TEI Technical Council Meeting,

Present: James Cummings (JC - Chair), Syd Bauman (SB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Elli Mylonas (EM), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Stefanie Gehrke (SG), Martin Holmes (MH), Paul Schaffner (PFS), Peter Stadler (PWS), Lou Burnard (LB), Fabio Ciotti (FC).

Amber FR: http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilAmberFR

Amber Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilAmberBugs

Green FR: http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilGreenFR

Actions Arising

Please note that this list of actions only includes actions arising from discussions outside of tickets, actions for individual tickets should be recorded on the tickets themselves.


TEI Simple (SR)

Summary - Our work on TEI Simple:

Council asked to agree that changes be made to ODD language made to handle document processing models and also to commit to look after the ODD file, as TEI evolves.

Main new part for the guidelines infrastructure is notation for processing rules. There will also be a set of rules for this customization. Discussion focusses on the need to develop a new meta-language to express processing. Is it necessary, and what support would it require? (SR) This language is likely to be more similar to the declarative nature of schematron than to XSLT. Precisely how it will work and be expressed is not yet determined as that is part of the project, but TEI Council members are involved in it and will report back to Council.

Discussion about what Council is agreeing to maintain, especially in the area of the processing model. JC: Council will be discussing and approving as it is being developed. SR: Council approval is a mark of success for the project.. FC: Comment that this project is implementing a particular representation of the “book” — especially a western european anglo-centric viewpoint. Assuming it will also be widely used, a de facto standard, after it is released. Suggests some more input on whether it will handle other forms of book. Also, was a formal ontology taken into account in formulating the book model? JC: I think that is merely reflected in the nature of the TEI as a whole. FC: And might the project produce a standard set of XQuery functions that could then be customized to aid in discovery/search. JC: I think that is out of scope for this project but would enable people to do so more easily.

Some reactions: HC: it would be nice if the processing model could be extensible, so used by other customizations (Epidoc, e.g). Currently the Epidoc processing model is expressed in the stylesheets. EM: Simple is one of many customizations for different disciplinary or special interest groups. SR: XQuery - good idea, not in scope and hope someone will do this. PFS: This is based on a particular corpus of English early modern books that already exists. Could be expanded to handle other texts. JC: Simple can form the basis for further customization; as part of the DiXiT project one of the first chained ODD customisations to Simple will be to handle scholarly digital editions (e.g. include critapp stuff). MH: most interesting part of this for TEI is the processing model because it opens the possibility of creating a whole project from the ODD. SB: will it be able to create multiple outputs? JC: it would be a failure, in my opinion, if it didn’t. - but project still has to work this out and propose to Council. After discussion, Council unanimously approves.

Council unanimously agrees to maintain and support the TEI Simple output as part of the TEI infrastructure.

Action on SR and JC: Report back to Council on progress of TEI Simple.

Pure ODD (LB)


What is Pure ODD? An attempt to redefine TEI content models using only TEI, without embedding pieces of Relax NG, Schematron and other languages. First presented at DH 2012. SR, LB worked on initial implementation. Needed to balance the constant tension between developing a functional (effective and efficient) way of specifying structure and structural constraints, and developing a general-purpose language wholly independent of current processing languages.

allowText indicates that text fragments can appear within that element that bears it. In XML Schema, because of the non-deterministic parsing model it assumes, there are many restrictions on where text fragments can appear. The use of XML restricts this feature. Discussion: if we are trying to enable the future possibility of getting away from XML as the only language, then this might not be a restriction. SR: actually, we should either forbid it or define what happens when a non-deterministic model occurs. LB: one way to handle it is to only allow allowText on either the sub-element or on

content but not on both. allowText and PCData content models don’t mix.

content mean? A: It can have one of each child, otherwise have to use sequence or alternation. Discussion: consensus seems to be appearing that having a mixed content element called mixedContent is appealing to everyone as well as one called textNode. mixedContent would specialcase traditional non-deterministic mixed content model of (pcdata|x|y)*.

sequence and alternate.

