TEI Council Meeting

The TEI Council teleconference meeting took place on Thursday 2 August at 12:00 UTC.

Participants: Syd Bauman (SB), David Birnbaum (DB), Tone Merete Bruvik (TMB), Lou Burnard (LB), James Cummings (Minutes;JC), Matthew Driscoll (MD), Dan O'Donnel (DO), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Conal Tuohy (CT), John Walsh (JW), and Christian Wittern (Chair;CW).

Council members unable to participate: Arianna Ciula (AC), Laurent Romary (LR), Dot Porter (DP).

Open action items

CW reviewed the action items from the previous minutes.

Eds Implement Board decision with regard to title page. 2007-07-20* Still to do: LB Implement Board decision with regard to title page.


CW Draft list of workgroups and their members for editors. 2007-08-01* Done; LB to edit and integrate. LB Integrate list of workgroups and members into Guidelines.


SB move <postscript> to a free standing ODD. 2007-08-01* SB reported this had been done. SB Integrate <postscript> ODD into Guidelines. 2007-08-04

SB Post reminder of the current <div> problems to council list. 2007-07-20* SB reported this had been done, and after discussion problems fixed in ODD. No actions arising.

JW Rewrite rendition recommendations and evaluate whether possible for P5 1.0 2007-08-01* JW (who arrived just before this item) reported that he sent out a revised recommendation the previous night. Most of council had read this, and JW summarised it briefly before council voting unanimously to include it in P5 1.0. LB/JW tasked with integrating it into the Guidelines. LB/JW Integrate revised rendition recommendations into Guidelines.


LB Prepare the ground for changes to rendition/@rend/@rendRef in P5 1.1 if JW's recommendations are unable to be included in P5 1.0 2007-08-01* LB will do this as part of the above action item.

LB, CT, DP (and ALL) Discuss work on facsimile markup on council list. 2007-07-24* There has been much discussion on the Council list and the Council agreed that this needed to make it into P5 1.0 in some form.

LB, CT, DP Hammer out final P5 1.0 draft of facsimile markup. 2007-08-01* CT summarised the most recent proposal for council. Linking with @corresp was discussed and both CT and LB wish a more specific attribute. LB/CT to continue work on this (discussing where appropriate on Council list) until 15 August. LB asked whether the idea was to produce an entirely new module or expand an existing one. His view was this material might well be located in the transcription of primary sources module; there was general agreement to this. It was agreed that there should be a simple system that is easy to use, but that this must scale well. SR had concerns about what units are used for the @coords attribute and how this related to the surface element. CT explained that the proposal has been significantly shortened and simplified. He will re-encode the old examples to validate against the new draft so that it will be clearer for people to understand. Council was supportive of the work, and agreed that this should in some form make it into P5 1.0. CT Re-implement the earlier facsimile examples in most recent proposal. 2007-08-15

LB, CT, DP Produce P5 1.0 Draft of facsimile markup based on Council discussion and integrate with Guidelines. 2007-09-01

SB Make concrete proposal with regard to merging of Corpus chapter into DS or teiCorpus/teiGroup. 2007-07-20* SB reports that he hasn't done this and queried its due date. DO suggested that we should let this go, and SR and others concurred. This will be postponed until P5 1.1. It was suggested that any new significant technical revisions that occur to Council members during their revisions should be filed in Trac for later consideration as part of P5 1.1. All Any new significant technical revisions not already under consideration by Council should be added to trac for P5 1.1 to keep track of these ideas as they occur to us in P5 1.0 revisions. ongoing

LB Implement any council-approved recommendations concerning the merging of Corpus into DS. 2007-08-01* Postponed for further consideration P5 1.1. No actions arising.

DB, TMB, SB, LB Review prose of NH and discuss on council list from 1 August, providing rewritten chapter by mid August. 2007-08-15* SB suggests delaying the due date until 2007-09-01. LB reconfirmed that revisions to this chapter would not mean that it would define a new module or significantly alter existing modules. DB, TMB, SB, LB Rewrite NH chapter as needed. 2007-09-01

LR Provide any further changes to Dictionary chapter in light of discussion and submit to Eds. 2007-08-1* It was reported that revisions to the Dictionary chapter have been made and that this action is now closed. However, it was noted that Council may wish to reassess certain aspects of the chapter at P5 1.1. EdsEditors to integrate final Dictionary revisions into Guidelines, checking language, etc. 2007-09-01

LB To continue to encourage community feedback (on Persons, Places, Names and Dates) until 2007-07-27* It was reported that this was done, and although comments were received, the draft was generally well-thought of by the community.

LB Revise person/places draft with regard to TEI Community comment, announce final draft version on mailing list. 2007-08-01* LB reported that this had been completed and the draft was already revised and integrated with the Guidelines. No actions arising.

