TEI Technical Council Meeting, 11-13 April 2013
Brett Barney ( BB)
Syd Bauman ( SB)
Gabriel Bodard ( GB)
Lou Burnard ( LB)
Hugh Cayless ( HC)
James Cummings ( JC)
Kevin Hawkins ( KH)
Martin Holmes ( MH)
Elli Mylonas ( EM)
Sebastian Rahtz ( SR)
Paul Schaffner ( PS)
Rebecca Welzenbach ( RW)
and by skype on Friday morning: Elena Pierazzo ( EP)
JC:Initial agenda was posted at at http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Council_agenda_2013-04 but of course the meeting diverged from that.
Thursday 11 April 2013
08:30 – 09:00: Refreshments
Delicious snacks provided by EM at library.
TEI Council members socialised and discussed agenda and TEI activities generally.
09:00 – 10:00: Opening Discussion
Called to order @ 09:01. JC thanks everyone for coming.
JC: Agenda alternates between discussions and ticket breakout groups.
JC: Discussion of how ticket discussion and feedback will work for new members.
LB: In the new system, all tickets get a default classification of Amber. Some, however, get no classification. Some of the Ambers right now were not assigned that setting; they got it automatically. We should be alert to the fact that the Amber label may not mean that anyone has looked at it.
JC: Any comments on how we should proceed?
KH: If we're reviewing previous actions through the wiki page, and updating it, we need to make sure only one person is editing the wiki table at the same time. I volunteer to do that.
JC: At some point we will specify a release date, and an implementation date by the time of which we should have all tickets assigned to us completed.
JC: "Code Bounty" = some funds we have to perhaps spend on community-based code development that benefits the work of Council
JC: Anything else missing from the agenda?
SR: Will there be another meeting this year?
JC: We have budgeted for one and that has been approved by the Board.
SR: We should decide when and where, in that case.
JC: We'll discuss that later.
Review of any outstanding issues from previous action lists:
KH: Re Google: An engineer at Google has been working on TEI output of public domain books. There is a group of people led by Peter Gorman at Wisconsin pushing this forward. We have looked at some sample files, and provided feedback and tips on the output, conformance with Best Practices etc. The engineer has now disappeared, and things appeared stalled, but PG has recently restarted the process; the engineer (Ranjith) re-appeared; and KH and others have been invited to join the Google quality group, so we should be able to push this forward without there being any official Council involvement. At one point, it seemed that the code was basically ready and Ranjith needed to get corporate buy-in to get it into the Google output pipeline, but since then things have moved slowly.
JC: One of the previous concerns was related to quality of Google output; It looked as good as one could expect from OCR'ed text.
LB: This action has been treading water for some time. I suggest we create a wiki page in which people recount their experiences in converting Google-sourced texts into TEI.
PS: Has anyone actually done that?
SR: We can't get access to their code, so we can't test it ourselves.
KH: They also use structural information accessible to them but not in their public documents.
We need to demonstrate our own interest in this to keep it moving forward.
MH: Does our own work converting Google OCR to TEI have anything to do with Ranjith's project to produce it automatically?
LB: The wiki page would be about people's own experience doing this.
EM: We should put out a call to TEI-L to see who has done this, and how successful it has been.
PS: What are the existing Google Books outputs?
KH: ePub, PDF.
JC: If you ask nicely, they may give you OCR text.
JC: So: We've removed this action from Council, and we'll just keep a watching brief, and receive reports from KH and others on the working group when they're available.
KH: I don't want to cut Council out, and I want to keep pointing back to the work we did but I will note that the action to review samples and provide feedback. Anyone still interested should look at the email and examples and provide feedback if you can. Those samples should still be current.
Action on KH: to email Council to solicit volunteers for TEI Google work, and provide a link to the samples again.
Action on LB: to liaise with Mr Schmidt re audio and video ODD.
KH and Best Practices for Libraries — work ongoing.
Schematron constraint on contents of <app>: ticket still open. Original agreed action reversed; ticket is with GB, and only outstanding action is to add examples.
Action on GB: to add examples of schematron constrains on contents of <app> as the (Green) ticket says.
LB: Re Attributes without examples: I spent a month looking at French translations, and it became apparent that in the English there are huge inconsistencies in how attributes are described and exemplified. We should standardize this before following KH's suggestion to ask TEI-L readers to submit examples. The table is overly alarming because many attributes don't really need examples.
SB: We should break the table up and divide it amongst ourselves; then we should use a new column to assign priority to those which really need examples.
Action on RW and BB: to categorize the table of attributes without examples by adding a column with priorities of high, medium and low.
EM: What we need to establish is what we mean by "important". If reading a reference page as a newcomer does not give you enough information to be able to use the attribute, it needs an example.
Discussion of div.liminal stuff — LB had written spec for "flashy" website to solicit community input, which MH had said he could not implement (w/o funds) because of the authentication framework. LB/s should have come back w/ simpler suggestion; MH suggests Code Bounty to implement as written.
SB asks for background on the ticket and the proposed application, and LB explains it.
LB: The number of people likely to want to contribute to this is a handful, so we probably don't need the authentication framework. We could have a couple of Council members volunteer to field these items, and then insert them into the database.
SB: How many examples are there?
PS: There are a few dozen.
JC: How about setting it up so that you have to email someone to get an account?
SB: If you put this call out on TEI-L, you could have dozens of people volunteering.
JC volunteers to be the person who creates/administrates the account for individual users in order to get some progress on this issue.
GB: Could we leave it open for anyone to edit?
MH: Too many security issues.
JC: So let's build the application.
Action on LB/PS/KH/MH (Div.liminal working group): to build the survey application for community markup method.
JC: Re Allow certainty in milestone elements: This ticket is red and requires more discussion.
KH: Should we put this in a breakout group discussion?
JC: Yes, if there's time at the end.
JC: Specification for a Roma rewrite: I started on the spec, but haven't finished it yet, so that's ongoing.
KH: Liaising with the Physical Bibliography workgroup: they never finished doing their work, and I tried to get a group going that was interested in this. Lots of people were interested but no-one has really stepped up, so we should probably form a workgroup to deal with this.
SB: The thing the original group got hung up on was: are we encoding the collation formula as it exists in the world, or are you encoding the information that collation formula contains? Are you encoding the catalogue formula itself, or the info from it? EpiDoc has managed to handle this, so we might be able to learn from that.
KH: I can't take the lead on this, because I lack the domain expertise. I think if there were other Council members able and willing to lead the interested people, we would make more progress.
EM: If despite our leadership the people concerned don't produce anything, would we not care?
JC: For instance, if we were able to add elements or attributes that make msDesc look more friendly to encoding early printed books, that would help. (e.g. typeDesc)
LB: Marjorie Burghart's work on cheatsheets would be useful here.
LB: I know a Portuguese person working in France who do this work regularly.
EM: The way physical bibliography is done differs from country to country.
KH: Perhaps we could ask LB's friend to produce cheatsheets.
LB: Actually I know two specialists in bibliography we could ask. They are both French speakers and their work would have to translated.
Action on EM and SB: to take over from KH and get something from the phys bibl group, and/or encourage the generation of cheatsheets for encoding physical bibliography to go on the wiki. [— addendum, 2013-04-14 by Syd: I believe this action was on EM and SB (or perhaps EM, LB, SB); in any case, I have already spoken to Richard Noble who is not only on board but eager. —]
PS: Annotated examples are a good way to proceed. It's easier to ask for "an explained example of what you're doing".
KH: I'll get in touch with the old members of the group and have them look at the wiki pages when they're available.
Action on SB: send KH details about TEI-PB list [done 2013-04-21]
JC: Standoff markup container: we agreed on the idea at Oxford, but there is a need for a working group to decide on some aspects including the element name.
SB: There are other things we want to include a place for which are not strictly standoff — linked data block — should this be more generic?
Action on JC and SB: to encourage Piotr to get some people into a room in Rome to discuss this. SB will attend to push the more generic viewpoint.
Several tickets relate to the placement of idnos inside biblio records, especially in the TEI Guidelines bibliography itself. We'll double-check those later.
RW: New element called punctuation: this is ready to go, and straightforward, but I just need help creating the elementSpec itself.
RW: XML whitespace issue: I've brought the Guidelines into conformance with our understanding of the rules, but J McCaskey is still not happy with the results. Ticket is closed, though.
SR: That relates to our handling of whitespace in the Guidelines output.
10:00 – 11:30 Amber Feature Requests
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/446/ @schemeVersion should be added to specify the version of a style scheme. We agree with the ticket and MH will implement. SB holds that there is an argument in principle for concatenating the two pieces of information, but it's not strong, and doesn't overcome the convenience of having two. Datatype could be taken from application/@version, or LB's new data.versionNum (see below).
