TEI Technical Council Meeting,

Participants: Syd Bauman (SB), Lou Burnard (LB), Hugh Cayless (HC), Fabio Ciotti (FC), James Cummings (JC) (Chair), Martin Holmes (MH), Elli Mylonas (EM), Paul F Schaffner (PFS), Peter W Stadler (PWS)

Intermittently participating remotely: Sebastian Rahtz (SR), Stefanie Gehrke (SG)


Monday 2014-11-17

TEI Simple

Pure ODD

stands for

Council debated at some length which schema language should be used, and the extent to which it should be exposed to users of the Guidelines, before voting on the following propositions:

- The maintenance form for the definition of the TEI schema should be RelaxNG

- In the printed form of the Guidelines, formal definitions for elements should be given using the RelaxNG ‘compact’ syntax

- In digital versions of the Guidelines, formal definitions should be available in one or more of the available schema languages (DTD, W3C schema, RelaxNG) as a user-configurable option

- It should be possible for users to define extensions in any of the three schema languages

Each of the above motions was carried unanimously.

TEI DH2015 HackAThon


Ticket Processing

Council broke into groups to discuss tickets and report back. Notes on deliberations over tickets are at the bottom of this document organised by colour (Amber / Green / Red) and type (FR / Bug). In this first day we got to just before Group A’s Amber FR 516.

Tuesday 2014-11-18

Council Mentoring Programme

JTEI Schema and authoring package

Global @resp and friends (MH, LB, HC)

LOC date attrs (SB; see LOC draft standard)

ISO-TEI Workgroup on Speech Transcription

(LB; see http://bit.ly/1jyZC37 “final draft oct 2014") recommends two new elements:

XSLT Stylesheets on Github

Ticket Processing

Council initially discussed remaining tickets in plenary that were discussed by groups on the previous day, starting at Group A’s Amber FR 516. Ending at C 384.

Happy Birthday Hugh Cayless

Council sang Happy Birthday, slightly out of tune, to HC. Happy Birthday Hugh! Later that evening at supper at a colleague of Hugh’s house, a cake mysteriously appeared with <hugh/> element on it because Council informed the host in advance that it was Hugh's birthday.

Wednesday 2014-11-19

Tweet Chat

TEI Validation/Checker Service (PWS)

Critical Apparatus proposal update (HC)

Technical Presentations On TEI Infrastructure (Various)

Ticket Processing



Remit: Break into groups, discuss ticket, come to decision (implement, reject, further discussion) or summarise any problems with implementing (why are we waiting) and what can be done about it. If trivial feel free to implement immediately.

Amber Feature Requests

See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilAmberFR for an up-to-date list of Amber Feature Requests. Groups:

A = HC, SB, FC



GRP # Summary Owner Creator Created Updated COUNCIL NOTES
A 534 add <space> to att.typed Wout Dillen 2 days ago 2 days ago Closed-fixed by SB
A 533 Add profileDesc as optional child biblFull HC Laurent Romary 2 days ago 2 days ago add queries to ticket (HC); assigned to HC
A 532 tag major xslt releases so specific versions can be identified Sebastian Rahtz Elli Mylonas 2014-10-31 2014-11-07 Council agrees, there should be discrete identifiable releases that projects like EpiDoc and our own Guidelines can refer to.
B 531 New element for secluded text Hugh A. Cayless Hugh A. Cayless 2014-10-17 2014-10-18 is this too rare? [LB] Are there alternative generic means to mark a span of displaced text as being of uncertain original placement? [PFS] Also, if accepted, the element name “<secl>” is a non-starter (LB). <misplaced>? Council agrees <setAside> Green, assign to HC to come up with a content model and example(s).
B 530 a new ODD element for pointing at datatypes Sebastian Rahtz 2014-10-06 2014-10-06 note in ticket. Yes; Council agrees, assigned to LB
B 529 A method for marking a feature as "beta" in the Guidelines Martin Holmes 2014-10-05 2014-10-05 Council believes beta features should never make it into a release, so this feature is not required. Close the ticket won’t-fix. Action on HC/MH/SB to document different ways to make/build proposals.
C 528 TEI Vault page has no info on recent releases Martin Holmes 2014-09-22 2014-09-22 Done. Closed the ticket.
C 527 Replace current eXist for Roma with updated version Martin Holmes 2014-09-18 2014-09-19 Make Green; Assign to PWS.
C 526 Create a Jenkins job for building oxygen-tei Martin Holmes 2014-09-18 2014-09-18 Make Green; Assign to MH.
A 525 translated from Fxp33 2014-09-14 2014-09-14 Group suggests that Council take no action until requestor re-formulates the request.Agreed
A 524 assign <summary> to a content model like noteLike Torsten Schassan 2014-09-01 2014-09-01 has already been fixed (on 2014-06-30 in r12920 by Stephanie). Ticket closed.
A 523 Allow @notation in <pVar> element Jack Bowers 2014-08-17 2014-08-17 SB to ask LR; Assigned to SB.
B 522 Create att.global.styling for @rend, @rendition, and @style Martin Holmes 2014-07-31 2014-09-25 go for it; Agreed.
B 521 Allow <lem/​> to Contain Chunk-Level Markup Gregor Middell 2014-07-31 2014-08-26 this is a major change, fraught with possible unintended consequences, but it’s important and useful and many people want it.; Council: More thought needed assign to HC to look at with text critical proposals.
B 520 @selector attribute for the `<rendition>` element Martin Holmes 2014-07-15 2014-07-15 At first glance, a clever way to smuggle an entire CSS (+xpath) style sheet (perh for display really rather than rendition proper) into the TEI. Reproduces existing functionality (by reversing the direction of the reference between element and style), but adds considerable efficiency. [PFS] The additional suggestion of selectorScheme may be pushing things too far [LB]. What is the default selectorScheme if none is specified? CSS? [pfs] How to handle local overrides (or cumulative additions?) Or other conflicts between style selected at the global level and style selected at the level of the individual element instance. *Eligible for group discussion.* Alternatively, omit the xpath option, but include only @selector (defined as CSS); leave addition of an xpath @match attribute to possible later addition if needed. Assigned to MH to follow up, especially with regard to the tagusage/@render mechanism.
C 519 precision should be a member of att.datable* MH Frederik 2014-07-10 2014-07-10 Make Green, assign to MH
C 518 state (or model.*StateLike) should contain precision Frederik 2014-07-10 2014-07-10 Make green, assign to PWS
C 517 transcription of quranic "end of ayah"-sign Tobias J. Jocham 2014-07-07 2014-07-07 Not Sure. Lou made good suggestions about ways to answer the requirement on the ticket. Assigned to EM
A 516 tagsDecl needs to be explicit as to whether it documents all tags present in a document Lou Burnard 2014-07-02 2014-07-02 Subgroup thinks implementing w/ default partial=false makes sense; bringbefore whole Council; Council dislikes the default value, but otherwise supports ticket to create a @partial attribute. Assigning to SB, GREEN.
A 515 re-think model.global's membership and use in <line> Syd Bauman 2014-07-02 2014-07-02 We can’t find any minutes on how or whether we decided to implement 485, the ticket this was created in response to. (MH suggests signalling the change between types of transcription in the chapter.) Assigned to LB.
A 511 New element <transcriptionDesc> as a possible child of <encodingDesc> Thomas Schmidt 2014-06-26 2014-07-01 Ticket status unchanged: still waiting on spoken language proposal. Assign to MH; set to open-later.
B 510 add a correspondence module and elements for capturing correspondence specific meta data Peter Stadler Peter Stadler 2014-06-20 2014-07-01 PWS to make note on ticket
B 507 create generic policy for the TEI on integration of external standards Syd Bauman Kevin Hawkins 2014-05-10 2014-07-01 Agreed; kick syd.
B 505 Redefine <msPart> Stefanie Gehrke Caroline T. Schroeder 2014-04-29 2014-07-01 Stefanie sent a document to PWS; Action: All Council need to read document
C 504 Replace @active and @passive on relation with @from and @to Hugh A. Cayless Hugh A. Cayless 2014-04-21 2014-08-16 HC is in discussion with SR LB. This ticket is in process, but nothing to do now. HC to summarize current discussion on ticket.
C 501 Add notion of model.resourceLike to description of teiHeader Peter Stadler Peter Stadler 2014-03-17 2014-03-18 Agreed: PWS goes on to identify those locations and puts them in the ticket. Asks council to look and then fixes them.
C 498 Permit new <persona> as a child of <person> Lou Burnard David J Birnbaum 2014-02-22 2014-07-01 Last action was to ask DJB to provide a proposal for a persona element. Has this been done? Any idea on the status? LB to follow up.
A 496 `<taxonomy>` should be allowed as a child of `<category>` Paul Schaffner Martin Holmes 2014-01-31 2014-08-16 Was awaiting better example from MH. Has provided one, will provide one more. Assign to MH.
A 492 Allow bibl inside app James Cummings Hugh A. Cayless 2014-01-16 2014-09-04 Action recommended looks good: create model.appPart. Council: make green and leave as assigned (to JC).
A 490 un-bundle @cert and @resp Martin Holmes Hugh A. Cayless 2013-12-18 2014-07-02 Closed this; it’s obviated by earlier decisions about @resp etc.
B 489 Make teiHeader/​@type explicitly map to dc:type by using terms from DCMI Paul Schaffner Lou Burnard 2013-12-16 2014-05-19 Already assigned.; Recommendation: Close ticket. Add new ticket for deprecation of @type on header Action on PFS to open ticket to deprecate @type on header, but then just do it.
B 486 deprecating members of a content model Syd Bauman Kevin Hawkins 2013-12-08 2014-07-01 Make GREEN, assign others to SB to implement in schematron
B 485 add element rs as member of model.linePart Martin Holmes Oliver Gasperlin 2013-11-26 2014-05-19 Closed
C 482 The term strikes back - terminology chapter Lou Burnard Laurent Romary 2013-11-06 2014-08-26 Still waiting on a formal proposal. Action on FC to poke LR
C 480 Adding the @hand attribute to all (or most) text-containing elements Lou Burnard Ville Marttila 2013-10-29 2014-10-25 this is very messy, needs to be discussed and probably broken out into several discrete proposals: 1. @hand is used in many ways 2. proposer wants to add it to more elements; LB to prod.
C 479 Adding the @place attribute to <head> and <seg> Sebastian Rahtz Ville Marttila 2013-10-29 2014-08-26 SR to prod Ville
A 459 warn user of dropped constructs Syd Bauman Syd Bauman 2013-06-17 2013-12-08 Largely handled by deprecation. Might relate to ‘validation service’ issue? Close?Council: Make Pending, Nag SB.
A 457 make explicit difference between tagUsage and ODD documentation Lou Burnard Kevin Hawkins 2013-05-24 2014-06-06 This should go to a Council discussion of Kevin’s four questions. Recommend doing this tomorrow morning, led by Lou, who has the ticket, because tagUsage is fresh in our minds. … ended up talking about it anyway. Council:LB to follow up.
A 453 a place for metadata that you can't fit into existing header elements Paul Schaffner Kevin Hawkins 2013-05-13 2014-01-05 Previous action (undone) from 2013 f2f: "Action: MH will offer DC examples and PS will offer MARC examples. LB will pull them together into some text to be inserted into the Guidelines. Given this, Council will reconsider the feature request and whether to create the wrapper element." Sub-group thinks this should be GREEN and implenteted: <externalMetadata> as a member of model.teiHeaderPart; Council: Assign to SB / GREEN pending name. exoData xenoData
B 443 @resp should be a member of att.global Martin Holmes Martin Holmes 2013-03-11 3 days ago Already decided.
B 422 teitoX: support passing configuration to saxon Sebastian Rahtz Louis-Dominique Dubeau 2013-01-10 2013-11-13 SR to report on status
B 387 allow <head> in more places in div*, table, and list Paul Schaffner Kevin Hawkins 2012-09-19 2013-11-13 solved with addition of trailer to list/table/etc.
C 384 free-standing attributes -> class Paul Schaffner Sebastian Rahtz 2012-09-15 2014-05-28 Work for @type at least has been queued up by Rebecca in the linked Google Doc. One question is how we should indicate suggested values if @type is moved to att.typed. Council needs to make a plan to implement this. Council: PFS to report on this.
C 378 Encoding of Standoff annotations Piotr Banski Javier Pose 2012-08-26 2014-08-20 We have no idea what the status of this is. The last artifact we have is the minutes of the WG meeting in Berlin from PWS. We need a formal proposal in order to proceed.
C 360 New attribute @keepHyphen Paul Schaffner Martin de la Iglesia 2012-05-03 2013-11-11 Prod PFS to provide an example.
A 326 an <object> element Sebastian Rahtz Sebastian Rahtz 2011-10-14 2014-08-18 SR to poke SIG

