TEI Council Meeting, 7-9 November 2011
Present in person: Laurent Romary (Chair, LR), Piotr Banski (PB), Brett Barney (BB), Lou Burnard (LB), James Cummings (JC), Kevin Hawkins (KH), Martin Holmes (MH), Elena Pierazzo (EP)
Guest (day 2 only): Brian L. Pytlik Zillig (BZ)
Present remotely: Gabriel Bodard (GB), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Stuart Yeates (SY)
Location: INRIA, Paris, France
Day 1: November 7 2011
1.1 Morning
1.1.1 Green Tickets
Review of green feature requests and bugs previously discussed by email. Feature Requests
- 3415411: Split
certainty/ precision/ respons from model.glossLike. Straightforward ticket: LB will do it and close ticket.
- 3411906: Ticket was already implemented by LR. Ticket now closed.
- 3408683: Hyphenation section doesn't reference pc/ force. Decided, and MH has already proposed wording. MH will implement and close ticket.
- 3296398: Add hi to figDesc. Looks trivial, but actually quite complicated. SR's comments make sense. LB volunteers to test whether SR's proposal works.
- 3293070: Enhancement of notes and examples in ref-del. EP disagrees with KH's comment; she maintains that there is a difference between gap reason="deleted" and
gap reason="cancelled". So "deleted" needs to be added to the list as well. GB will be asked to implement the proposed changes.
- 3282689: Replace 'file' with 'document'. Even SY agrees that it might not be worth it to implement the ticket; anyone can replace individual usage where they come across it. The ticket will be closed.
- 3275613: Make
textLang usable in bibliographies. Proposal now is to move
textLang to core, and move all the corresponding discussion of the element. LB objects a bit because core is too big, but that's a different issue. JC will actually implement it.
- 3266021: Dictionary entries with a single sense. LR says this is a consistent repeated request from users. LB is unconvinced; PB thinks that much broader changes must be undertaken in the dictionaries module in the future, and is uneasy with this because of his practice of building up markup progressively. Nevertheless, it will be implemented; KH will do it, and will leave in one example of the practice we now deprecate (not using sense), so as not to absolutely de-legitimate it.
- 3210946: Examples for digital facsimile. We will defer this until we talk about the genetic module.
- 3064014: Provide suggested values for rs/ type. Over objections by SR and LB, the Council agree that it's a good idea in any discussion of
type-like attributes to provide a pointer to an existing ontology or taxonomy. We have a current practice in which syntactic sugar type values are taken from the names of the corresponding elements; we should express this clearly under type's explanation. There should also be a comment on the general definition of type to the effect that we recommend the use of existing taxonomies where suitable. We should also ensure that all our examples in the Guidelines are consistent with this practice, so one example in 3.5.1 needs to be changed ("organization" becomes "org"). However, rs defines its own type, so the same text needs to be added there. The reference to the BBN taxonomy belongs in rs/ type, not the general
type. KH will implement this.
- 3051750: Choice of schema language when using the TEI. The only comments are against the ticket, and KH was initially OK with closing it unimplemented, but the general sense of the Council is that there should be some information about the various advantages and disadvantages of particular schema types. KH believes this belongs in 23.3.2. LB points out that there is a basic discussion in the General Introduction. LB suggested a rewording of the second para of 23.3.2, moving the first sentence after the second, and modifying it somewhat. A broader discussion belongs elsewhere, either on a wiki page or in Roma. The consensus is that it belongs in Roma, on the Generate Schemas page; SY suggests it should take the form of a link to a Wikipedia page. JC will write the sentence, and insert it into Roma.
- 3046288: Allow
f to contain PCDATA. LR will implement this, getting examples from documents created by the group requesting the change.
- 3041605: Update list of Council members. The Council agrees that the current list of members should be updated, and that a complete list of current and former Council members should be maintained and included in the Guidelines. KH will collect info from LB and elsewhere to create the list, and MH will then take over to create a more robust and formal collection of info based on a listPerson; a template
person can be sent out to TEI-L. LB reminds us about privacy concerns. Bugs
- 3432216: i18n revision due. Deferred in favour of a broader discussion of translations.
- 3400295: Inconsistent definitions for some elements. MH will provide LB with examples of
label used to mark topic transition in prose text.