SR: Pure ODD is mostly implemented, except for some of the items discussed above.

TEI DH2014 HackAThon (EM)

EM summarised the TEI HackAThon preparations, participants, and proposed projects. Would-be participants include both non-technical TEI users and programmers; projects range from quite narrow and specific projects to ideas of broader interest. Projects are listed on the wiki (http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/DH2014Hackathon-Projects). Council members are welcome to visit the hackathon page on the wiki and comment there.

EM reminds us that the hack-a-thon results are not directly related to the prize for TEI development being offered by the Board. SG suggests a link to the projects page from the main page; EM agrees and will implement. EM: DONE.

TEI Correspondence Module (PWS)

The proposal is available via Github, see https://github.com/TEI-Correspondence-SIG/correspDesc/blob/master/proposal.xml.

In addition to developing a customization for correspondence, the group is also developing an interchange format, by including a linked data representation in the correspDesc element - which is a wrapper for a short version of the salient features of a piece of correspondence. There is a sample implementation that allows cross repository searching.

Discussion around issue of the formulation of correspDesc as both a descriptive element that allows textual description and as a highly structured element that enables the interchange format and the sub-customization that generates the interchange format.

SB suggests that Council be given a date by which to comment more thoroughly on the proposal (wiki page, github). PWS would like comments of any kind.

Action: All of Council: read this proposal by Aug. 1 and send comments to Council list, Discussion ensues on Council list for 1 month, PWS will synthesize back to the corresp group after that.

Amber BUGS

Ticket Number Description Notes/Resolution
675 org should allow model.global Group A. Obviously correct. Do.
674 Example for sequence element does not contain sequence element Group A. Already done. Close
673 Wrong datatype for sequence/​ preserveOrder Group A. Already done. Close
671 Schematron mis-tests whitespace for separator ( targert, from, to) Group B make it green, make it happen
670 Attribute definitions are slightly inconsistent Group B make it green, James should have already done it (JC: Agreed.)
667 Consistent case in Guidelines headings Group B we agree that heading should be consistent. Recommend a Council Vote TEI Journal recommends title case for bibliographic citation and seems to use title case for section headings. We recommend going along with TEI journal. Also probably fewer to fix.
661 outdated schematron constraint 'msId_minimal'?! Group C — Not decided Note — this is related to the FR on msPart Undecided — Council close this one and merge with the FR Council reopens discussion with the FR further down.
658 listRelation can't occur in listRelation Group C — agreed
655 examples of org, person, and place should have xml:id Group C — agreed
654 bad date attrs in education example Group A. stet. It's a possible example. Council decides SB will add an additional example.
647 data.enumerated != valItem/​ ident Group A. try changing to data.name and seeing what breaks. ACTION ON SR: test
636 extraction of Schematron code from within classSpec Group A. should be raised as a Github issue on Stylesheets. not a TEI bug. ACTION ON SR: move issue. Done.
634 "TEI-conformable" is meaningless Group B recommend we drop it and replace with nothing. Needs significant editing. Council agrees.
633 source in att.editLike is overly constrained Group B Make it green and implement (change comment only to recommend other sources). Comment might indicate that witness and msDesc are appropriate for textual apparatus, and the other targets are also options. Council agrees.
632 sloppy language in specs for att.datable.w3c and att.datable.iso Group B green and implement. SB? Council agrees. Action on SB to go through chapter/specs and normalize references.
630 use of listRef in specs Group C — Go Green. LB to do. (Council agrees)
629 dollar sign escaping in canonical references Group C — Recommend to Council $$; Council agrees.
627 Encoding example from Drama chapter uses corresp instead of synch Group C — Example needs to be updated to use spGrp; Council agrees.
626 Top bar menus don't work in Chrome from Guidelines TOC page Group A. Probably resolved by using new UDM Javascript last week. Council Agrees. SR to test. Done. Ticket closed.
621 expand example in att.lexicographic is incorrect. Group A. True. but we don’t know what a good example would be. Do we even still need expand? It looks like the dictionaries module violates the "no content in attributes" principle all over the place. Ripe for a re-write? PFS to implement suggestions he documented on ticket.
620 which part of TEI Guidelines takes precedence Group A. Close the ticket politely. Council Agrees.
616 cit and quote not allowed within summary change to macro.specialPara; Council Agrees.
610 "lem" used in a confusing way in CriticalApparatus.xml Group B Amber… HC to explore and report back
581 ` attRef` needs better documentation Group B [not fully discussed]
563 inconsistent encoding of citations to sources of examples Group C; Council agrees, PFS/EM to complete ticket.
548 use of modal verbs in Guidelines Group C [not fully discussed]
468 Order of elements in publicationStmt Group C; SB to complete ticket.
460 list/​ type="unordered" is not recommended, but used often Council decides this is release blocking. MH and SB to carry it out. All of Council to read the wiki page and feedback to M & S within a week.
234 use of n on divs closed-fixed
231 how to handle forme work closed
228 when and where to capture line breaks open-postponed.
216 half title pages in TEI Tite open-postponed


