TEI Technical Council Short VF2F Meeting, Online, 1–2 April 2022

Meeting Times

Friday, Apr 1 12:00–15:00 PDT 15:00–18:00 EDT North American break-outs
Saturday, Apr 2 10:00–13:00 CEST European break-outs
06:00–10:00 PDT 09:00–13:00 EDT 15:00–19:00 CEST Council meeting


Fri, North American-Group started @15:00 ended @ 18:15 Sat, European Group started @10:00 ended @ 13:00 Sat, Full Council started @14:06Z ended @17:29Z
Syd Bauman present present
Helena Bermúdez Sabel present present
Elisa Beshe­ro-Bondar present present
Elli Bleeker present present
Hugh Cayless excused present
Janelle Jenstad present present
Martina Scholger present present
Sabine Seifert present present
Peter Stadler present excused
Magdalena Turska present present
Raff Viglianti present present

Meeting minutes previous month (March)

> Friday, April 1 (North American break-outs)

Started with pull requests from table below


> Saturday, April 2 (European break-outs)

Continue with pull requests and issues from Guidelines’ repo

> Saturday, April 2 (Full Council)

Next release


F2F meeting in Newcastle

CMC revival

TCW 32

Languages in ODD chaining

Access to Slack

Oxygen issues

Review issues from October meeting

Issues from the October meeting

Issues from the October meeting discussed by group B (European Group: MS, PS, MT, HBS) but on which no final decision was by the plenary.

No. Group Title Comment
#2110 B Ruby: Multiple ruby streams in the same orientation 2021-10: subgroup proposes to add those examples to the Guidelines but refrains from adding “right-right” or similar to suggested values of @place. If one is interested into detailing topographic information, use @facs on <rt>. Or, when not wanting to rely on a document sequence, use @n in addition 2022-04-02: Council discussion: Perhaps the representation of @place is very document-specific. As Guidelines Examples they could be misleading: encourage people to customize. But how do we respond to the original ticket, which asks how to handle two distinct ruby streams?* Should we provide both alternatives: nested and non-nested? Or recommend the nested solution only? * If sequence is important, right-right conveys valuable information. * Does the @place attribute refer only to the page, not to the sibling or parent? Answer: att.placement refers to place OR textual object. * Comment added to ticket: favor the nested approach.
#2111 B Ruby Schematron rules result in warnings 2021-10: maybe leave the constraint at the attribute level but introduce a sch:rule with context to remedy these warnings, like <sch:rule context="tei:rt[@target]"> <sch:report test="@from | @to">When target= is present, neither from= nor to= should be.</sch:report> </sch:rule> still, file a bug report to the STF project 2022-04-02: Council agrees: Action on SB and HBS to file bug report.
#2114 B @lang attributes missing in HTML output 2021-10: mark yellow green and stick with the language issues (no further improvements to accessibility yet). This should be a different ticket. SB: Could someone from the European subgroup explain the above comment a bit further? What is yellow “needs discussion” about this, and what should be a different ticket? 2022-04-02: Council discussion: @xml:lang should be output on HTML elements. It requires Stylesheets work, but link to that work on this ticket. Greenlight, no yellow.

Guidelines issues

Group A: (HC), EBB, JJ, SB, RV Group B: PS, HBS, MS, SS, EB

No. Group Title Comment
#2137 B bookmark links in examples pages have no mouse-over text E subgroup proposes to 1) add @rel="bookmark" and @aria-label on HTML output <a>. Consider opening a new issue for citation recommendation (issue with this is which link should be in the citation recommendation, the current release or stable link to the Vault).
#2138 B Bookmark links from non-English examples don't link to bibliography HBS thinks that this is actually the same problem as #2106 E subgroup closed as duplicate
#2139 A Another example for langKnown see PR
#2140 B Example needed to model attList for delimiting alternative groupings of attributes E subgroup thinks this is great and should be added to the Guidelines after the Stylesheets have been prepared to support both the HTML output and the overriding of @type & @subtype as mentioned on the ticket. For the HTML output there’s already a ticket but for the overriding we need one.
#2144 B wrong attribution for example E subgroup proposes (1) to change the whitespace to a hyphen; and (2) to add the same example with @ref instead of @key plus URL as value.
#2190 Should we revise datatypes related to sex and gender? This is related to issue #2189: Create a gender element which is yellow and green
#2209 A description of <listRef> mildly misleading NA subgroup assigns EBB to re-word the <remarks> then make PR. (1st sentence to set the conditions, next sentence(s) to list the constraints.)
#2213 att.datable.custom is under-documented in the Guidelines This issue will be discussed on Saturday in the full Council session

Guidelines Pull requests

No. Group Title Comment
#1996 A align teidata.version with Semantic Versioning Specification, closes #1993 NA subgroup: we (Council) need to poke PS. For the 2nd bullet point we think this should be a “soft” requirement: Just recommend that @version matches; don’t actually validate it.
#2069 A Warn if an attDef with a non-colonized @ident has a @ns attribute NA subgroup suggests a solution involving @ident and @altIdent when we specify the @ns, that solves the problem (we think) without changes required to TEI/Stylesheets. SB uploaded a sample ODD file.
#2143 A new langKnown example + bib ref NA subgroup: Connected to ticket #2139 which needs discussion. Check on #2143 is running; it will take 6 hours. We should ask Stuart Yeates to update his branch with changes from our dev, and make the small change requested. If he doesn’t respond we should recheck this in from a new branch we make.
#2156 A improve prose, constrain value of global source= attr NA subgroup discovers that sch:let is not permitted as a child of <constraint>, and that is the reason tests are failing. We think this is very strange, especially because our schema says it’s allowed.
#2188 B Fix #2187, I hope E subgroup: Left message in the PR regarding the failing of the test.
#2193 B deprecate <altIdent> in bizarre places E subgroup: Merged
#2185 B Address #2185 by restricting anyURI to not have spaces E subgroup: address in the afternoon session
#2233 B Translation from susannalles/TEI E subgroup: added HBS as reviewer
#2234 B Translation from Carmen-Grijalba/TEI E subgroup: added HBS as reviewer
#2237 B Translation from PRibas65/TEI E subgroup: added HBS as reviewer
#2240 B Translation from Patrymigallon/TEI E subgroup: added HBS as reviewer
#2243 Update to #2206: E subgroup: merged
#2245 B Translation from CarmendeSantiago/TEI E subgroup: added HBS as reviewer