Action on MH: to implement https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/446/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/447/ model.gLike should be added as member of model.linePart We agree with the ticket and have implemented. The actual problem is caused by the erroneous use of "text" instead of macro.xText in the content model for line, which we have fixed. Ticket closed.
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/402/ A note about white space in <persName> et al. The ticket as it stands makes no sense, because 3.2.1 has no connection with whitespace; however it is possible that JM meant that the note should be added to the <persName> spec. We should check with him, and if so, it should be sufficient to add a link to the discussion of @xml:space in ST.html#STGA, where <persName> is used as an example. If JM really meant 3.2.1; if so, we will reject.
Action on MH: to contact JM and resolve the ticket https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/402/ one way or the other.
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/449/ am and ex should claim membership of att.typed
Recommendation: We believe there are use cases for having @type on <am> but are as yet unconvinced that there are types of <ex> that are not handled by other attributes. We recommend adding att.typed to <am> but leaving it off of <ex> for now pending a compelling use case. KH suggested the possible options of expanding to modern or contemporary spelling, no-one has asked for it yet, so there is no use-case.
Action on JC: to implement https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/449/ add <am> to att.typed.
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/438/ Have fileDesc claim membership of att.docStatus
Recommendation: We are unconvinced that this would be useful to anyone.
Action on JC: to close ticket https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/438/ as won't-fix.
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/421/ Guidelines front pages are confusing
Recommendation: We agree that this needs to be done, and suggest option ‘b' of merging the intro page and the table-of-contents. Serge's comments on rewording and LB's comments on having the languages at the top.
Action on MH: to implement a draft of a new combined TOC and allow Council to comment https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/421/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/448/ Improve discussion of <substJoin> element
We agree with the ticket.
Action on RW: to add proposed wording on <substJoin> to guidelines (and look for photograph of MS). https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/448/ (update to text is already done; remains to be seen whether the image can be found)
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/443/ @resp should be a member of att.global
LB: still objects to idea of resp being global: this is the job of a version control system
GB: Can we discuss this and the new ticket on @source together?
GB now realizes that all(?) circumstances in which @resp might be used should be using @source.
LB: My principled reason for resisting expanding the global class is that it's already very large, and puzzling, and we need to be very careful before extending that class. Also, there is a thin-end-of-the-wedge argument; and finally, there is the argument that tracking responsibility is better handled by a version-control system.
SB: Would <respons> not be appropriate instead?
EM: <respons> is for the markup of the element.
KH: If <respons> should have this wider sense, then we should rewrite it.
EM: The example also has the word "value" in it; the intent is clearly responsibility for markup, not for the information contained in it.
KH: OK, so we should first decide whether we want <respons> to have this broader use.
LB: The guidelines text supports the broader interpretation for <respons>.
GB: We need to make this explicit, not only in the chapter but also in the element specification.
EM: This element seems to me to require editing. Everywhere there are terms that focus people on the markup.
Action on MH: to come up with a very concrete set of use cases for groups of elements and make very specific arguments for their needing @resp.https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/443/
Action on SB: to improve the elementSpec desc and add one or more examples. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/443/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/440/ Attribute datatypes should be defined indirectly
- all agreed that LB should implement, with no implications on users. Action on LB: to add new layer of abstraction for TEI datatypes. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/440/
D) [KH EM HC] More details added to SourceForge tickets
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/389/ clarify definition of @from on locus and biblScope
@from by itself should denote a start point with an undefined endpoint, such as p3ff.
a single node/point should be unambiguously defined, so council can choose between @from and @to both required with same value or perhaps using @n
Using @from without @to really should mean "from here on".
The goal is to decide how one should indicate a single spot: either:
@from and @to have the same value.
@n could be used, but there would be ambiguity about what it refers to.
SB: My instinct is to reverse the first option, and say that @from without @to means the single node, and we need a way of specifying "to the end".
EM: Bear in mind it's not a pointer, it's data.word. But whatever we should do, we need to differentiate.
KH: Even if it isn't a pointer, it needs to work the same way as all the other @from and @to cases, where @from alone means "to the end".
LB: Because the semantics of the attribute are so different, we should deprecate @from and @to here, and create different attributes.
EM: If you say p5ff, you don't mean all the way to the end; you mean "until no longer relevant".
JC: The problem is just that the definition needs to be clarified.
All now agree that for a single page, both @from and @to should be supplied, with the same value. Where @from is provided alone, we need to clarify that the range starts there, but its end is not known or declared.
KH We should do this with a note on the elementSpecs for biblScope and citedRange.
Action on EM: to clarify the description on elementSpec on biblScope, citedRange and locus to clarify the use of @from and @to. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/389/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/429/ biblScope@unit & citedRange@unit: consistency & sugg. values
All agreed to make the suggested values singular, and to expand the abbreviations for page and line to the full words. We don't care whether the other abbreviations (vol. and chap.) are expanded. Similarly, when "column" is added, it could be abbreviated as "col". "pp" and "ll" should be expanded to "page" and "line".
LB: The reason we have pp and ll is that you're more likely to cite page- and line-ranges, in contrast to vol, where you usually cite one.
EM: Column is not in the list, and we think it should be added.
JC: Part of the action should be to go through the Guidelines and check that we're being consistent with the new values.
SB: Changing the valList to mandatory temporarily would be one way to check.
Action on HC: to change values in @unit to singular, spelled-out forms, add column, and update Guidelines examples and text for consistency with the new values. Leave @type alone because it's deprecated. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/429/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/437/ Allow relatedItem in biblFull
All agreed to add relatedItem so biblFull matches its less detailed peers, biblStruct and bibl.
Action on LB: to implement ticket fr 437 https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/437/
LB: We also need to clarify when and why people would use <biblFull>.
JC: You could use <sourceDesc> to contain it.
KH: But then it would apply to the source, not the current item.
KH We should also add it to <fileDesc>.
JC: <fileDesc> and <biblFull> are identical except for some attribute classes which don't make sense on <biblFull>.
KH: If we add it to <fileDesc>, it should go after <sourceDesc>.
SB: If it's repeatable (which it should be), it should appear after <sourceDesc>.
LB: If we add it to <biblFull>, it should be added as a child of one of <biblFull>'s children.
KH: But if we do that, it applies at the level of its parent, not at the level of the whole <biblFull>. In the bibliographic world, it would not be a child of something else.
JC: So why not put it in a <notesstmt>?
KH: We have created an element called <relatedItem>, and told people to use it for this purpose.
HC: It is a sort of note, so it belongs in <notesStmt>.
KH: So <relatedItem> is a sort of semantic sugar for <note type="relatedItem">. So the modified proposal is to add <relatedItem> as a repeatable child of <notesStmt>. We add it separately (not adding it to model.noteLike, to avoid its showing up in other places where we don't want it. That handles <fileDesc> and <biblFull>
11:30 – 13:00: Discussion
KH introduced the history of the discussion, and brought it down to the distinction between "hard" and "soft".
JC: Soft means that we don't exemplify it, and we encourage other ways to do whatever it is. Hard means we will get rid of it. But really these terms are imprecise and we should talk about deprecation and ‘dis-recommended'.
SB: Doesn't "hard" mean P6?
JC: Not necessarily, but we have a wiki page for things we think should only be changed in P6.
GB: Do we really want soft deprecation at all?
JC: The canonical example is @key, which we should stop suggesting and exemplifying, but not actually remove.
KH: We have an attribute status="deprecated" which we can use in specs, and this is rendered into a red "deprecated" statement. Do we want this to appear for both soft and hard?
SB: So the difference is that for hard deprecation, we intend to remove the item from P5 at some stage.
SB: Hard deprecations should actually have a date associated with them.
MH: A date allows people to stop building schemas against current releases at the latest point compatible with keeping the item.
JC: Should this be dates or version numbers?
LB: Version numbers would be better.
SB: Ordinary users don't know what the version numbers are.
JC: But the only reason for the version numbering changing is to account for this sort of change.
GB: But we cannot predict what the number will be. Dates are more reliable. It should be a date, and it should always be at least a year out from the release in which the deprecation itself is enacted.
MH: We should add a Schematron warning for items removed from the system.
KH: Summary: First decision: hard or soft deprecation. Soft: no change till P6, but we will use status="deprecated", and add to the wiki page about P6 dev. We pledge not to remove it in P5.
HC: Deprecation warnings for soft and hard should be distinct, but not just using colours.
SB: We want to discourage people starting new projects from using the item, but not prevent those who already are using it and have toolchains based on it from continuing.
BB: How about "scorned" instead of "deprecated" for soft?
EM: We really do want to discourage people from using the item in both cases.
JC: We should have two values, "deprecated" and "no longer recommended".
EM: This (soft deprecation) is wishy-washy. If something is going to go away, then we should be clear about it.