Autumn Face-to-Face meeting (HC)

Currently scheduled for Nov 5-7 (Wed-Fri). Moved to 17-19 November. TEI MM October 22-24.

East Coasters will try to arrange some invited talks.

Action: HC to report back on preparations for face-to-face in next few weeks

Text directionality additions: final reading and approval (MH)

Most of the Council has read the latest version of the text directionality document. MH asks if there are no comments/objections, otherwise it will be in the next release.

Council accepts the text directionality section of the guidelines. A big thank you to MH and LB, who got a lot of input from the text directionality working group: Marcus Bingenheimer, Stella Dee and Deborah Anderson, as well as Richard Ishida from the W3C.

Update on TBX ODD (LB)

Terminological Databases. http://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/482/ Originally the Guidelines were intended to have a section on semasiological and one on onomasiological dictionaries. This wasn’t quite done, and the rump was therefore removed in P5. The TBX ODD (see trunk/Incubator/TBX/TEI-TBX.odd) is Laurent Romary’s initiative towards replacing the terminological component, being developed with a terminological working group. It’s ongoing work, the group meets regularly and the ODD keeps developing. When complete, it should be in good shape and ready for inclusion. Question is where it belongs in the Guidelines - section of dictionary chapter? new chapter? module?

Here’s a background article http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00950862.

Laurent welcomes comments or feedback, best to put it into the ticket. Council tasked with reading this before the next F2F. MH says it should be discussed in relation to Taxonomy and Feature Structures.

Action: on all Council: Read http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00950862http://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/482/ add comments to ticket before face2face

Update on ISO Speech transcription proposal (http://bit.ly/1jyZC37) (LB)

WG headed up by Thomas Schmidt. Objective is to define an ODD for applying the script transcription model to being an interchange format between the commonly used speech transcription systems (done in software). Transcription is hard, tends to be done using specialized tools which tend to differ in theoretical premises (as to what exactly should be captured), etc. The field therefore tends to fall into isolated camps based on proprietary tools and the standards they employ.

Schmidt published article in TEI journal describing how competing systems of speech transcription have a lot of overlap, and identifying commonalities between the various transcription systems and showing how TEI, slightly modified, can provide an interchange format.

Need a few new features/extensions - for example to indicate some event or change in the flow of speech, or a container for a speech chunk and its annotation.

Council urged to read the document and provide feedback to the group or to LB who works with the group. MH: try to get buy-in from SIL. LB will do so, with MH’s help. PWS: is there overlap with the standoff group? Yes, in terms of work/interests, not people. JC: time estimate for when this will be a concrete proposal for Council to consider? LB: it’s sufficiently complete to start absorbing. We could discuss it at the next F2F, get Thomas to present it. In scale, amounts to a large-scale feature request: a customization destined to be folded into P5 in its entirety. As the product of an ISO group, it is well on its way to becoming an official ISO standard and document, which would make it, like the TEI feature structures chapter, effectively part of a joint ISO-TEI standard, and therefore more difficult to change, except in tandem with ISO.

