TEI Council Meeting

The TEI Council teleconference meeting took place on Tuesday 23 October at 12:00 UTC.

Participants: Arianna Ciula (AC), Syd Bauman (SB), Lou Burnard (LB), James Cummings (Minutes; JC), Matthew Driscoll (MD), Dan O'Donnell (DO), Dot Porter (DP), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Laurent Romary (LR), Conal Tuohy (CT), John Walsh (JW), and Christian Wittern (Chair;CW).

Council members unable to participate: David Birnbaum (DB), and Tone Merete Bruvik (TMB).

Open action items

CW reviewed the action items from the previous minutes.

All action items must be completed by 2007-10-26 12:00 UTC unless otherwise noted.

Action items

LB contact workgroup participants and others who have helped on P5 to check spelling of names and current affiliations. 2007-09-30 * LB reported on work done on AB and FM1 and that FM1 would change to become more of an acknowledgements section. He would point Council at new drafts of this material in the next few days. LB Point Council to new drafts of AB/FM1/etc. 2007-10-25

JW to provide additional e.g.s and read through existing ones in rendition 2007-09-30 * JW reported that this had been completed.

ALL read through the proposed list of rendition attribute values and provide feedback to LB 2007-09-30 * LB reported that he had received no comments and taken this as assent. CT mentioned that he felt the suggested @scheme values were appropriate.

SB to finish revisions of NH by end of month 2007-09-30 * Discussion of NH postponed until later in the agenda.

All review NH, which has yet to be read in its new form by anybody other than the authors 2007-09-30 * Discussion of NH postponed until later in the agenda.

ALL Report any last minute major suggestions for changes to web design (if you absolutely must) to JC and DP 2007-09-28 * Discussion of Guidelines Formatting postponed until later in the agenda.

JC, DP Begin integration process with main site with Chris Ruotolo (ongoing) * Discussion of Guidelines Formatting postponed until later in the agenda.

DO Facilitate communication between the two web teams 2007-09-25 * Discussion of Guidelines Formatting postponed until later in the agenda.

LB Expand explanatory prose in USE concerning which elements are mandatory and how a user can know this as Arianna described it in her email today. 2007-09-30 * LB reported that he had still to do this and it would be done today. LB Expand explanatory prose in USE concerning which elements are mandatory and how a user can know this as Arianna described it in her email today. 2007-10-23

SB read and comment if nec. on solution to mode attribute on classes. 2007-10-10 * SB reported that this had been completed.

LB deal with

hand/ handDesc issue in MS 2007-09-30 * LB reported that he believed this had been done.

CW contact CT and discover status of PH * CW reported that this had been done.

CW contact DB and discover status of ND * CW reported that this had been done.

DP finish review of CO 2007-09-30 * DP reported that she had not entirely finished this, but that she would do so today. DP Finish review of CO and submit comments to editors 2007-10-24

CW contact JC and discover status of DS * CW reported that he had done this, and that JC had already finished his review and submitted notes to the editors.

JW complete review of SA 2007-09-30 * JW reported that he had not completed this yet and he would do so in the next day or two. JW Complete review of SA and submit comments to editors


JW complete review of AI 2007-09-30 * JW reported that he had not completed this yet and he would do so in the next day or two. JW Complete review of AI and submit comments to editors


LR complete review of FD 2007-09-30 * LR reported that he had completed this.

SR complete review of DI 2007-09-30 * SR reported that he had not only completed this but had made the corrections in the source.

DP Compare Reading List and Works Cited and remove duplicates from the Reading List. 2007-10-15 * DP reported that she had delayed on this until the bibliographic descriptions were reformatted. She will now progress. LB offered to liaise with her concerning the needed rationalization. DP (& LB) Rationalize Reading List and Works Cited removing duplicates 2007-10-26

LR Convert Reading List to StructBibl 2007-10-15 * LB reported that this had been done, though there was some disagreement over handling of


AC Finish extracting sources for list of sources for examples 2007-10-15 * It was reported that this had been completed.

SR Connect sources of examples bibliography to examples in text 2007-10-15 * SR reported that this had been completed.

SR/LB Convert bibl in the text of the guidelines to ref pointing at the works cited list 2007-10-15 * LB reported that had been completed, and in summarizing other work on the Bibliography noted that there several instances of examples which he believed were not fabricated but for which he could not find a source and that these should be investigated/changed at some future date.

State of NH

DO summarised the work done on NH and what he felt the main issues were. This was followed by a far-ranging discussion on the intricacies of overlap and especially its relation to TEI Conformance. Although there was some disagreement, Council sentiment was generally that the TEI should not recommend non-Conformant methods of encoding and thus the discussion of HORSE should be further relegated to make it clear that there are these non-TEI and even non-XML ways to deal with this, but that they do not result in TEI Conformant documents. DO is to rewrite some portions concentrating on their relation to Conformance and avoiding pollution of the TEI namespace in all examples. DO Rewrite some prose and examples of NH with TEI Conformance and pollution of TEI Namespace in mind.



State of P5

LB reported on the changes that have been done recently to the source as well as some he wished to make immediately but which would result in significant changes to the schema. These included:

schemaSpec: Council approved this.

egXML should be members. LB Create a class for xml:space with eg and egXML as members, and note that it is not globally available in the TEI scheme. 2007-10-26

SR Add @xsi:schemaLocation to all schemas generated by Roma and document that an ODD processor has the option of doing this in IM.


LB continued to report that he had dozens of egs in MS for which he didn't have accurate bibliographic information. MD Furnish LB with appropriate bibliographic references for examples in MS.


LB noted the IPR problem with respect to the PH chapter. That is, that he has illegally used scans of photographs which we do not have copyright permission to use, and especially not distribute under a GPL licence. LB noted that he was sourcing some images from the Robert Graves' Diary project, but others would be welcome. SB noted that he might have some images that are suitable which we could freely use and redistribute under GPL. SB Furnish LB with appropriate image for use as examples in PH.


LB continued to note that SA was getting long as a chapter and was in need of a good spring clean, but that this might have to wait for P5 1.1

Guidelines Formatting and Web Design

DO reported on the problems with regard to a slow server (to be replaced) at Virginia as explanation why the full TEI-C new website was not live. JC and SR reported on the formatting of the Guidelines and that this had now been merged as cleanly as possible with the TEI-C web design. SR noted that, although a readable one is available now, the proper PDF rendition will probably not be available until January. Council agreed that print versions were not the priority, but SR also reminded them that the HTML version of the Guidelines had a CSS stylesheet for print as well (which removes much of the navigation) which look fairly good in print.

Other Business

DO requested that anyone who considered they would be unable to finish their assigned tasks should notify the Council list by Friday. JC further suggested that all Council members report on all action items by Friday at 12:00 UTC.

ALL Report to council list on progress of all of your action items by 2007-10-26 12:00 UTC, noting especially if you don't think you will complete them. 2007-10-26

LB thanked all members of council, past and present, who had worked so hard to bring TEI P5 to fruition; their hard work and dedication to the task of this major revision of the Guidelines was much appreciated.

Next Meeting

The next teleconference was not scheduled, but many Council members will be attending the TEI Members' Meeting in Maryland.