TEI Technical Council Short VF2F Meeting, 15–16 March 2024
Meeting Times
Friday, March 15 | 16:00–19:00 PDT | North American break-outs |
Saturday, March 16 | 10:00–13:00 CET | European break-outs |
07:00–11:00 PDT | Council meeting |
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Helena Bermúdez Sabel (HBS)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EBB, Chair)
- Gustavo Riva (GR)
- Torsten Roeder (TR)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Joey Takeda (JT)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
Apologies/Not Present
- Elli Bleeker (EB)
- Patricia O’Connor (TOC)
- Sabine Seifert (SS)
Friday, March 15 (American break-out session)
Stylesheets Pull requests
#651 tidy up FPI generation
- merged prior to meeting
#660 Do not copy attrs from TEI constraint element to Schematron rule element
- merged prior to meeting
#672 Fix spelling
- merged prior to meeting
#633 make att.repeatable work for <sequence>, <alternate>, and <anyElement>
- merged
#648 overhaul tei:descOrGlossOutOfDate() function
- closed without merging because it was already corrected in dev
#301 Reordered stylesheets and addressed #281
- Action on EBB: reach out to Ontologies SIG and request their advice as this is ancient PR
#629 Order of name components no longer imposed
- in “draft” state
- changes are definitely an improvement for a more culturally sensitive processing of parts of a name based on the source encoding
- JT: we should keep option to access the original template, it should be available at command line for users who work with teiGarage
- Action on HBS: update branch and request re-review from reviewers to be sure it's okay to merge, and to decide whether to allow the option to access the original template
#670 Corrected typo for issue #584
- merged by European break-outs
Guidelines Issues
#2444 Guidelines should clarify how fragmentary Schematron should be expanded
- conceptually tied to #2510
- closed ‘won’t fix’
#2380 Invalid specification document for egXML
- SB was hoping for
- a) someone would explain why it is a good idea to prevent <egXML> from occurring in <egXML>; or
- b) people would express support for the idea of allowing <egXML> in <egXML> in tei_all
- Martin Holmes just added a comment
- SB was hoping for
#2371 Multiple <attDef>s with the same @ident in the same <attList> should be invalid
- see PR #2534
2444 Guidelines should clarify how fragmentary Schematron should be expanded
- SB commented on ticket: issue conceptually tied to #2510, and should be closed ‘won’t fix’ when that one is implemented
- Action on JT: close ticket
Saturday, March 16 (European break-out session)
Guidelines Pull requests
#2511 2 of 3 requested improvements to gaiji descriptions
- merged
#2513 issue deprecation warning when assertion is made without context
- merged after tweaking of deprecation, removing of extraneous namespace declarations, and review from Martin Holmes
#2527 Update reg.xml
- merged after meeting
#2532 Updated prose and added deprecation information for ´superEntry´ element
- merged after tweaking of files according to the OP and adding proposed value in the example
Guidelines Issues
#2488 Deprecate <superEntry>
Work on other PRs and issues, see full Council meeting
Saturday, March 16 (Full Council)
Guidelines Pull requests
- #1996 align teidata.version with Semantic Versioning Specification, closes #1993
- Lengthy discussion on “semver”
- Main problem: versioning system (major-dot-minor-dot-patch followed by optional ‘a’ or ‘b’, or supposedly ‘α’, ‘Β’, “alpha”, or “beta”) is not permitted by the datatype used for TEI/@version and teiCorpus/@version
- datatypes for other version numbers need rationalization as well
- teidata.version should allow for multiple variations
- Should the TEI provide a datatype that is not used by any actual element or attribute defined by the Guidelines themselves?
- Council decision: development of a comprehensive system for datatypes of version numbers
- An uber-datatype (e.g. teidata.version or teidata.versionIndicator or teidata.versionNumber) should be defined as an alternation of various specific datatypes which match particular kinds of version numbering systems. E.g.:
- teidata.semVer would match the major-dot-minor-dot-patch-optional-dash-details kinda thing (TEI/@version, teiCorpus/@version)
- teidata.calVer would match date-like version numbers (e.g.: 20240315)
- teidata.unicodeVer would match theirs (att.gaijiProp)
- teidata.version.versionNumber (e.g. 4.7.0)
- I.e., teidata.version would be defined as something like
- An uber-datatype (e.g. teidata.version or teidata.versionIndicator or teidata.versionNumber) should be defined as an alternation of various specific datatypes which match particular kinds of version numbering systems. E.g.:
<dataSpec ident="teidata.version">
<alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<dataRef key="teidata.version.semVer"/>
<!-- follows semantic versioning syntax, see https://semver.org/ -->
<dataRef key="teidata.version.calVer"/>
<!-- follows calendar versioning syntax, see https://calver.org/ -->
<dataRef key="teidata.version.unicodeVer"/>
<!-- an enumerated list of Unicode versions (currently in att.gaijiProp)-->
<dataRef key="teidata.version.versionNumber"/>
<!-- for backwards comopatability -->
original issue #1993: value of @version on TEI / teiCorpus will be changed to teidata.version.semVer
SB: a TEI schema should permit only 1 possible value on TEI/@version or teiCorpus/@version, namely that schema’s version number. That schema number might be derived by appending the schemaSpec/@ident to the version number of the schema pointed to by @source. [This would be a related issue >> new ticket.]