Action: on all Council: Read ISO Speech transcription proposal (http://bit.ly/1jyZC37) before next F2F meeting

Global Applicability of att.responsibility (MH)

related tickets:




MH argues that almost all elements occasionally need a resp, which would be available if it were in att.global. There has been a ticket about this for several years now, and the case gets stronger each time it comes up on TEI-L. One reason against is that that there is too much random stuff in att.global, so it shouldn’t be added. JC wants to discourage Council from adding things to att.global in order to keep the guidelines stable and not put anything into global which isn’t truly needed there. (If he had his way we’d be removing some of the things from att.global.) This was discussed in the Nov. 2013 Council meeting, and voted down because resp can mean different things when used with different elements, so it would not be clearly defined. JC: same discussion as with type... under what situations would we add it (or anything else) to att.global. Not everyone agrees with that.

resp is used to document the responsibility for the markup

resp is used to document the responsibility for the content

resp is used to document the responsibility for both markup and content

resp is used for tracking responsibility inside an institution

MH would like resp to apply globally so that it can be the basis of a system for expressing credit in TEI/encoding projects. LB agrees that it’s useful in that particular case, but that it’s not a strong enough case to add resp to att.global. SR: att.global contains attributes that are generally applicable, but not necessarily used by everyone at all times.

The confusion that is already present in the definition of resp could be clarified in the Guidelines, which would go a long way to explaining how it could be used and when it isn’t powerful enough to handle some cases. Suggestion is also that it not be in basic att.global, but in a module, so users who only want the most basic TEI wouldn’t see it.

LB: Motion: need to think through where resp is made available. as well as its relationship with source and cert.

MH: suggests forming a workgroup to look at all 3 attributes, think through how they apply in different circumstances, not break backwards compatibility, and how they might be more clearly defined (see also FR http://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/465). Some discussion of using resp to point to respStmt elements, as a way of avoiding the ambiguity with regard to what it means. MH, LB, HC come up with a position paper, Council can then decide who will be on the subgroup to write up a recommendation.

Action: MH/LB/HC to write a position paper on global applicability of resp before next F2F meeting.

