TEI Council Meeting

The TEI Council teleconference meeting took place on Friday 17 July at 12:00 UTC.

Participants: Syd Bauman (SB), David Birnbaum (DB), Lou Burnard (LB), Arianna Ciula (AC), James Cummings (Minutes;JC), Matthew Driscoll (MD), Dan O'Donnel (DO), Dot Porter (DP), Laurent Romary (LR), Conal Tuohy (CT), John Walsh (JW), and Christian Wittern (Chair;CW).

Council members unable to participate: Tone Merete Bruvik (TMB), Sebastian Rahtz (SR)

Open action items

CW reviewed the action items from the previous minutes.

LB Confirm trac #332 (witList/witDetail) is properly resolved.* LB confirmed this had been completed. LB Confirm trac #332 (witList/witDetail) is properly resolved. 2007-07-13 * LB confirmed this had been completed. DO Circulate Board decision with regard to title page and exact wording to Council. 2007-06-22 * DO confirmed this had been completed. Eds Implement Board decision with regard to title page. 2007-07-13 * Eds now ready to do this. Eds Implement Board decision with regard to title page. 2007-07-20 CW Draft list of workgroups and their members for editors. 2007-08-01 * CW hadn't done this yet but it would be done for its due date. CW Draft list of workgroups and their members for editors. 2007-08-01 LB Confirm the gap in transcribed speech example and surrounding text has been clarified. 2007-07-13 * LB confirmed this had been completed. SB Regularize glosses on *specs passim.2007-07-13 * SB confirmed this had been completed. Eds Review current wording in light of Council's recommendation. 2007-07-13 * Both Eds confirmed this had been completed. DB Propose a revision of egXML desc and send it to LB. 2007-07-13 * DB confirmed this had been completed. LB confirmed it had been included into the Guidelines LB Ensure errors reported by JW in VE have been corrected. 2007-07-13 * LB confirmed this had been completed. LB Add discussion of PIs to CO.8.2.2. 2007-07-13 * LB confirmed this had been completed. SB Change q to quote in MS.2007-07-13 * SB confirmed this had been done. SB Finish 3066 to 4646 update.2007-07-27 * SB confirmed this had been done. SB create second said proposal for q and said, post both. 2007-07-13 * SB confirmed this had been done. SB move postscript to a free standing ODD. 2007-07-13 * SB had not yet done this. SB move postscript to a free standing ODD.

2007-08-01 Discussion ensued about whether the content model of <div> needed revision. LB believed any such work should at most be reconsidered for P5 1.0, SB felt will post a reminder concerning the current <div> problems to council list. SB Post reminder of the current <div> problems to council list. 2007-07-20 SB remove wording of description of resp in prose PH.1.2 & PH.1.3. 2007-07-13 * SB confirmed this had been completed. MD/DB Stemma modeling using graph elements. 2007-07-13 * Discussion of this was postponed for later in the agenda. JW Rewrite rendition recommendations and evaluate whether possible for P5 1.0. 2007-08-01 * JW confirmed that he is on target to meet the due date for this action. JW Rewrite rendition recommendations and evaluate whether possible for P5 1.0 2007-08-01 LB Prepare the ground for changes to rendition/@rend/@rendRef in P5 1.1 if JW's recommendations cannot be included in P5 1.0. 2007-08-01 * LB confirmed that he is on target to meet the due date for this action. LB Prepare the ground for changes to rendition/@rend/@rendRef in P5 1.1 if JW's recommendations are unable to be included in P5 1.0 2007-08-01 ALL Review work on facsimile markup http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/291, especially Comenius example, report to Council list. 2007-06-29 * Some discussion of this took place and will be continued on the council list, with a final draft being hammered out by LB, CT, and DP.