GB: The example of @key is a good one; we no longer recommend it because @ref can do the same job.
RW: We should stop using the word "deprecated" for the soft version.
SB: For hard deprecation, we should just use the actual date of the proposed removal rather than a status value.
JC and MH don't like using a date in @status.
KH: @status="deprecated" @when="[proposed-removal-date]".
GB: Schematron should also force the use of @when when @status="deprecated".
SR: That's ugly — two interdependent attributes.
MH: how about @removalDate? We wouldn't then need @status for that, but it could be there.
MH: I still think we need the two attributes, one for the status and one for the date.
RW: Re intention: I think the intention behind soft is that we think there's a better way to do what you're doing; the intention behind hard is that ???
SB: "Soft" means I shouldn't have to go back and change my project...
EM: Is hard deprecation something that is morally obnoxious, or something that will cause other things to break? Or is it just that keeping something is out of step with the way the Guidelines are moving, so there's a good reason for removing it?
LB: Hard means there's a principled reason for removing it. Soft is for situations in which multiple ways to do something exist, and we recommend one of them, but we understand that a large number of users are happy using it.
GB: Softness should be replaced by a note. Let's get rid of it from the discussion.
General agreement. We are back to only hard deprecation.
KH: Summary: Type 1 (formerly "soft deprecation", now "no longer recommended"): We have identified a preferred alternative way of doing something. We do not currently plan to remove the non-preferred way from the Guidelines. We're not going to use an attribute for this; we're going to use one or more notes in the spec. Type 2 (formerly "hard deprecation", now just "deprecation"): This item is to be removed in P5, and a notBefore date is specified. A Schematron rule will be added.
Further discussion suggested replacing @notBefore with @removalDate or @validUntil. We settled on @validUntil. Our practice would be for the date provided to not be any sooner than two years from the date on which you are adding the deprecation to the spec.
GB: Should this just be a 4-digit year, in most cases?
MH: A precise date is better.
KH: It's easier for us to know that the date should be a specified time from today.
EM: We should give a full date, to help users plan properly.
Action on KH: to go through recent soft and hard deprecations and decide whether they're correct (hard) or not, to remove @status and add @validUntil attribute.
Action on SB: create @validUntil as a class and write Schematron checks for deprecations.
EM: When we deprecate something, we should always announce it on the TEI-L list.
SR: We should also list deprecations on a wiki page or as part of the Guidelines release.
13:00 – 14:30: Lunch
- Lunch
14:30 – 15:30: Discussion
TEI SourceForge Environment:
Change in TEI sourceforge environment: any residual problems? any potential benefits? Discuss remaining questions (under "to decide going forward") Any suggestions on how to find old-style URLs on the wiki? Can anyone search the wiki db to find pages with links that contain "106328"?
JC: The purl.org URL redirects are very useful because they're short and stable, but now obsolete. Is it worth mapping the old ones to the new ones? SF currently maps them automatically, but we don't know how long that will last. Should we create a new purl syntax, or just use the SF one? The new URLs are short enough.
Everyone agrees that we don't need to create a new set of purl.org redirects.
KH: Could we write to SF and get a mapping of the old to the new ids?
JC: We have an XML dump of the pre-Allura SF content.
KH: We should put a copy of that in the Vault. It would be helpful to have that in the future.
Action on JC: to put a copy of the SF XML dump in the Vault.
There are links on the wiki to the old URLs.
SB: How big is the problem?
KH: Mediawiki searching seems to ignore the bits of the URL we want.
JC: purl.org is used three times in the wiki.
KH: But that's not finding the instances where the link text is different from the link.
HC: Google finds 67 links on the TEI wiki.
KH: Searching for the 106328 finds only three instances.
GB: If we decided this was important, how difficult would it be to change these links? A Python script could follow each link to find out where it ends up, and make the change. It would have to be done on the db.
Action on JC: to talk to DavidS and ShayneB to find out if we'd be allowed to dump the wiki db, make changes, and re-upload. For the OpenCMS we could do it manually.
SR: We'd have to change history in SVN to change the commit messages.
KH: Did all ticket s get migrated in the end? The resulting number seemed small.
JC: I believe they were. Every one I looked for I found.
LB: The ignoring of angle-brackets in tickets is making them incomprehensible.
SR: What can we do about it?
Action on JC: to email sourceforge and find out if we can turn this off and investigate the implications/options.
Splitting out additional resources such as Stylesheets to their own projects/repositories
JC: As part of our tidying up the repository, we had Sebastian remove some things which weren't expressly maintained by Council. Should we now split out other things? The Stylesheets are a good example of this. Currently if we give people write permissions on the repo, they have permission to change everything. We would rather like to encourage a broader development community to work on the Stylesheets, so it might be good to split it out into a separate project.
SB: I see no problem.
MH: The Jenkins builds are currently set up to build everything using the Stylesheets latest build; if we make it easier for people to break the Stylesheets, that's a risk.
SB: We can decouple those processes on Jenkins.
KH: Is there a risk of people breaking the main builds by introducing errors into the Stylesheets? Would it be better to have a branch-and-merge approach, so commits are approved before ending up in trunk?
JC: There is another option: we could fork the Stylesheets so we have one version for building the Guidelines only.
SR: But for e.g. DTD generation, both sides (projects) would need it, so it should be central.
LB: If we are going to make a division, it should be between production/processing of ODDs and everything else. We hope there will be more and more people wanting to process ODDs, whether or not they're connected to the Guidelines.
SB: My instinct is to ask Sebastian what he wants to do.
SR: Why this comes up is that want to make it possible for other people to collaborate on the Stylesheets.
We all vaguely agree that TEI doesn't need to own all sorts of things (such as docx to TEI) which aren't really TEI business.
SR: A more interesting target is to get more people involved in playing with the Stylesheets. But it's not clear how we can separate it from the main trunk.
Action on SR: to continue work on separating the Stylesheets from the guidelines into separate projects and solve problems with the Guidelines build process as a consumer of these. Any separation should be concentrating on making the latter more amenable to community development, reporting on back to Council.
Since we have both Specs/ and Specs-Unused/ , what if we create a Guidelines-Unused/ to complement Guidelines/ ? (And then we'd move SH-OtherMetadataStandards.xml to there.) Or we could just rename "Specs-Unused" to "nowDefunct" and keep all the old superseded garbage in there.
SB: The main point is to ensure that we can find the revision history of each file.
LB: As a matter of historical fact, that chapter was never used, so it wasn't in the Guidelines.
MH: Would it be useful to have deprecated/removed specs available for people who might want to re-include them?
SB: They can find it in the Vault anyway.
KH: The repository is already full of things which are partial or abandoned.
GB: When you realize something is not going to be used, should you delete it or put it somewhere like the Unused folder(s)?
KH: Should we take everything out of the Specs-Unused folder and put it in the Vault?
SR: You can never remove it from SVN; that's the idea of SVN.
SB: But how long would it take someone to find the version which included the thing they're looking for?
SR: There is the changelog file which tracks what was done.
JC: We could agree that anything in the Defunct folder should never be resurrected.
KH: The proposal is to rename the Specs-Unused directory to Defunct, and move the SH file into it.
Action on SB: to rename the Specs-Unused directory to Defunct, and move the SH file into it.
15:30 - 16:30: Amber Bugs Part 1
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/501/ att.typed overlaps confusingly with many other definitions
Agreed that it is desirable to go ahead and add individual elements with @type to the att.typed class, with local examples and descriptions, where it is appropriate to do so. But someone needs to go through the list and figure out which definitions of @type differ from att.typed. See list at (eg) http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/atts.html which shows that we need to consider all the following: teiHeader ; idno ; distinct ; q ; num ; measure ; abbr ; list ; title ; biblScope ; stage ; divGen ; titlePage ; titlePart ; metDecl ; castItem ; move ; sound ; tech ; recording ; form ; orth ; gram ; iType ; usg ; lbl ; xr ; oRef ; oVar ; dimensions ; fw ; app ; witDetail ; relation ; constitution ; derivation ; domain ; factuality ; interaction ; preparedness ; purpose ; fsDecl ; fsdLink ; fs ; graph ; node ; forest ; listForest ; tag ; classSpec ; macroSpec ; valList
Action on RW to do a first pass and return to Council with recommendations to do a first pass through the elements listed above and pick out those which could be added to at.typed.
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/516/ Documentation of <equiv> is confusing
- In 3.3.4, there is a paragraph:
"Another group of elements is used to supply different kinds of names for objects described by the TEI. Examples of this are documentation of elements, attributes, classes (and also attribute values where appropriate), and description of glyphs.
- altIdent (alternate identifier) supplies the recommended XML name for an element, class, attribute, etc. in some language.
