TEI Council Meeting

The TEI Council teleconference meeting took place on Friday 15 June at 12:00 UTC.

Participants: Syd Bauman (SB), David Birnbaum (DB), Lou Burnard (LB), Arianna Ciula (AC), James Cummings (Minutes;JC), Matthew Driscoll (MD), Dan O'Donnel (DO), Dot Porter (Left early;DP), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Laurent Romary (Left early;LR), Conal Tuohy (CT), John Walsh (JW), and Christian Wittern (Chair;CW).

Council members unable to participate: Tone Merete Bruvik (TMB)

Open action items

CW reviewed action items from the Great Unified Report on progress made since the last meeting (http://lists.village.virginia.edu/pipermail/tei-council/2007/003098.html). Most items in the Progress Report section were discussed:

0 -- Change name of msDescription to msDesc and mention its existence in HD* SB reports that this has been done. 1 -- TRAC 329: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/329 Merge att.datable and att.dateTime, using new name for value/dateValue* SB reports that this has been done as part of the person/place workgroup 2 -- TRAC 332: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/332 proposal for dropping witDetail. Change witList to witGroup, allow it to self-nest, and drop included...* DO hadn't completed this. LB circulated concerns about this on 2007-05-19, which was discussed on 2007-05-21, confirming LB's changes. LB Confirm trac #332 (witList/witDetail) is properly resolved.

2007-07-13 3 -- TRAC 349: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/349 Raise issue of editors' names on title page at Board* DO reported that a vote had taken place on this and that it was approved by a majority of the Board. The decision was to have the TEI Consortium be the authors of the work, but DO will circulate the exact wording and Board decision.

DO Circulate Board decision with regard to title page and exact wording to Council.


Eds Implement Board decision with regard to title page.

2007-07-13 4 -- TRAC 331: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/331 Solve the add/del/supplied/supress/substitution issue, including checking wording of chapter; LB to report back* Proposal from MD had been circulated at Berlin; MD, DO, and LB had not yet had time to progress this. Action continuing. 5 -- TRAC 330: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/330 Work on AB: tweak the parts of AB that can stay (send results to editors), indicate which parts need to be re-written (post to Trac)* DO was originally assigned this, but LB claims this as an editors job to be done near date of publication. CW (as Council chair) was requested to draft a list of workgroups and their members for editors to include in appendix. Three tasks here: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/330, http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/348, http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/348CW Draft list of workgroups and their members for editors.

2007-08-01 6 -- Improve wording discussing use of del in an example transcription * DP reminded Council how this issue arose. LB reports that this was the use of gap to mark something a transcriber of speech had left something out. LB Confirm the gap in transcribed speech example and surrounding text has been clarified. 2007-07-13 7 -- Find out ISBD recommendations, and suggest re-wording of paragraph in HD * DP reported that she had had investigated and had no recommendations for re-wording of HD. 8 -- TRAC 338: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/338 Regularize glosses on *specs passim * LB reported on the process suggested on the Council mailing list. SB pointed out the inconsistencies in gloss and desc. SB Regularize glosses on *specs passim. 2007-07-13 9 -- Create model.headLike * SB reports that LB has already done this. 10 -- DP to send rest of errors to Council list * DP reports that this has been done. LB reports that the errors have now been corrected. 11 -- Recommend keeping 'machine-readable transcription' or not* DP recommended removing it. LB justified its inclusion and SB reminded DO that this applies only the TEI file not the output. DP/JW accept that we leave the recommendation but agree with SB that a good compromise is to remove the word 'strongly'. Council suggests the Editors tone down the recommendation. Eds Review current wording in light of Council's recommendation. 2007-07-13 12 -- Fix wording in description of egXML* DB reminded the Council that egXML claims to contain well-formed XML, but only does so if egXML is counted as the root element. The current wording needs to be rephrased. DB Propose a revision of egXML desc and send it to LB.

2007-07-13 13 -- Post errors noticed in VE * JW reported this had been completed. LB Ensure errors reported by JW in VE have been corrected.

2007-07-13 14 -- Add discussion of PIs to CO.8.2.2 * SR clarified the purpose of this action (to mention that PIs provide an alternative to use of the divGen element). LB now understands and will do it. LB Add discussion of PIs to CO.8.2.2. 2007-07-13 15 - 19 Skipped as all still to do* As 15-19 are all on SB to do and have not been completed, discussion of them was bypassed. SBChange q to quote in MS. 2007-07-13

SB Finish 3066 to 4646 update. 2007-07-27

SB create second said proposal for q and said, post both.


SB move postscript to a free standing ODD. 2007-07-13

SB remove wording of description of resp in prose PH.1.2 & PH.1.3. 2007-07-13 20 -- TRAC 339: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/339 Stemma modeling using graph elements* MD/DB haven't had time to do this yet but will make a concerted effort and understand the task at hand. If not done by deadline, it will be dropped for P5 1.0, which Council agreed would be a shame. MD/DB Stemma modeling using graph elements. 2007-07-13 21 -- TRAC 334: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/334 Discussion of @rend, possibilities of @rendRef * JW related the concern as expressed on TEI-L that changing @rend would not be well-received by the TEI community. LB agreed that @rendRef (or similar) would be beneficial. All agreed that the TEI says nothing concerning output; @rend and @rendRef are alternative ways of documenting rendition of the source text. LB points out that more detailed reconsideration of global attributes is a different task. SR suggests a new module for rendition which would include @rendRef. LB notes that there may be insufficient time to produce a new module for P5 1.0, but that they could prepare the way through warnings and discussion of the problem in P5 1.0. JW Rewrite rendition recommendations and evaluate whether possible for P5 1.0. 2007-08-01

LB Prepare the ground for changes to rendition/@rend/@rendRef in P5 1.1 if JW's recommendations cannot be included in P5 1.0.


