
- 13:30: Jenkins / build process reformation discussion (Martin Holmes to join @ 13:15 — actual time ~13:25)
- Jenkinses and Build processes: the Stylesheets are dependent on downloading a copy of the fully-expanded ODD from the last release and/or using a local copy; the TEI build is dependent on the Stylesheets. The way the Stylesheets tests run tend to flag up insignificant changes as errors (language changes in specs, e.g.) and sometimes to conceal new bugs, because of the reliance on an older copy of the ODD.
- Something Must Be Done about the testing regime. Consider going through and pruning/altering all the tests. Can we do better than comparing files with old results character-by-character?
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS just came out, and that's a long-term release, so it'll last for several years. Martin has made a start on that.
- MH has done some reorganization on his own server:
- Stylesheets-dev, TEIP5-dev, etc.
- Stylesheets, TEIP5, etc. track the master branch
- New Jenkins repo: https://github.com/TEIC/Jenkins
- Using Java 8, which is the default on Ubuntu 16.04
- Dependency on TEI packages, MH doesn't like that and thinks we should move away from it;
- Stylesheets dependency on Oxygen, which it gets via the TEI package; we think the actual dependency is on Doxygen, which is an Open Source
- PDF build of the guidelines depends on specific Japanese fonts, which new Ubuntu doesn't have
- Manually install new fonts and change dependency in Stylesheets
- PS brings up idea of Docker wrapper for TEI Jenkins; MH asks if he should try to make a Docker setup; PS suggests first figure out the Jenkins install script, because Docker would use it anyway.
- MH will install new fonts on his Jenkins and try it out.
- MH and SM to work on Stylesheets LaTeX process
- Debian packages and general distribution of releases. Homebrew support might be nice too. They are now two releases out of date (v 2.8.1). SM: Actually, the debian packages *are* built, working packages that are current but not distributed yet: A problem because 1) we need to decide where to put them, 2) how to reference the location where they are put, and 3) we need a method for signing it (used to be signed by Sebastian.
- Special package repository on TEI-C? Signing has to be handled by a local machine with access to debian.
- We shouldn't have a signing key on the Jenkins server--too open to anyone.
- Package list from last f2f https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1w3ObgtqxpwYLrfaF-N0SPTt5X3ITmg2iLa5ZevAg3eE/edit?usp=drive_web
- Action on HC (by 2016-07-01): to ask ??? to make a subdomain in TEI-C for debian release packages. Name for repo? packages.tei-c.org. To point to a packages/ folder on tei-c. Needs about 3–4 gigabytes.
- Ideally packages.tei-c.org/deb for Debian packages
- MH: We seem to missing oXygen packages in our current packages list. Is there something on the Oxford server for oXygen? JC: I don’t see any oxygen packages there that you don’t have. LB: we decided oXygen packages were redundant. SM looked at doxygen--it seems that Sebastian used oXygen b/c doxygen doesn't support XSLT out of the box. MH: Do we need to write an intermediate XSLT that doxygen can ingest—probably wouldn't be too hard. SB (and others): too much time and effort for a redundant documentation system. MH: Why don't we comment out that task in the makefile and see what happens? (General agreement).
- SB: What's most important is for us to provide both good internal documentation (for programmers) and (separately) good external documentation (for users); we shouldn't have to worry about how this internal documentation for the programmer is leveraged.
- HC: We really need better documentation for the stylesheets!
- Action on MH by 2016-06-01: try removing the dependency (via commenting out the task in the makefile).
- Lost Guidelines material - HC
- HC: A GitHub issue in between commits between HC and PS. Find those commits. Merges are risky.
- Action on PS (ASAP) to locate the specific commits in question.
- Need to discuss protocols for branching and merging so we have better branching discipline. After a merge, go and check to see if the latest stuff wasn't lost. And pull changes from dev into a branch before we merge back.
- See what we've already posted here re GitHub procedures: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/blob/dev/Documents/Git-README.md
- Always merge changes from dev into your branch before you begin working in the branch. Keep the branches up to date. This ensures that the only difference between your branch and the dev is your changes.
- Where should this documentation go? (Also where should the TCW stuff go?) Migration of our documentation? SB: Keep it in TEI! LB: Ideally, use GitHub pages and TEI boilerplate in those pages (if it'll take it). Action on RV (2015-06-01) to see if this will work.