- 3304622: Invalid
xml:lang values. EP and PB: We must use two-letter codes where they exist, and where they don't, three-letter codes can be used; locations should be in upper-case. PB will recheck Syd Bauman's list (on the ticket) and fix all bad examples.
- 3289073: Many missing references in Guidelines. SY will implement; KH will handle the three references he added.
- 3285020: Irregularities in gram syntactic sugar variants. LR suggests that we create a new attribute class for dcr:datcat, apply it to all the model.gramPart elements, and then wait for other requests for the same attribute. PB will implement this, and make a list of other elements that might also want it (in collaboration with the linguistic SIG).
- 3223544: Use of
head and p within figure. Solution: remove "Figure 1: " from the second example, to reduce confusion. LB has implemented and closed the ticket.
1.1.2 General Discussion
LR commented that he would like to see many people in the community implement tickets in future, based on OK from Council.
Who should assign colours to tickets? At the moment it's LB who assigns colours, but others could/should. The submitter shouldn't, but the first commenter perfectly well could. For clarification:
- GREEN: It's clear what needs to be done, or is being requested.
- AMBER: It's not yet clear what action is requested.
- RED: It's completely unclear what's being requested or suggested.
1.2 Afternoon
1.2.1 Amber Tickets
- 3423687: A general purpose
description alongside traits/ states. LR, PB: The proposal for a new description element is rejected. However, there is still an issue to deal with. trait and state are essentially the same, the only difference being ontological (essential vs incidental). The content model is the same, and they are both timed. In the long run, we would want to keep
trait only, and when you need to differentiate essential and incidental, you rely on the type attribute, and the possible temporal attributes you may use to limit applicability. Should we deprecate state in favour of
trait; or use the Guidelines text to explain that if you're confused about the difference, use trait, and that state is syntactic sugar for trait type="state"? We recommend that trait is the default element to represent semantics of properties etc.; this will require an adjustment to the definition of trait to make it broader, so that it can be used for temporally-bounded characteristics. After some discussion, we decided that
state makes a more obvious default, because it can handle both temporal and non-temporal properties. So: in immediate response, we will suggest
state as the default choice, purify the trait examples in the Guidelines to remove the temporal attributes, check all the trait examples to see which need to be changed to state, and raise a new ticket to consider the merging of model.traitLike into model.stateLike.
- 3412198: JC, MH: make
listPerson and listOrg members of model.personLike. We should add listPerson, listPlace and listOrg to
org; and add listOrg to particDesc. LB suggested creating a new model.orgPart, which would make the changes to org simpler, and adding listOrg to the content model of particDesc. LB will implement it.
- 3408897: KH, EP:
role for publisher. To deal with this ticket, we should allow respStmt within imprint. We would then have ways to handle more than just publisher-like roles within imprint. This requires broadening the definition of resp and respStmt to allow them to apply to organizations. We should also consult with the workgroup who looked at physical bibliography for more guidance on requirements in this area. LB objected that there was little distinction in the past between the functions we now distinguish (printer, bookseller etc.); EP objected that this is certainly not the case for early printed books, and gave examples. The Council decided that KH & EP's solution should be implemented, and MH will implement it.
- 3311604: att.coordinated language. BB, LB: Point 2 is agreed: we need more examples of
start. Point 1: should be rejected because we can think of good use-cases where both may be required; Point 3: We can't really make much sense of the comment, except that we do need more examples of the use of points. MH will look for (or create) more examples of start and
- 3086675: Expand note on
availability. Assigned to MH to finish implementation.
- 3113682: Make ptr & ref members of att.internetMedia. Assigned to MH to finish implementation.
- 2834511: Add more elements to att.spanning with schematron constraint. LR, JC: This introduces a parallel method of doing spanning for elements ( add, del) which already have a method ( addSpan and delSpan), so it's unlikely that anyone would have a need for it right now, unless we implement it for all of model.pPart.transcriptional. Everyone likes the longer-term vision of implementing spanning through att.spanning being added to many elements, but is unwilling to implement only a part of it that gives us nothing new. A working group of GB, BB and LB will go away and a) check which elements they believe should be included, and b) write an explanation of what it means when these spans cross element boundaries such as paragraphs.