- desc (description) contains a brief description of the object documented by its parent element, including its intended usage, purpose, or application where this is appropriate.
- equiv/ (equivalent) specifies a component which is considered equivalent to the parent element, either by co-reference, or by external link.
- uri (uniform resource identifier) references the underlying concept of which the parent is a representation by means of some external identifier filter references an external script which contains a method to transform instances of this element to canonical TEI
- name a single word which follows the rules defining a legal XML name (see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-name), naming the underlying concept of which the parent is a representation.
Along with the gloss element mentioned above, these elements constitute the model.glossLike class."
This should be moved to Chap. 22 and filled out a bit. 3.3.4 might need a bit of patching. SR offers to do this.
Action on SR: to move the prose re <equiv/> from the core chapter into the tagdocs chapter, and tidy up. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/516/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/515/ Bad example of feature/@fVal
It is fixed but the est needs to be looked at by someone who can make sense of it (the question dcr:datcat="http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1345 "), probably PB. It may or may not be a problem.
Action on MH: to carry the remaining issues forward with Lou and Laurent to help as needed. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/515/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/551/ contained by/contained in
Ticket implement and closed. Agreed that it was obvious, did not need much discussion
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/504/ An illogicality in styleDefDecl & styleDef
We should change the remark to: "If no value for the @scheme attribute is provided, then the default assumption is that CSS is in use."
Already done while talking in rev 11871.
Action on JC: https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/504/ implement (already done.) Close Ticket.
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/539/ @scheme on <styleDefDecl> and <rendition> should be a class
Action on MH: to remove @scheme from <rendition> and replace it with the class; also it will then pick up the new @schemeVersion. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/539/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/544/ Whitespace handling in Guidelines examples
Action on HC and SR: to test the use of @xml:space to solve this specific problem, and to see whether that's the correct solution in the long term. DONE; https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/544/
SB: <eg> and CDATA islands are one solution.
LB: How would non-pretty printing affect line-wrapping and the issue of horizontal scrolling in examples?
Wording was indeed a bit objectionable, so we've fixed it and closed the ticket.
Action on GB: to re-read the section and rephrase/rewrite if necessary. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/552/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/496/ nconsistencies in app@from and app@to
small corrections: (1) "if necessary" should be deleted: agreed (and fixed); (2) we don't see the problem. Where does it say "allowed value is "any valid identifier"" — ask Kevin for clarification. Kevin suspects that the change was already made, so (2) should be ignored.
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/528/ consistency in "the Guidelines" vs. "these Guidelines"
Agreed but lowest priority. Assign to Kevin? SB also willing to take it on if you like.
Action on KH: to address the original issue at his leisure. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/496/
SB: is low priority #1, and #9 high? SF is not clear.
GB: Yes, it was explicit before the Allura move.
Action on JC: to investigate the Allura system if possible to make the meanings of the numbers explicit.
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/543/ Use of `<add>` etc for "authorial" interventions
The issue is the ambiguity of the word "editor", because to us the current GL text doesn't seem contradictory. GB thinks the distinction is between "modern editors/encoders" and "historical/ancient/whatever authorial interventions". PS suggests "contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the _source_ text by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector", and "should not be used for additions made _to the current TEI electronic edition_ by editors or encoders. In these cases, either the <corr> or <supplied> element should be used." The distinction between the two is the responsibility of each individual project, but the TEI recommendation once that decision is made should not be ambiguous.
LB: Old versions of the Guidelines explicitly permitted the use of <add>, <del> etc. for changes made by editors of the electronic TEI edition of the text. The distinction in usage was introduced subsequently.
GB: Perhaps this is not our business; the distinction between changes made by different editors at different times is an issue for the project itself, not for the TEI.
LB: In that case, we're re-asserting the fact that you should only use these elements for changes to the original source.
EM: But now, according to GB, the transcriber/creator of the edition could be a medieval monk working on a text from antiquity.
GB: The question is what your source is.
HC: So the only case in which it's forbidden to use <add> is when it's you making the change.
GB: Yes, but that's not the only case where you shouldn't use it.
Action on GB to propose a more effective wording incorporating all the nuances. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/543/
Action on SB: to implement the current wording suggested above, as an interim measure. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/543/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/553/ relationships between objects
reject this ticket, because (1) we may be about to add an <object> element; (2) "object" can be taken as a loose term, including texts (as the SAWS project are using it currently), so the current formulation is both correct and nicely inclusive.
Action on GB: to close the ticket with explanation, and possibly revise the text to clarify. *DONE* https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/553/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/288/ deprecate use of gram except as a child of gramGrp
Summary from group meeting: Original ticket was for one issue, which has been taken care of. The new topic of the ticket (based on the title) has been mostly resolved, except we noticed that gram is still allowed as a child of etym, which is not what's intended. Check for others as well. Per the last comment on the ticket, the loose ends to be tied up once new deprecation policy (decided this morning) becomes official.
Summary from reporting back: KH: The ticket is only still open because I was waiting for clarification of the deprecation policy; in the meantime, though, we discovered that there are some places where <gram> is allowed outside <gramGrp>
Action on KH to complete the ticket and close. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/288/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/493/ value of biblScope@type in example in seriesStmt spec
After much discussion, decided to just leave as is. If it's a biblScope, you always have to process (e.g., "vol. 2" vs. "vol. ii").
Action on KH: to close ticket wontfix. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/493/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/541/ canonical references: imprecise language about software handling and errors
1) Change to "[. . .] of the @cRef attribute, It might follow the following sequence of steps to transform it into URI reference:"
While we're at it, it would be nice to revise the phrasing around "cRef" in the list below to be cleaner (always say "the @cRef attribute" or "[the value of] the @cRef attribute" as appropriate).
2) Change to "A cRef pattern should not reference more matched substrings". Also change "would produce an error" to "is faulty."
Also remove the paragraph beginning "It is quite reasonable".
SB & MH: But the regular expression flavour is actually prescribed as part of the datatype, so the processing is expected to behave in a specific way. But we still like the revised wording.
Action on KH: to implement the wording changes. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/541/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/555/ counting people
Obvious typo. Should be fixed.
Action on JC: to fix this (change "seven" to "four"). https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/555/
16:30 – 17:30: Discussion
Next release date, and lead-up dates for implementing tickets etc. Next Council Meeting:
JC It would be fiscially irresponsible to hold the next meeting anywhere other than Ann Arbor, Providence or Oxford, unless anyone has any cheaper suggestions?
PS: Coinciding with TCP conference would help cover PS and RW coming to Oxford.
JC: Do we agree in principle that Oxford would be a good thing?
SR: If we do a next release in July, we could push the meeting to November and have a subsequent release.
JC: I favour your July release and a meeting after the TEI meeting.
SR: Can we agree to target the end of June for the next release. We should choose a release technician, and then work out the best timing etc.
SB: I'd like to be Release Technician, but the timing would be crucial. I could do the last week of June or the first week of July.
SR: So tickets should be finished by the middle of June.
Resolved that: SB will be the next Release Technician, the closing date will be June 17 for tickets, and the release will be the beginning of July.
Action on SR and JC: to investigate dates for next Council meeting, and set up a Doodle Poll.
18:30 –: Supper
- Supper (Meal at EM's)
Friday 12 April 2013
09:00 – 12:00: Discussion
Skype call with Elena; Re: Board Proposals
greetings and discussion of the weather
recap of new governance document
New document focuses on:
- how board/council should work individually and together: bestow equal responsibility for governance/big decisions on the two bodies. This adds to the council's work load, but may be of more benefit to all.
- how TEI should interact with members
SB: is this a re-org that re-apportions responsibility among council and board? or does it manage communications among them? EP: both, but board has less control over council in the new scheme. One big change is that board no longer chooses the council chair. Council chooses its own chair. This also makes the chair less powerful/important. And anyone elected to council should be ready to serve as chair.
SB: abbreviated term of office of chair (could be as short as 1 or 2 years) - might be a problem. Earlier meetings had discussed making council terms longer, even. Worth trying, but worth revisit. EP: if council thinks 3 year terms are desirable they can make a proposal to Council next year, after new system has been in place.
SB: Finds change in # of board members mind boggling. Explanation: Bylaws say 12 members. We've been electing 10, but have 3 appointees (Chair and board rep, and Board chair) - actually 13. So would actually lose 2 appointed members - Council chair and the Board chair, for a total of 11. Martin: odd number of voting members is better.
NB: next election will have 1 fewer positions, in order to bring number of annual new council members to 5 each year.
SR: conflating 2 issues (democracy and $) are we changing the number to achieve accountability? or to save $? EP: this is ratifying an existing condition. 10 elected members.
SB: points out that appointed people have worked very hard in response to EP's point that elected council members have more skin in the game.