Amber Feature Requests

Number Description Notes
513 ` resp` should be a member of att.datable Group A: group recommends accepting and adding examples of the multiple ways of doing it. Council agrees: Assign to SB, make green
512 Make new obligatory attribute of shift Group A: We think we should not make this mandatory, owing to backwards compatibility of document instances, but that we should strongly recommend (and use in all our examples) a new=unmarked (or new=normal or whatever makes sense). But we will reconsider when the transcription of speech proposal is fully made. Council agrees: Green. Add a schematron constraint to work as a validUntil to remove the optionality of new and make it mandatory.
511 New element transcriptionDesc as a possible child of encodingDesc Group A: We worry about confusion with non-speech transcription; But we believe that T. Schmidt’s situation would likely be well handled by a new child of editorialDecl, perhaps convention or some such. We’d like to ask Schmidt what he needs and if this would solve his case, but given that we are expecting a significant transcription of speech proposal from Schmidt, we’ll wait to see. Council: Wait for final draft of proposal.
510 add a correspondence module and elements for capturing correspondence specific meta data Group B: discussed briefly but felt that not ready for decision yet; Council agrees to feed back suggests as and when asked.
509 cert not allowed for rs Group B: agree with this, to be implemented, even though it will be affected by longer-term discussion over resp Council agrees: Green; rs should have same attributes as name.
507 create generic policy for the TEI on integration of external standards Group B: felt that the draft guidelines are not ready yet, think it should stay with SB to edit more and explain. Council: Agrees, SB/LB to edit, explain, and propose to Council.
506 pubPlace for the TEI Guidelines as a document Group C: yes, http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/TitlePageRecto.html change - to Arlington MA? or elsewhere?. While we’re at it, change “edited by Lou Burnard and Syd Bauman” as well? To the Council as a corporate author? Or are Lou and Syd still the authors of P5 as such? Council: Green, assigned to LB. (editors already changed) cf http://bits.nsms.ox.ac.uk:8080/jenkins/job/TEIP5/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/TitlePageRecto.html for current state of source
505 Redefine msPart Group C: Yes, redefining msPart in order to handle a single ms that has been torn asunder is probably the easiest strategy with fewest adverse consequences. Easiest just to change definition of msPart as noted in the FR. If we do that, we might also want to make some elements of the parent msDesc optional, so as not to force people to name the hitherto nameless quasi-abstract object. Alternative strategies are possible, eg adding another element that actually means the re-composed object in order to wrap multiple msDescs which each describes a part; or a linking element that associates multiple parts with a virtual whole; or even allowing msDesc itself to nest instead of repurposing mspart. In any case the Guidelines http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/MS.html#msid needed to be corrected for the “scattered” part. The definition needs to change to not require originall distinct or composite. If no msPart with msIdentifier: msIdentifier required. Council has not decided and will investigate this further (PWS/SG) and survey the community. Action: on PWS/SG to investigate FR505, survey community, and report back to Council.
504 Replace active and passive on relation with from and to Group C: TLDR; Council: to discuss later (see below).
503 remedy the prose-structure-antagonism within the content model of person Group A: We still suggest following the “hack” suggested on the wiki page (use note) for now. This will be reconsidered when rationalising person/place/org/event/object ; Council: won’t fix this but may reassess when rationalising named entity elements.
501 Add notion of model.resourceLike to description of teiHeader Group A: Definition of ‘TEI’ needs to change, then ticket can be closed. Council:PWS to summarise changes needed to Council list.
500 Allow note within sourceDesc Group A: The ticket does not make a convincing (semantic) case for the need for a change here, so we propose closing the ticket without action. An alternative proposal for handling born-digital documents specifically might be raised (e.g. making sourceDesc optional, with the express implication that if you omit it, you are declaring that your document is born-digital). Council: Agrees.
499 change semantics of except and include on moduleRef Group B: rejected. stick to what the guideline says, which is except and include only apply to elements. ACTION ON SR to make sure that this is what is actually implemented in odd2odd, i.e. remove hacks. Council: agrees; closed-wontfix
498 Permit new persona as a child of person Group B: agreed to ask proposer to submit a spec for persona. Broad agreement that its a good idea. Council: Mostly agrees, give us an elementSpec to consider.
497 Change role to allow one or more values Group B: this looks a corrigible error. make it Green and implement Council: agrees.
496 ` taxonomy` should be allowed as a child of ` category` Group C: Clarification? the example seems to be mixing two different axes of information. Shouldn’t these be two different taxonomies (objection: this loses hierarchy; but present example and use case is not really hierarchical in any case). Could this be a special category that doesn’t inherit? Discussion of concept of including non-inheriting categories inside a taxonomy. MH will produce his actual use case or a trimmed-down version of same, rather than the present made-up example which is not persuasive. Council: agrees to reexamine when MH elaborates.
495 Allow listRelation in biblStruct Group C: the argument could be made for consistency reasons BUT the inclusion of listRelation to modeel.biblPart seems like a bug whereas listRelation should be allowed in listBibl (since listRelation is allowed in several other list*). Additionally, there are at least two other existing possibilities to link bibls: relatedItem (either used to point to or to contain the biblStruct of the realted item), or link. Council: doesn’t think it should be in biblStruct. closed-wontfix; But is happy to add listRelation to listBibl. SB to implement.
492 Allow bibl inside app Group A and C: See discussion of FR491 below.
491 Allow ref inside app Group A and C: This represents an attempt to use the TEI apparatus system to capture all the literals of a printed apparatus, essentially duplicating the functionality of app by using ref within app to capture the literal reference to the edited text. This is a bit troubling. Partly in general, because this seems an unsatisfactory halfway house (one should either use app to recast the apparatus, or capture the existing apparatus as list within note or sim.); partly for slim-end-of-the-wedge reasons: how, for example, would the introduction of ref allow the tagging of a reference to a line span? (as app does using from and to)? Would we then be asked to add from and to to ref? And finally, for logistical reasons: how exactly would one introduce ref and bibl (see FR492) using the existing content models? (See below.) On the other hand, perhaps we have already conceded this one by allowing wit and other general elements (model.global). One approach to acceding to this request would be to create model.appPart, add wit, ref, model.rdgLike, rdgGrp, and bibl (and model.pPart.transcriptional?!) to it, and simplify the content model of app based on this. Council: Reached no clear consensus on this. JC to report back to Council. But see discussion below on 492.
490 un-bundle cert and resp (Discussed separately as part of resp discussion)
489 Make teiHeader/ type explicitly map to dc:type by using terms from DCMI Group A: ok, at least as a suggestion option. Council agrees.
488 Add points to att.coordinated Group B: agreed, this looks like a corrigible error. Implement it. MH will raise separate ticket to point out that surfaceGrp should be stripped of its data-holding attribute classes. Council: Agrees.
486 deprecating members of a content model Group B: will be done using Schematron Council: Agrees.
482 The term strikes back - terminology chapter Discussed Separately
443 resp should be a member of att.global Discussed Separately
666 video html to tei Council agrees there is a problem. Use case: You have a .mp4 and a .mov and a .avi and a .png and a .jpg. Show the mp4 if possible, or other video, then fallback to the images, png preferred. Council wonders whether it should invent a new grouping element. SR to make a more concrete proposal to Council.