- 2925145: Generic dating class. MH, KH: This ticket has a detailed implementation strategy, which was only waiting on the implementation of two other tickets before it could proceed; those have now been done, so it should be implemented. The new objection by ianrons is basically that up to now, people have been abusing calendar because
datingMethod did not exist, so these two attributes may be confused; our response would be that now datingMethod will be available, there is no need to abuse calendar, and existing abuses can be fixed, or not, at the discretion of their perpetrators. Assigned to GB to implement.
- 3060867: Grouping traitlike, statelike, and eventlike elements. LB, PB: We should create a new listState element, to be added to the content models of
person, place and org, and which would have a content model of model.stateLike (assuming that's the one we recommend in the other ticket). Assigned to PB for implementation.
- 3393244: Simplify content model of subst to add and del only. EP, BB: This ticket arose out of an old ticket which was previously discussed and assigned to JC, but was not implemented. The proposal is to deprecate the current model of
subst (model.pPart.transcriptional); create a new content model that allows only add, del and milestone elements (starting with adding the milestones, removing model.pPart.transcriptional and replacing it with the individual elements, and then removing the others at the expiry of the deprecation period); and create substJoin to allow the grouping of a range of elements. The Council gradually came round to the view that we should actually remove model.pPart.transcriptional elements now, and avoid the deprecation period, because the original inclusion of those elements was wrong, and therefore this is a bug and should be fixed. GB suggests we should actually use this as an exercise to work out how we should do deprecation. In the end we came down in favour of implementing it right now. GB will implement it.
- 3210946: Examples for digital facsimile. We will defer this until we talk about the genetic module.
Day 2: November 8 2011
2.1 Morning
2.1.1 Genetic Transcription
The transition between the discussion of facsimile and the explanation of
sourceDoc, and when you would use the latter, needs to be expanded (EP, MH and LB). The content models of surface, zone etc. are identical whether they appear within facsimile or sourceDoc. This could lead to confusion. EP: The idea is to discourage facsimile. MH: But the genetic workgroup believes that facsimile and sourceDoc are different; if we remove the former, those who need that will surely complain. JC: facsimile and sourceDoc are different, and have different use cases. LB: We should provide schematron rules to say that if you use e.g. line, it should have ancestor::sourceDoc. LR: three points: We have ended up with a double mechanism, when a single mechanism would be simpler; some people like facsimile and want to keep it; some people would pursue the goal of coherence and want to remove one of them. MH: can we make facsimile an actual alias for sourceDoc through a technical mechanism? LR: Yes, through equiv in the description of
facsimile, in the ODD. We could provide two ODDs, one for
sourceDoc and one for facsimile, and the latter could be defined as a subset of the former. This is not yet possible in ODD. MH, summarizing: For now, we're stuck with using both elements, explaining the difference between them, and explaining the long-term strategy.
EP: There are some major problems with the chapter as it stands:
- The opening with two facing pages, with a patch crossing the two pages, or where the author has considered the opening as a single surface (e.g. Proust's working texts). EP proposed to the Goethe working group that a single surface be used in this case; this means that surface is being used as a psychological construct. The working group responded positively to this, and Council thinks it's uncontroversial. EP has examples, and will provide one from Proust, because the chapter should have one. BB: the chapter currently reads as though a
surface is a physical object, or exists prior to interpretation, but we need to modify that description so that it allows for, or even specifies, the fact that a surface is a psychological construct of the encoder, presumably based on the assumed perception of the original author who chose to use it that way. JC: Why shouldn't this situation be handled by nesting surface? EP: In this case, you could represent the page surfaces side-by-side, rather than nesting them. There is no need for nesting.
