TEI Council Conference Call 27 Sep 06

Times are UTC unless otherwise noted.

Started ~12:04 with SB, SS, AK, LB, SR, JC, CW, CT, JW, DP, LR

MD had sent his apologies earlier.

Minutes from last meetingCouncil: comment on the ‘short names’ …

eds.: implement …

CT & DP: Post proposal of how to link texts and images

Council: Read P5 chapter 14.9 Stand-off Markup …

DB: Report on TD (documentation elements) with respect to the class system …

SB: Repost summary of the questions pending …

SB: find places where a ‘header-phrase’ class would be useful.

LR: Explain where macro.glossSeq or model.glossLike is not a good idea, but <desc> is.

DP: post to TEI-OL-SIG about span alone, deferring information about the chapter.

CW: Remind JW about posting <biblItem>, <biblStruct>, and MODS discussion

DB: post draft of ‘guiding principles for further development’ document

Council: read PB document, post to list even if only "I read it, it's fine".

MD: Rewrite the examples MM provides in the PB document using a more generic mechanism

DP: review her own manuscript description work to see if anything there would be helpful, and report back to list



MZ: Check whether the monies personography has not spent was pre-budgeted, and whether Council reimbursements have been processed yet

SB: post to TEI-L, announcing that the deadline for a feature request to be considered for P5 1.0 is 2006-09-01

Council: come up with a list of elements to be considered for execution, and submit as a feature request on Sourceforge


PBDP reports that her comments were posted to the PB list, and that MM replied. DP has been thinking about this, thinks LB's response echoes some of her own concerns. Consensus is to keep the conversation going, perhaps with DP demonstrating her system. It should be pointed out that marking up the formula limits processing as compared to an abstract representation.

PERSCW suggests another meeting, but we're unsure of funds. CW ask MD if he is willing to take personography forward into places/ontologyCW ascertain whether or not we have funding for a meeting

There is some overlap between this WG and the planned activities of the ontology SIG. SR suggests that group decide via e-mail whether or not moving forward would significantly change the existing work.

Document review

MaintenanceConsensus that DB's document is pretty reasonable, and should be published. Some suggested that it should be presented in Victoria. LB with DB revise DB's draft document as a working paper for Council TC W 08 2006-10-20

TEXT + IMAGE encodingCouncil discussed the document recently posted by DP & CT, and then discussed somewhat on the list.

It was generally agreed that the document is divided into two parts:

The general feeling was that the first part is significant work that requires only a concrete formal proposal to be added, a bit more revision before being handed to the editors to be folded into the Guidelines (either as part of PH or FT).DP & CT revise document somewhat, with an eye towards what parts are intended for Guidelines. by MM

As for the second part, the consensus was that SVG should not be incorporated in the TEI Guidelines directly, but that instead a sample ODD demonstrating how to do this be made publicly available.

JW suggests a name other than fax for the attribute that points to an element's image.

Open issues

conformance— action still on MZ and JC; LR has points he intends to contribute. All Council members should continue to contribute to discussion. all contribute to conformance discussion 2006-11-15 Will be on agenda for next conference call.

Other business

feature requestsLack of time precluded full discussion of this initial digest. LB asked for Council's endorsement of his provisional prioritization: this was given, modulo some corrections (see appended list). Further topics noted:


next call 11-22; reports CW to discuss w/ editors, and post to council


MMAs we are out of time, very little discussion of reports took place. CW will discuss them with the editors and post to the Council.

next callNext conference call is tentatively scheduled for Wed 22 Nov 06 at 12:00.

SF Feature requests

LB had posted to the list a number of items the following summary of issues for resolution. The agreed resolution is indicated as follows:

Call ended at 14:06.