TEI Council Meeting

Times are UTC +9 unless otherwise noted.

The meetings were held on 18 and 19 May, 2006 at the Kyoto City International Community House, Kyoto Japan. The meetings were held from 10:00 to 17:00. Present were CT, CW, SB, AK, DP, JC, JW, LB, MZ, MD, SS, DB, SR, LR

Approval of Agenda

CW's agenda for the meeting was unanimously approved with no additions or subtractions

Welcome Amit

The Council welcomes its newest member, Amit Kumar, who will serve out the rest of the term of Alex Bia who resigned from the Council.

Review of minutes from last conference call

JCUpdate HOWTO to reflect the new structure and check that the discussion of SVN procedures introduced in it are all correct

JCsuggest new file names.

CT and DPCome up with a proposed text of how to link texts and images SBSee if an similar xpointer has been provided in W3C

Working Groups Progress

Physical Bibliogrpahy: has not been any changes in documents

Personograibphy: MD reports 8 new elements, 3 catagories and use of exisiting tei elements also. See report

CT comments that type "casual" is not clear enough in the assert group (a to b? b to a?). Assert and Assertgrp? is one redundant?

LB motions that the Council identify within a week a list of specific items in the current proposals that need to be addressed.

Class Struggle

SB fix listref from ptr* to ptr+

SBmerge date and dateStruct. Same with timestruct?

LBSolution: macro.xtext doesn't cut it. Needs to be reviewed. What, if anything, should replace it?

SBChange region, country to macro.phraseSeq instead of marcro.paracontent

LBAdd model.phrase to TCW07

Review TCW07


EditorisImprove wording. Where does the personagrapy stuff go? Should there be a disticnct module for the new elements in personagraphy? If yes, how does it affect other modules? LB proposes persongraphy stays in limbo for the time being. make a new module, or put in another module. Vote: 10-4 in favor of putting personography into names and dates. Editors will do it.

EditorsFix manuscript desc modules dependices on names and dates in current architecture Editorssee if there are other interdependicies SRsee if there is a way to implement moral dependencies. SBfind out places were an element is place like and datalike. textDescPart will be defined as a new class

EditorsMake a new class model.setting part contain model.pLike ... -rs

Gaji, Figures, tables, graphs, and nets: All approved.


Manuscript Desc:


Syd's proposal: While I don't like how att.spanning works (mostly because it is not "horse-like" enough), I agree completely that addSpan and delSpan belong in that class. I like Dot and Susan's third suggestion: hand, type, status in new class att.subEditStuff of which all 4 are members; place in new class att.placement of which

add and addSpan are members (and can notebe a member of this class, too?); and addSpan and delSpan get added to the already existing att.spanning.)

The council accepted Syd's proposal

Linking: Done

Linking and Analysis

Other JW should discuss biblitem, biblstruc, and mods by end of June DB to draft document of guiding principles for further dev of p5.


1.0 by members meeting oct 27 and 28. Roadmap Summary of brainstorm of items needed before release is appended, below.

LBby end of June, report on Terminology Chapter LBReplace the current TEI core module with smaller cores Next call July 25 UTC 12:00

Possible Requirements for 1.0 Release