TEI Technical Council Meeting,

TEI Council Teleconference Draft Minutes 2014-08-01

Present: James Cummings (JC - Chair), Hugh Cayless (HC), Lou Burnard (LB), Martin Holmes (MH), Paul Schaffner (PFS), Stefanie Gehrke (SG), Syd Bauman (SB)

Apologies: Fabio Ciotti (FC), Peter Stadler (PWS), Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Elli Mylonas (EM)

Actions Arising

Next Release (SB/EM); release cut-off-date

Tentative schedule, pending approval (mostly by Elli):

**Action on SB to confirm this.**Action on everyone to look at their tickets and prioritize those which are release-blocking, and those which are desiderata.

TEI Simple (SR)

JC: Funded by Mellon. Week-long meeting planned in Oxford in September with some key participants (week of the 20th). This will start looking at the processing model proposal. Action on SR to report again after this meeting.

Reminder to feed back thoughts on CorrespDesc (PWS) Some feedback has been submitted, keep it up! Discussion on TEI-CORRESP-SIG list suggests that the spec is still in flux. List archive: https://listserv.brown.edu/?A0=TEI-CORRESP-SIG. LB: Is anyone looking at what CMC SIG is doing? JC looked at this before Rome meeting. LB believes their proposals are getting more mature, and there is substantial overlap. JC: We suggested to PWS that he contact them; we should make sure that happens. LB: They are dealing with large corpora including email, collaborative products (wikipedia), and online chats. JC: Shall we propose that the TEI Board provide funds to send PWS to their meeting [where? when?]. Action on JC to ask PWS if he can attend, and if so, ask Board for funding.

Autumn Face2Face (HC)

Confirmed: Mon 2014-11-17 through Wed 2014-11-19.

HC needs to know a general estimate of numbers, and will reserve a block of rooms at one of the local hotels or conference centers. Action on HC to put up a Doodle poll for attendance, arrival and departure to assist in booking. Action on HC to confirm who will pay initially (Duke or attendees), and then reclaim the cost from the TEI. There are no plans as yet for Council members to participate in public presentations around the meeting, but if they’re going to happen, dates will need to be confirmed soon.

List Types (MH/SR)

MH values of @rend are suggested in prose, not <valList> because of tech problem. All uses have been changed. Stylesheets updated. Prose updated in CO to suggest use of @rend or @style (@rend rather than @rendition because it is a more straightforward conversion, of documents or of practice, from @type). Sole remaining recommended value for @type is ‘gloss.’ SB wants to clarify that we aren’t specifically recommending @rend but any of @rend/@rendition/@style

MH eventually to add a schematron to warn that use of our formerly recommended values of @type is bad practice.

PFS and SB ask about different @type of list and what other values this might have? JC: ‘Shopping’, ‘Laundry’; MH: These are really just arbitrary values; it seems strange to include them in a suggested value list. @type=”gloss” is a special case because a large part of the chapter is devoted to elaborating its usage.

[Discussion of various types of list and analogies with other elements]

Action on SB: Look at modified chapter and feed back any suggested changes to chapter.

HackAThon at TEI Conf?

HackAThon at DH was successful; however, we might get more useful outcomes from holding one at the TEI conference. Should we do this, or is there not enough time to prepare? LB is unenthusiastic; if the objective is PR, we don’t need that at the TEI conference. SB: If it’s potentially useful, though, it could be held at the conference as an experiment. We could give it a try. Action on JC to email Martin Mueller and all involved in organizing the last one to see if they have suggestions on how/whether to organize this. HC points out that the Chicago Colloquium is starting immediately afterwards; SB points out this may prevent people from attending both hack-a-thon and Colloquium.

Reminder of tickets, actions, etc.

Amber FR: http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilAmberFR

Amber Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilAmberBugs

Green FR: http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilGreenFR

Actions from last meeting: http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Meetings/tcm60.xml#actions


LB: Can I carry out ticket https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/680/ , which is a corrigible error? Council agreed.

SB: gap/supplied/surplus/unclear have locally defined @reason and SB wants to factor them into a class; but deleting local deletes version he has added in class. LB/SB discuss options.

MH: Problem with localising @rend in guidelines, but should be able to do things like this in the source. LB: Problem is in generation of DTDs (LB explains DTD generation problem). Action on MH to raise a bug on the Stylesheets project.

JC requests a volunteer (preferably someone not standing for election this year) to sit on the committee to manage elections for Council and Board. He will email continuing members of Council to ask again, since some are absent.

JC thanks everyone for attending and taking minutes.