SR suggests wording change since this is going to the membership: don't beg question about why the council is reducing members. EP: very amenable to new wording. send it on
SR, SB and others suggest it's better for Council to be given a budget, not to change the number of council in the bylaws.
EP: Clarification. change in number of council members has as its goal to make bylaws match practice. This is also more economical. Change in how Chair ie selected is a separate issue, and is motivated by a desire to make council more autonomous
Suggestion that Council counter-propose 11 elected members. - JC: too many members may end up forcing us to have fewer meetings, especially as budgets are tightening. HC: let's wait until this is a problem. EP: Board prefers to prepare for the future, and budget will definitely shrink, because of abolition of partners.
EP: summarizes - She will take proposal of 11 members back to the Board. MH: adds that council has done a good job shepherding its budget, and has leftovers. EP: This is expected. JC: and add that we won't ask for an increase in budget.
Move on Proposals about Members and Partners. Elena summarizes them.
- give members the right to vote - (issue is very open, not adopted.) - no taxation without representation.
- Eliminate Partners. They feel that they have been offering services but not getting anything back. has been discussed with partners
SB: why not give partners a vote? SR: what would make them happy?
EP: TEI isn't good at thanking institutions that contribute even if they aren't partners.
KH: Tension - making TEI fully democratic vs. letting institutions who are contributing in a big way have a voice.
EP: Explains that a lot of contributions to the TEI now come from individual. So worth giving them a vote, as well. LB: points out that it's good to separate voting from financial support.
EM: Do we have analogies for these two issues? I have no idea why Brown, which is trying to cut right and left, would give in a philanthropic way to the TEI. Brown isn't going to see why they should be supporters.
LB: I don't think the ability to vote would make any difference to this.
EP: Brown for example could pay $250 and have the same vote. It's not that it buys you more votes. The current issue is how we can recognize the contributions of major contributors, which we don't currently do. The situation is already such that the money you pay doesn't get you votes. The money you pay is to support something you think is important We do expect that institutions paying $5,000 will stop doing so; six or seven have already dropped out. We'd like members to tell the TEI what they want from us, and get more feedback than we've had. Currently, all you do is get an invoice and pay; the person that votes is not the same person who pays, necessarily We're trying to build a different relationship with the members.
KH: (is this still consortial?) - There is a risk that the change may make institutions feel that instead of supporting a group of peer institutions, they are instead supporting a group of individuals pursuing their own interests. PS: Libraries are used to be in consortia, they join them along with peer libraries. They don't fund standards or other external activities.
LB: two kinds of memberships: Consortial and member based. EP: a possible alternative: individual members might get to elect a member for council, consortial members may elect the Board.
SR: what if anyone who is a member on the list gets a vote. Ex. Digital Medievalist. JC: This works there because DM has no financial remit.
EP: explained what she'd do to poll institutional members, get feedback from them, find out what they find attractive. Individual contacts, polls.
KH: intrigued by bi-cameral solution. Institutional members elect board, ratify bylaws, membership elects council. There is general support for this idea.
EP, SB: clarify that in bylaws, changes can be passed by membership quorum or board. this may have to be adjusted.
EP: summary:
- council feels that membership should be 11, to preserve defacto numbers, and to have odd number to break tie votes.
- council supports bicameral voting for board and council.
JC Thanked EP for attending via Skype to clarify the proposals
EP's report back to the TEI Board (included with her permission) summarized this as:
I had today a very fruitful discussion with the Council about the proposed reforms to the governance of the TEI. Our discussion has centred in particular on two aspects of the document which I report to you for discussion.
* Number of members of the Council. The proposal is to go from 12 to 10, ratifying what has been in practice the situation in the past and to have them to choose a chair among the elected members. This latter aspect has the consequence of the Council to downsize from 11 (10 + chair) to 10 and this has actually been not taken easily be the Council. They object to any reduction of the number of their members because they strongly believe that even losing one person would be detrimental to the activities of the Council. Again, they stand on the position that they will work with whatever budget we set for them, so if the reason for reducing the number is financial, they simply said they will live with whatever we will be able to give them. So their proposal is to have a Council of 11 members, which will also have the positive effect of solving hanging discussions as it is a nice odd number. * Vote for individual subscribers. While all the members of the Council felt that in principle to enlarge the base of the voters and to recognise the fact that the TEI is evolving into a scholarly community as well as consortium is a very good thing, many voices, in particular Council members coming from partners such as Brown and Michigan, thought that his is very risky as it may convince partners to withdraw their support. In particular they thought that establishing the equivalence between institutions and individuals will effectively stop the TEI from being a Consortium of Institutions and therefore will make impossible for libraries to support it. Their counterproposal is to have the elections split in two: the Institutional members will vote for the Board and any change on the Bylaws, while individual members will vote for the Council. In this way, the TEI will keep its status as consortium, with members controlling its policies and finances, while individual members, for which day-to-day contribution the TEI as a standard and as a scholarly community lives, will control the development and maintenance.
Code Bounties
We have worked hard saving money in council expenses, especially through institutional contributions towards council members expenses, the Board has given us permisssion for us to use this for technical development that will benefit the Council's work. We need to decide .
community-developed Roma replacement
translations. OmegaT is an open-source translation workbench, i.e. software to help professional translators. Small amount of money JC: So the benefit would be not only that OmegaT would have a small TEI module in it, but the people doing translations would understand it and do a better job. SB: And the first advantage is that you can do translation of TEI documents with out understanding TEI itself. JC: We're confusing two things here: the ODD editing environment is not the same thing as tweaking the Stylesheets to produce better docs. JC: Part of the limitation of the code bounties is that we're looking for small, modular projects that we can fund. LB: What we need is a young (=cheap) person who is incentivized to learn about the Stylesheets. SB: So someone who has advanced XSLT skills. If the rewrite of Roma were to go ahead, this would be obviated. KH: There is a tool called Thutmose II partially developed by Michael Sperberg-McQueen to convert MARCXML records to TEI headers; it would be great if Council could fund that work. JC: How does that work help Council? Other proposals are directly related to Council's work but this isn't.
New ODD processor
- need to be sufficiently different from current. What if it's in Python?
SB: technical writer to write more better doc. Response to MM's comments.
MH: council should be doing doc. JC: but this is totally new. Not maintenance.
BB: Board has been talking about this. Laura Mandell proposed at an earlier meeting to create screencasts. There is also the document that was started as a beginner's guide. JC: Marjorie proposes "Cheat sheet," also similar.
JC, LB: Code Bounties should further work of the council, so the doc is good, but not as germane. ‘
SB: URI resolver that understands xpointer. it would be ok if it were in XSLT. JC: clarify, this could be a stylesheet modification
HC: has been doing some work on this. It requires being able to parse xpaths - means extensions to xslt2.
JC: do we have a need for this? MH: there is a pat of the guidelines that is essentially theoretical without something like this.
- if ODD editor is a good idea, what would it cost?
- why update Roma? there are deficiencies in how Roma works. - SB/JC: Roma doesn't let you do everything that you can do in ODD. SR: ex. no way in Roma to add an <equiv>. many more similar issues. SB: integration. BB: what about oxgarage? not so much oxgarage as the implementation of ODD->RNC. not enough testing.
- LB, SR: if someone else is going to do this, will require that a spec be written, which will provide clarity and force disambiguations.
- KH: propose to instruct a few people to decide what these bounties would cost. [LB looks at OmegaT, JC and one other look at Roma updates, someone to look at xpointer tool]
- MH: Roma: do we start with the backend first, make an API (command line Roma) or start by working on the front end. SR: not convinced that back-end processor needs much.
- SB: Translation tool would be great not only for the Guidelines, but also for any TEI document.
- SB: suggests Oxygen front end project by investigated by SB, EM. SR: commercial product. brouhaha over licensing.
ACTIONS: the following come up with specs and estimated cost
- Action on SB and EM: specification and estimated cost for oxygen front end for ODD.
- Action on JC and LB: specification and estimated cost for new web Roma, etc.
- Action on LB: specification and estimated cost for OmegaT
- Action on HC and SB: specification and estimated cost for Xpointer resolver
Report on TEI SIGs activities (JC)
Report from the Music SIG: Activity at the Music SIG is very low at the moment. Though I know of a couple of projects that are using tei:notatedMusic and I am working with Frieschuetz Digital for a coordinated edition of score and libretto sources. I am planning a SIG meeting in October, so I hope to re-establish some community activity in summer.
Linguistics SIG: Not much to report so far. The convener intends to stir the SIG somewhat and populate its SourceForge space, well before the TEI Conference where we're planning an extended SIG meeting there.
Overview from JC: JC with SB resurrected the TEI-SIGS mailing list, went back to SIG leaders, and did housekeeping. Two responses above. Goal to see what kind of technical demands they need and whether they have anything to report that should be brought to the Council's attention.
