Technical Council F2F Tokyo 2018-09-07/08

Council Meeting Fri 09-07 full day
Council Meeting Sat 09-08 full day
Workshops Sun 09-09 09:30–17:30
Open Council Session Mon 09-10 09:30–12:00

Venue Our meeting takes place at the conference venue, at Hitotsubashi Hall (Room 201)


Meeting started 09-07 09:30 localtime Friday Morning (9:00-13:00)


Status: Needs Discussion / Go and Needs Discussion

Ticket Number Breakout Group Title Notes
#327 A an <object> element Choice is either to just add the <object> element to the Guidelines or more consultation by TEI-L. Action on JC: merge branch into dev, send an email to TEI-L. Could use examples of ”widely understood objects” and texts that reference them.
#1431 (go/needs discussion) B clarify how to encode short-form citations Greenlight JC and HC to act on this ticket. Action seems to be for providing examples in Guidelines for different uses of <ref> vs. <bibl>. What actions were taken already? (removing “needs discussion”—just “Go”.)
#1531 C rs should contain q and quote Status: done—subgroup would like to see if JC can convince anyone that we should back it out. Close the issue because implemented with Syd’s commit.
#1586 A Domain of concept of cleanliness On HC to schedule any discussion with Michael Sperberg-McQueen  and Lou Burnard if needed.
#1596 B Pure-ODD content model elements appear to be strictly weaker than regular languages -- intended? Unclear whether there’s any problem with the current implementation. Close the ticket, but SB will discuss with Michael Sperberg-McQueen.
#1606 C dataRef should not permit @restriction and @key Need clarification from Lou Burnard, question posted on ticket.
#1607 (go/needs discussion) A xsl:* (or other non-sch:*) not allowed within constraintSpec Looks like it is done? Check with Martin Holmes and SB.
#1617 B dealing with multiple publication places Distinguishing between <place> and <placeName> is significant here. A publication statement isn’t right for cataloging place data, but it is right for listing place names. Laurent Romary should respond to Lou Burnard and JC here about whether their proposals might work. We can’t currently put  <list> inside a <publicationStmt>: should we revise content model to include a generic list or a new listpubPlace? Decision: ACTION on PS, close.
#1621 (go/needs discussion) C Status of Schematron rules in TEI Looks good, unless EBB wants to clarify some aspects of her work. Discussed edits—will check into dev.)
#1626 A request: accept xmlns="http://standoff.proposal" where appropriate Is this still a problem? Can we close this?
#1632 B egXML needs a way to highlight rendtitional aspects in the example This is still a great idea but low priority.
#1641 C Change structure of supportDesc Subgroup suggests to ask  @schassan to provide an example soon, otherwise the issue will be closed. Also wondering: would multiple <supportDesc> solve the issue?
#1645 A Alter Guidelines re “phrase-level” Don’t think EBB’s rephrasing actually fixes the problem.  And actually think current phrasing is clear enough.
#1658 (go/needs discussion) B <q> should be allowed in <span> We suggest adding <q> directly to the content model of <span>.
#1663 C Things we'd like to do in ODD which haven't been implemented yet Just close it
#1695 A example of <roleName> other than in <persName>? Encourage EBB to add more examples, such as Attorney General (not pointing to a specific person). And maybe add prose about when you would have rolename inside <persName> and instead outside.
#1698 B The namespace could be mentioned more prominently in the guidelines Are the places listed in the ticket still the best places to add commentary on TEI namespace? Or is the documentation we already have enough? If we were to do what original poster suggested (add intro to Appendix B,C), what would we say?
#1707 C How to encode measurement Issue for Monday
#1710 A Review placement of classes, macros, and datatypes in modules Assigned people just need to get on with it (RV, MS, JC).
#1715 B Clarify description of att.combinable's "mode"
#1720 C Improve description of att.lexicographic Mark green, just do it
#1746 A jTEI schema should permit <biblFull> inside <sourceDesc> Decision should be up to jTEI?
#1755 B incipit should be able to contain quote (and/or q?) and probably also cit make green—add qlike and quotelike
#1756 C event should have ptr and idno in its content model Good example for open session.
#1757 A remove P5/ReleaseNotes/ChangeLog Agreed. Changed to Green “Go”
#1776 A add <w> to att.lexicographic JC: Use <choice> within <w> for this kind of thing? Otherwise why did we have the war on text-bearing attributes? Action on MT to write a clear response on the use of attributes.
#1778 B Make <trailer> a member of att.placement and att.written Good example for open session.

Friday Afternoon (14:30-18:00)

Saturday Morning (9:00-13:00)

Started @ 09:17. Chair thanks Martin Holmes for joining us.

Possibly straightforward tickets:


Ticket Number Group Title Notes
#326 A Stylesheets do not pass xml:id of floatingText to HTML5 Assigned to MS
#322 B Example doesn't do what it says Fix this by changing the datatype to teidata.count, and not with SB’s lovely regex. Fixed & closed.
#321 C All Guidelines Pages should have dropdown menu in footer to go to other versions in the Vault. see ticket
#316 A Stylesheet library includes some conversions which are not included in release MH fixed and closed (still waiting to see if anything breaks)
#308 B from docx problem Assigned to MT to remove refs to saxon9ee on the files listed and run tests
#234 C same as #308, didn’t handle
#287 A Roma and bin directory of Stylesheets Didn’t receive necessary feedback; we don’t maintain this, so we propose closing.
#286 B <ref> inside <listRef> Should we just merge this pull request? Note: we may not be quite done with this issue: check to see if listRef/descendant::ref can work. Decision: ready to merge (EBB updated fork and pull request). Merged pull request. Opened a new ticket to deal with odd2lite.
#259 C What's wrong with binaryObject? Subgroup recommends closing; HTML and FO have been fixed, and we don’t see the point in fixing docx and ODT
#201 A Output file naming from ODDs Subgroup thinks that we should make the naming conventions the same as in oXygen (i.e. change to putting things in a directory called “out”). Decision:  Don’t change the “out” directory since we don’t all agree about it and it’ll cause fallout. Do change “.relaxng” to “.rng” and “.odd” to “.rng”.
#200 A CSS file is mysteriously missing from build results MH to investigate and check with PS to see if his Jenkins is doing the same thing.

Saturday Afternoon (13:50-18:00)

Monday Morning (Open Session)