To Discuss

TRAC 291: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/291 Facsimile Markup -- Text and Image encoding* CT reports that this is on track for P5 1.0. Council agreed that this is something that the TEI community wants. SB reminds Council that simplicity is what is needed for P5 1.0. LB was concerned about the timescale. CT reported on the work which has been done and asked Council to review at least the Comenius example in the next two weeks and comment to Council mailing list. He will then revise in light of this response. If not completed and submitted to editors by 2007-08-01, then it will not be included in P5 1.0. ALL Review work on facsimile markup http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/291, especially Comenius example, report to Council list. 2007-06-29

CT Redraft facsimile markup material in response to Council concerns.

2007-08-01 TRAC 333: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/333 Merge Corpus chapter into DS* LB asked for clarification of this action. Concrete suggestions for change were needed. SB, DP, and MD, and any other Council members present will discuss next week whilst in Victoria for the DHSI and come up with some specific proposals. SB, DP, MD Discuss merging of Corpus chapter in DS, and if necessary come up with concrete proposals for implementation (or not).


LB Implement any recommendations concerning the merging of Corpus into DS. 2007-07-13 TRAC 341: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/341 Rethink ST contents and its position in the Guidelines* DB reported that after examination he can't see where else it can go in the Guidelines. It must be before the chapters which follow it. SB recommended removing discussions of schema languages from this chapter and placing them elsewhere. LB Revise ST to be more ODD focused and move any schema specific material to chapter on ODD specification. 2007-07-13 TRAC 343: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/343 Rework NH chapter* As TMB was not present, SB reported on her behalf that work is progressing on this. SB summarised issues of how the Guidelines deal with problems of overlap in P5 and that the chapter doesn't differentiate them or make clear recommendations. SB suggests making this a separate module, removing next/prev/part from SA. Since SB doesn't have the time to work on this TMB should provide concrete proposals to Council list by 1 July. Concern was expressed at the feasibility of both creating a new module and making major changes in an existing one (SA) in the time available. TMB Provide concrete proposals to Council list on necessary reorganisation/reworking of NH. 2007-07-01 Dictionary Chapter* LR reported on the progress of the Dictionary chapter. Revision should be finished in 2 weeks, after which the Editors will review the material. LR Complete final revision of Dictionary chapter and submit to Editors in two weeks. 2007-06-29

Eds Editors to integrate final Dictionary revisions into Guidelines. 2007-07-13


Person/Places Meeting LB reported on the Person/Places meeting that took place at CCH. He has finished a draft based on the recommendations of this and the previous meetings. As this is a significant revision to existing person/place/organisation markup he desires Council and TEI Community comment on the draft. Hence, he has repurposed an existing mailing list to use as a forum for such discussion. CW queried the timeframe for the entire process. LB said that the draft would be posted and announced to Council and TEI-L with people directed to comment on that mailing list. This consultation period will last for just under a month. LB Post person/places draft, and announce its existence to TEI-L directing community to comment on that mailing list asap. 2007-06-18

ALL Comment on new draft of person/places recommendations on that mailing list as directed by LB's public announcement. 2007-07-13

LB Revise person/places draft with regard to TEI Community comment, announce final draft version on mailing list. 2007-08-01

ISO FSD activity LR reported on the ISO FSD activity and TEI involvement with that. There is an upcoming ISO meeting concerning it where a final draft is desireable. It was suggested that we either keep it basically as it is, or drop it entirely, which the Council felt would be a shame. Merging FSD and FS into a single module would make it easier to keep stable and in step with the ISO standards. At very least a health warning could be applied to current chapters, but it would be good to have a final draft before the next ISO meeting. LB agreed to limit the time spent on this task, and abandon it if not feasible. LB Merge FSD and Feature Structures into a single module with other necessary revisions. 2007-08-01

Further Planning

CW reiterated that most things need to be done by mid/end July. SR suggested a due date of 1 August for all technical changes. In answer to SB's concern that this was too early, it was agreed that this was not a complete technical freeze, but anything added post 1 August must be in a complete state for approval and proofreading by Council, or be deemed necessary work that arises from intermediate revision or proofreading. Council will not accept anything new after this date; only crucial revisions and bug fixes will be possible.

ALL Complete any outstanding assigned items by 13 July, unless otherwise scheduled.


ALL Any and all technical revisions completed by 1 August.


Next Meeting

The next teleconference was scheduled for Tuesday 17 July, 12pm noon UTC. This will be: 06:00 MDT in Calgary, 07:00 CDT in Chicago, 08:00 EDT in New York, 13:00 BST in London, 14:00 CEST in Paris, 21:00 JST in Kyoto, and Wed 18 July, 00:00 NZST in Wellington. As a result the previous deadline of 2007-07-15 for completing previously assigned tasks (unless otherwise scheduled)

was moved forward to 2007-07-13 in order to give Council time to post and react to

work completed in sufficient time before the teleconference.