TEI Standoff and Linked Data representations

HC started off by explaining the background of the following ticket:

504 Replace active and passive on relation with from and to Group C: TLDR; Council: to discuss later.

Council discussed the difference between making things easier for RDF-users and renaming these attributes. LB suggests that the ticket be re-framed in the form of a proposal to re-purpose graph and arc for this purpose, since they’re already closer to the proposed purpose and have from and to; there would just need to be either a new attribute or a method of using one of the existing ones ( ana?) to characterize the relation. SB suggested simply embedding RDF XML in your TEI. HC objects that RDF XML is a terrible format, and that embedding elements from another namespace is not ideal. JC tasks LB & HC & SR to write a brief report examining:

Action: LB/HC/SR: write brief report before next f2f on FR504 examining options including 1) using relation; 2) embedding <rdf:RDF>; 3) co-opting arc; 4) using another existing mechanism; 5) creating a new mechanism altogether

FR492 (bibl in app). HC and JC argued it was a corrigible bug.

Discussion centred on allowing a looser content model of app vs retaining it as the structured element it was intended as. MH suggests rationalising content model of app to make inclusion of new elements here easier as needed. FC wants to preserve the distinction between new digital apparatus and transcription of print critical apparatus. (HC notes a task force from MS SIG was meant to be investigating this, but has not made any progress.) FC would accept this request but purely as a starting point to rethinking the apparatus. HC suggests putting the ref in the lem, but

bibl should be add. JC tasks HC, JC, MH and other interested parties to discuss on the ticket (492) to sort out appPart.

LB notes “Global is as Global does”.

HC to poke the MS SIG working group on Crit App and get them to comment on these relevant tickets.

Action: on HC/JC/MH (and other interested parties): discuss appPart on ticket FR492

Action: on HC to encourage MS SIG to comment on this (FR492) and other relevant tickets.

TEI Release

This is intended to be after the 7th of August. EM and SB to jointly be release managers. JC notes he is willing to send out the release notice on his holiday but will be otherwise out of contact.