- A mini- surface within an existing surface is represented as a
patch. If the patch is written on both sides, then it's
flippable, but how do we distinguish that from two separate patches? JC, LR: We need nested surfaces to handle this. LB: patch is just a special kind of surface. Should we collapse it into the definition of
surface? LB suggests we kill patch, and we introduce something called surfaceGrp, of which the prototypical case is a "leaf"; another example is a pile of post-it notes on top of each other. A surfaceGrp is not a matter of interpretation; it's a physical object which includes multiple
surfaces. EP objects to the idea of physical objects, because all determination of surface is by the encoder; we can't really express physical reality. MH, JC: A surfaceGrp could not have a single coordinate space because it is not a single two-dimensional space; a surfaceGrp can have a location within the coordinate space of its parent surface, and its child surfaces have their own coordinate spaces. The group consensus now is that what we were thinking of as a patch could be represented either as a nested
surface (in the case of a single pasted object with only one significant face) or a surfaceGrp (in the case of a flippable two-sided object, or a multi-page booklet pasted onto the parent surface). Both surface and
surfaceGrp therefore need to be able to express their dimensions within the coordinate space of their parent surface; in the case of a nested
surface, it may also define its own coordinate space which act as the context for zone elements defined within it. surfaceGrp may be a child of facsimile or sourceDoc.
- The leaf concept has been largely covered with surfaceGrp, but there's the issue of transparency; a writer may interact with something visible from the other side of a leaf, by e.g. doodling around it. MH: this might be handled through an attribute on zone, such as "bleedThrough".
- EP: BB raised the issue of alt on the list; exactly what did he mean? BB: I'll have to go back and look at that again.
SUMMARY: LB will rework the draft, and do it as fast as possible; he'll then ask all Council members to read the whole thing again. We should allow three working days, including if possible a weekend, to do the appropriate level of proofing.
2.1.2 Amber Tickets
Three amber FRs were assigned to LB and set to Pending because they relate to the genetic proposal already in process:
- 3095641: New elements to document stages in the writing process.
- 3095640: New model.pPart.transcriptional elements for genetic markup.
- 3095637: New
document patch line elements for genetic view.
Two tickets were postponed till the afternoon EEBO session. The following tickets were addressed:
- 3293316: Move
witStart et al. to model.milestoneLike. This topic is being addressed by a working group right now, so the ticket is assigned to EP with a note to that effect.
altIdentifier in msPart. Assigned to EP, who will nudge Torsten to provide the required examples.
- 3118435: Classes in interleave mode and cardinality membership. This is an ODD3 request; MH asks if the suggested functionality in ODD would be implementable in XSD, or whether it would reduce us to only RelaxNG as a fully-working output schema language. There are actually two tickets here; the cardinality issue has been moved to another ticket, while this ticket is now addressing only interleave. We will post a comment asking gaiffe to create a new ticket only about interleave, and close this ticket.
The following tickets were dealt with:
- 3290834: memberOf with cardinality restrictions. [Related to above.] We will make this green and accepted. It is assigned to SR.
- 3258912: Clarification of
colloc. Marked as green, accepted and pending, and assigned to LR.
- 3156049: Managing
egXML content (validation and presentation). JC, PB: There are two separate issues. First, does the prose need to be tidied up with respect to the last two comments. We agree, and this should be done. Second, should the
teix:show attribute be handled. LB commented on the ticket to say that
tei:rend could be used both for showing and for specialized rendering to e.g. highlight part of some code for teaching purposes. Therefore JC and PB propose using the tei:@rend attribute inside teix:egXML to specify rendering requirements etc. So: a) correct the prose according to the last two comments on the ticket, and 2) add tei:@rend to all elements within the teix namespace. The implication of tei:@rend in this context is that a processor will act on the attribute as a rendering instruction, rather than show it as part of the example. Set to green and assigned to JC.
- 3147225: New element
spGrp. EP, LB: The proposal is that there are sub-div-level structural groups of speeches etc., as in e.g. shared arias or musical numbers, or play-within-a-play situations, and that a new spGrp element should be created to handle this. The content model would require a minimum of two
sps, along with anything else that can appear between sps. But is this too specific? Should we instead introduce a new floatingDiv element that would handle other cases too? However, this is a simple case with a simple proposed solution which everyone understands, so we accept it. Marked as accepted and green, and assigned to LB.
