TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2017-10-26 13:00 UTC





We'll have the room all day on Sat 11-18. Several of us will be departing in the afternoon, so general business should stop by 14:00/14:30, but those who are staying can keep working on tickets if they want. Main item is agenda-making for the face-to-face meeting (F2F Agenda doc). We want to spend time on:

  1. Stylesheets
  2. RomaJS
  3. OxGarage
  4. Spring F2F
  5. Chapter 11
  6. LingSIG tickets (PS to prepare those)
  7. Tickets that warrant extended discussion : (@mode in ODD)
    1. `@mode`- study up ahead of time what the guidelines say. Collate tickets that relate to this. Decide what the right way should be and document it. Figure out what the stylesheets do and are supposed to do. Figure out what should be implemented.
      1. Pre-read https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/issues/272
    2. Some stylesheet tickets, discussed and worked on
      1. Pre-read document mapping ODD processing
      2. Syd and Martin to prioritize Stylesheets tickets, looking for important tickets and/or ones that require discussion by the full group
      3. EM: we should (eventually) clarify confusions about the role and purpose of the Stylesheets cooperative group and its relationship to Council.

Tickets (if there's time)

(ones we didn't get to last time)