TEI Council Conference Call 22 Nov 06

In these minutes times are UTC unless otherwise noted.

The conference call was delayed slightly by some confusion over the correct number to call to access the conference call. Nonetheless, the meeting started at 12:09 with CT, CW, SB, TM, MD, JC, SR, DP, JW, LB, AK, DOD joining us at 12:10.

Note that both AC & SS had sent their apologies earlier.

SB volunteered to take notes during the call.

Minutes from last meetingSB: change French filenames, too

SB: summarize dating attributes issues …

all: consider list of limited phrase elements and propose refinements if needed

SB: Implement ‘limited phrase’ system using the elements in the refined version of the list.

LR: post to Council … elements which contain … should have only desc

JW: Write up: bibliographic elements, MODS & TEI, and opinions on extent.

CW: ask MD if he is willing to take personography forward into places/ontology

CW: ascertain level of funding available for the meeting

LB w/ DB: revise DB's draft document as a working paper for Council TC W 08

DP & CT: revise document somewhat, with an eye towards what parts are intended for Guidelines.

all: contribute to conformance discussion

Impressions from MM2006There was interesting discussion of event element at the Ontology SIG in Victoria??. Recommendation that we invite someone from Ontology SIG to extension of personography meeting.

DOD reports plans to expand ASIG participation in programme for MM2007; e.g. the goal is to run a working paper session for which the papers would be circulated beforehand, and then be presented at MM or to ask SIGs to make a full presentation on a topic.

Workgroup etc. progress

PBMD still needs to rewrite the examples MM provides in the PB document using a more generic mechanism (action from 2 calls ago, repeated here with invented due date: MD Rewrite the examples MM provides in the PB document using a more generic mechanism 2006-12-31)

PERSDiscussed above.

I18NSR reports he inadvertently sent report to CW instead of group; this was corrected during the call, it has now been sent to the list, but note that the presentation the report refers to is really here. Changes to Roma were reported at MM. The question was raised as to whether or not there are sufficient funds to permit a 2nd person to proofread translations. SR informed council that the intention is that monies will be spent by the translators as they see fit … they might pay for a proofreader or not.

The issue of translations of examples was discussed. Questions include which examples get put directly into the ODDs, which ones are stand-off? Suggestion to have multiple examples in various languages in the reference section (not the prose). Need to develop infrastructure for stating whether an example is a translation of another, or an added new example, etc. LB ponder and post discussion of multilingual example problem, particularly with an eye towards whether or not the ODD encoding language defined by TD needs to be updated 2006-01-10

SR reports that there is also a lot of infrastructure work to be done, e.g. formatting multilingual Guidelines as PDF.

The timeline is to have the translations themselves completed by Spring, and the entire multilingual project including the infrastructure and tying the translations to the whole Guidelines by MM2007.

Document review and updates

Text and Image encodingDiscussion of CT & DP's document deferred, as it's still being worked on.

Road to P5

ConformanceThe consensus was to ask JC to summarize discussion so far and write a proposal that will eventually become replacement for CFJC summarize discussion of conformance and write a proposal 2006-01-15

Feature requests on SFStatus of SF requests document needs to be updated. eds. update doc, report to group when done 2006-12-15


Face-to-faceWe're looking at Berlin in late April, perhaps at 26/27all let list know if you expect to be available for a meeting in Berlin Thu 26 & Fri 27 Apr 072006-12-06

next conference callDOD reports that although Board discussed other meetings at locations that submitted unsuccessful bids for MM2007, he does not feel that Council meeting should be tied to them.

CW will be in Taiwan in late Feb 2007.

Next conference call was scheduled for Tue 23 Jan 07 at 12:00.

SR & DOD will be investigating other teleconferencing systems. It was suggested that CW be included in any tests. Both Oxford and Indiana have Adobe Breeze set up. JW has used it, and reports that at least for a simple presentation it is quite good. High-speed conferences.com seems plausible — can accept calls from Skype or phone. SR report on high speed conferences .com system

Call ended at 13:21.