TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2019-12-10
Meeting time:
- EDT 9:00–10:30, GMT 14:00–15:30, CEST 15:00–16:30
- Started: 14:07Z; ended: 15:48Z
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EB)
- Meaghan Brown (MB) (left @ 15:29Z)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- James Cummings (JC)
- Martin Holmes (MH)
- Elli Mylonas (EM)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Sarah Stanley (SS)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
Apologies/Not Present:
- Vanessa Bigot Juloux (VBJ)
- Nicholas Cole (NC)
- Jessica Lu (JL)
- Peter Stadler (PS)
Next Release 3.7.0
- Release technicians: RV, EB (+ newcomers shadowing)
- Release: Thu 02–13; Refrigeration: Thu 01–30, Freeze starts Mon 02–10
- <uniHan>
- See the original issue: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1805
- Last successful builds: <https://jenkins.tei-c.org/job/TEIP5-branch-unihan/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/P5/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/WD.html#ucsprops>
- and specifically the att.gaijiProp class: <https://jenkins.tei-c.org/job/TEIP5-branch-unihan/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/P5/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-att.gaijiProp.html>
- and the three elements <localProp>, <unicodeProp> and <unihanProp>: <https://jenkins.tei-c.org/job/TEIP5-branch-unihan/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/P5/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-localProp.html> <https://jenkins.tei-c.org/job/TEIP5-branch-unihan/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/P5/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-unicodeProp.html> <https://jenkins.tei-c.org/job/TEIP5-branch-unihan/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/P5/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-unihanProp.html>
- In att.gaijiProp, why does the @version not specify that it’s Unicode; or if it’s not intended to be only Unicode, then why are these precise version numbers listed?
- Rephrase @version in att.gajiProp: “specifies the version number of the Unicode standard in which this property name is defined.” (And if we want to suggest other standards, we should provide some explanation.)
- Instead of specifying a version number, should @version be pointing to a URI of the standard? Providing a standard URL would be ideal, but what if that isn't available?
- Is there any reason to have @version on <localProp>?
- We are deprecating the old mechanism, but so far this has only been done with Schematron constraints; need to check to see what should be done with @validUntil instead.
- The Guidelines need more documentation: fully-worked-out examples in multiple scripts of how one would use this. Also examples that could benefit from using <localProp> where it's not a necessity. Brevigraph, ligatures (both! q-et), examples. See also Medieval Unicode Font Initiative
- Action on MS to call a subgroup meeting with Duncan Paterson in January: Ask Duncan to work up an example, and also have others of us create examples. MH suggests nonexperts be involved. MB volunteered.
- Be sure to properly deprecate and deal with elements that are disappearing from the Guidelines. Need to make a list of everything that needs to be fixed.
- Develop a stylesheet to convert old to new mechanism.
- There are lots of unihan branches in Duncan's repository: check with PS and Duncan if we've been looking at the correct one. Action on MS: send this query by 2019-12-17 (this was not necessary, we found out during the call).
- <uniHan>
- <standOff>
- Action on SB: see what the world looks like if we factor <TEI> out of model.resourceLike, and create a new class for <TEI> and <teiCorpus>. (Perhaps model.root for now, to come up with a better name later; maybe model.container or model.containerLike)
- RV suggests <teiCorpus> should not be allowed as a descendant of <TEI>
- SB to do this in a new branch
Reminder: “TEI Local Build Processes: A Hands On Orientation”
- Wed 2019-12-18, 19:00Z/21:00Z (i.e., 11:00/13:00 PST, 14:00/16:00 EST, 19:00/21:00 GMT, 20:00/22:00 CET)
- MH says he can make it. SB 50% chance. MB 75% chance.
- Organisation/preparation of that meeting
- Action on HC to e-mail PS to sort out which Docker image to use; one of them to send e-mail to Council list with instructions by 2019-12-11.
Next F2F meeting
- previous discussion
- Our options are:
- XML Prague, February 13–15
- Buenos Aires (End of April / 1st week of May):
- JL unavailable May 3ish–May 13 (advising student Capstone projects to completion)
- Paderborn (Beginning of March, after (or before) https://dhd2020.de) — March 2–6
- Newcastle (the TEI conference 2021 is in Newcastle, so will be there in early September 2021)
- Warsaw (mid-May?)
- Timing concerns
- Good weeks for EB are March 7–14, and after April 29. (juggling classes)
- March 9–21 are absolutely out for MB
- Annual Meeting: Lincoln October 27–30
- Action on MS: post a Doodle poll on times (not place) by 2019-12-11; Action on ALL to fill out poll by 2019-12-13
Broken oXygen plugin, oxygen issues
- Organize a dedicated call
- MT has been in touch with Alex Jitianu & George Bina from SyncRO. They are amenable, but it is not clear yet what it will involve. Needs some guidance from MH / Council list for a detailed description of the problem. Action on MT: ask on list for detailed description of problem by 2019-12-17
- https://github.com/TEIC/oxygen-tei/issues/30
- ODD customization
- MH fixed
Report on Triangle SCI
- See report in Google Drive
- One of the first goals would be establishing a TEI Workgroup.
- Inspiration / collaboration: http://multilingualdh.org/en/.
Proposal on Council terms
- The proposal is ready to be presented to the TEI Board
- Action on HC & MS: Raise issue of what is and is not covered for Council member who attends Members’ Meeting with the Board by 2019-12-13
Council chair elections
- https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php?title=TEI-Council-FAQ#TEI_Technical_Council_Chair
- No candidates standing other than Martina
- All in favor by acclamation (no opposed, no abstentions). Congratulations, Martina!
Goodbye to James Cummings, Elli Mylonas, and Sarah Stanley
- Issue for face-to-face: Generate a list of things that should be checked when someone joins Council, and that should be dealt with when someone leaves Council (e.g., GitHub admin, logins to servers, etc.)
- Action on JC, EM, & SS: Go through your own tickets, removing yourselves from those you do not expect to accomplish, leaving yourself on those you do by 2019-12-31