TEI Technical Council Online "SVF2F", 2021-01-29 / 01-30

Meeting Times

Friday, Jan 29 12:00–15:00 PST 15:00–18:00 EST North American break-outs
Saturday, Jan 30 10:00–13:00 CET European break-outs
Saturday, Jan 30 06:00–10:00 PST 09:00–13:00 EST 15:00–19:00 CET Council meeting


(all times UTC) Fri 29 Jan, 20:00–23:00 Sat 30 Jan, 10:00–13:00 Sat 30 Jan, 14:00–18:00
Syd Bauman NA
Helena Bermúdez Sabel NA
Meaghan Brown excused NA
Elisa Beshe­- ro-Bondar NA
Hugh Cayless NA
Nicholas Cole NA
Janelle Jenstad NA
Jessica H. Lu NA
Martina Scholger NA
Peter Stadler NA excused
Magdalena Turska NA
Raff Viglianti NA

> Friday, Jan 29 (North American break-outs)

Review of pull requests

Discussion of issues with milestone “Guidelines 4.2.0” which need discussion


> Saturday, Jan 30 (European break-outs)

Continue with pull requests

Continue with Guidelines issues 4.2.0

> Saturday, Jan 30 (Full Council)

Ruby glosses

February Release

Next VF2F meeting

General discussion on organization of Council meetings and Stylesheet meetings


ODD processing and custom attributes (of existing names)

TEI Communications Officer

Pull requests (with Guidelines 4.2.0 milestone)

Group A: SB, EB, HC, JJ, JL, RV Group B: MS, MT, HB, NC, PS

No. Group Title Comment
#2088 A Added reference to macro to en and fr descriptions of specDesc for #2061 RV is adding an Italian translation and will merge and close. — DONE JJ will add a French version of the remark, and then we can merge. Action on MS, SB, or HC to pull it in after the French translation comes in. — DONE
#2081 A not completley correct encoding declarations Merged. STATUS? Both PR & ticket closed. (We may want to revisit some of those that were not fixed, particularly those files that have non-ASCII characters.)
#2079 A For Stylesheets 471: Merged. Stylesheets change done also. Stylesheets #471 merged too.
#2065 A require English glosses per 2037 HC is cleaning up a conflicted bit of code, after which we'll merge this. Merged. CLOSE?
#2041 A deprecation of locations of schemaSpec Pending approval from MS regarding change requested; group thinks this is ready to merge. Make ticket to update TCW 24; need to prescribe consistent wording (start with present-tense verb; period/no period) — DONE Requested review
#2032 A remove altIdent from some silly places SB resolved conflicts. Awaiting build checks and will merge. Merged.
#1996 A align `teidata.version` with Semantic Versioning Specification, closes #1993 VF2F subgroup thinks that it is appropriate to say that a TEI version number follows the Semantic Versioning Specification. Check with PS to address SB's concerns. Action on PS
#1983 A Citation Structures Adding SB as a reviewer with approval (hopefully) before 2/12 refrigeration. Other reviews are also outstanding. HC plans to get this into the February release. Action on SB, MS, PS to review, ask MS to pull in if this gets close to release.
#1958 A Adding where to new att.locatable to address #1769 Subgroup decides to close this PR, and start afresh on more expressive attributes to do with stage blocking and movement, possibly an att.blocking instead of att.locatable and *different* attributes than `@where.`Closed
#1920 A WIP: draft implementation of noteGrp Need to fix att.anchoring as well — DONE American group made a few small edits. If MT can change the @source from #UND (also HC has a comment asking about the example) then the European group can merge. MT: ready to go, changes made. Merged and closed
B allow object in a witness; close #1868 Merged and closed
B add certainty to att.typed; close #1934 merged and closed
B allow name in place; close #1484 https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/pull/2096 MT will add <name> to <place> (directly) MT: done, ready to go Merged and closed

Needs discussion+Go or status pending (with Guidelines 4.2.0 milestone)

Group A: SB, EB, HC, JJ, JL, RV Group B: MS, MT, HB, NC, PS

No. Group Title Comment
1823 A, B teiCorpus: make guidelines and data model consistent PS asked if we agree with last comment: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1823#issue comment-667130393 Add to PS's comments something more about <text>: For historical reasons, <text> and <sourceDoc> are preserved as valid children of <teiCorpus> but their use is discouraged. PS to change prose
1805 Suggestion for new uniHan element We have once again failed to prod Duncan in time to get this work into the next release. We should gently remind him after the February release.
1966 B Inconsistency in character representation Prod NC
1981 B att.declaring and att.declarable need constraints and better explanation RV in progress
2036 B versionDate attribute needs more constraint Looks good but maybe we should also move the class att.translatable to the tagdocs module to avoid confusion. Needs discussion with full Council
2060 B Prose in "Element and Attribute Descriptions" (TDphraseEA) refers to non-existent <ptr> in example Expand the example to incorporate the <ptr> element, make GREEN.
2061 B specDesc does not only point to element or class specification elements Resolved with the first PR discussion (re PR #2088). Will close this ticket after JJ adds French translation of new remarks.
2062 B specDesc/@key should be required Agreed to proceed without deprecation, mark GREEN.
2066 B promote “Dates and Times” Agreed, mark GREEN.
2067 B `@assertedValue` of `<certainty>` should also accept pointers Removed milestone 4.2.0
2070 B Make file points at non-existent files Removed milestone 4.2.0
2078 B problems with match= (part of att.scoping) VF2F asks EB to come up with a pull request, but we think it is not high priority for the upcoming release. * EB will make small change for next release in new branch: issue-2078.