LB Report back to council on any changes to FSD/FS and if necessary rationalise the TEI version. 2007-08-15* LB reported that there had been no progress so far because the ISO meeting had not yet taken place. LB will report on the meeting when it happens. LB Report back to council on any changes to FSD/FS and if necessary rationalise the TEI version. 2007-09-01

LB Revise add/del/supplied issues. 2007-08-01* LB had posted a summary of some of the issues; DO had offered to produce a new draft integrating these with his own ideas for discussion on the list. DO Produce revised proposal about what to do with add/del/supplied/edInt/etc. issues 2007-08-21

ALL Comment on revised add/del/supplied draft on Council mailing list. 2007-08-25

LB Integrate add/del/supplied revisions (after Council input) to the Guidelines 2007-09-01

JC, DP Report back to council on progress of formatting of the Guidelines so far and any outstanding issues 2007-08-03* JC will be emailing council in the next couple days to give an update on progress with this item and issues arrising. JC, DPReport back to council on progress of formatting of the Guidelines so far and any outstanding issues 2007-08-06

JC, DP All issues should be resolved and/or reported to Sebastian and/or Council 2007-09-07* This item is not due yet and is in progress. JC, DPAll issues should be resolved and/or reported to Sebastian and/or Council 2007-09-07

DO Report back to Council with proposal for any changes to app/rdg 2007-07-20* DO had reported on this issue. With SB's assistance, DO will work on an ODD and see if the proposals break anything. DO, SB Produce revised proposal about what to do with app/rdg issues


ALL Comment on revised app/rdg draft on Council mailing list.


SB Integrate revisions (after Council input) to the Guidelines


SB to finalise new <said> element and add to guidelines. 2007-08-01* SB reported that this had been done.

ALL Provide comments on DB's proposals for modelling stemmata. 2007-07-20* Council had provided comments on this on the mailing list. DB summarised some of them, and suggested that using modifications as suggested by CT/JC with regard to linking and AC with regard to relation to indicate contamination. LB to test an implementation by 2007-09-01 LB Integrate changes necessary for a working implementation for modelling of manuscript stemmata, as proposed on council list.


Sorting out handDesc vs handList

There was a fair bit of discussion concerning this. MD suggested killing off one or the other. LB felt that handDesc was general whereas handList is a structured list of hands. There was contention of hand vs handNote with the suggestion from MD that one of these could do the job of the other just as well. Various options and differences were discussed. It was agreed that handNote and hand should be merged and that handDesc should include handList or p. LB agreed to swiftly implement this. LBImplement rationalisation of handDesc/handList/hand, removing handNote



CW presented a timetable proposed by the planning subcommittee. The overall timetable for this is:

4 August* Feature freeze (more or less) 4 August - 7 September* Final integration of last proposed items (e.g. facsimile) in chapters and review (see below) 11 September - 16 September* final council review sessions we will put the chapters to vote 1 by 1 15 September - 19 October* All text locked for single master edit, assigned to Lou 15 September - 19 October* All final decisions about layout, publication, web site, assigned to Syd 20 - 30 October* Implementation of publications, based on Syd's decisions, assigned to Sebastian

There was a fair bit of discussion concerning the locking of the text for single master edit and the assigning of this to a single editor for the period of 15 September - 19 October. SB felt that this undermined the point of having two editors. The planning subcommittee had proposed this partly to reduce the overhead of cross-atlantic editing; partly to put more effort into resolving publication issues, whether online or otherwise. JC mentioned that in open source software projects it was common practice for a lead developer to lock the code shortly before release, so as to deter a barrage of possibly conflicting edits at the last moment. By the time this happens the text should basically be fixed, and what should be submitted to LB are bug reports, typos and places where minor rephrasing is needed. No major editing should be taking place.

Details of the chapter triage are at http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/wiki/Review. The chapter review task is as follows: Read the chapter again and fix anything which looks wrong, in one of two ways:

What is expressly not allowed is to say "this section looks wrong, it needs a rewrite". This is only acceptable in extremis. If you edit the ODD, you should be careful to work in a way which allows someone else to see the differences. Proposals for major (schema) changes should be recorded in trac for P5 1.1.

In the trac list for review, the last column has more ? if the chapter is deemed to have more work to do, and a * if it is regarded as of major importance. ALL Review chapters and correct mistakes as per http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/wiki/Review from 2007-08-04 until 2007-09-07

Next Meeting

The next teleconference was not scheduled and CW will put up a meetomatic survey to determine the best date. It will, however be at 12pm noon UTC. This will be: 06:00 MDT in Calgary, 07:00 CDT in Chicago, 08:00 EDT in New York, 13:00 BST in London, 14:00 CEST in Paris, 21:00 JST in Kyoto, and Wed 18 July, 00:00 NZST in Wellington.

CW CW to set date for next meeting using meetomatic, and announce by 2007-08-10