SB to suggest a date within 1 week.

May have to push to early Sep.

Action: on SB to nail down date of release in next couple of weeks

Guidelines Translation

MH on Guidelines translation (with help from FC): Italian and German teams are not making much progress. Is there anything we can do?

MH summarised the problem of getting volunteers to provide translations. FC suggested possible sources of getting the funding to do this. FC expects to talk to DARIAH folks at a meeting soon, and will try to find some funding. JC offers to ask Board for money if we have a concrete proposal. SR notes that we did this before, and finding money for a one-off solution is what got us into this position. MH: Council should do this (maintenance of existing translations) now since it has foreign language speakers. EM suggests that the reference pages should indicate when a description is out of date (potentially linking to english version, and form to submit new translation).



FC thinks management of it will be fine. (And volunteers to still do Italian translations even when off Council.) PWS: wants to crowdsource with an app. EM: Who will proofread? FC: Must have an editor. PWS: A web based editor will help attract people to do this.

Council reached no clear consensus on what to do about maintenance or expansion of translations because of the problems involved in doing so. This will be raised again.

James to ask the Board:

MH wishes to relinquish the ticket to someone more qualified to engage directly with one of the target languages.

Action: on JC: Ask TEI Board: Should we continue to support so many languages? Should we prioritize translation into other “less obvious” languages eg Arabic, Hindi, Hebrew? How can the Board best support the community of translators?

TEI Future Developments & Bluesky thinking

Council Meetings

Are F2F meetings the best use of money every time? Generally accepted by Council that F2F is indeed significantly beneficial for various reasons. Partly it makes discussion easier, partly it forces us to get work done, partly it encourages knowledge exchange of technical aspects of Council duties? EM suggested attempting to use video conferencing technology again for teleconferences. Generally agreed that we could try this again (But that many people have problems in doing so.)

Council departures

How do we ensure continuity of maintenance of our outputs, given the inevitability of Council departures? Specifically: how best to cope with things such as SR’s upcoming departure from Council (e.g. maintenance of stylesheets; Roma; OxGarage; and thorough knowledge of occult magic in ODD processing).

JC: Should we be training people up in maintenance of the Stylesheets? MH: Yes. Should we be prepared to abandon support of stylesheets that TEI never formally undertook to develop to begin with? E.g. docx, doc, epub? Or are they so inextricably tied to TEI that we must maintain them?

SR: not a unique problem: every software project requires that one acquaint oneself with someone else’s code. JC: But the Stylesheets model Sebastian’s understanding and even experienced XSLT programmers find some aspects difficult. More documentation needed! Currently scattered and incomplete; needs to be put in a form that is genuinely useful to as many people as possible. SR: Perhaps Magdalena (JC’s DiXiT Fellow) could contribute.

MH suggests: Ahead of the next Council meeting, MH, JC, HC?, and SB should be tasked each with creating a 20 minute presentation on some aspect of the stylesheets or processing, which will be presented to the group with Sebastian as respondent (at his final Council meeting). This should go some way towards generating and propagating more expertise in bugfixing and development of the stylesheets codebase. These will be of permanent value if (and probably only if) the presentations themselves can serve as pieces of documentation that interlock into a working paper such as MH’s paper on Jenkins. EM: in order to spread the knowledge, assign stylesheet issues on github to someone other than SR, to Council members who have enough XSLT to have a chance at success, but enough ignorance of the stylesheets to benefit from the experience.

Action: on MH/JC/SB/HC: Discuss with each other and each create a 20 minute presentation for the next F2F on some aspects of stylesheets or other arcane TEI processing that may be difficult for others to understand.

