TEI Technical Council Meeting,
Participants: Syd Bauman (SB), Lou Burnard (LB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Fabio Ciotti (FC), James Cummings (JC) (Chair), Martin Holmes (MH), Elli Mylonas (EM), Paul F Schaffner (PFS), Peter W Stadler (PWS)
Intermittently participating remotely: Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Stefanie Gehrke (SG)
- Action: All members of council interested in TEI Simple to join the mailing list https://web.maillist.ox.ac.uk/ox/subscribe/teisimple
- Action: on LB Set up a mailing list to discuss ODD/Pure ODD, etc. (Done; see https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/mailman/?source=navbar)
- Action: on ALL interested in ODD/Pure ODD, join tei-odds mailing list https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/mailman/?source=navbar
- Action: LB to continue development/implementation of Pure ODD with SR and report back to council on new developments
- Action: JC to try to find a co-organiser for DH2015 TEI HackAThon.
- Action: PWS to revise the draft correspDesc proposal and draw attention to council for final review before implementing as part of the TEI Guidelines.
- Action: SB/MH/LB to offer themselves as TEI mentors to members of Council and encourage new members to ask them (or council) questions.
- Action: MH to post to council mailing list making suggestions for mentorship programme
- Action: LB volunteers to mentor Stefan.
- Action: MH to act as JTEI liaison for now, reporting on any major changes to JTEI Schema and authoring package.
- Action: MH to separate out anything that shouldn’t be public in the JTEI Schema, merge in schematron constraints, documentation, etc. and add to TEI Sourceforge Repository. Add JTEI Authoring environment to the oxygen-tei framework.
- Action: on MH to implement @resp changes, and update prose and examples in Guidelines to have @resp point to respStmt (etc.)
- Action: SB to inform council in future about developments of this draft (LOC date attrs) e.g. if it might be adopted by ISO or W3C etc.
- Action: LB to create tickets for the 2 new elements
- Action: ALL to read the draft (link above) and be ready to comment on it at next conference call (or soon thereafter)
- Action: JC to create a proposal listing those parts which are required for generation of the TEI products (Guidelines, schemas etc.)
- Action: JC to add each council member as a member of a team with admin powers to the TEI-C github organization
- Action: PWS/MH to update SVN Documentation and include information concerning GitHub
- Action: PWS to return to Council mailing list with call for testing or suggestions on improvement for a TEI Checker web service in the next few weeks, and Council to respond with suggested improvements.
- Action: HC to produce an updated Critical Apparatus ODD and redraft document for Council discussion.
- Action: on JC, MH, HC, SB consider wherever possible writing additional documentation, blog posts, or similar on the technical aspects presented, and notify council or TEI-L.
- Action: On ALL to look at tickets assigned to them and update them with latest status, and implement where possible.
Monday 2014-11-17
TEI Simple
JC reports on TEI Simple and notes his TEI Conference paper, at https://github.com/TEIC/TEI-Simple/blob/master/advisory/report-teimm-2014.pdf?raw=true
The TEI Simple proposal will be presented to Council toward the end of the project. If approved by Council, it has been previously agreed (and is an explicit part of the bid) that TEI Simple will be integrated into the TEI structure thenceforth, i.e. it will become something to be maintained by Council as part of TEI. The character of the documentation has yet to be fully determined, but it would take the advice of Council on the creation of it. SR notes that novice documentation is the first priority. JC:Mellon funding goes until through July of 2015, by which time it is to be expected that the project will have created a processing model, at least minimal documentation, and ‘TEI performance indicators’.
The primary means of access to the project is the TEI Simple mailing list at https://web.maillist.ox.ac.uk/ox/subscribe/teisimple All of council were encourage to join.
A discussion of how best to cope with a perceived need to upcode TEI Simple, perhaps by including the names of specific (non-Simple) elements among the permitted values of the type attribute of more generic elements, reached instead the opposite consensus: that users of Simple should be encouraged to use specific elements, not generic ones; that Simple is designed to avoid ambiguity and excessive choice, not to keep the element count down to (e.g.) less than a hundred; and that if enough users of Simple need a specific element, that element should be added to Simple rather than depending on seg type=”foo”. This has always been the mantra of TEI Simple, that “Simple does not necessarily mean small, but powerful.”
Action: All members of council interested in TEI Simple to join the mailing list https://web.maillist.ox.ac.uk/ox/subscribe/teisimple
Pure ODD
LB: Apologies: discussion of contextual dependency issues not yet started. E.g. I have <p> in both header and text, and I want them to have different content models. This will be done soon.