LB: follow up on non-responsive sigs. JC: trying not to crack the whip too much LB: but if they are not doing anything, should see what's going on. JC: there is a mechanism for this. He will use the mailing list to confirm that they still consider themselves to be active.
NB: SIGs can take 2 forms: one is a a group that is producing focused work. the other is group of people with shared interests
There is currently a SIGs that has a mailing list, but no conveners.
Action on JC: get back in touch with SIG conveners to encourage them to become active.
12:00 – 13:15: Amber Bugs Part 2
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/506/ Meaning of @corresp rather in dispute
Unable to reach consensus after lengthy discussion
Action on LB: will request examples of use of @corresp on TEI-L
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/468/ Order of elements in publicationStmt
Constraint on order isn't in schema because schema needs to allow for members of model.publicationStmt to repeat. However, SB's comment might offer a way to do this in the schema rather than in a Schematron rule.
Action on LB: look into this and will clarify the note in element spec for publicationStmt to no longer imply that order of publisher, place of publication, etc. is mandatory if you use <p> inside of <publicationStmt>.
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/557/ Category mistake
Ticket agreed; RW to fix.
Action on RW: Fix https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/557/
13:15 - 14:30: Lunch Lunch
14:30 – 15:30: Amber Bugs Continued
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/448/ Bibliography: use of <idno> needs checking
agreed that these fixes need to be made. <idno> wrapped in <analytic>, <monogr> <series>, will change @type="url" to <ref>
Some discussion over whether <idno type="url"/> might be intended as an identifier and as a reference you would click on to get somewhere. Some believe it's possible that this use of <idno> is merely an identifier. Why is <idno> used in this case?
SB: when the URI/URN is supposed to be a link, could be an <ref> or <ptr> otherwise should be an <idno>. What about DOI? does it fall clearly into one or the other ex?
There are some former tickets, inconclusive.
Action on SB: make <ptr>, <ref> consistent in component parts of <biblStruct>
Action on SB: remove our own dis-recommended use of <idno> in the bibliography
Action on KH: change <idno> to <ref> or <pointer> as appropriate. The criterion to apply is whether the URL in question is an identifier or a link.
BB: <ptr> not allowed in <analytic>, <monogr> or <series> is this on purpose or oversight? We need to wait for ticket mentioned above before resolving
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/512/ Generate statistics in the Guidelines rather than hard code
Agree that this is a problem, but this seems like a low priority to fix correctly
Propose that someone hand edit in the meantime
SR: Do we have a list somewhere? How do we find them. KH: make a wiki page, add them as we encounter them.
SR: what would be the best way to implement. He suggests PI, JC suggests <ptr>
Action on MH: investigate where we say these kinds of things and find a way to implement in XSLT, insert it into the make file so that it generates a <div> in a file, and XInclude that file into the first Guidelines chapter. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/512/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/558/ name/orgName
This tagging doesn't seem to us to be incorrect. the <name type="project">Brown University Women Writers Project</name> , more likely was intended to refer to WWP as a project, and could be glossed in order to clarify.
Action on PS: make new example for the <listOrg> section ND.html#NDORG. Add another example to the element spec for <listOrg> that refers to more typical listorgs. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/558/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/549/ Uses of <person> element We have rewritten the paragraph to include Jens's suggested type of encoder, and tidied up some other infelicities.
- Action on SR: to rewrite the paragraph again, to address other comments on the ticket.https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/549/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/550/ prescription/description The paragraph is possibly ambiguous. We suggest changing "the degree of prescription" with the single word "approach", which makes the whole paragraph more vague but less ambiguous. An alternative would be to remove the entire paragraph, which is a bit patronizing anyway.
LB explains that this paragraph came up during the WG meetings. Intent is to acknowledge that there are multiple approaches to encoding MSS.
Action on SR: rewrite the paragraph https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/550/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/560/ Arne Magnusson, again We have written to Matthew Driscoll again to get a definitive answer.
- Action on SR: when he gets the answer, he'll fix it, and definitive response will be sent to Jens. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/560/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/405/ XPointer schemes may not nest, but see ch. 16
GB: closing ticket: fully incorporated in HC's proposal for revision/reboot of xpointer section
Action on GB: Close https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/405/ if fully incorporated into HC's proposal
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/548/ use of modal verbs in Guidelines
GB: We agree that following RFC 2119 for the definition of these terms should be adopted in the style guide. We do not propose to task anyone to go through the guidelines and check every example at this point, but it should be an ongoing task alongside proofreading etc., and new prose should follow these rules.
LB points out that conscious decision was made not to use "must" because these are guidelines.
SB: points out that there is an understood "if you want to be compliant with the TEI" at the end of each sentence with must/should etc.
Action on KH: to add text to tcw24. Will look at how things are written in the introductory section about terminology. See if it needs adjustment. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/548/
https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/527/ move citations from <note>s to BIB
GB: need to clarify in what cases a full citation as opposed to an "ad hoc URL" should be used. Once that is understood, then adding the comment about bare urls to tcw20 is a good idea. What is the scale of going back to fix all of these? (And therefore who should do it and what priority task is it?)
PS: what is the extent of this problem? Mainly relevant in <egXML>
Action on SB: to implement https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/527/
Action on KH: look for <note> near <egXML>, see which are just URL, change them to citations. KH will update tcw20.
15:30 – 16:30: Discussion
Approval of TEI-SIG for "Computer-Mediated Communication" (JC)
any objections to approve the SIG? All were in favor
RW asks if there is any case in which we would not approve a SIG? JC: only if their purpose is antithetical to TEI, or if they overlap an exisitng SIG.
JC: Approved SIGS get wiki space, SVN space, web space
Action on JC: Inform CMC SIG of their acceptance.
Translation of Guidelines : what practical issues are needed to facilitate it ?
LB: Proposal from Florence Clavaud - work on it with her students. To achieve this, propose to split guidelines files up according to top level divs inside a chapter.
MH explains one reason to break down to segments because can use SVN to diff them and know when they have to be re-translated. If it was at the chapter level, then prompts to re-translate will be too frequent.
JC: is this needlessly complicated? SB: small price to pay
LB has meeting at the end of the month w/ person at Uni. Bordeau - interested in translating guidelines into French and Arabic.
JC: why did these issues not come up? LB: Earlier efforts were a) one offs. b) only element descriptions. these new suggestions are different, as it applies to all the prose. For ex. what to use for examples. - from real sources, equivalent.
Recommendations for how to translate the guidelines.
EM: When translations are offered, especially in languages we don't know, how do we know whether the translation bears any relationship to the TEI? How do we evaluate the Guidelines in Arabic, say?
LB: Good question. But we shouldn't discourage people from making translations.
JC: We have lots of TEI material out in the world that's written in other languages, and we're not curating the foreign versions of TEI Lite; should we be accommodating the translations of the Guidelines, or should we keep them at arm's length?
KH: And we aren't in a position to vet the translations of specs in all the languages. The original plan was that the English version would remain canonical; maybe what we need is for any translations we might be hosting, we need some sort of disclaimer saying it's not an official translation.
MH: The responsibility rests with the community that generates the translation to maintain and vet it.
EM: This is where the community can actually make the Guidelines apply to their own problems.
SB: Note. breaking up into files for major <div>s not necessary for the translation, but for its maintenance.
Action on LB and MH: Suggest idea of breaking up the chapters, <divs> into files with FlorenceC, report back on desirability or lack thereof. MH: suggests that there would be Canadian contributors to a French translation if that gets off the ground. MH to liaise or introduce them to FlorenceC
TEI @sex attribute https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/425/
JC: summary of ticket and background to ticket and original change with P5 from m/f/u/x to 0/1/2/9 values. Ticket raised as community feedback on principle rather than a specific use case. Reason for adopting ISO 5218 is that TEI tries to adhere to applicable standards when they exist. The argument is not only that the standard has failings which as they can be found offensive the TEI should not promote but also that it is not suitable because of its own limitations. The affected attributes are sex/@value, person/@sex, and personGrp/@sex as well as any example and the prose of the Guidelines.
GB: problematic not only because potentially offensive, but ISO5218 is inadequate. He suggests that @sex could be locally defined. This doesn't break previous use of ISO5218, and allows people to extend as required.
EM: Most of what we're dealing with is cultural objects so gender identity is likely to be what @sex encodes, and this is a good example of a case where we're trying to make TEI inclusive and accepting, so locally-defined attributes are an easy and effective option here; chromosomes are certainly a bad way.
Proposal: GB: we change data.sex to be data.word. Also need to change prose and examples.
LB: suggests that @sex was intended as normative and therefore useful for encoding and processing thus LB suggests deprecating @sex.