LB, CT, DP (and ALL) Discuss work on facsimile markup on council list. 2007-07-24

LB, CT, DP Hammer out final P5 1.0 draft of facsimile markup. 2007-08-01 SB, DP, MD Discuss merging of Corpus chapter in DS, and if necessary come up with concrete proposals for implementation (or not). 2007-06-29 * SB had not yet done this. LB argued that this may not be necessary at all. It was suggested that one possibility is a change from <teiCorpus> to <teiGroup>. It was decided that this should be discussed on the council list once more. If a concrete proposal has not been received by 2007-07-20, then it will have to wait until P5 1.1. SB Make concrete proposal with regard to merging of Corpus chapter into DS or teiCorpus/teiGroup. 2007-07-20 LB Implement any recommendations concerning the merging of Corpus into DS. 2007-07-13 * LB noted that no concrete recommendations had been made. LB Implement any council-approved recommendations concerning the merging of Corpus into DS. 2007-08-01 LB Revise ST to be more ODD focused and move any schema specific material to chapter on ODD specification. 2007-07-13

LR Provide any further changes to Dictionary chapter in light of discussion and submit to Eds. 2007-08-1 Eds to integrate final Dictionary revisions into Guidelines. 2007-07-13 * The Eds noted this was pending the above item. Eds Editors to integrate final Dictionary revisions into Guidelines. 2007-08-15 LB Post person/places draft, and announce its existence to TEI-L directing community to comment on that mailing list asap.2007-06-18 * LB confirmed that he had indeed done this, but that reaction from the community was somewhat underwhelming. LB To continue to encourage community feedback until

2007-07-27 LB Revise person/places draft with regard to TEI Community comment, announce final draft version on mailing list.2007-08-01 * LB Revise person/places draft with regard to TEI Community comment, announce final draft version on mailing list.

2007-08-01 LB Merge FSD and Feature Structures into a single module with other necessary revisions.2007-08-01 * LB reported that although not due yet, he had started this. He warned that it might be difficult to keep the recommendations of TEI and ISO in sync given the date of ISO meetings. LB Report back to council on any changes to FSD/FS and if necessary rationalise the TEI version. 2007-08-15 LB Revise add/del/supplied issues (cf trac 301, 331)* LB confirmed this had not yet been done. LB Revise add/del/supplied issues (e.g.trac 301, 331) 2007-08-01


Layout of the Guidelines (JC/DP) JC reported briefly on the status of the work on the layout of the Guidelines. He and DP had solicited contributions of formatting suggestions and created a wiki page listing some initial suggestions. SR had solved a number of the problems which were bugs or highly structural such as the toggling of RNG/RNC schemas. JC had posted a message to the council list summarising the work and timetable. JC, DP Report back to council on progress of formatting of the Guidelines so far and any outstanding issues 2007-08-03

JC, DP All issues should be resolved and/or reported to Sebastian and/or Council 2007-09-07

discussion of appInfo As SR was not present, JC reported that the <appInfo> proposal seemed to answer all the concerns expressed in the discussion on TEI-L. Although it is more fixed than the original discussions agreed from Berlin, Council agreed to support it.

Content model of <rdg> DO argued that things larger than phrases are used for textual variants. LB believes that there are already available solutions for situations where variants are not easily nestable or not phrase-level. DO suggests that <app> should be a member of listLike. LB does not disagree. DO Report back to Council with proposal for any changes to app/rdg


said proposal SB summarised the proposal, and most of Council agreed. SB was worried about the name of the proposed aloud attribute. Other suggestions were made, notably "explicit". SB to finalised it and add it to the Guidelines, consulting council by mailing list. SB SB to finalise new said element and add to guidelines.


Stemma Model DB reported on the proposal for ways of modelling textual stemmata, both within the existing TEI framework, and possible better ways to do it. Council should review this material and make any comments on the list by Friday. ALL Provide comments on DB's proposals for modelling stemmata. 2007-07-20

Next Meeting

The next teleconference was scheduled for Thursday 2 August 2007, 12pm noon UTC. This will be: 06:00 MDT in Calgary, 07:00 CDT in Chicago, 08:00 EDT in New York, 13:00 BST in London, 14:00 CEST in Paris, 21:00 JST in Kyoto, and

Wed 18 July, 00:00 NZST in Wellington. This is shortly after the major 2007-08-01 deadline for most technical revisions to be complete. Council members should ensure that they have posted reports concerning all action items pertaining to them by this date.

Failing a better solution, we will revert to using Indiana's teleconferencing system, since much of today's meeting was inaudible to nmany participants, for the second time.