TEI Council Meeting

The TEI Council teleconference meeting took place on Friday 31 August at 12:00 UTC.

Participants: Arianna Ciula (AC), Syd Bauman (SB), Tone Merete Bruvik (TMB), Lou Burnard (LB), James Cummings (Minutes;JC), Dan O'Donnell (DO), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Laurent Romary (LR), Conal Tuohy (CT), and Christian Wittern (Chair;CW).

Council members unable to participate: David Birnbaum (DB), Matthew Driscoll (MD), Dot Porter (DP), and John Walsh (JW).

Open action items

CW reviewed the action items from the previous minutes.

LB Implement Board decision with regard to title page. 2007-08-15* LB reports that SB seems to have done this already

LB Integrate list of workgroups and members into Guidelines. 2007-09-01 * LB reports that he has not yet done this, that he started but got distracted. LB Integrate list of workgroups and members into Guidelines. 2007-09-07

SB Integrate <postscript> ODD into Guidelines. 2007-08-04 * SB reported that this had been done.

LB/JW Integrate revised rendition recommendations into Guidelines. 2007-09-01 * Discussion of rendition was delayed in case JW joined later. LB commented that the action had been approved at the previous meeting but had not yet been completed. LB/JW Integrate revised rendition recommendations into Guidelines.


CT Re-implement the earlier facsimile examples in most recent proposal. 2007-08-15 * CT reported on the facsimile work, and that the earlier example had been abandoned in favour of new ones LB had produced.

LB, CT, DP Produce P5 1.0 Draft of facsimile markup based on Council discussion and integrate with Guidelines. 2007-09-01 * This action had been completed and CT and LB reported on new draft. SR's example was discussed, but LB and CT disagree about the nature of what a <surface> is and whether it should be renamed. SB and AC summarised their understanding of the relationship between physical object, and the corresponding facsimile elements. There was some discussion on the problems encountered if <surface> refers to the physical object, and CT was tasked with proposing changes with examples to the council list by 2007-09-14. SR confirmed that Council was satisfied with the rest of the proposal and especially its indirection in linking. CT Produce workable examples and proposals for change to facsimile markup (with regard to the meaning of surface and its children).


DO arrived at this point.

DB, TMB, SB, LB Rewrite NH chapter as needed. 2007-09-01 * SB and TMB reported that this action item was almost completed, but needed a bit more work. DB, TMB, SB, LB Revise NH chapter.


Eds Editors to integrate final Dictionary revisions into Guidelines, checking language, etc. 2007-09-01 * LB and SB reported that they believed this has already been done; SPQR was currently reviewing the chapter.

LB Report back to council on any changes to FSD/FS and if necessary rationalise the TEI version. 2007-09-01 * LB has not yet received minutes of the ISO meeting. LR reported that they wanted to reintroduce 3 or 4 elements which had been in TEI P4 but which had since been removed in TEI P5. LB is happy to make the changes as soon as we are notified about them. Council agreed that this is a special case which should change in order to keep in step with the ISO work. LB Report back to council on any changes to FSD/FS and if necessary rationalise the TEI version. 2007-09-14

DO Produce revised proposal about what to do with add/del/supplied/edInt/etc. issues 2007-08-21 * DO reported that this had been completed, but no ODD produced. DO summarised some of the issues but promised to produce an ODD by 2007-09-07. LB reminded DO that work had been done on this chapter in the meantime and to make sure that the latest version was used. DO Produce an ODD for add/del/supplied/etc. proposals with regard to latest modifications of PH/CO chapters. Reporting to Council list. 2007-09-07

ALL Comment on revised add/del/supplied draft on Council mailing list. 2007-08-25* This item is moved forward until after DO produces his ODD. ALL Comment on revised add/del/supplied proposals on Council mailing list.


LB Integrate add/del/supplied revisions (after Council input) to the Guidelines 2007-09-01 * This item is moved forward until council comments on DO's ODD. LB Integrate any agreed add/del/supplied revisions (after Council input) to the Guidelines. 2007-09-20

JC, DP Report back to council on progress of formatting of the Guidelines so far and any outstanding issues 2007-08-06 * JC reported that this action had been completed.

JC, DP All issues should be resolved and/or reported to Sebastian and/or Council 2007-09-07.* JC reported that this ongoing item was in hand and a lot of work was being done behind the scenes. SR whetted Council's appetite by mentioning that navigation had been completely revised in the last couple days. This item is not due yet and is in progress.

JC, DPAll issues should be resolved and/or reported to Sebastian and/or Council.