Action: on LB Set up a mailing list to discuss ODD/Pure ODD, etc. (Done; see https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/mailman/?source=navbar)
Action: on ALL interested in ODD/Pure ODD, join tei-odds mailing list https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/mailman/?source=navbar
Do we need <textNode>? or <mixedContent>? Decision is holding up completion ofintroductory tutorial. At our last discussion of this, we agreed that using @allowText for mixed content models was not a good idea. We liked the idea of <mixedContent> for text and element content arranged in the traditional way. However, later, it was argued that this was special-casing something which wasn’t special; actually text nodes should be the special case. We have been representing text nodes with a macro, but we might instead use an element <textNode>. This allows the definition of content models which can’t be represented in current schema languages. SB comments that you can’t have a macro unless you have a primative <textNode> anyway. LB hopes Council will agree that we should have <textNode>, and if we have it, we no longer need the idea of <mixedContent>, which we all agreed to in Oxford.
stands for
SB points out that <mixedContent> saves a bit of typing and provides an easy way to get an XML DTD-compliant content model, but in no way is required. The general consensus was that <mixedContent> is going to be more trouble than it is worth, and that a separate <textNode> element is a good idea.
LB points out that ODD uses two different types of macros:
- standing in for datatype
- standing in for a bit of ODD
SR has proposed that we invent <dataRef> for the former purpose, to make the distinction clearer (ticket 530 later in meeting). In the short term it would point to W3C datatypes, but in future, SB points out, we can use it to point to other datatype libraries/systems; he points out that Jeni Tennison has created a language for describing datatypes. (See http://www.jenitennison.com/datatypes/DTLL.html for the Datatype Library Language.)
LB notes the latest version of Pure ODD tutorial developed for recent tutorials: http://tei.it.ox.ac.uk/Oxford/2014-10-odds/pureODDtutorial.xml for Council consideration. SR reports on the ODD workshop at Evanston, that there weren’t major misunderstandings about Pure ODD. LB discusses timescale for future improvements and development including when to convert the guidelines to Pure ODD. Converting the content models to Pure ODD will involve lots of testing. Also Stylesheets will need to be updated, particularly in the presentation of reference documentation. We shouldn’t have major upgrades to documentation at the same time. The reference pages currently toggle content models between the two syntaxes of RELAX NG but this would be problematic in Pure ODD. What do we show? Pure ODD, or option to see that in schema language of your choice?
After the meeting the SB noted that Council’s much earlier decision of Fri 2003-06-16 (point 8) still makes sense to him:
Council debated at some length which schema language should be used, and the extent to which it should be exposed to users of the Guidelines, before voting on the following propositions:
- The maintenance form for the definition of the TEI schema should be RelaxNG
- In the printed form of the Guidelines, formal definitions for elements should be given using the RelaxNG ‘compact’ syntax
- In digital versions of the Guidelines, formal definitions should be available in one or more of the available schema languages (DTD, W3C schema, RelaxNG) as a user-configurable option
- It should be possible for users to define extensions in any of the three schema languages
Each of the above motions was carried unanimously.
JC, also after the fact, noted that these decisions are entirely up for review as part of the development, implementation, documentation, and adoption of Pure ODD and we shouldn’t feel bound by them, but if SB wants to make this argument then the TEI ODDs mailing list is the appropriate place.
Does the Big Push to Pure ODD wait until contextual constraints are solved? Discussion of what these would be, and how they’d be implemented. MH suggests “if we are going to do it, lets do it right”. Bootstrapping problem that we don’t have enough experience with Pure ODD, so not sure we have enough knowledge of the problems yet.
Roadmap: Once Pure ODD has <textNode> and <dataRef> functionality then that should be considered Pure ODD version 1.0. Adding contextual dependency, perhaps as a 2.0 release, requires notation and implementation.
Action: LB to continue development/implementation of Pure ODD with SR and report back to council on new developments
TEI DH2015 HackAThon
Syd, James, Martin plan to be at DH 2015. Conal Tuohy will presumably be there too, as well as others from Australia with a technical TEI bent who could be approached as well.
LB suggests a build-a-TEI-website project (50 texts with images, use some standard CMSes, eXist, etc.)
ODD Visualization
- MH suggests a tool that compares two project ODDs or RELAX NG schemas and shows how they intersect. SB thinks Michael Sperberg-McQueen has already created a version of such a tool for DTDs.
FC suggests a TEI XQuery function library.
EM suggests instead of “hackathon” we could call it the “TEI Build an XQuery Library” workshop if it’s going to be focussed in this way — the TEI is determining the task in advance.
Who will run it? Can we find an Australian to (co-)organize it?
Consensus is generally that building a TEI XQuery function library (to create all sorts of interesting output) would be a good topic.
Action: JC to try to find a co-organiser for DH2015 TEI HackAThon.
Some pointers:
PWS summarised current state of Correspondence proposals.
Council nit-picked over details hoping tease out a generalised solution.
The general consensus seems to be:
<correspDesc> will be repeatable because it will be a member of model.profileDescPart.
<correspDesc> will contain one or more <correspAction> elements in sequence representing correspondence actions such as sending, receiving, signing, etc.
Each of those elements should contain an identifier such as <persName role=”something”> (but potentially orgName, name, etc.), places and dates and possibly an element describing the transmission.
<correspDesc> will be a member of att.declarable so that each can be pointed at by a specific letter, in the case where you have a single document containing multiple letters.
The documentation will give clear guidelines on how to use the range of different options to represent correspondence in different configurations (single letter in a single TEI file, anthology in a single TEI document with <group>, etc.).
