TEI Council Meeting



Teleconference started at 1600 CET after a fair amount of to-ing and fro-ing with the Cisco Webex system being trialled at Oxford. Not a universally-admired setup :-}

LR welcomed new council members as well as ones staying and those leaving.

PB updated the meeting on the

Getting Started document; as he will leave the Council shortly, he suggested that he do a final review the current draft and then hand it over to someone else. LB suggested JN might like to merge this with work on the TEI education journal. LR asked whether each topic in GS might be suitable for separate articles in TEI-EJ; JN agreed that they might (pending the agreement of her co-Editor also).

The meeting was suspended at 16.18 due to impossible amounts of interference, with a request to reconvene at 16.30.

The meeting reconvened 16.32 via hispeed-conferencing as in previous meetings. The vast howlings and noises as if of Chesil Beach in a storm subsided, except for people who appeared to amuse themselves during the boring bits by moving furniture or performing motorcycle maintenance.

It seemed to be generally accepted that using the GS articles in TEI-EJ was probably the right way forward, but needed discussion. PB will liaise with JN.

Discussion of outstanding feature requests

In the record, the initial in [XX] indicates the council member first speaking to the ticket. For full details of the request, see the relevant ticket.

Bibliography related

2881416* add meeting to model.respLike [DS]: agreed to be non-controversial. Go GREEN 2714682* permit biblScope as child or as sibling of imprint [KH]: more controversial. Eventually agreed that KH, LR and LB would clear this up. Go GREEN-ish. 2798963* add @role to author [MH]: It was argued that the concept of author types does exist (eg composer or lyricist for a musical, coder or designer for a computer programmer). LB counter-argued that author is deliberately specialist, and we have other ways of showing contributions; noted that respStmt is a general-purpose element for any intellectual contributions. In the end, no-one actually objected to @role on author, by making it a member of att.naming. Go GREEN. For the longer-term,

KH agreed to create a feature request analyzing the relationship between author, editor, and

respStmt. 2812634* @docStatus on edition [JC]: why isn't it in resptStmt, it was asked? DoD wondered whether @xxStatus might not be wanted all over the shop; and is @status the same as @type or not? Sufficient confusion to put this decision off. Stay AMBER. 2728068* suggested values for relatedItem@type [PS]. OK. Go GREEN. 2728061* Add @target to relatedItem [LB]: are content and @target combining, or mutually exclusive? Generally agreed that the latter is what we want — presence of @target means that the content must be empty. Go GREEN. 2493417* idno coverage [JN]: the issue not seem to have got any simpler since last discussed at the F2F in Lyon. It needs a larger discussion around identifying authors. LR and JN agreed to take this away and beat it around some more.

Certainty/target/match issue

2862151; 2877940* Revisit use of @target;

Allow certainty etc in empty elements: the discussion was rehearsed again as to whether we needed both @match and @target (ie can we just use @target and XPointer), and whether @match should be anchored at the document root or the current context. No-one really seemed able to remember why we set the context to be the document root; possibly a misunderstanding of XPath (cf long discussion on TEI-L with Wendell Piez etc). LR asked whether anyone had tried to implement the current setup (no answers; JC admitted, however, he knew how to evaluate arbitrary XPath in XSLT 2.0 using the saxon:evaluate() extension function; see http://blogs.oucs.ox.ac.uk/jamesc/2009/06/05/evaluate-a-string-as-an-xpath/). GB and SR pointed out that assuming the current context gives users a valuable new facility of pointing at here. Vague agreement.

LB to discuss with GB and SR, check that changing the default context of @match would definitely work. Go GREEN if agreed.


2900430* datatype of @scribe and @script [EP]: agreement that URI pointing to a script record would be useful; might need a

scriptNote in the header (or the existing

taxonomy). Suggested that new pointing attributes @scriptRef and @scribeRef should be added, to avoid breaking existing documents. No objections. EP and MD to provide examples. Go GREEN. 2907038* permit collections to nest/repeat within msIdentifier [EP]: controversial, drawing in of breath by some. Others like the idea of nesting. Go GREEN-ish. LB needs examples.

Next meeting

The meeting ended at 18.05 CET. Agreed to reconvene in w/s January 11th. LB requested people to be ready to discuss: