TEI Council Conference Call 19 Mar 2007

Meeting participants were LB, CW, SR, AC, CT (in part), DO, DP, MD, JC.

LR had sent apologies.

Actions from previous meeting

Outstanding actions * Reports on several oustanding actions remained forthcoming, and several of those actioned had been unable to join the call. SR was asked to move remaining relevant points to the TRAC system for monitoring.

SR move outstanding outstanding action items to TRAC

2007-03-25 relatedItem and biblItem * LB confirmed that he had discussed the issues with LR as requested at the last call and that a new draft, mostly derived from JW's work of last year, was now in place which removed biblItem and introduced

relatedItem, as reported to the list. Text and image encoding * DP reported that she and Conal had completed the ODD but not yet tested it. It was available for comment on the wiki at http://www.tei-c.org.uk/wiki/index.php/FacsimileMarkupODD; after the call, CT reported that he was still working on it. Physical Bibliography * The workgroup seemed to have stagnated, with no further progress after recent comments from MD and DP. CW had received no response to his last mail to MgGilvray. DO volunteered to also approach him informally if CW would like to try again.

CW write to PB WG Chair requesting an update and explaining that proposals were unlikely to get into P5 1.0 2007-03-25 Testing of I18N examples in ODD * CW reported this as done Tracking system * SR, CW, DO reported that this was now in place as planned.

Vilnius meeting

MD reported the main recommendations from the meeting, as previously posted to the list. There was a need for more examples still, particularly for places. The meeting had decided against recommending a general "event" element. CW asked what had happened to the idea of an "assert" element: the group has decided against this, particularly given the global availability of note; LB noted that a better way of providing the functionality proposed for

assert might be to enhance the existing

certainty mechanism. SR noted that the use of elements from the dictionary module proposed for nym revived the module dependency issue. LB said one possibility might be simply to move discussion of nyms into the dictionary chapter. It was agreed that the two proposals should be publicized separately to TEI-L; council members were asked to try testing the proposals.

LB Post information about the new proposals to TEI-L to solicit comment 2007-03-20

All Attempt to encode a place using the proposed tags, and report back to Council list 2007-03-23

Conformance proposals

JC was thanked for the draft, which was generally agreed to be on the right track. It raised several key issues which needed wider debate than was possible on the call, and it was hoped that all Council members would follow CT's example in posting their views on the topic to the list as soon as possible, with a view to enabling JC to produce a revised draft in time for discussion in Berlin. It was agreed that the proposals were not yet ready for circulation beyond Council.

All Review the draft at http://www.tei-c.org/Drafts/conformance-draft.pdf and comment to the Council list.


JC Produce revised draft.


The P5 RoadMap There had been a rather poor response to the call for volunteers. Council discussed a number of ways of addressing this, and agreed that (a) the tasks to be done for the first milestone needed to be made more specific and (b) the allocation of individuals to tasks needed to be made centrally. SR agreed to do the latter task, and in conjunction with LB would draft a statement of the former. This would go beyond just "identify and fix references to DTDs" to include identification of sections or passages in the chapter that were either unclear or outdated. Outcomes from the task might include creation of new tickets for more detailed action as well as actual editing. The goal was to give council a list of new proposed revisions/issues for triage in Berlin. SR, LB Draft request for chapter reviewers 2007-03-23

SR Allocate chapter reviewers


Berlin Meeting

Council members should be available from the morning of Weds 25 April to that of Sat 28th; it was expected that LR would be posting more information about the event on the 25th in due course. CW would prepare a detailed agenda for discussion and resolution at the meeting. It was noted that after Berlin we would not be able to make any further technical decisions influencing the content of the 1.0 version. To complement the issues raised by the Council's review , LB said that he and SB would produce a list of outstanding issues in advance of the meeting.

LB, SB produce consolidated list of outstanding issues to be addressed for P5 1.0 2007-04-15