JC: Although these values are normative I feel that this is such a complicated area where the community wants to record many values which are not catered for by this ISO 5218 standard. I believe it was a mistake for us to adopt this standard.
Action on GB: look at other suggested standards recording sex, gender, and gender identity for inclusion in the notes. https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/425/
As discussion appeared likely to be length a quick straw vote to circumvent even lengthier discussion as held:
Num | Proposal | Votes |
1. | Do nothing, but change prose slightly to indicate the reason for ISO 5218 use and stress the numbers are not meant to indicate order or precedence of any sort. | |
2. | Change datatype for @sex and <sex>/@value to data.word and update prose and examples; explain possible use of ISO5218 by those wishing a numerical normalization | 9 |
3 | Leave this attribute alone, make new attribute that doesn't refer to iso | 0 |
4. | Remove @sex from <person> and <personGrp> entirely and rename <sex>/@value to become @iso-value | 2 |
JC: It is decided then, are there any other issues relating to this we need to consider? For example is there any benefit to maintaining 2 levels of indirection of data.sex to data.word?
SB, SR: low cost, allows for easy customization it is data.sex that should be maintained but loosened.
JC: There will never be a standard that satisfies everyone...so it is best to leave it to users to customise this. It might be beneficial to use this attribute as an example of how to customise attribute -- whether that uses words, letters, numbers or some other set of strings.
Action on GB: Implement https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/425/ changing data.sex to be datatype data.word, providing changed Guidelines prose and notes to other standards.
Action on SB: add new tickets for the data.enumerated and valItem/@ident needing to be data.word not rng:text and xs:NCname, respectively.
16:30 – 17:30: Discussion
Update on proposals to extend ODD : LB/SR have papers in pipeline
Write-ups pending at DocEng 2013, XML London 2013, and Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative Anyone want to take a look?
Action on SR: Circulate ODD-related papers to Council
Attributes without examples: http://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/401/ and http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/AttsWithoutEgs
MH: Attributes don't have examples. Sometimes, there's an example in an instance, sometimes not at all. Good way to get up to speed with editing the guidelines.
RW and BB were assigned on Thursday to categorize the table items into priorities of high, medium and low for adding examples.
Look over Red/Green Bugs/FRs decide how to handle them tomorrow.
Following a discussion on lists and @type values -
- The consensus is that we want to separate out values of @type which were legitimate ("gloss", "encoders", "speakers", "index", "attendance") from those which were clearly renditional ("simple", "bulleted", "bullets", "ordered"), and change the latter in our usage, our examples, and our explanations, to use @rend. Action MH: add proper description to ticket, make a clear proposal about <list> @type. with respect to suggested values.https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/460/
19:00 –: Supper
- Supper
Saturday 13 April 2013
09:00 – 13:00: Discussion
Update on the work of the Text Directionality Working Group (MH)
MH presented slides (http://wiki.tei-c.org/images/4/48/Text_directionality.pdf ) to give background on text directionality in order to present three proposals for us to consider. Slides show that we need to address three properties of a run of text: line orientation, block flow direction, inline glyph orientation
GB: We might need to account for writing that starts at the center and spirals outward, and to handle writing that goes around a bell in a helix.
MH (continuing slides): I think those are edge cases that can be reduced to the three properties of a run of text. We need to deal with directionality and rotation (including idiosyncratic exceptions). Unicode handles horizontal directionality quite well. There's a bidirectional ("bidi") algorithm for working out rules on which direction text should run in, yet there are five codepoints designed purely to force directionality for a text run (when the algorithm is insufficient). Unicode 6.3 will add four new "bidi isolate" codepoints to override this. But this all deals with mixed-mode horizontal directionality.
UTN #22 deals with vertical text layout, but very little progress has been made since it was written. UTR #50 addresses glyph orientation in vertical text, but the only thing to come out of it is adding one new property of a codepoint for default glyph orientation for when a horizontal glyph appears as part of a vertical text run. That's all that Unicode has done for vertical directionality!
Proposal #1: Ignore what Unicode is doing. Their own UTR #20 says not to use control characters for bidi writing in XML markup. After all, inherent directionality from the Unicode Character Database is an issue for text editing tools (like <oXygen/>), not for markup (like TEI).
LB: What happens when you search? MH: You That type characters in the order they you expect them appear in the file (the logical sequence).
MH: We would need to warn people about possible interactions between bidi characters and markup. Should the TEI's stylesheets remove those characters during transformations?
Note that the CSS Writing Modes module will handle much of what we are trying to do except there's no support for bottom-to-top writing for some reason.
Proposal #2: Adopt or recommend the CSS Writing Modes module. It covers most of what we need. Can just use with @tei:style. Lacks bottom-to-top.
But it's not supported in tools yet. PS: Most browsers support basic ??directionality control characters??.
This is still really hard. We can cover a lot of simple requirements with better rotation features (like zone rotation in TEI encoding).
Proposal #3: @rotate-x, @rotate-y, and @rotate-z. This would handle many of the examples previously given in the slides.
None of these proposals deal with writing along paths (like in a spiral). SVG is probably better for this.
LB: Since none of the options does everything, what if we do nothing and tell people just to use SVG? MH: It's a cop-out for people who are trying to encode texts.
JC: Why not store the path order using TEI's points in a zone?
EM: Is there a distinction between text as text and layout? While the proposal keeps them straight, our discussion is muddling them.
MH: We can handle bottom-to-top using rotation, and glyph-orientation.
KH: Could we just lobby the W3C to expand CSS Writing Modes to include bottom-to-top writing?
MH: Not sure. Afraid that we would complicate it and they would back away, just as Unicode did with their implementation.
SR: Reimplement CSS Writing Modes in TEI?
SB: Suggests talking to W3C working group about CSS. The spec could add bottom-to-top and still allow software to ignore. MH: But W3C won't recommend anything unless there are at least two implementations. SB: But we have friends in the W3C, like Liam Quin. MH: I would like to ask them why they abandoned bottom-to-top. Is it just because there are few languages that use this direction which are already in Unicode? There are a number of such scripts which are candidates for inclusion in Unicode, so maybe it's also a matter of time. KH: This seems like the direction to go to me.
GB: I don't like using directionality for boustrophedon because boustrophedon is not inherently left-to-write or right-to-left. SB: But a scholar encoding it could choose either as the default with the other is the exception. How this is handled now: just encode the text in the reading order and provide a facsimile.
LB: There are texts for which there isn't one clear reading order, and you might want to represent this in the encoding.
MH: We could say to use CSS Writing Modes for direction and then use a rotation attribute for character rotation. PS: Or use a <g> for these characters.
LB: I agree with ignoring the Unicode directionality documents. We already allow people to use CSS in TEI, so you just need for the guidelines a clear statement of scope (what you can do with your TEI markup after you've created it).
RW: You are trying to say things about the pattern for the whole text, not specific characters.
LB: You transcribe in reading order? MH. Yes. This is important to say.
SB: If you are encoding a boustrophedon text in <sourceDoc> using <line> and <zone>, do you put the characters in reading order or as arranged on the page?
LB: You put them in reading order. GB: Do so as long as you can tell what the order is.
LB: Proposal #3 is inadequate since it doesn't handle many things. MH: Yes, you just have to tell people to use SVG for anything that's not simple.
JC: Need to make clear when describing this to users that we are talking about describing the text, not how to render output from it. I know we know this, but because we're using CSS and SVG people easily fall into the assumption that it is output-related. MH: And CSS is for more than just superficial rendering issues: it can include things that are intrinsic to the document.
EM: Once you go beyond a raster representation, you head down a slippery slope for knowing the reading order of a text. MH: Yes, and when you decide on this order in the encoding, you are creating a theory of the text. EM: And we should allow people different ways of representing the text. MH: It's dangerous for us to draw these lines too clearly. Most of any recommendations we add will be exemplary rather than prescriptive.
RW: Any value in having indirection that describes writing direction? Something like declaring a language and elsewhere saying that it is written in a certain direction? [much discussion followed]
Action on MH: Summarize to tei-council mailing list the text-directionality proposals and share the slides.
Quick planning for Lunch, afternoon, evening.
Update on the work of the div.liminal working group (LB/KH/PS) (Also partly discussed earlier).
LB and MH will create the system for trials in eXist. JC will approve users who want to create accounts to do the trials.
SR expressed skepticism that anyone would do our exercise. We might just send one example to the list and ask people to reply with their encoding. If we actually get responses, then maybe it's worth setting up the site for trials.
Action on LB: Draft a message to TEI-L asking people to encode just a few samples by emailing back to TEI-L as a interim measure.
Action on PS: Select ~6-10 samples for div.liminal which evince the confusions we want help with.