2007-09-07 Discussion at this point was diverted into what to do about specGrpRef and similar elements and their rendition in the Guidelines. Many opinions were expressed, but JC volunteered to post an initial summary of his perception of the problem to the Council list to kick-start discussion. It was agreed in any case that the Editors should remove the prose leading up to such elements and that if this was to be added it should be done in the processing. JC Post a message summarising his objections to the way <specGrp> and <specGrpRef> elements are handled to Council list. 2007-09-01

ALL Discuss what should be done about <specGrp> and <specGrpRef> elements.


EDs Remove all leading prose before <specGrp> and <specGrpRef> elements.


SR Modify XSLT in response to Council decisions concerning <specGrp> and <specGrpRef> elements and/or Council.


DO, SB Produce revised proposal about what to do with app/rdg issues 2007-08-21 * DO summarised his work on this, but worried it might significantly break things. He promises to produce a revised proposal and ODD by 2007-09-14, and post to Council list. DO, SB Produce revised proposal/ODD about what to do with app/rdg issues and post to Council list. 2007-09-14

ALL Comment on revised app/rdg draft on Council mailing list. 2007-08-25 * This item is moved forward. ALL Comment on revised app/rdg draft on Council mailing list. 2007-09-21

SB Integrate revisions (after Council input) to the Guidelines 2007-09-01* This item is moved forward. SB Integrate revisions to app/rdg (after Council input) to the Guidelines.


LB Integrate changes necessary for a working implementation for modelling of manuscript stemmata, as proposed on council list. 2007-09-01 * LB reports that this is not been done yet, but he will do so soon and the changes are straightforward.

LB Integrate changes necessary for a working implementation for modelling of manuscript stemmata, as proposed on council list.


LB Implement rationalisation of handDesc/handList/hand, removing handNote 2007-08-08* LB reports that this has been done.

ALL Review chapters and correct mistakes as per http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/wiki/Review from 2007-08-04 until 2007-09-07 * This action is ongoing and is discussed in more detail in the following section.

ALL Review chapters and correct mistakes as per http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/wiki/Review


All Any new significant technical revisions not already under consideration by Council should be added to trac for P5 1.1 to keep track of these ideas as they occur to us in P5 1.0 revisions. ongoing * This is an ongoing item. All Add new significant technical revisions to trac for P5 1.1 to keep track of these ideas as they occur to Council during in P5 1.0 revisions. http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/milestone/P5%201.1.


Chapter Triage

CW asked each Council member present to report on how their chapter reviews were going. In general these are well in hand. Various Council members raised a number of issues.

Who # Title Comments
AC 15 Critical Apparatus Done
AC 9 Manuscript Description Review ongoing
CW 2 The TEI Header Done
CW 20 Representation of non-standard characters and glyphs Some revision needed; Review ongoing
CT 14 Transcription of Primary Sources Review ongoing, will reread LB's new changes
DO 1 The TEI infrastructure Done
Dan 13 Certainty and Responsibility Done, concerns included discussion on values for @cert
DB 16 Names, Dates, People, and Places Not present
DB 18 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics Not present
DP 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents Not present
JC 4 Default Text Structure Review ongoing
JC 7 Transcriptions of Speech Done, only minor changes
JW 10 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment Not present
JW 11 Simple Analytic Mechanisms Not present
LR 12 Feature Structures Review ongoing
LR 21 Feature System Declaration Review ongoing
LR 23 Using The TEI (IM, CF, MD, DT) Done, message posted to Council list expressing some concerns about what it means to be a 'clean' modification
LR 22 Documentation Elements Review ongoing
MD 17 Graphs, Networks, and Trees Not present
MD 19 Language Corpora Not present
SR 23 Using the TEI (NH) Awaiting revised version
SR 8 Dictionaries Review ongoing
TMB 5 Verse Done
Tone 6 Performance Texts Done

Some actions arose during these discussions: SB Check Guidelines prose and examples for namespaces which are not TEI, a recognised schema, or www.example.com (for example, www.hatstand.org).


LB Expand explanatory prose in USE concerning which elements are mandatory and how a user can know this. 2007-09-14

Eds/SR/LR Consider whether <classes> should have a mode attribute.


LB Post to Council list a call for examples meeting particular requirements. 2007-09-21

Next Meeting

The next teleconference was not scheduled. CW will put up a meetomatic survey to determine the best date. It will, however be at 12pm noon UTC. This will be: 06:00 MDT in Calgary, 07:00 CDT in Chicago, 08:00 EDT in New York, 13:00 BST in London, 14:00 CEST in Paris, 21:00 JST in Kyoto, and Wed 18 July, 00:00 NZST in Wellington.

CW CW to set date for next meeting using meetomatic, and announce. 2007-09-07