Council agrees in principle to the proposal (with changes suggested) and action on PWS to revise the draft and draw attention to council for final review.
The idea of a separate Module was rejecting feeling that this should just become part of the header module.
Documentation should go into the Header chapter at 2.4.6
Elements and classes are to be defined in the header module
Action: PWS to revise the draft correspDesc proposal and draw attention to council for final review before implementing as part of the TEI Guidelines.
Ticket Processing
Council broke into groups to discuss tickets and report back. Notes on deliberations over tickets are at the bottom of this document organised by colour (Amber / Green / Red) and type (FR / Bug). In this first day we got to just before Group A’s Amber FR 516.
Tuesday 2014-11-18
Council Mentoring Programme
Suggestion of assigned mentors for new members to help new council members gain familiarity with setup of TEI working practices and technologies.
SB, MH, and LB volunteer Action: SB/MH/LB to offer themselves as TEI mentors to members of Council and encourage new members to ask them (or council) questions.
JC noted that any general questions could be put on: http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/TEI-Council-FAQ
PWS suggests direction should come from the Mentor to the mentoree, i.e. not passively wait for questions but make sure the person understands workflows etc.
MH suggests working through a straightforward ticket with new members, and pointing to clear case study of ticket done correctly.
Action: MH to post to council mailing list making suggestions for mentorship programme
Action: LB volunteers to mentor Stefan.
JTEI Schema and authoring package
MH describes JTEI Schema and authoring package
Discussion over policy of adoption of customizations: under what circumstances does the TEI Council adopt maintenance of customizations. Should there be a council liaison to JTEI? General consensus that there should be. Action: MH to act as JTEI liaison for now, reporting on any major changes to JTEI Schema and authoring package.
Should the schema be adopted as an "official" customization, and should the authoring package be integrated into the oxygen-tei plugin? (MH)
Council agrees to adopt customization assuming JTEI continues to support it and the authoring package.
Council thinks that it should only adopt things created by the TEI Consortium (lite, tite, jTEI, TE-Simple all fit).
Action: MH to separate out anything that shouldn’t be public in the JTEI Schema, merge in schematron constraints, documentation, etc. and add to TEI Sourceforge Repository. Add JTEI Authoring environment to the oxygen-tei framework.
Global @resp and friends (MH, LB, HC)
Notes from sub-council working group are available at: http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Global_@resp_attribute
Discussion concerning global @resp, global @cert, and possibility of global @source
Choices for @resp seem to be:
- rename att.responsibility (including @cert) att.global.responsibility; make att.global inherit it
- Create new global attribute @respRef with enforcing with schematron that it must point to a respStmt [not popular]
- Modify @resp to have schematron rule that it should point to a <respStmt> and warn when this isn’t the case
A majority of Council voted in favour of approach (a), and furthermore to re-visit (c) in ~ 1 year. The chair abstained but his voice would have not swayed Council from letting more attributes become global. We will also change the prose and examples in the Guidelines to indicate that best practice is to point from @resp to a <respStmt> or other things inside <titleStmt>. Action: on MH to implement @resp changes, and update prose and examples in Guidelines to have @resp point to respStmt (etc.)
We will separately address the @source proposal on the wiki page at a later meeting. (HC)
LOC date attrs (SB; see LOC draft standard)
See LOC draft standard (http://loc.gov/standards/datetime/pre-submission.html)
"This specification defines features to be supported in a date/time string, features considered useful for a wide variety of applications. It takes the form of a profile of / extension to ISO 8601, the International Standard for the representation of dates and times. ISO 8601 describes a large number of date/time formats. On one hand some of these formats are redundant and/or not very useful; to reduce the scope for error and the complexity of software, it seems worthwhile to restrict the supported formats to a smaller set. On the other hand, there are a number of date and time format conventions in common use that are not included in ISO 8601; it seems worthwhile to normalize these."
SB draws attention of Council to this ISO 8601 extension for future consideration.
Questions include: What it includes? What is its status? and can we create a regex for it?
The date formats have a formal expression using BNF syntax in the draft document.
Action: SB to inform council in future about developments of this draft (LOC date attrs) e.g. if it might be adopted by ISO or W3C etc.
ISO-TEI Workgroup on Speech Transcription
(LB; see http://bit.ly/1jyZC37 “final draft oct 2014") recommends two new elements:
<transcriptionDesc> “describes the set of transcription conventions used”; FC points out that the tag name evokes different connotations with philologists; maybe think of changing the name or make it work genericly
<annotatedU> “groups an utterance with the annotation layers associated with it”
Action: LB to create tickets for the 2 new elements
Action: ALL to read the draft (link above) and be ready to comment on it at next conference call (or soon thereafter)
XSLT Stylesheets on Github
Council reiterated that they were not moving Guidelines development to GitHub but had generally finished moving any associated software development to GitHub. However, we need to specify what part of the Stylesheets are under maintenance of the TEI Council. Action: JC to create a proposal listing those parts which are required for generation of the TEI products (Guidelines, schemas etc.)
We have added a label to GitHub so issues can be labelled "CouncilResponsibility".
Action: JC to add each council member as a member of a team with admin powers [Done]
Set up best practice guidelines for working with the GitHub repo(s) and SVN repo and use them in the same way.
Action: PWS/MH to update SVN Documentation and include information concerning GitHub
Ticket Processing
Council initially discussed remaining tickets in plenary that were discussed by groups on the previous day, starting at Group A’s Amber FR 516. Ending at C 384.
Happy Birthday Hugh Cayless
Council sang Happy Birthday, slightly out of tune, to HC. Happy Birthday Hugh! Later that evening at supper at a colleague of Hugh’s house, a cake mysteriously appeared with <hugh/> element on it because Council informed the host in advance that it was Hugh's birthday.
Wednesday 2014-11-19
Tweet Chat
TEI-C Tweet Chat from the Libraries SIG. starts at 10AM Duke time
Council participated productively in the Tweetchat while undertaking other discussions.
TEI Validation/Checker Service (PWS)
Formally specify what a TEI conformant document is?
there was some controversy about this and also about whether the validator should be checking for conformance or validating or profiling.
JC: Notes that true conformance checking is more than validating and probably impossible to programmatically determine since it involves proper adherence to the prose based abstract model.
A service for non-TEI people to get details of the TEI document
Not just a question of validation against tei_all.
PWS describes infrastructure of the checker and types of validation it does.
JC notes the potential relationship to the ‘performance indicators’ of TEI Simple. Possibility to have it work inside teh oxygen-tei framework as well?
Consensus favourable about TEI-C hosting such a service, though some uncertainty about its useability.
Action: PWS to return to Council mailing list with call for testing or suggestions on improvement for a TEI Checker web service in the next few weeks, and Council to respond with suggested improvements.
Critical Apparatus proposal update (HC)
Council discussed the document.
HC will produce an experimental ODD and a redraft of the document for further discussion
The MS-SIG plans to spawn a working group to work on drafting a thoroughly revised Critical Apparatus chapter of the TEI Guidelines.
Action: HC to produce an updated Critical Apparatus ODD and redraft document for Council discussion.
Technical Presentations On TEI Infrastructure (Various)
JC presents on the mechanics of OxGarage using a presentation designed for teaching other things: http://tei.it.ox.ac.uk/Talks/2014-11-warsaw/talk-tc-oxgarage.pdf
MH presents on the nature of the teitoX stylesheets and how parameters are passed through them to underlying xslt via ant. This presentation traced a very simple transformation (teitotxt) through its initiation at the command line to transformtei, to ant, and to Saxon. Then he demonstrated how a single parameter finds its way through the process, acquiring a couple of different names on the way. http://hcmc.uvic.ca/people/martin/tei/anatomy_of_a_transformation.pdf
HC presents on the use of git/github for forking and doing a major bit of work for the Guidelines. git-svn used.
SB presents on tracking down extract-isosch.xsl and where it gets its parameters, and how Schemtron is extracted, and how deprecation gets built. This includes mentioning that we do not (and perhaps cannot?) build the @context for a <constraint> (that does not itself already have an @context) inside an <attDef> inside a <classSpec> properly.
Consensus was that having some short technical infrastructure presentations was a positive thing.
Action: on JC, MH, HC, SB consider wherever possible writing additional documentation, blog posts, or similar on the technical aspects presented, and notify council or TEI-L.
Ticket Processing
- Council reviewed a number of specific and difficult tickets to finish the morning. After lunch several members of Council adjourned to the hotel to work on tickets, discuss implementation options, and depart for flights home.
- JC: Thanked all members in person and remote who participated, and especially HC for being the local organiser. JC reminded council members to look over draft minutes and he would edit them slightly and post to the TEI-C website. Also Action: On ALL to look at tickets assigned to them and update them with latest status, and implement where possible.
Remit: Break into groups, discuss ticket, come to decision (implement, reject, further discussion) or summarise any problems with implementing (why are we waiting) and what can be done about it. If trivial feel free to implement immediately.
Amber Feature Requests
See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilAmberFR for an up-to-date list of Amber Feature Requests. Groups:
A = HC, SB, FC
GRP | # | Summary | Owner | Creator | Created | Updated | COUNCIL NOTES |
A | 534 | add <space> to att.typed | Wout Dillen | 2 days ago | 2 days ago | Closed-fixed by SB | |
A | 533 | Add profileDesc as optional child biblFull | HC | Laurent Romary | 2 days ago | 2 days ago | add queries to ticket (HC); assigned to HC |
A | 532 | tag major xslt releases so specific versions can be identified | Sebastian Rahtz | Elli Mylonas | 2014-10-31 | 2014-11-07 | Council agrees, there should be discrete identifiable releases that projects like EpiDoc and our own Guidelines can refer to. |
B | 531 | New element for secluded text | Hugh A. Cayless | Hugh A. Cayless | 2014-10-17 | 2014-10-18 | is this too rare? [LB] Are there alternative generic means to mark a span of displaced text as being of uncertain original placement? [PFS] Also, if accepted, the element name “<secl>” is a non-starter (LB). <misplaced>? Council agrees <setAside> Green, assign to HC to come up with a content model and example(s). |
B | 530 | a new ODD element for pointing at datatypes | Sebastian Rahtz | 2014-10-06 | 2014-10-06 | note in ticket. Yes; Council agrees, assigned to LB | |
B | 529 | A method for marking a feature as "beta" in the Guidelines | Martin Holmes | 2014-10-05 | 2014-10-05 | Council believes beta features should never make it into a release, so this feature is not required. Close the ticket won’t-fix. Action on HC/MH/SB to document different ways to make/build proposals. | |
C | 528 | TEI Vault page has no info on recent releases | Martin Holmes | 2014-09-22 | 2014-09-22 | Done. Closed the ticket. | |
C | 527 | Replace current eXist for Roma with updated version | Martin Holmes | 2014-09-18 | 2014-09-19 | Make Green; Assign to PWS. | |
C | 526 | Create a Jenkins job for building oxygen-tei | Martin Holmes | 2014-09-18 | 2014-09-18 | Make Green; Assign to MH. | |
A | 525 | translated from | Fxp33 | 2014-09-14 | 2014-09-14 | Group suggests that Council take no action until requestor re-formulates the request.Agreed | |
A | 524 | assign <summary> to a content model like noteLike | Torsten Schassan | 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-01 | has already been fixed (on 2014-06-30 in r12920 by Stephanie). Ticket closed. | |
A | 523 | Allow @notation in <pVar> element | Jack Bowers | 2014-08-17 | 2014-08-17 | SB to ask LR; Assigned to SB. | |
B | 522 | Create att.global.styling for @rend, @rendition, and @style | Martin Holmes | 2014-07-31 | 2014-09-25 | go for it; Agreed. | |
B | 521 | Allow <lem/> to Contain Chunk-Level Markup | Gregor Middell | 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-26 | this is a major change, fraught with possible unintended consequences, but it’s important and useful and many people want it.; Council: More thought needed assign to HC to look at with text critical proposals. | |
B | 520 | @selector attribute for the `<rendition>` element | Martin Holmes | 2014-07-15 | 2014-07-15 | At first glance, a clever way to smuggle an entire CSS (+xpath) style sheet (perh for display really rather than rendition proper) into the TEI. Reproduces existing functionality (by reversing the direction of the reference between element and style), but adds considerable efficiency. [PFS] The additional suggestion of selectorScheme may be pushing things too far [LB]. What is the default selectorScheme if none is specified? CSS? [pfs] How to handle local overrides (or cumulative additions?) Or other conflicts between style selected at the global level and style selected at the level of the individual element instance. *Eligible for group discussion.* Alternatively, omit the xpath option, but include only @selector (defined as CSS); leave addition of an xpath @match attribute to possible later addition if needed. Assigned to MH to follow up, especially with regard to the tagusage/@render mechanism. | |
C | 519 | precision should be a member of att.datable* | MH | Frederik | 2014-07-10 | 2014-07-10 | Make Green, assign to MH |
C | 518 | state (or model.*StateLike) should contain precision | Frederik | 2014-07-10 | 2014-07-10 | Make green, assign to PWS | |
C | 517 | transcription of quranic "end of ayah"-sign | Tobias J. Jocham | 2014-07-07 | 2014-07-07 | Not Sure. Lou made good suggestions about ways to answer the requirement on the ticket. Assigned to EM | |
A | 516 | tagsDecl needs to be explicit as to whether it documents all tags present in a document | Lou Burnard | 2014-07-02 | 2014-07-02 | Subgroup thinks implementing w/ default partial=false makes sense; bringbefore whole Council; Council dislikes the default value, but otherwise supports ticket to create a @partial attribute. Assigning to SB, GREEN. | |
A | 515 | re-think model.global's membership and use in <line> | Syd Bauman | 2014-07-02 | 2014-07-02 | We can’t find any minutes on how or whether we decided to implement 485, the ticket this was created in response to. (MH suggests signalling the change between types of transcription in the chapter.) Assigned to LB. | |
A | 511 | New element <transcriptionDesc> as a possible child of <encodingDesc> | Thomas Schmidt | 2014-06-26 | 2014-07-01 | Ticket status unchanged: still waiting on spoken language proposal. Assign to MH; set to open-later. | |
B | 510 | add a correspondence module and elements for capturing correspondence specific meta data | Peter Stadler | Peter Stadler | 2014-06-20 | 2014-07-01 | PWS to make note on ticket |
B | 507 | create generic policy for the TEI on integration of external standards | Syd Bauman | Kevin Hawkins | 2014-05-10 | 2014-07-01 | Agreed; kick syd. |
B | 505 | Redefine <msPart> | Stefanie Gehrke | Caroline T. Schroeder | 2014-04-29 | 2014-07-01 | Stefanie sent a document to PWS; Action: All Council need to read document |
C | 504 | Replace @active and @passive on relation with @from and @to | Hugh A. Cayless | Hugh A. Cayless | 2014-04-21 | 2014-08-16 | HC is in discussion with SR LB. This ticket is in process, but nothing to do now. HC to summarize current discussion on ticket. |
C | 501 | Add notion of model.resourceLike to description of teiHeader | Peter Stadler | Peter Stadler | 2014-03-17 | 2014-03-18 | Agreed: PWS goes on to identify those locations and puts them in the ticket. Asks council to look and then fixes them. |
C | 498 | Permit new <persona> as a child of <person> | Lou Burnard | David J Birnbaum | 2014-02-22 | 2014-07-01 | Last action was to ask DJB to provide a proposal for a persona element. Has this been done? Any idea on the status? LB to follow up. |
A | 496 | `<taxonomy>` should be allowed as a child of `<category>` | Paul Schaffner | Martin Holmes | 2014-01-31 | 2014-08-16 | Was awaiting better example from MH. Has provided one, will provide one more. Assign to MH. |
A | 492 | Allow bibl inside app | James Cummings | Hugh A. Cayless | 2014-01-16 | 2014-09-04 | Action recommended looks good: create model.appPart. Council: make green and leave as assigned (to JC). |
A | 490 | un-bundle @cert and @resp | Martin Holmes | Hugh A. Cayless | 2013-12-18 | 2014-07-02 | Closed this; it’s obviated by earlier decisions about @resp etc. |
B | 489 | Make teiHeader/@type explicitly map to dc:type by using terms from DCMI | Paul Schaffner | Lou Burnard | 2013-12-16 | 2014-05-19 | Already assigned.; Recommendation: Close ticket. Add new ticket for deprecation of @type on header Action on PFS to open ticket to deprecate @type on header, but then just do it. |
B | 486 | deprecating members of a content model | Syd Bauman | Kevin Hawkins | 2013-12-08 | 2014-07-01 | Make GREEN, assign others to SB to implement in schematron |
B | 485 | add element rs as member of model.linePart | Martin Holmes | Oliver Gasperlin | 2013-11-26 | 2014-05-19 | Closed |
C | 482 | The term strikes back - terminology chapter | Lou Burnard | Laurent Romary | 2013-11-06 | 2014-08-26 | Still waiting on a formal proposal. Action on FC to poke LR |
C | 480 | Adding the @hand attribute to all (or most) text-containing elements | Lou Burnard | Ville Marttila | 2013-10-29 | 2014-10-25 | this is very messy, needs to be discussed and probably broken out into several discrete proposals: 1. @hand is used in many ways 2. proposer wants to add it to more elements; LB to prod. |
C | 479 | Adding the @place attribute to <head> and <seg> | Sebastian Rahtz | Ville Marttila | 2013-10-29 | 2014-08-26 | SR to prod Ville |
A | 459 | warn user of dropped constructs | Syd Bauman | Syd Bauman | 2013-06-17 | 2013-12-08 | Largely handled by deprecation. Might relate to ‘validation service’ issue? Close?Council: Make Pending, Nag SB. |
A | 457 | make explicit difference between tagUsage and ODD documentation | Lou Burnard | Kevin Hawkins | 2013-05-24 | 2014-06-06 | This should go to a Council discussion of Kevin’s four questions. Recommend doing this tomorrow morning, led by Lou, who has the ticket, because tagUsage is fresh in our minds. … ended up talking about it anyway. Council:LB to follow up. |
A | 453 | a place for metadata that you can't fit into existing header elements | Paul Schaffner | Kevin Hawkins | 2013-05-13 | 2014-01-05 | Previous action (undone) from 2013 f2f: "Action: MH will offer DC examples and PS will offer MARC examples. LB will pull them together into some text to be inserted into the Guidelines. Given this, Council will reconsider the feature request and whether to create the wrapper element." Sub-group thinks this should be GREEN and implenteted: <externalMetadata> as a member of model.teiHeaderPart; Council: Assign to SB / GREEN pending name. exoData xenoData |
B | 443 | @resp should be a member of att.global | Martin Holmes | Martin Holmes | 2013-03-11 | 3 days ago | Already decided. |
B | 422 | teitoX: support passing configuration to saxon | Sebastian Rahtz | Louis-Dominique Dubeau | 2013-01-10 | 2013-11-13 | SR to report on status |
B | 387 | allow <head> in more places in div*, table, and list | Paul Schaffner | Kevin Hawkins | 2012-09-19 | 2013-11-13 | solved with addition of trailer to list/table/etc. |
C | 384 | free-standing attributes -> class | Paul Schaffner | Sebastian Rahtz | 2012-09-15 | 2014-05-28 | Work for @type at least has been queued up by Rebecca in the linked Google Doc. One question is how we should indicate suggested values if @type is moved to att.typed. Council needs to make a plan to implement this. Council: PFS to report on this. |
C | 378 | Encoding of Standoff annotations | Piotr Banski | Javier Pose | 2012-08-26 | 2014-08-20 | We have no idea what the status of this is. The last artifact we have is the minutes of the WG meeting in Berlin from PWS. We need a formal proposal in order to proceed. |
C | 360 | New attribute @keepHyphen | Paul Schaffner | Martin de la Iglesia | 2012-05-03 | 2013-11-11 | Prod PFS to provide an example. |
A | 326 | an <object> element | Sebastian Rahtz | Sebastian Rahtz | 2011-10-14 | 2014-08-18 | SR to poke SIG |
Amber Bugs
See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilAmberBugs for an up-to-date list of Amber Bugs.