[AFTER-the-meeting addition by SB: calVer does not define a syntax, but rather discusses many of the various syntaxes out there. Work on that needed.]
#2431 first draft for a TEI with RDFa exemplar
- Action on MS and HBS: work on this before the next VF2F, consult with Ontologies SIG
#2442 First crack at addressing #2173 in a serious way
- PR can be closed “won’t fix” because #2513 is a superset of this
- branch should not be deleted yet, as there are some other changes (particularly to Makefile and buid.xml) that we may want to keep
CMC chapter discussion
Discussion on Chapter draft for CMC (Computer Mediated Communication)
#1955 FR: TEI Features for CMC
- EBB: add encoding for reactions and quantity of reactions to posts (e.g. thumbs-ups, hearts, etc) .
- Action on SB: Move cmc-features branch from CMC-SIG to Council repo
PR #2537 created, chapter review added to PR
general remarks:
- Be more explicit about what's in scope vs. out of scope
- What is better handled by TEI for correspondence? E.g. For e-mail, should CMC be used or <correspDesc>? Or do we recommend mixing the approaches?
- <correspDesc>
- Handling listserv archives of e-mail lists
- Perhaps just an example or two
- EBB: numbered subsection in the chapter for this
- Choice of systems/applications to mention in the chapter;
- better not be too specific about platforms (thinking about the long future of the Guidelines)
- Provide non-Western diversity in the examples
- request for non-trivial particular examples (where multimodality is expressed in a single post)
- Discussion of whether posts can nest
- <post> as a specialized element that should inherit nesting from <div>
- MT: Nesting posts allows us to express that posts are part of other posts.
- SB: Counterpoint: A post is a singular expressive act.
- JT: Is post showing the object or the metadata about the object? Discussion: It's both.
- MT: potential example of a "nested post", an online demonstration where the computer screen on which presenter interacts with a computer system as she speaks about it. So two or 3 modes are part of a single communication act. Other example: a chat message, unintentionally split into several parts because our finger slipped.
- Should <div> be used instead for all of this, and simply supply the new attributes on <post> to <div>?
- Argument against: <div> is too generic.
- What does nesting of <post>s mean?
- Embedded posts as in re-posting or quoting. Perhaps this is better handled with <ptr target="...">
- Why is there no <listPost> to wrap threads and indicate their levels?
- Would it imply a sequence, or just a collection of posts?
- TR: <listPost> possibly can express a treelike thread better than <div>, and also convey a linear feed
- Do "list" elements imply sequence or not?
- The literal order of elements may not be strictly chronological when we are following branching threads.
- Threading order might be more complicated than the timestamp--how to disambiguate which posts came first or which ones respond to each other.
- Main question: Does there need to be a new super element to contain posts?
- Is this (or not) comparable to nesting <ab>s?
- No, it's more like <s> because it's delivered as a single expression.
- Counterpoint: A <post> is different from <s> b/c a post is conceptual rather than structural.
- JT: Maybe a <post> is most like a <note>, and we need to provide maximum flexibility for encoders.
- What about photos of posts inside a post? Tag as <img> or as another <post>?
- <post> as a specialized element that should inherit nesting from <div>
- Be more explicit about what's in scope vs. out of scope
Action on all: comment on PR to provide substantial edits to the prose, suggest examples
Action on EBB: Invite CMC group to one of the next two VF2Fs
Discussion resumed on 26–27 April 2024 VF2F meeting
TEI Lite2 discussion
- Council spent a lot of time discussing this at the F2Fs in Guelph and Paderborn
- JT: make discussion more transparent by opening a ticket on GitHub for people to follow the actionable tasks that arise from the discussion
- MT presented overview of comparison between TEI Lite and SimplePrint elements
- See also #2493 Review Library SIG ODDs for consideration in Lite2
- Council subgroup working on this, and then introduce their work to full Council:
- MT, HBS, RV subgroup
- Action on MT: possibly invite a representative from e-editiones