- A “NoXSL” solution with TEI Boilerplate CSS (demo): http://raffazizzi.github.io/TEIditto/
Day 2, Tue 04-26, 09:00–17:00
- Agenda review
- Elections Committee—need a volunteer not running for re-election
- Elections committee is looking for a volunteer, who is not standing for re-election
- EM volunteers
- TEI Simple
- TEI Simple: MT and JC have prepared an overview for F2F listing decisions to be made to bring this customisation exemplar under Council support. We’ve already agreed to do so but can modify Simple in the process. The prepared document is at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E1ZrN93QJttiUvP1NzqR05o1uUqX_-eHWFX_z42BPow/edit#heading=h.ualhk2xiuvbp
- JC: Simple was made by looking at a lot of text archives and inventorying the minimal tagset needed to represent them. This is similar to how TEI Lite was made, hence the similarities between them, but they are significantly different. One aspect that is different is use of processing model. RV: ProcMod may be problematic because it doesn't go far enough; LB: ProcMod could do a lot more. JC: Better to start with a simple (no pun intended) processing model and then build on that then try to create the perfect complete versio ab initio. HC: Are we talking about supporting just the Processing Model as it appears in Simple and only for a web target? LB: For example, the customization only supports CSS. MT: The current ProcMod XSLT is not intended to be all-encompassing, but the ProcMod shouldn't be limited. Argues against having a reference implementation; current one is a prototype, not a "reference implementation". The XQuery implementation is better, but already goes beyond what we permit. LB: Are you saying it allows TEI Processing Models that are invalid? MT: Yes, it extends the spec.PS and HC: Consider what a "reference implementation" should do. We are the only ones who could define a reference implementation. LB: disagrees that we should define a reference implementation and thinks we should drop the term. LB and HC: Our responsibility is to set a standard for conformance. SB: But we can't be tracking down everything that isn't using the TEI namespace. MT and JC: Experimental implementations shouldn't have to be TEI conformant--they can be made conformant later. LB: Why aren't they TEI conformant already--why no feature requests yet? MT: It's not mature enough yet. SB: It's not an imperative on people outside the community to give back their implementations to TEI. (Though nice when they do) RV: ODD is a customization system and a schema definition language, as well as documentation for humans and machines (as it lets us generate Guidelines). It's not really a way of transforming your texts---Should transformation language really be part of a schema language in the first place? If it's only needed to discuss in documentation, that's different from setting instructions for transformation. JC: It should be documentation of some ways in which one *might* transform: it's documenting of intent. SB and JC: Sebastian's hope was that ODD would grow to document processing models. How separate is the processing model XSLT from Stylesheets? MT: They're completely separate at the moment. JC: There's no dependency on existing stylesheets. SB: What happens when users start using this and want output? JC: It works like this: XSLT looks at your ODD and produces XSLT that matches the documentation of processing models in your ODD, this can then be used to transform documents or acts as a starting point for the transformation process. PS: That's useful, and people like it, but it's not the core of our work. We should work on the documentation. SB: How is the documentation representing the Simple customization? JC: Not really doing it well--that needs to be represented.HC: How does this affect the rendering of the Guidelines? JC: It can only indicate something intended for output.JC and MT: Think of "processing engine" instead of "processing model". The model is what is documented in the ODD. It is documentation, human and machine readable in the good tradition of ODD. The implementations are “processing engines” which do something with it.
- Relation of TEI Simple to TEI Lite? TEI Lite is older, but not deprecated. Is there concern that MartinM based so much of the prose on TEI Lite, which makes it harder for us to differentiate these for users? EB: We need meta-documentation of thee all the different customization options available. JC: We could provide something explaining context at the top of the TEI Simple documentation, there is some there, but it could be improved/expanded.
- Review of the documentation in TEI Simple, its difference from TEI Lite suggests some parts might quickly (though it does feature a publication date), and could use revision. LB would be best person to work on revision.
- Issue with no standardization of TEI Header in TEI Simple. LB: Two different Simple projects will have incompatible TEI headers. JC: This was by design. TEI Simple only simplifies the content of <text>. Partly because the project only had so much time, and partly because they agreed that headers were so different for different needs that it is unrealistic to make a simple header that all the targets for simple will benefit from.
- Action on LB: Revise TEI Simple documentation language.