Amber Bugs

See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilAmberBugs for an up-to-date list of Amber Bugs.

GRP # Summary Owner Creator Created Updated COUNCIL NOTES
A 699 self-reference in macro.anyXML Jens Østergaard Petersen 2014-11-05 2014-11-05 CLOSED. not a bug. SR answered.
A 697 sequence of declaration info is lost when making an ODD Lou Burnard 2014-10-31 2014-11-03 MH & SB to sort out before dinner and suggest a plan of action… Discussed and resolved over dinner.
A 696 macro.paraContent doesn't contain l Hugh A. Cayless 2014-10-18 2014-10-19 This ticket appears to be submitted only the basis of symmetry, not a real use-case, so although it might be logical, we can reject it unless or until there’s a real demonstrated need. Especially since it brings up again the controversial addition of LG to P. Closed.
B 695 distributed spec files point at wrong schema location Peter Stadler Peter Stadler 2014-10-12 2014-10-12 Proposal: Needs adding to the release process to replace to relative or absolute location of schema: PS/MH to investigate and report back on correct solution.
B 693 allocation of elements to module transcr Sebastian Rahtz 2014-09-26 2014-09-26 module fragmentation, close-wont-fix.
B 692 Pointing between terms and glosses Martin Holmes 2014-09-23 2014-09-24 Add at least an extra example other way around using @ref; Assign to LB
C 691 Incorrect note in model.phrase Hugh A. Cayless Hugh A. Cayless 2014-09-23 2014-09-23 fix and close unless someone speaks up now; HC to implement
C 690 Misplaced periods after examples MH Martin Holmes 2014-09-16 2014-09-16 We don’t know where these are, but by all means, let’s fix them.; MH to fix.
C 688 TEILite `<editorialDecl>` has bad example and weird content model MH Martin Holmes 2014-09-09 2014-09-11 Martin says it’s a corrigible error. Assign to MH, make green
A 687 TEILite has @calendar, but no `<calendar>` element it can point to LB Martin Holmes 2014-09-08 2014-09-08 Assign to LB
A 686 TEILIte example shows cit/​quote, but quote is not allowed LB Martin Holmes 2014-09-08 2014-09-08 Assign to LB
A 684 multiple lems in an app HC Hugh A. Cayless 2014-09-02 2014-09-08 Modify note; Assign to HC.
B 683 Wording for `<add>` and `<del>` needs to be tightened up MH Martin Holmes 2014-08-25 2014-08-25 Should clarify description of supplied, note on add, and prose. Assign to MH
B 681 Datatype change for att.typed PWS Greg Murray 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 Change data.enumerated to data.word? (Why is valItem/@ident data.text?!;Assign to PWS
B 675 org should allow model.global Fabio Ciotti Martin Holmes 2014-06-09 2014-06-30 Prod FC to report to Council, or just implement.
C 647 data.enumerated != valItem/​@ident Syd Bauman Syd Bauman 2014-02-25 2014-02-26 should be data.name. SB to implement
C 630 use of <listRef> in specs Lou Burnard Kevin Hawkins 2013-12-28 2014-05-19 LB to implement.
C 581 `<attRef>` needs better documentation Martin Holmes Martin Holmes 2013-06-24 2014-09-09 LB SB MH this one is hard to understand, pls explain; MH to report to council
A 563 inconsistent encoding of citations to sources of examples Paul Schaffner Kevin Hawkins 2013-04-12 2014-05-30 JC to prod KH to comment.
A 548 use of modal verbs in Guidelines Kevin Hawkins Kevin Hawkins 2013-04-08 2014-05-10 JC to chase up
A 216 half title pages in TEI Tite Syd Bauman Kevin Hawkins 2010-08-09 2014-06-30 SB to chase up

Green Feature Requests

See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilGreenFR for an up-to-date list of Green Feature Requests