GRP | # | Summary | Owner | Creator | Created | Updated | COUNCIL NOTES |
A | 699 | self-reference in macro.anyXML | Jens Østergaard Petersen | 2014-11-05 | 2014-11-05 | CLOSED. not a bug. SR answered. | |
A | 697 | sequence of declaration info is lost when making an ODD | Lou Burnard | 2014-10-31 | 2014-11-03 | MH & SB to sort out before dinner and suggest a plan of action… Discussed and resolved over dinner. | |
A | 696 | macro.paraContent doesn't contain l | Hugh A. Cayless | 2014-10-18 | 2014-10-19 | This ticket appears to be submitted only the basis of symmetry, not a real use-case, so although it might be logical, we can reject it unless or until there’s a real demonstrated need. Especially since it brings up again the controversial addition of LG to P. Closed. | |
B | 695 | distributed spec files point at wrong schema location | Peter Stadler | Peter Stadler | 2014-10-12 | 2014-10-12 | Proposal: Needs adding to the release process to replace to relative or absolute location of schema: PS/MH to investigate and report back on correct solution. |
B | 693 | allocation of elements to module transcr | Sebastian Rahtz | 2014-09-26 | 2014-09-26 | module fragmentation, close-wont-fix. | |
B | 692 | Pointing between terms and glosses | Martin Holmes | 2014-09-23 | 2014-09-24 | Add at least an extra example other way around using @ref; Assign to LB | |
C | 691 | Incorrect note in model.phrase | Hugh A. Cayless | Hugh A. Cayless | 2014-09-23 | 2014-09-23 | fix and close unless someone speaks up now; HC to implement |
C | 690 | Misplaced periods after examples | MH | Martin Holmes | 2014-09-16 | 2014-09-16 | We don’t know where these are, but by all means, let’s fix them.; MH to fix. |
C | 688 | TEILite `<editorialDecl>` has bad example and weird content model | MH | Martin Holmes | 2014-09-09 | 2014-09-11 | Martin says it’s a corrigible error. Assign to MH, make green |
A | 687 | TEILite has @calendar, but no `<calendar>` element it can point to | LB | Martin Holmes | 2014-09-08 | 2014-09-08 | Assign to LB |
A | 686 | TEILIte example shows cit/quote, but quote is not allowed | LB | Martin Holmes | 2014-09-08 | 2014-09-08 | Assign to LB |
A | 684 | multiple lems in an app | HC | Hugh A. Cayless | 2014-09-02 | 2014-09-08 | Modify note; Assign to HC. |
B | 683 | Wording for `<add>` and `<del>` needs to be tightened up | MH | Martin Holmes | 2014-08-25 | 2014-08-25 | Should clarify description of supplied, note on add, and prose. Assign to MH |
B | 681 | Datatype change for att.typed | PWS | Greg Murray | 2014-08-12 | 2014-08-12 | Change data.enumerated to data.word? (Why is valItem/@ident data.text?!;Assign to PWS |
B | 675 | org should allow model.global | Fabio Ciotti | Martin Holmes | 2014-06-09 | 2014-06-30 | Prod FC to report to Council, or just implement. |
C | 647 | data.enumerated != valItem/@ident | Syd Bauman | Syd Bauman | 2014-02-25 | 2014-02-26 | should be data.name. SB to implement |
C | 630 | use of <listRef> in specs | Lou Burnard | Kevin Hawkins | 2013-12-28 | 2014-05-19 | LB to implement. |
C | 581 | `<attRef>` needs better documentation | Martin Holmes | Martin Holmes | 2013-06-24 | 2014-09-09 | LB SB MH this one is hard to understand, pls explain; MH to report to council |
A | 563 | inconsistent encoding of citations to sources of examples | Paul Schaffner | Kevin Hawkins | 2013-04-12 | 2014-05-30 | JC to prod KH to comment. |
A | 548 | use of modal verbs in Guidelines | Kevin Hawkins | Kevin Hawkins | 2013-04-08 | 2014-05-10 | JC to chase up |
A | 216 | half title pages in TEI Tite | Syd Bauman | Kevin Hawkins | 2010-08-09 | 2014-06-30 | SB to chase up |
Green Feature Requests
See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilGreenFR for an up-to-date list of Green Feature Requests
GRP | # | Summary | Owner | Creator | Created | Updated | COUNCIL NOTES |
B | 383 | where to put <idno> within <biblStruct>? | Syd Bauman | Kevin Hawkins | 2012-09-08 | 2014-09-11 | SB to do |
B | 377 | retaining punctuation marks in the text of a TEI document | Paul Schaffner | Kevin Hawkins | 2012-08-12 | 2014-05-28 | PFS to do |