- 3188679: Change content model of ident. MH, LR: LB's use-case is actually a use-case for
idno, not for ident. For instance, he uses URLs and filenames, and both of these should be idno. However, idno also does not permit internal structure, and there are other use-cases where that would be a good idea (for instance ISBNs and ISSNs). At the same time, ident does have a specific purpose, which is tagging formal identifiers in e.g. programming languages, and these do not typically have internal structure. Finally, we are sympathetic to Sebastian's objections related to processing. Therefore we propose that idno should be made recursive, allowing internal structure, examples of recursive idno should be supplied, and LB should be encouraged to use
idno instead of ident for his purposes. EP strongly objected that the subdivisions of idno are not necessarily idnos. LB says that the difference between ident and idno definitely needs some clarification. Assigned to MH to clarify the guidelines on the difference between
idno and ident, and close the ticket, and to LR to raise a new ticket for the nesting of idno so the council can address it at length.
- 3305016: Make
graphic available within table and formula. BB, KH: The current content model of formula allows text or graphics. It turns out that table has similar requirements: it may (need to) be represented by a graphic element. So the proposal is to extend the model of table to include
graphic. The prose should be revised not only for table but also for
formula to explain that this is allowed. LB pointed out that you could use facs, but MH replied that you should be able to choose between doing things in the same way as is done with formula if you wish, or use
facs throughout if that is your encoding practice. MH also pointed out that there is a use-case for more than one graphic (tables printed over several pages), so it should be one or more graphics. Set to pending, accepted and green. Assigned to KH (with help from LB for the content model change) to implement.
- 3106834 and 3106829 floatingText issues. (Discussed in the afternoon, but added here for clarity.) KH summarized that we appear to have a pointless prohibition against using floatingText for incomplete texts. The practical problem is that you can't use quote for a quote of a lengthy part of a text, because its content model is too restrictive, but the description/definition of
floatingText specifies "complete". The Council had discussed and agreed on the second ticket in Chicago, but implementation was held up by another ticket, which has now been resolved, so we can go ahead with minor adjustments to the proposed wording to remove the example of a musical number, which we now recommend handling through spGrp (see above). Council created a new, improved formulation of the change to the text. Set to agreed, green and pending, and assigned to KH for implementation, although he will assign it to BB when SourceForge settings have been changed to permit this.
2.2 Afternoon: ECCO/EEBO Discussion
Brian L. Pytlik Zillig (BZ) from EEBO joined the meeting all day, and in the afternoon Council worked with him on a number of issues regarding the possible convergence of TCP and TEI. The EEBO corpus will contain several billion words, and will be freely available in the future, so it's in our interests to make sure that interoperability between TCP and TEI is maximized.
There are a number of areas in which moving from TCP to TEI P5 is complicated. Three groups of issues were identified by Martin Mueller (MM):
2.2.1 First Group of Issues
Accept the EECO model for figure wholly or in part. The Council first looked at the following items from MM's spreadsheet in GoogleDocs:
- figure/ l
- figure/ lg
- figure/ quote
- figure/ signed
- figure/ sp
- figure/ stage
- figure/ table We discussed possible approaches that involve an intermediary element that would allow the required elements inside it, but eventually settled on allowing these elements inside figure because this expansion of the content model of
figure is likely to benefit many other projects too (BB). SR proposes that we change the content model of figure to match that of the prototype of floatingDiv. LB suggests that figure should have the same content model as div. The Council agrees that this should be enacted and JC has created ticket 3434973 for it.
- Add opener and closer to the P5 postscript model. (This is our ticket 3232942.) EP: The current content model of postscript makes it useless anyway, so if we're going to change its model we might as well try to make it truly useful, by adding all elements allowed in div. It became apparent to the Council that the current content model of postscript is ridiculous because it's simultaneously over-permissive ( camera,
elementSpec) and overly restrictive (no opener or
closer). SR proposed a more sophisticated content model which has been added to a comment on the ticket. SR volunteers to implement this.
- Permit l as a direct child of head. EEBO has lots of examples of l inside head, but P5 does not permit this. Some members of council felt we should allow l in head; others thought we should allow lg, and require that lg wrap the
ls; still others thought that no line-group could possibly constitute a
head. Council agrees that both lg and l should be allowed inside head, because elsewhere both lg and l are allowed alongside each other. How to implement this is not yet clear. LB has raised ticket 3434992 for this, and it is not yet assigned to anyone.
- Permit stage as a direct child of lg. The justification for this is convincing, and SR suggests adding model.stageLike to the content model of lg, which the Council approved. LB has raised ticket 3434996 for this.
- Permit floatingText and table as direct children of
sp (which would also align sp with said, which does allow those elements). Council agreed that, since a letter can be read out by a speaker, and a letter is a floatingText, then sp should allow floatingText; the case for table is harder to make, especially since it can be avoided simply by wrapping the table in sp. SR could not find any examples of table in sp in ECCO, but found one of a
sp/ p/ table, which looks quite convincing, and Council came to the view that table should be allowed. The Council's decision is that we want to allow both floatingText and table within sp, and a ticket should be raised and someone assigned to discover the best approach to this, since it's not immediately obvious. This has not yet been assigned to anyone.
2.2.2 Second Group of Issues (EEBO's responsibility)
Council looked at the following five items, and concluded that all seem reasonable, and are the responsibility of whoever is tranforming the EEBO texts:
- headnote and tailnote can be expressed as
notes with type attributes.
- Single p elements inside cell can be deleted making the content of p the immediate content of cell.
- The EEBO element can be expressed as floatingText type="letter".
- The rare above and below can be expressed as hi class="above" or perhaps some different ways.
- postscript elements as last children of closer can be turned into right siblings of closer.
2.2.3 Third Group of Issues (unaddressed)
There was no time to consider the third type of issue identified by MM, exemplified in the following items:
- Cases in which list appears as child of label in EEBO texts should be remodeled as two-column tables or expressed in some other way.
- The few instances in which cell has a complex content model along the lines of item should be rethought.
- In addition to these problems, the encoding of signatures in early modern texts may require additional discussion.
Council noted that it would also like to request access to the current state of EEBO in its "lossless XML" form, as well as the facsimiles, so that we can generate a list of issues that we believe EEBO might wish to address, and made that request to BZ.
Day 3: November 9 2011
3.1 Morning
The council started with a brief review of the last ticket discussed at the end of the preceding day, to bring LR up to date on its resolution.
3.1.1 Amber Tickets
- 3432520Introduce standard attributes to refer to ISOCat. This ticket has been assigned to PB. The original proposal was to add the new
dcr:valueDatcat attribute to global attributes, but instead we will create an attribute class called att.datcat for it, and add that class to elements only in response to specific requests. Initially, all the members ofmodel.gramPartand gram will get the attribute. Set to Pending and assigned to PB.
- 3434990 Require minimum of two lines or lg inside lg. JC believes the definition of
lg requires that there be more than one l in a lg. Others (LR, MH) believe that there are good use-cases for a single l inside
lg. Assigned to LR to gather and express arguments on both sides of the issue.
- 3064757XML construct encoding within Schematron. This was assigned to SR, asking him to check whether it's a simple fix or something very complicated because of processing requirements.
- 3376456Deprecate use of gram except as a child of gramGrp ( gramGrp is allowed as a child of both form and
sense, but gram is allowed only as a child of
form.) (Submitter would like it added to sense as well in keeping with feature request 3266021 and in keeping with section 9.3.2, which implies that you can encode grammatical information either way.) Assigned to KH to implement; he will then open a deprecation ticket, on which we'll eventually act.
- 3270162 profileDesc: one or more catRef. KH: We should either use one catRef or explain the reasons for using more than one. LB: We can't enforce a single catRef without breaking backward compatibility. The consensus is that this is a matter of stylistic preference, and the Guidelines should make this clear. PB provided good use cases for both styles. KH: We should recommend one approach in the interests of interoperability. SY: Picking one makes writing stylesheets easier. The Council generally agrees, with one exception. PB: We should not recommend use of a single catRef because it's difficult to maintain. Council agrees that we should recommend that people use multiple
catRefs, because multiple targets can be cumbersome. KH was asked to propose a wording for this, and the ticket was assigned to him.