Council summarises some of the software it has some responsibility for:

Remaining Tickets

Remaining Amber FR

490 un-bundle cert and resp (Discussed separately?) Council: delegated to global applicability of resp taskforce.
489 Make teiHeader/​ type explicitly map to dc:type by using terms from DCMI Group A: ok, at least as a suggestion option. Council: Initially agrees as suggested values, but then worries about whether type of teiHeader is accurately being classified. PFS to implement.
485 add element rs as member of model.linePart Group B: N, reject; closed-wontfix. Council: agrees.
484 ` availability` should be a member of model.biblPart Group C: seems sensible. Go green.; Council: Agree, add to monogr/series/analytic as well.
483 change datatype of medium to "1–∞ occurrences of data.name separated by whitespace" Group A: Agrees. Council agrees it should be one to infinity but not data.word, still data.enumerated.
482 The term strikes back - terminology chapter Discussed Separately
480 Adding the hand attribute to all (or most) text-containing elements Council does not think hand should be global; LB to see if tighter FR possible.
479 Adding the place attribute to head and seg >Requestor needs to provide more examples, otherwise SR to close.
470 att.measurement and att.dimensions overlap Council agrees. MH to implement.
459 warn user of dropped constructs Group B: Yes, we need to make schematron rules, but have a way to do that now. Close this ticket. Council: Agree, SB to implement Schematron
457 make explicit difference between tagUsage and ODD documentation Group B: We believe the answers to Kevin’s 4 questions are clear. LB to summarise. Council: Current usage: 1) Yes..if you need more, do it in your ODD. 2) Yes, if you use tagUsage you must do it for all elements as it says in the prose of the guidelines. 3) No. It is to put in notes if you want. 4) It is about specific usage in a particular document. Council discussed whether to change tagUsage requiring one for each element in the text — separate FR. Close ticket.
453 a place for metadata that you can't fit into existing header elements Group B: closed-reject — but we should produce more crosswalk use cases / demonstrations. Council: SB/FC think we should have this and use NVDL to validate it. Much discussion. FC wants a task force to reexamine our relationship with other metadata cases/demonstrations. Council: FC to make a proposal. Close ticket in meantime.
422 teitoX: support passing configuration to saxon Council: Stylesheets issue, move to github; close ticket.
393 availability Council: LB seems to have completed ticket; close.
387 allow head in more places in div*, table, and list Council: PFS to investigate
384 free-standing attributes -> class Council: PFS to follow up.
378 Encoding of Standoff annotations Council should comment.
360 New attribute keepHyphen Group B: PFS maybe find an example, add to guidelines, close ticket. Council: Close ticket.
342 New section on encoding text directionality Group B:Done. Council: Done.
326 an object element Group B: We’re waiting for a proposal. Council: keep ticket open.

Red Bugs for review

# Summary Description / Actions /Descions
666 video html to tei
515 Bad example of feature/​ fVal Council: Close ticket.
440 mssing error if an object with the same identifier exists Council: agrees to close.
292 GLs say add 'ns' decl, but roma objects Council: Tasks SB to check if still a problem, if not close ticket.

Red FR for Review

Showing 8 results of 8

# Summary▾ Description/decision/actions
502 Stored TEI tag after convert Council: Close adding an issue in GitHub
464 Need for some way to test the oxygen-tei package before release Council: close in despair… only able to test manually.
366 rationalize content models of org and place (etc) Council: waiting on JC
324 Allow certainty etc. inside milestoneLike elements Council: Action on Council to read and comment by 1 October.
300 Move witStart et al. to model.milestoneLike Council: discussed in depth; these belong in rdgPart; other techniques should be used for outside app. close-wontfix
292 add SourceForge feeds to http:/​/​www.tei-c.org/​Activities/​ Council: close, pending new CMS
289 att.canonical for model.persTraitLike Council: Waiting on JC.
160 Alignment and documentation of sound files Council: close.


JC thanked Council for coming to Oxford and working so hard on all the tickets and additional discussions. He noted minutes might take a while to arrive since DH2014 and DHOxSS are imminent and so apologises for that in advance.

Some weirdos then proposed a vote of thanks to the chair, who got all embarrassed and suggested they go to supper.