B | 298 | att.editLike should not bring att.dimensions & att.ranging | Martin Holmes | BODARD Gabriel | 2011-04-22 | 2013-11-28 | MH to do |
C | 264 | altIdentifier in msPart | James Cummings | Torsten Schassan | 2010-11-22 | 2013-11-12 | JC to do |
Green Bugs
See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilGreenBugs for an up-to-date list of Green Bugs
GRP | # | Summary | Owner | Creator | Created | Updated | COUNCIL NOTES |
C | 670 | Attribute definitions are slightly inconsistent | Stefanie Gehrke | Martin Holmes | 2014-05-22 | 2014-08-27 | (done) |
C | 634 | "TEI-conformable" is meaningless | Paul Schaffner | Martin Holmes | 2014-01-08 | 2014-06-30 | PFS to report |
A | 627 | Encoding example from Drama chapter uses @corresp instead of @synch | Fabio Ciotti | Martin Holmes | 2013-12-20 | 2014-06-30 | FC to do |
A | 621 | @expand example in att.lexicographic is incorrect. | Paul Schaffner | James Cummings | 2013-11-13 | 2014-09-02 | PFS to do |
A | 620 | which part of TEI Guidelines takes precedence | Fabio Ciotti | Kevin Hawkins | 2013-11-11 | 2014-06-30 | FC to report |
B | 616 | <cit> and <quote> not allowed within <summary> | Stefanie Gehrke | Ville Marttila | 2013-10-29 | 2014-09-19 | (done) |
B | 558 | name/orgName | Paul Schaffner | Jens Østergaard Petersen | 2013-04-09 | 2013-11-19 | PFS to report |
B | 528 | consistency in "the Guidelines" vs. "these Guidelines" | Kevin Hawkins | Kevin Hawkins | 2013-02-02 | 2013-11-12 | JC to prod |
C | 442 | update ODD documentation on www.tei-c.org and in Guidelines | Martin Holmes | Kevin Hawkins | 2012-09-20 | 2014-10-03 | MH to report |
C | 441 | fDecl doesn't allow att.datcat yet | Piotr Banski | Menzo Windhouwer | 2012-09-20 | 2013-10-10 | JC to prod |
X | 418 | Names and Dates chapter does not mention calendar | James Cummings | Martin Holmes | 2012-07-06 | 2012-08-09 | CLOSED |
C | 405 | XPointer schemes may not nest, but see ch. 16 | Syd Bauman | Piotr Banski | 2012-05-02 | 2013-11-13 | SB to report |
A | 401 | Most attributes lack good examples | Paul Schaffner | Martin Holmes | 2012-04-23 | 2014-05-28 | PFS to report |
A | 312 | i18n revision due | Martin Holmes | Sebastian Rahtz | 2011-11-02 | 2014-10-03 | MH to report |
A | 288 | deprecate use of gram except as a child of gramGrp | Syd Bauman | Kevin Hawkins | 2011-07-23 | 2013-12-08 | SB to report |
B | 281 | value of date@when | Kevin Hawkins | Kevin Hawkins | 2011-05-25 | 2014-08-14 | JC to prod |
Red Feature Requests
See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilRedFR for an up-to-date list of Red FR
GRP | # | Summary | Owner | Creator | Created | Updated | COUNCIL NOTES |
B | 470 | att.measurement and att.dimensions overlap | Martin Holmes | Lou Burnard | 2013-08-25 | 2014-09-09 | MH to report |
B | 464 | Need for some way to test the oxygen-tei package before release | Martin Holmes | Martin Holmes | 2013-07-05 | 2014-07-02 | MH to report |
C | 366 | rationalize content models of org and place (etc) | James Cummings | BODARD Gabriel | 2012-06-19 | 2014-01-26 | JC to report |
C | 324 | Allow certainty etc. inside milestoneLike elements | BODARD Gabriel | BODARD Gabriel | 2011-09-30 | 2012-06-03 | Let’s discuss briefly, but we are inclined to close it and not do anything: Not discussed, comments to be put on ticket, or closed. |
C | 292 | add SourceForge feeds to http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/ | Kevin Hawkins | Kevin Hawkins | 2011-04-13 | 2013-11-13 | JC to prod |
A | 289 | att.canonical for model.persTraitLike | James Cummings | James Cummings | 2011-04-11 | 2013-11-09 | JC to report |
Red Bugs
See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilRedBugs for an up-to-date list of Red Bugs
GRP | # | Summary | Owner | Creator | Created | Updated | COUNCIL NOTES |
A | 666 | video html to tei | Sebastian Rahtz | javad | 2014-04-27 | 2014-08-14 | SR to close |
A | 292 | GLs say add 'ns' decl, but roma objects | Sebastian Rahtz | Syd Bauman | 2011-08-20 | 2013-11-10 | SR to close |