- 3223636 xml:space vs. CDATA for blocks of code. MH, PB: A careful reading of the definition of xml:space fails to reveal what its value of 'default' implies, although 'preserve' should act as an instruction to a processor to preserve whitespace in the hosting element and all its descendants (meaning that LB's determination, in the TEI-L discussion, that it's meaningless in the context of text-only elements is presumably wrong); but evidence from actual implementations in browsers suggest that it only applies to the whitespace between child elements in element-only content elements (meaning that LB would be correct). So for various reasons xml:space may be a red herring anyway. The problem raised by KH on the ticket is one of rendering. In the TEI stylesheets, tei:code is simply converted to xhtml:code. We recommend that someone draft an explanation of xml:space and its meaning in TEI. PB recommends that we remove the one sentence referring to xml:space from the Guidelines, but LB suggests instead supplementing it with an explanation of the difficulties we see with regard to using it. LR suggests making a request to the W3C to clarify their specification. In the context where it appears, though, that sentence is irrelevant because it will have no effect on the element concerned, so we should remove it, but we should still add an explanation of difficulties with xml:space wherever xml:space is defined. Assigned to PB, but left as Open, not Pending, because it's not urgent.
- 3216049Normalize attributes and classes on
placeName/ geogName. JC, LB: There is some rationale behind the absence of these attributes from geogName, but it doesn't really hold up. The content model for placeName is a bit suspect (e.g.
dimensions), but that's a different issue. The Council agrees to give
geogName the same attribute set as placeName, and then raise a second ticket to deal with the problems in that set of attributes. Assigned to LB.
- 3423686An object element. KH, EP: KH and EP suggest asking the Ontology SIG to go ahead and draft a proposal for creating object,
listObject and objectName, and accompanying details and Guidelines text, and submit them to Council for consideration. The ticket will is assigned to SR and left open.
- 3309894Encoding RDF relationships in TEI. SR: relation is nearly adequate to enabling the extraction of RDF triples. relation was originally for people, but should be extended for more general applicability, and adding
ref and key on it. SY objects on the basis that RDF can be embedded in TEI anyway, but the submitter and the SIG are strongly in favour. The submitter strongly recommends renaming the active and passive attributes to subject and object, and removing
mutual, but Council feels it's not worth breaking backward compatibility just to rename attributes. The SIG will be asked to raise a new ticket if they feel very strongly about the naming issue. relationGrp will also be added to model.biblLike. Assigned to SR to implement, and set to Pending and green.
3.1.2 Other Issues
EP asked that we create a link on the TEI site to a filtered list of SF tickets including only the deprecation tickets, so people can easily see what is currently deprecated. MH suggested there be two lists, one showing open deprecation tickets and one showing closed (because enacted) deprecation tickets. LB opened a ticket for this, and assigned it to JC.
3.2 Afternoon
3.2.1 Discussion Topics
Dealing with SPAM on the wiki. Right now anyone can create an account on the wiki, and this results in spam. If we change this to submitting an email, then there may be a significant delay before people get logons, and we may still not easily be able to tell genuine requests from spammers. The Council recommends that the webmasters (DS and JC) investigate possible alternative solutions to these problems.
P4 survey report. JC did a survey of usage of P4, in advance of its scheduled end-of-life: http://blogs.oucs.ac.uk/jamesc/2011/10/27/tei_p4_support/. JC: this basically gives us encouragement to start moving P4 to the Vault over the next year.
*Grp vs. list*. BB, LB, PB: The current situation is horrible: list*.xml:
list.xml *List.xml:
valList.xml *Grp.xml:
transposeGrp.xml *Group.xml:
EP: We could try to use equiv to make element aliasing work, and then rationalize the names; we could push this problem forward to P6, and develop an explicit strategy for naming these things; or we could throw up our hands and do nothing. PB: We should fix transposeGrp while we can. We should develop a clear set of naming principles for these things. LB: There is a general section in the Guidelines on naming of elements. A description should go there. LR: It should go in tagDocs because people use that when writing ODDs. LB: All but a handful of the *Grp elements are syntactically correct as groups; the exceptions are
transposeGrp, which we've agreed to change, forestGrp, and
relationGrp. LB will raise a ticket for this.
- Magic tokens. JC, KH, LR: The consensus is that we could integrate within ref all the usages currently covered by key, so the vision for the future is that we don't need key. However, key is widely used right now, so we should not remove it or deprecate it. We should modify the Guidelines to make the point that people should switch to ref wherever key is mentioned. KH will create a ticket and start implementing it.
