Technical Council F2F Washington 2019-05-06/08





Monday May 06 9:00–12:00 Council meeting
12:00–13:00 Open invite brown bag lunch with Folger staff and others—Foulke Conference Room (301 East Capitol St)
13:00–17:00 Council meeting
Evening plans
Tuesday May 07 9:00–13:00 Council meeting (continuing over lunch)
13:00–14:30 Guided Folger book exhibit for Council members (optional)
14:30–17:00 Council meeting (with Martin Holmes teleconferencing in)
Evening plans
Wednesday May 08 9:00–13:00 Council meeting
13:00 Lunch
14:00–17:00 Council meeting
Evening plans, 19:00 Dinner at Raff’s

Folger Library, Washington D.C.

201 E Capitol St SE, Washington, DC 20003. Meeting Location: Foulke Conference Room, in 301 East Capitol St., SE. This building is across the street from the main Folger building, and is swipe access only. Meaghan Brown (Folger staff) will be meeting us each day and monitoring the door. Monday 06

Morning (09:00–12:00)

12:00–13:00 Open invite brown bag lunch

Afternoon (13:00–17:00)

Continuing standoff discussion

                 <ptr target="#ldb" type="body"/>
                 <ptr target="#w1" type="target"/>
                 <ptr target="#w17" type="target"/>
Ticket Number Breakout Group Title Notes
#1740 A regularize suggested values of unit= attribute “line” and “char” should be singular. Mark green
#1744 B Add co-occurrence constraints to ODD Subgroup likes the idea because it improves documentation. Wants to see JC or somebody develop a proposal to implement. Council: Greenlighted for JC to develop a proposal, with further discussion.
#1747 C Schema problem with (msPart | msFrag) related item: #1832; #1835 JC argues that HC is correct and <msFrag> and <msPart> should not be interspersed; fragments bound in a manuscript should be considered <msPart>. Recommend to close the issue with no action unless a more compelling example is provided. Council adds: we should include a reason for closing the tickets.
#1750 A Make <q> a member of att.fragmentable subgroup is inclined to suggest no change, that OP use @next and @prev.
#1756 B event should have ptr and idno in its content model Implement solution f on the ticket. Council agrees to greenlight.
#1766 C examples of selector= attr of <rendition> wrong? Yes, just add the commas. Change to green
#1769 A teidata.pointer equivalent to move/@where EM to post on ticket her suggestion for a method to indicate location instead. Council: After much discussion, resolved: create 1 class for both @where (event, move), to take infinity data.pointer
#1770 B GLs seem wrong about commonness of co-occurrence Subgroup: Let’s scrap the sentence in question. We don’t need it. Greenlight.
#1771 C <desc> as child of model.listLike We suggest other possibilities, such as <note>, but no particular objection to this feature request. If we add this, we should update the definition of <desc> to be more expansive than it currently is. Remove everything after “typically a documentation...” Council: <desc> at the top of a list could be useful in standoff applications. Greenlighted, add at the top of all model.listLike elements. Also rewrite <desc>’s <desc>.
#1772 A Allowing listBibl, listPlace and similar in <particDesc> This will be solved by the standoff proposal and will be closed at that point. Can add this info to ticket. PS will do and close ticket.
#1776 B add <w> to att.lexicographic Subgroup agrees to this, and to add clarification that @norm and @orig are not the same as their element counterparts and have precise linguistics use. Council: Add a warning (for the teitext datatype attributes): The attributes in this class are meant to be lexicographic use not intended to be used for editorial interventions.
#1784 C `bibl` as loose model is not loose enough subgroup agrees to (directly) add <incipit>, <decoNote> and <explicit> to the content model of <bibl>. Mark green
#1787 B Feature Request: `<projectDesc>` content model needs to be richer Subgroup thinks that <encodingDesc> is NOT the place for naming a project and those involved in it. <projectDesc> inside <encodingDesc> is meant to describe encoding methods in the project. The information presented in the ticket belongs in <fileDesc>, which clearly is about describing those involved in the project. Council discussion: <encodingDesc> is not the right place for the info described on this ticket. EM and EBB will come up with some example headers to provide gentle guidance and close the ticket.
#1786 C improve module descriptions Subgroup agrees with proposed changes. Mark green
#1789 B Clarify description of @points in att.coordinated Subgroup thinks this should be greenlighted. Green
#1791 C Dictionary: an entry element in a sense element Make green and add to
#1800 C more on dictionary: The element <usg> inside <def> Ask again for a clear example so that we can better understand the problem (possibly ask for other lexicographers to weigh in)
#1807 C How to make <defaultVal> deletable? Greenlight

Tuesday 07

Morning (09:00–12:00)

