TEI Technical Council Meeting,

Participants: Syd Bauman (SB), Lou Burnard (LB), Hugh Cayless (HC), James Cummings (JC) (Chair), Martin Holmes (MH), Elli Mylonas (EM, 14:10Z), Paul F Schaffner (PFS), Peter W Stadler (PWS), Stefanie Gehrke (SG), Sebastian Rahtz (SR)

Apologies: Fabio Ciotti (FC)


Minutes of Raleigh Face to Face Meeting



PWS provided an update on correspDesc ticket


PWS provided an update on standoff proposal ticket

redefining msPart

SG / PWS provided an update on redefining msPart (SG / PWS)

Global @resp

MH provided an update on global @resp; detailed implementation plan is on the wiki for everyone to check through before it's done (MH). Action on Council to discuss it on the mailing list before Tuesday; then MH will go ahead with implementation. Minor bugs or typos can just be reported directly to MH. DONE 2014-12-10.

Next Release

Date of next release; release technician. <correspDesc> and global resp should be triggers for this. SR thinks the former will take quite a while. Action on PWS to fix a date by which the <correspDesc> proposal should be implemented and report to the Council list. Should be one of the new members, so we have new eyes on the documentation. SR asks about oxygen-tei framework building. MH will be looking at as part of the JTEI work. Will take at least as long as the addition of correspDesc. SB doesn’t think this should be release-blocking, but we must not lose track of it. Action on MH to report to Council within a month or so about oxygen-tei framework building and next release

Mentoring New Council Members

Mentoring new members (MH) MH been working with SG; LB agreed to work with Stefan; SB to work with Raffaele;

Object Working Group

JC noted that he had prodded the Object working group

Election of Council Chair

HC had declared and LB is also willing to serve and will post to the mailing list announcing his candidacy. Action: JC to set up Council Chair elections, get a returning officer, etc. [DONE]


There was much weeping.