TEI Technical Council F2F Meeting in Guelph, 7-9 May 2023

Meeting Times

Date Time Meeting of Location
Sunday, May 7 11am-13:00 14:00-17:30 Full Council meeting MacKinnon 132
Monday, May 8 09:30–11:00 11:30–13:00 14:30–16:00 16:30–17:30 Full Council meeting THINC Lab (second floor of Library. Take elevator or stairs behind and to the left of the desk. Turn left coming out of stairwell and take an immediate right.
17:15 Dinner Bread Bar
Tuesday, May 9 09:00–13:00 Full Council meeting THINC Lab


>Apologies/Not Present:


Council thanks Michaela Rye for assistance in choosing a local restaurant for dinner Monday. >Council Members involved in conferences/workshops

Sunday, May 7: Morning session

>Approval/Revision of the agenda and ticket triage

EBB leads “Assigned Ticket Triage” session. Each of us goes through our assigned Guidelines tickets and

>ATOP report

>epub2 deprecation

>TEI Customizations and Processing Model

Sunday, May 7: Afternoon session

>Guidelines PRs:

>Council Discussion of Contributor Guidelines

Monday, May 8: Morning session

>Discussion of high priority Guidelines tickets

Monday, May 8: Afternoon session

>TEI Website and Documentation

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Tuesday May 9: Morning session

>Website task force discussion

Ticket Triages

>Guidelines pull requests

PR Triage Groups

Group A: TOC, JT, EBB, HC (JC on Sun) Group B: HBS, SB, SS, JJ

Group C: MT, RV, MS

No. Group Title Comment
#1996 align teidata.version with Semantic Versioning Specification, closes #1993 Discussion: MT: Version numbering has nothing to do with the semantic numbering. For SemVer: Only realistic way to ensure it is to have prefixes on every commit. Need to have some means of keeping track. JT: Automatic numbering generation for new versions. Issue ticket is #1993 EBB: To close #1993 do we need a solution to @version attribute? Update the branch and assign someone to write the documentation to explain that it is influence by semantic versioning. SB: Does it need a @version attribute? Idea of removing @version attribute is not feasible.The attribute is needed but does not need to be pointed to a schema? JC: The note on the version attribute of the <TEI> page means that the example is incorrect, meaning people have being using the version attribute incorrectly. RV: @version on TEI will die tomorrow unless someone wants to preserve it tomorrow morning. HBS and JT: Why kill it instead of leaving it alone? Let it live in peace. But change description to say that it’s a number you can use somewhat freely and maybe you shouldn’t use it. EBB: We should note that people should use SchemaRef instead. Agreed not to remove it.* JT to add ticket with HBS to propose harmonizing @version across
#2143 B new langKnown example + bib ref * RV: will make small required fix and integrate -- done.
#2245 Translation from CarmendeSantiago/TEI HBS notes that some of these PRs are just tests and not meant to be pulled in. HBS to review and gently close, or repair. Review by HBS finished: #2245 was closed with a comment, #2320 was merged, and #2321 was repaired and pulled in
#2320 Translation from dh-miami/TEI
#2321 Translation from joloor2/TEI
#2384 C Update example and bibliographic item merged
#2393 A constrain att.translatable elements when used in the Guidelines Subgroup A thinks this is ready to go. JT reviewed schematron changes and approves them. JT's requests appear to be resolved now. JT should re-review and perhaps approve. We also approve HBS's translations to English. Approve this PR. Then open a new ticket to revise the wording about pointing @who to <role> or <person>.
#2409 B changed content model for content, #2381 Schematron has already been written; PR #2428 needs review & merge, #2381 Leave open until next year because of the deprecation.
#2416 C guidelines.xsl generation update subgroup says JT should merge this JT merged PR.
#2418 C (a) French version of tutorial (b) minor typos in release notes Left some comments for Lou for some minor changes that are needed before we can merge.
#2422 A add <taxonomy> and <category> to att.datcat (issue #2419 ) In response to issue #2419. PR isn’t finished, last update 2 weeks ago. Subgroup A decision: Leave PR open, work still in progress as noted on ticket. LingSIG fork needs to be updated to merge to TEI dev. Ticket #2419 assigned to HBS. HBS and MT assigned to review the PR.
#2423 B changes the content model for msDesc, msPart, and msFrag Talked about this ticket on Sunday.
#2424 C Updated the title of 2.2.8 for #2415 subgroup says SB should merge this [done]

>>Guidelines issues

Priority Issues + Needs Discussion only

Guidelines Issues Triage Groups:

Group A: TOC, JT, EBB, Group B: HBS, SB, SS,

Group C: RV, MS, JC

MT and JJ are working on website plan

No. Group Title Comment
#672 A #672 video html to TEI Subgroup: We should close this ancient ticket and open a new ticket on Stylesheets to review and see if things work the same way now. Discussion: MT's suggestion on ticket to use <choice> isn't good due to its limited placement. SB: Suggestion to use <alt> instead. JT: MH’s suggestion to let media nest is a good solution. RV: Meant to be in alternation. MT:<noteGrp> purpose of the element the notes that represent the same comment but expressed in different languages, JT also something in common but different formats or intending for different audiences. SB: Having a <mediaGrp> might be beneficial. Using nested <media> could be problematic--it might mean a composite of multiple medias. RV: Figures can be grouped, need to study what TEI already does for media and be sure what we proposes is consistent with the existing model. Possible solution to expand <figure> to incorporate <media> since it is already allowed in the <figure> spec page. Discussion about using <altGroup> but this approach would involve using StandOff and might be complicated. Also, you will need to target it to point to alternates since it is self-closing. EBB and SB: <alt> is too permissive. <figure> is the most feasible option. Action on HBS and MT: Assigned to HBS and MT to reword the description of figure to incorporate graphic and figure>. Update ticket status from Blocked to Status: Go and Status: Needs Discussion so we can revisit this ticket discussion in the Paderborn F2F.
#2345 B #2345, msIdentifier should be changed to allow only an idno or msName MS SIG proposes to have just <idno> or <msName> as the minimal identification of a ms (this is the minimal content of <msIdentifier>). However, currently we consider that <msName>, <repository> or <location> are the minimal identification (see #2258) After some discussion, we agree that the minimal identification of <msIdentifier>:* msName (with something on it) * idno + @type * idno + repository | location | institution Make a Schematron to accommodate the 2nd option. (3rd option is already covered.) Action on HBS and SB: Merge #2345 with #2258 to correct the Schematron errors.
#2285 C #2285, just the question of <altIdent> in other stuff SB and James realized that <altIdent> isn’t used or it’s used incorrectly in a number of elements and propose deprecating it. RV suggests keeping the element so that all the *Spec elements have a similar content model and feels that this would remove an instrument from future uses of ODD specs. Suggest to follow solution 2, but let’s discuss because solution 1 also seems rather reasonable. Discussion: Need to revisit the reason why we have <altIdent> in the first place and its definition. EBB: <altIdent> is more constrained than we were led to think. <equiv> inside classSpec can handle the use cases of pointing to related classes in other XML languages. JT: Why have only one <altIdent>? SB: Creating from scratch, just using <id>s and getting rid of <altIdent>. JT: For ATOP - Add responsive message that you have an <altIdent> that is not doing what you think it is. Action on SB: Comment Council’s decision on ticket, to keep <altIdent> and to add clarification on the usage of <altIdent> in p5 and update to Status: Go and remove Needs Discussion.
#2279 A #2279, Constrain translatable elements in TEI ODDs Already discussed with related PR above. (leave open til branch is tidied). Action on SB: Leave open until branch is updated and tidied then close.
#2214 B #2214, sequence of top level elements within msDesc already discussed
#2420 C #2420, On the content model of <revisionDesc> Subgroup agrees to point 1 (allow multiple listChange), but not point 2 (allow empty <revisionDesc/>) -- kinda like you cannot do an empty commit in git, or like you must add something to a <sourceDesc> Discussion: SB: The proposed content model to have a revisionDesc but have nothing in it, change the content model to use pluses instead of stars to require one of: element revisionDesc { ( list+ | listChange+ | change+ ) } This change encourages you to not leave it empty but allows you to leave it empty if you want to (you can capture your changes with @type). Action on SB and TOC: to update the ticket with the content model with pluses instead of stars and implement the change. TOC updated ticket status from Needs Discussion to Status Go.
#2045 A #2045. @calendar= should not be in att.datable Subgroup notes that this seemed to be decided in Dec. 2021 but no one has acted on it. Need to set deprecation period and a milestone? Question: Which elements should get @calendar? What would the new class be called (att.dated seems a bit off....att.dateLike or something?) Note the examples of @calendar on <date> in att.datable specpage. We need more documentation of when and how @calendar is appropriate.Which elements contain date content other than <date>? (See MH’s comment with table: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/2045#issuecomment-731271583)Discussion on calendar: JT: The attribute is currently badly named, not clear what its purpose is. Already have a datingMethod already and closely related to att.datable.Possible new attribute names for calendar: att.calendrical, att.calendarSystem, att.datingSystem, att.datingMethodAttribute datingMethod already there (in att.datable.custom). Vote for att.calendarSystemSB: Argument against deprecating calendar since it is a corrigble error, but Duncan argues that it needs to deprecated because the change will cause errors in the code.JT: Which elements do we deprecate calendar from?RV: Query regarding period attribute within att.datable, should it move with calendar into the new attribute class.JT: Evaluate the notes/remarks on the att.datable attributes to ensure that the usage of these attributes is clear for users.Action on calendar attribute ticket: EBB: added a comment on Council’s decision to the ticket. Keep calendar only for <date>, <time>, <origDate>, <docdate>, deprecate calendar from other elements with att.datable for a 18 month period and proceed to make the new class att.calendarSystem for calendar and link the attributes to it (to Nov 9ish, 2024). Action on RV: to set up the deprecation using the validUntil mechanism to every attribute that it is being deprecated from. Need to update the table list of the elements that use calendar attribute currently. Incorporate following note from the att.datable page in the deprecation comment: “Note that the calendar attribute (unlike datingMethod defined in att.datable.custom) defines the calendar system of the date in the original material defined by the parent element, not the calendar to which the date is normalized.” Action: EBB updated title of issue #2213 from att.datablecustom to datingPoint. Action: JT is looking at documentation on dating and is opening an omnibus ticket to connect all the related calendaric/datable tickets we need to cope with. Related discussion on <docDate> ticket: Why is docDate not in att.datable? JT has opened ticket #2432. RV and SB we want this for only one situation, intentionally more restrictive to be specialised otherwise you could use <date>, see <docDate> spec page. EBB and JJ: Need calendar to be added to <docDate>. JT: We need more than just calendar under <docDate>. SB: Any examples where the context can not be converted to a single Gregorian date. <docDate> is insufficient to encode the dates. JJ: Has example title pages to add to the ticket. EBB: has added an example of an date on a title page that can not be expressed in a Gregorian date. Action on RV: Status Go on docDate ticket.
#2370 B #2370 Datatypes using 'token' permit whitespace even when they probably shouldn't HBS and SB: asking Council which way to go — allow leading & trailing whitespace or not? Discussion: EBB wrote to Hugh on the ticket if we should just revise the remarks on teidata.word.
#1744 C Add contextually-variant content models to ODD discussed this in the Monday morning session. Status is go for implementation.