Ticket Number Breakout Group Title Notes
#1785 A Content model of rdgGrp Council agrees to allow <lem> followed by a <rdgGrp>. Mark green.
#1788 A location of model.ptrLike elements within biblStruct change wording to say “ref may also be used to refer to the item’s online location” make edits as noted in the ticket The <ptr> element may be used as a child element of <biblStruct> to refer to the online catalog record of this bibliographic item: Green
#1795 A Language of Schematron messages where @role="nonfatal" and @role="warning" ask EBB, SB for very quick confirmation of our understanding. Using Syncro vocab seems good. Change non-fatal error messages  to Warning or Error as needed.
#1798 B <egXML> not allowed in <egXML>? This is working as it should be. P5 itself isn’t valid against tei-all.rng, for the same reason that it’s not working in compiled ODDs. Note that it is valid with P5.nvdl (or P5.valid.nvdl?)
#1803 A make listRef member of att.typed no objection on att.typed for <listRef>, but agree with  James that allowing <ref> as direct child of <listBibl> is preferable to abusing <listRef> Green
#1804 B problems with content model and example of unicodeName Subgroup discussion: This involves dependence on an external unicode schema, we’re in theory okay with this.
#1809 A create a model.sensePart class and change content model of <sense> accordingly makes sense. Greenlight
#1816 C n="added gathering" in XML examples mark green: add underscore
#1823 A teiCorpus: make guidelines and data model consistent mark it “blocked” until we have a final decision on <teiCorpus>
#1832 C Clarifying the definition of <msFrag> in Guidelines related issues: #1835; #1747 Subgroup recommends rephrasing description of <msFrag> as: “msFrag contains information about a fragment described in relation to a prior context, typically as a description of a virtual reconstruction of a manuscript or other object of which fragments are now catalogued separately”
#1833 A New element for grouping notes: `<noteGrp>` Subgroup: Agree with Magda that <listNote> is the right approach here (and would go in <standoff> as well) Discussion with full council: We are going to add a <noteGrp> element as a member of model.noteLike to close this ticket and open another to add <listNote>
#1835 B clarify that msDesc can be used for all text bearing objects including (early) printed books related issue: #1832; #1747; JC: (not in this subgroup) – Yes, wherever we can clarify that <msDesc can be used for early printed books. Other objects we should recommend <object>
#1836 C Content model of <institution>, <repository> and <collection> Greenlight. Add
#1841 C Request for `<desc>` in `<listBibl>` Will be fixed by #1771
#1844 C Remove @type from att.interpLike and use att.typed subgroup recommends: mark green and remove @type from att.interpLike. Instead add <interp>, <interpGrp>, <span> and <spanGrp> to att.typed.
#1850 C Height/Width/Depth: loosen descriptions Greenlight, James is a genius.
#1851 A msContents/msItem should be replaced in tei:object with something non-MS specific James should try to get some community consensus by asking on TEI-L/TEI-MS-SIG
#1854 C Deprecations Appendix is seriously ugly Agree. Make it into a list with sub-items not a table.
#1856 A `<ab>` should be able to nest No, it shouldn’t.
#1829 B PM for list in tei_simplePrint.odd only lets item through solved, including other similar cases where simplePrint too greedily constrained the content to be processed
#311 Encoding RDF relationships in TEI HC: I commented and closed this
    1. keep data.enumerated create new @whereRef (4)
    2. create class for both @where (event, move), 1 to infinity data.pointer (9)
    3. @where data.enumerated or data.pointer (just on move) (2)
    4. same as 2, but rename current @where to @whereStage (teidata.enumerated) (1)
    5. do nothing, own ODD (7)

Afternoon (14:30–17:00)

With Martin Holmes on Skype at 14:30

Wednesday 08

Morning (09:00–12:00)

Issue Group Title Comment
#369 A Improve error handling for faulty moduleRef uri Change to error message. PR looks fine, as yet untested.
#348 B Consider page ranges given as attributes in biblStruct//biblScope Create a ticket for this one. This needs to be restructured to print the content as-is when content exists, and use @from and @to (as the pull requester outlines) in other cases. Possibly also address @from alone? Close pull request since this requires a decent amount of change.
#343 C fix processing of multiple schema specs (in one TEI document) We further fixed the issue to correctly merge *Spec* elements within the selected <schemaSpec>. Jenkins tests passed, we’re ready to merge! RV tested during Council session with <specGrps>, and all is well. Ready to merge.
#336 A adding rendering of ref, gi and att inside desc PR accepted. Needs to be tested
#327 B use ODT 'Author' style to specify author We agree with the original request. Slightly confusing due to GitHub issues (unrelated file changes included in pull request; hard to review) Peter will continue looking at this one.
#301 C Reordered stylesheets and addressed #281 Hugh will have a look at it
#240 A added a section on prerequisites and two links to documentation SB fixed.
#239 B added checks for trang, ant and xetex to `make check` Can’t accept as-is. Need to make xetex a warning, add check for ant, and fix (remove?) jing
#114 C regularise display of attribute values PR from 2015. Seems to be already fixed.
#109 A Fix missing first text node, a [, in certain references. Needs comment to OP that we need test Word document again. The OP posted the needed document immediately, so let’s look at this! F2F Subgroup (RV, MT, EBB) looked at this together and found a better way to handle these refs that doesn't drop the first square bracket and preserves <hi> as expected.
#67 B template makeQuote disable-output-escaping We think it’s convenient enough to just insert the character, rather than using the codepoint. Not enough justification to use @disable-output-escaping. Close, won’t fix.
GL #1748 SS, MS, JC added <fLib> and <fvLib> to <fsdDecl> as per #1726 Merged pull request, leave #1726 open; asked Peter to test it. PS has tested and closed #1726.
GL #1665 SB, HC att.referring for <span> Syd and HC both think @referringMode is problematic, so the pull request can’t be accepted as-is. There’s also a dependency on the new standoff stuff in the examples, so perhaps discussion of this should be rolled into the standoff working group discussions. Needs a proposal, not a pull request. Also discussion in a separate Council call, and fold it into the standoff proposal.

Afternoon (13:00–17:00)