GRP # Summary Owner Creator Created Updated COUNCIL NOTES
B 383 where to put <idno> within <biblStruct>? Syd Bauman Kevin Hawkins 2012-09-08 2014-09-11 SB to do
B 377 retaining punctuation marks in the text of a TEI document Paul Schaffner Kevin Hawkins 2012-08-12 2014-05-28 PFS to do
B 298 att.editLike should not bring att.dimensions & att.ranging Martin Holmes BODARD Gabriel 2011-04-22 2013-11-28 MH to do
C 264 altIdentifier in msPart James Cummings Torsten Schassan 2010-11-22 2013-11-12 JC to do

Green Bugs

See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilGreenBugs for an up-to-date list of Green Bugs

GRP # Summary Owner Creator Created Updated COUNCIL NOTES
C 670 Attribute definitions are slightly inconsistent Stefanie Gehrke Martin Holmes 2014-05-22 2014-08-27 (done)
C 634 "TEI-conformable" is meaningless Paul Schaffner Martin Holmes 2014-01-08 2014-06-30 PFS to report
A 627 Encoding example from Drama chapter uses @corresp instead of @synch Fabio Ciotti Martin Holmes 2013-12-20 2014-06-30 FC to do
A 621 @expand example in att.lexicographic is incorrect. Paul Schaffner James Cummings 2013-11-13 2014-09-02 PFS to do
A 620 which part of TEI Guidelines takes precedence Fabio Ciotti Kevin Hawkins 2013-11-11 2014-06-30 FC to report
B 616 <cit> and <quote> not allowed within <summary> Stefanie Gehrke Ville Marttila 2013-10-29 2014-09-19 (done)
B 558 name/​orgName Paul Schaffner Jens Østergaard Petersen 2013-04-09 2013-11-19 PFS to report
B 528 consistency in "the Guidelines" vs. "these Guidelines" Kevin Hawkins Kevin Hawkins 2013-02-02 2013-11-12 JC to prod
C 442 update ODD documentation on www.tei-c.org and in Guidelines Martin Holmes Kevin Hawkins 2012-09-20 2014-10-03 MH to report
C 441 fDecl doesn't allow att.datcat yet Piotr Banski Menzo Windhouwer 2012-09-20 2013-10-10 JC to prod
X 418 Names and Dates chapter does not mention calendar James Cummings Martin Holmes 2012-07-06 2012-08-09 CLOSED
C 405 XPointer schemes may not nest, but see ch. 16 Syd Bauman Piotr Banski 2012-05-02 2013-11-13 SB to report
A 401 Most attributes lack good examples Paul Schaffner Martin Holmes 2012-04-23 2014-05-28 PFS to report
A 312 i18n revision due Martin Holmes Sebastian Rahtz 2011-11-02 2014-10-03 MH to report
A 288 deprecate use of gram except as a child of gramGrp Syd Bauman Kevin Hawkins 2011-07-23 2013-12-08 SB to report
B 281 value of date@when Kevin Hawkins Kevin Hawkins 2011-05-25 2014-08-14 JC to prod

Red Feature Requests

See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilRedFR for an up-to-date list of Red FR

GRP # Summary Owner Creator Created Updated COUNCIL NOTES
B 470 att.measurement and att.dimensions overlap Martin Holmes Lou Burnard 2013-08-25 2014-09-09 MH to report
B 464 Need for some way to test the oxygen-tei package before release Martin Holmes Martin Holmes 2013-07-05 2014-07-02 MH to report
C 366 rationalize content models of org and place (etc) James Cummings BODARD Gabriel 2012-06-19 2014-01-26 JC to report
C 324 Allow certainty etc. inside milestoneLike elements BODARD Gabriel BODARD Gabriel 2011-09-30 2012-06-03 Let’s discuss briefly, but we are inclined to close it and not do anything: Not discussed, comments to be put on ticket, or closed.
C 292 add SourceForge feeds to http:/​/​www.tei-c.org/​Activities/​ Kevin Hawkins Kevin Hawkins 2011-04-13 2013-11-13 JC to prod
A 289 att.canonical for model.persTraitLike James Cummings James Cummings 2011-04-11 2013-11-09 JC to report

Red Bugs

See http://tinyurl.com/teiCouncilRedBugs for an up-to-date list of Red Bugs

GRP # Summary Owner Creator Created Updated COUNCIL NOTES
A 666 video html to tei Sebastian Rahtz javad 2014-04-27 2014-08-14 SR to close
A 292 GLs say add 'ns' decl, but roma objects Sebastian Rahtz Syd Bauman 2011-08-20 2013-11-10 SR to close