- Translations. MH, EP: First, how should we realign the translations from 2007? Second, how do we put a system in place to ensure that translations don't get too far behind? Before we can act, though, we need to know whether the TEI prioritizes it or not, and is willing to put some money into it. To do that, we really need to do a survey of the community; such a survey would have to be multilingual, and we would need to make sure we can reach non-English-speaking users, so we'll have to issue a multilingual call, and ask TEI-L users to circulate it among their communities. PB: Adding requirements for translation of every change can actually make the maintainers of a project reluctant to make needed changes. We could also go for a wiktionary approach for element definitions, but that would be another environment to maintain. LR: The first action is to issue a multilingual survey; the second action is to implement models for translation environments and tools; and thirdly, we need to find a way to officially validate or certify translations. We should report our intentions to the Board through EP, and we will raise a ticket that ensures we return to the issue at the next meeting.
- Architecture of TEI/ODD. LR, JC, LB: There are three main orientations that the TEI should follow in the medium- and long-term. First, we should make ODD feature-complete (getting rid of external vocabularies etc.). Second, we should start by working on the inheritance model to deal with the
type issue (enable the overriding of an attribute description inherited from a class). We should have a traditional class inheritance structure for e.g. content models. Finally, we should derive modules from this class inheritance.
- Tools. PB, KH, SR: The web Roma (not the command-line processor) needs a rewrite. Much of its functionality has been taken over by OxGarage. It can be done with JavaScript/AJAX. There are two ways to do this: get some money and pay an intern to do it, or apply for outside grant money. However, if we are going for outside money, we should have greater ambitions. Roma should be more generalizable, as LR wants, to use with non-TEI ODDs. The whole of the processing could actually be written in JavaScript and run on the client, so no server back-end is required. EP asked what about Vesta? SR notes that most of its functionality is available in OxGarage. Vesta was an experiment to see if we could write a desktop version of Roma, and it was never finished, and now can no longer be built. We no longer need it because we can do the same work in oXygen. Council concluded that we should look around for possible granting agencies that might give us a substantial grant for this, and earmark some time at the next meeting to polish a formal grant application. All council members should do this. We should also add OxGarage to the Tools page on the TEI site. KH will do that.
- Workflow for Community and Council. MH, EP, BB: First, the SF ticket system is only comfortable for programming types, so there should be an intermediate mechanism to enable people to submit a request to the Council mailing list, so one of us can pick it up and turn it into a ticket. This should be on the TEI website, and have a captcha. Second, the TEI by Example site is not linked from the TEI website; it should be prominent. This should be submitted as a FR. Third, our website is not helpful at all. It needs to be reimagined or restructured from the point of view of new users, in accordance with usability guidelines. For workflow with regard to Council, can we reduce the volume of messages and in particular the noise and trivialities. LB 's guide to editing the source needs to be expanded, and complemented by a semi-formal mentoring system to enable new members to become effective. We should also attempt to express formally the institutional knowledge we now share about e.g. tasks to be completed by the Council Chair and members prior to a ftf meeting. Actions: We will make public all the current expectations of members of Council prior to the next call for candidates. The Council page on the website should make this clear. JC will add EP as an admin on the TEI website so that she can make changes.
3.2.2 SIG Report from Linguistics SIG (PB)
PB has sent to the Council a report on the TEI/linguistic bibliography list, created and maintained in the context of LingSIG. Action for JC: Before Council meetings, email the SIG lists to ask for reports or issues to discuss.
3.2.3 Thanks to Laurent Romary
All members of the Council expressed their sincere gratitude and admiration for the leadership and vision Laurent has provided over many years as Council chair. He was presented with a card and suitable token of our appreciation in liquid form.
3.2.4 Priorities for the Coming Year
We should have regular telcos every two months, and deal with tickets at all of them. Telcos should not be more than an hour.
The next ftf will take place mid-to-late April 2012. The date will be finalized before the end of the year.
The strategy for Roma is a priority (see above). We might be able to prod someone with the right skill-set to apply for a grant from the Board to do it; calls for applications will go out from the Board soon.
We should create a SIG for the ideas around the future of ODD, and invite likely experts and interested community members to join it.
Solve all outstanding problems regarding conversion from EEBO/ECCO.
Investigate methods of allowing element and attribute name aliasing, so that we could rename elements without breaking backward compatibility.