TEI Council Conference Call 25 Apr 06

Times are UTC unless otherwise noted.

Started at 12:07 with SB, DB, LB, JC, MD, SR, SS JW, CW, and MZ present. CT had sent mail stating he was ill and could not attend; AB sent mail as call was supposed to start stating not only would he not be present, but that he was resigning from Council.

Previous Minutes

Physical Bibliography WorkgroupLB expressed concern that the chair of this workgroup appeared to be working in isolation, with only a few comments from JF appearing on the list. The material posted was of a very specialist nature, reflecting the expertise of the PB group, but seemed to lack input from TEI experts. all review PB documents, and post thoughts (even if only "looks fine to me") to Council list. 2006-05-16Such expertise was certainly present in the membership of the Group, but perhaps needed some encouragement to discuss Murray's proposals in terms of how they might relate to the rest of the TEI scheme. Concern was expressed that the work had been inadequately publicized. CW follow-up on previous request to MM for more prose describing the desired goals, the meaning of elements, the intended usage, etc.; also perhaps suggest a conference call for PB group 2006-05-02

PersonographyMD reported that a meeting to discuss the workingpaper prepared by Eva-Wedervang-Jensen will meet in Oxford in two day's time. He is hoping to have a report, perhaps even with a concrete proposal, available for Council to consider in Kyoto.

Attending this meeting will be

Council is grieved to hear that Charlotte Roueché (Byzantine and Modern Greek, King's) will not be able to attend due to a recent injury, and wishes her a speedy recovery.

Class StruggleCouncil reviewed TCW 07. This summarizes issues raised by individual reviewers of modules, together with suggested dispositions provided by the editors. It was noted that this document did not include comments made by SS and DP on the transcription module, which had not been received; also that some of the modules assigned had not yet been commented on. SS post comments from DP and SS on the transcription module to list 12:57:01

Reviewing outstanding modules, the following assignments were agreed: JW & MZ Look at both dictionaries & drama modules, post to list 2006-05-02DB Look at TD (documentation elements, aka tagdocs), post to list 2006-05-02DB & MD Look at ND (names & dates), after personography meeting, post to list 2006-05-09

LB agreed to incorporate this material into the document as soon as it was received. Council was requested to consider two major issues raised so far: the need for a class representing a simpler subset of phrase-level elements for use in the header and other meta-data-like places; the need for a class similar to the existing att.Spanning for use in all cases where "Horse-like" markup was proposed.

SB Develop proposal for a new class of phrase level elements for use in the content model of elements (e.g. those that only occur in teiHeader) which represent metadata rather than the full complexity of document markup, for further discussion in Kyoto 2006-05-18

It was agreed that the att.Spanning class should be used for all cases of cross-structure pointing, but noted that the present proposal (used only in the index element) needed further development.

Because it involved a decision made by the class subcommittee at its Oxford meeting 2005-09, the question of where note should be allowed, recently raised on TEI-L by Espen Ore, was briefly discussed. It seems we need to revisit the decision the class subcommittee made in Oxford. At least two separate questions need to be considered:

. LB reminded Council briefly of the rationale for the former decision and offered to post to TEI-L in response to John Young's query on TEI-L.

In answer to a query from SB, LB explained that g was needed within c since the latter referred to a lexical character which might be represented as a combination of Unicode and non-unicode characters.

Meeting in KyotoWe will be meeting at the Kyoto International Community House, which is 2-3 subway stops from the hotels at which we will be staying. We will be housed in two separate hotels near to each other, as there was not enough room in any one hotel.

Council thanks CW and his colleagues for organizing the meeting.

Council issues a get well soon to the feverish CT.

Call ended at 13:19.