- Action on HC and SB: Modify stylesheets so as to process processing model elements in reference documentation for an ODD; note this is different from an implementation of a processing model engine.
- LB: Feature requests: Don't entertain feature requests for new elements in Simple. Feature requests should be about the ProcMod.
- EM: We should encourage people to make their own customizations, and direct people to resources on how to do that. LB and EM: The intro to Simple should send people to information on how to customize for themselves if they don't want Simple's particular customization.
- JC: Suggests that we should always entertain feature requests but after it has been published for a while then as with other exemplars feature requests should be treated very conservatively. SB agrees with JC (in this and many other things!) JC insists this is minuted for future reference since it is so rare.
- HC to add procmod implementation to Stylesheets? Important to make explicit that this is a best effort implementation for Simple.
- Action on MT (by 2016-07-01): To develop a proposal for how and where ProcMod should be incorporated into TEI-C/Stylesheets/ repository.
- LB has done some testing of ProcMod already, available on GitHub
- Processing Model -TEI ProcMod implementation: do we want to maintain the draft reference implementation that we have?
- Discussed above with TEI Simple, we really should talk about these things separately but always veer into discussing processing model when discussing simple as a customization.
- Ticket processing
Lunch out: 12:30
- Ticket processing
- Strategic Planning:
- Use of ODD outside the community
- MEI, W3C Music Notation Community Group (?), JATS (?), ITS, …
- RV: The Music Notation Community is using ODD successfully. Is there a way to present ODD for use outside of TEI, as a product of the TEI Council? Discussion: What would this really involve? Some explanation that this can be used for presenting other schemas.
- Possible actions points:
- Extend prose on tei-c.org ODD page to indicate that ODD can be used to define languages other than the TEI
- Produce examples and point to existing examples
- PDF generation process, XSLT maintenance in general:
- Would be useful to make Stylesheets test suite more efficient
- Outsourcing the coding of tools (e.g. XSLFO for PDF guidelines):
- Ask for help from community?
- How to monitor process to maintain tools after creation?
- Question of whether W3C is still supporting XSLFO or not.
- Last update 2015-07: https://www.w3.org/standards/techs/xsl#w3c_all
- Current consensus is that PDF generation is currently fixed, so this is not particularly urgent, and being punted.
- What to do about Roma? RV volunteers to attempt a javascript version (better than Byzantium) — Action on RV by next F2F: to make a JavaScript version of Roma! Will interface with oxGarage for processing. JC volunteers to help RV in testing and ODD matters.
- kill the sanity checker? JC: It's not working because of pure ODD and issues with PHP code—to much trouble to fix? Pure ODD is causing the sanity checker to break. RV might approach sanity checking differently.
- Action on HC by 2016-07-01 to try looking at the PHP and fix the old sanity checker and remove it from the user view until it might be fixed.
- Elena Pierazzo asks about Council’s opinion of the TEI Next stuff she talked about in Lyon. She’s considering submitting an abstract for the Fall meeting, and pondering how to take it further. http://tei2015.huma-num.fr/en/papers/#140
- Action on EM to ask JF, or on SB to ask MSMcQ for a pointer to papers from Darmstadt — MSMcQ thinks there are none available on the web (they are planning a printed monograph, though)
- Action on LB to ask JF about upcoming book on modelling
- Action on SB to send Council a pointer to papers from Brown modelling conference — here is index page; few papers, but lots of videos!
- Action on HC to report to EP that Council members are interested in exploring methods of formalising the abstract model (though less so in the formats in which this might be serialized).
Day 3, Wed 04-27, 09:00–13:00
- Commemoration of Sebastian Patrick Quintus Rahtz
- Council mourns the loss of one of its best and brightest, and expresses its condolences to the Rahtz family. A silence is held followed by members of the council being sarcastic to each other in the affectionate manner of Sebastian.
- Fall F2F
- Are we settled on Vienna? Logistics?
- TEI Conference is scheduled for 2016-09-26/30; so we will plan for Sun 25ish to Wed 28ish, depending on when the conference begins.
- Action on HC Investigate the dates of real conference start.
- Ticket processing
Lunch out: 12:30
- Ticket processing
- Stylesheet discussion 2–3 hours (HC)
- Council intended to do this but ran out of time. Action on HC to get Council to understand Stylesheets more than they do now, by any reasonable means.