Update on XPointer Proposals (HC) — see draft proposal at http://goo.gl/AwPs6 , see http://isaw2.atlantides.org/cts for a demo implementation in Javascript that works with TEI Boilerplate
He's been railing against the section of the Guidelines because it doesn't give enough information to implement it in any software. A working group has worked on it on and off over the years. He has the beginning of a proposed rewrite to this section of the Guidelines. Needs feedback. It's very complex and takes a while to understand in order to comment on it. Please let him know if it doesn't make any sense.
His implementation lets you highlight a section of a document that is annotated and scroll to it. SB: Note that demo just shows source documents in first two bullets; later bullets include proposed pointer syntax in the URL.
MH: How do you get Javascript to not interpret that as an ID? HC: It interprets after loading.
HC: His use of TEI Boilerplate uses HTML5 instead of XHTML5.
Highlights of the proposal:
XPath would be redefined to encompass XPath 2.0. SB: Or just use XPath 2.0 instead!
Guidelines don't make it clear that you shouldn't nest other XPointers as the parameters to an XPointer, but they should. SB: That's because at the time we wrote the Guidelines this wasn't included in the spec. HC: So the ID has to be an XML Pointer or an absolute XPath. MH: Would that also be XPath 2.0? HC: Yes.
You should be able to match a regular expression, not just a bare string.
Add string-index in order to pop into the middle of a text node.
SB: Do we need the match pointer any more? Can we get away with Xpath functions? HC: No. The match function doesn't return a node. The XPath must return a node, not an atomic value. MH: Can't it return true or false? HC: Yes, but that's an atomic value (which has no context). [further discussion]
JC: Instead of specifying XPath 1.0 or 2.0, why not just say to use the latest version adopted by W3C? KH: Do we elsewhere in the TEI say to use the latest version of a standard? Others: yes.
We discussed Hugh's comment in his Google Docs document about returning the element containing the match. We think we have a way around it.
We discussed the definition of a "point". It's just a location between two things. SB: But is it to the left or right of a tag? Can be hard to process. HC: But you can't retrieve a point.
When specifying a range, you can say that something begins before or after certain characters or tags.
Action on HC: Nudge NH, SB, and PB for input.
Action on All of Council: read and comment on the document (even if it's "this bit doesn't make sense to me").
MH: Can we add something saying why you can't just accomplish these things using XPath? HC: Yes, I should add that. In short, you can accomplish most things using XPath, but there are enough edge cases to warrant the existence of the XPointers.
EM: General question: Do we set deadlines on actions? SB: Maybe the person tidying up the notes should get to impose them? JC: We try to leave these flexible where possible since we all have busy work schedules. However, we will try to be implementing most tickets decided here before the next release.
SB: Do we have conf calls between face-to-face meetings? JC: We do but haven't had one for a little while, but we will be having one on road to next release.
Action on JC: Decide on deadlines for actions, but add them to the wiki not official minutes.
Action on JC: Schedule next teleconference.
P5 longer-term development roadmap brainstorming (JC)
We've been discussing medium-term actions (e.g. P5 3.x.x) but not where we want P5 to go in the long run (in P5 version 5.x.x and 6.x.x)?
MH: I want to drop DTDs. Various: Amen!
KH: Do you mean simply not allowing Roma to create them, or are there content models we've wanted to implement in the ODDs but haven't because we couldn't in a DTD.
SR: There's a difference between not being able to and it being hard.
But do you really think we should? SB and MH: Yes! JC: While I wouldn't have said this in 2005, I'm tempted to agree that we should.
LB: We should separate discussion of expressibility of the ODD language and generation of DTDs. SB: I think that's reasonable. MH: Our assumption is that DTD, XSD, and RELAX NG are equivalent. SB and LB: But it's already the case that each expresses different constraints from the ODD.
In designing the ODD language, we only tried to implement something that could be expressed in all three languages ("the intersection"). But now we're now proposing for a major revision of the TEI that we instead expand ODD to allow for expression of content models allowed in only one schema language. This would put a burden on customizers and the ODD processor to handle things that today aren't in the intersection.
JC: The ODD meeting also suggested that we support things in ODD that aren't yet implemented in any schema language.
SR: Why go out of our way to antagonize people by removing DTDs? We've already paid the price of implementing. SB: But if we have someone do a new ODD implementation (apart from Roma), it will be a lot harder for them to do if they have to output DTDs as well.
LB: Ambiguous content models are a pain, but they're a good pain because they force us to clarify our thinking.
KH: We don't say anywhere that if you implement an ODD processor, it must output DTDs. So if another implementation doesn't support DTDs, we could choose to be okay with this.
SB: The question of whether to continue supporting DTDs is not really about future major revisions to the TEI; rather, it's about community relations.
JC: Other areas of the Guidelines for future growth?
SB: Support for epistolary correspondence
PS: Liturgy
BB: Lack of support for historical journals and newspapers. MH: There's a lot of overlap between journals and correspondence: overlap and reference to each other.
BB: Ephemera
SB: Handwriting on forms.
KH: Ongoing assessment of wiki cheatsheets to see if there's text that should be added to the Guidelines to fill in gaps.
KH: For historical journals and newspapers, there are two problems: complex layout (which is now handled using the genetic editions methods) and metadata of articles versus an issue or journal as a whole. SB: You can do this with @decls. KH: Maybe we need a cheatsheet. LB: Or if we invent the proposed "linked data block", you could possibly put this in the <front>. JC: Or do this as a <teiCorpus> with each article as a <text>.
SB: Add better support for having separate files for components of a text?
EM: Is the problem with using <teiCorpus> and separate headers for each article is that there's so much to type?
BB: Some want metadata for text-bearing objects.
JC: For each of these areas it would be good to get some more concrete proposals written up
SR: Matthew Driscoll wants a way to markup things that don't exist (I checked and it doesn't exist, as opposed to I'm not sure.) JC: I have in the past suggested using an empty element for such uses. SB: But then people can't use empty elements as placeholders. LB: In <msDesc>, there are two categories of elements: those that talk about things, and those that represent them.
MH: You could have a global attribute on an element to say that it's not present in the text.
RW: This is like what bothered me about text directionality: how do you encode an expectation that's not fulfilled? EM: Or, more generally, the things that don't conform to pattern. This is different from presence versus absence.
MH: I'm worried that Matthew is trying to encode rendering. You should instead do that through your encoding toolchain.
JC: Perhaps another example might be: you have a set of illuminated manuscripts but one doesn't have the illuminated letter as expected. PS: I have a paper from 17 years ago ("Encoding Silences") about cases of missing expected data from the Middle English Dictionary. MH: Our use of @notBefore and @notAfter is an additional way of encoding silence, so we do have a precedence for asserting absence through the encoding. SB: And <supplied>. But PS wants to express a default.
BB: The genetic editions stuff is missing the genetic part (relations among genetically related documents: the revision campaigns). It's mostly the diploma stuff that got implemented. Others: this is in fact there. JC: listChange; however this relates aspects of a single TEI file or node, not amongst them. LB objects to the use of the word ‘file' to describe what most operating systems call a file.
Discussion of representing genetic relations and relations among <TEI> nodes. You could use Graphs, Networks, and Trees for this. JC: That is ridiculous. We need simple mechanisms for relating one <TEI> element/node/digitalRepresentationOfADocument with others or other resources, or showing their place in a series or collection of these. The limitation of the genetic material is not in relating stages in a single document but stages as recorded in multiple TEI files.
SR: Need to expand support for contextual information: not just persons, places, and organizations. For example, trees (actual plants, not a computer science concept!). JC: Is this a general purpose description of objects? SR: The <object> element could eventually be used for this. (The SIG has gone dormant.)
JC and MH: Overhaul of the TEI header. JC: Could do this in a Birnbaum-friendly way that allows you to chose between the old and new header structures.
SB: Being able to express non-TEI metadata in some sort of "other metadata" element in the header (and not just strewn about in other places but in another namespace).
JC thanks Council for the brainstorming and we will attempt to return to some of these issues on the mailing list. But JC notes that there doesn't seem to be obvious targets that we're all agreed on.
Any Other Business
SR: Status of proposal for linked data block for standoff markup? JC: Per FR 378 , we need people to be on a working group. MH: It's with Piotr Banski. JC: I believe he still wishes to be involved in it.
Action on JC: to prod PB on all tickets assigned to him.
SR/JC: Someone could take up Marjorie's laudable cheatsheet initiative to show where you might put <listGrp>, <listPlace>, <interpGrp>, etc. in the TEI document. HC, MH, and SB agreed to join the working group proposed in FR 378 .
Action on SB: post @rend, @rendition, @style class FR
JC Thanks Council for attending, their hard work, and acting as elected representatives for the TEI community.
Action on JC: Ensure minutes are tidied up, posted online, summarised and that summary posted to TEI-L.
13:00 – 14:00
- Lunch (optional)