TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2020-01-16
Meeting time:
- EDT 09:00–10:30, GMT 14:00–15:30, CEST 15:00–16:30
- Started: 14:02Z; ended: 15:37Z
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EB)
- Meaghan Brown (MB)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Nicolas Cole (NC) arrived @ ~14:07Z, left ~15:00Z
- Jessica Lu (JL)
- Peter Stadler (PS)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
Apologies/Not Present:
- Vanessa Bigot Juloux (VBJ)
Next F2F meeting
- 1–3 May 2020
- Where? Our options are:
- Paderborn – PS says it is easy to organize. Fly to FRA and then take ~3 hour train or fly into PAD.
- Oxford – NC says this is easy to organize for this group size.
- Warsaw – Action on MT: check availability for May 1–3 by 2020-01-20
Next Release 3.7.0
- Release Thursday 02-13; Refrigeration: 01-30; Freeze starts on Monday 02-10
- Status <uniHan>
- https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1805
- Action on MS: organize conference call on or about 01-28 with at least RV, SB, MH, and Duncan Paterson by 2020-01-18
- Status <standOff>
- SB reports significant progress made in late December, none since.
- Build had been failing (for lack of checking in a file), just fixed that this morning.
- Need eyes on this, big time.
- SB plans to ask NC, MT, EB, and others to review this hopefully early next week.
- SB & NC to meet beforehand — NC travelling this Saturday, but proposes a call on Sunday or Monday.
- Status documentation:
- EB: How are we going to publish new oXygen plugin guide? See https://github.com/TEIC/Documentation/tree/master/exDoc and https://github.com/TEIC/Documentation/issues/5
- Move to oXygen-tei repo? – PS suggests to replace the framework discussion already there with this.
- Maybe split the documentation into several files and put those into a (new) docs directory in the repo root (because this can easily be deployed via github pages in the GitHub repo settings). And am I correct that GitHub pages are in HTML, so it would be easy to maintain source in TEI and generate HTML in same directory? — SB
- EB: Still working on revisions to TCW 20 regarding how to work with branches / pull requests: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1825
- EB: How are we going to publish new oXygen plugin guide? See https://github.com/TEIC/Documentation/tree/master/exDoc and https://github.com/TEIC/Documentation/issues/5
- Open issues for milestone 3.7.0 https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Guidelines+3.7.0%22
- EB: Can we look at the new att.locatable in the pull request for #1769?
- Action on SB: check and make sure any teidata.word value is valid as a teidata.pointer by 2020-01-22 [Done: no, there can be valid teidata.word values that are not valid teidata.pointer values. See comment on ticket.]
- EB: Can we please close #1708 regarding SG (Gentle Introduction)? See https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/commit/c1131e950220310955f8e557c19952f55a291609. EB also added the gloss as SB recommended about the solidus.
- Action on MS: review these changes by 2020-01-24
- EB: Can we look at the new att.locatable in the pull request for #1769?
Report from IG Group
- Preparing the release process:
- tei user is created on machine3 (cchum-kvm-dockerteic.in2p3.fr)
- tei user is member of the Docker group (so has the permissions to restart OxGarage and Roma services).
- The old id_rsa keys are restored from the ADHO server for the tei user (needed for shell access to SourceForge, see section “What you will need before you start” of TCW22)
- Permissions for the vault are adjusted so the tei user may add directories to /data2/vault/P5 and /data2/vault/Stylesheets and change the symlinks there.
- PS updated TCW22 and the install script to reflect the current settings on the HumaNum server.
- Everything should be settled for the release :)
jEdit TEI Plugin
- https://github.com/Conal-Tuohy/jEdit-TEIPlugin
- RV reports he tried it, but couldn’t figure out how to make it work
- MS reports Marjorie Burghart had gotten a mini-grant to create this plugin, and asked TEI-C to host this plugin.
- MS answered that in principle answer is “yes”, but we need more information on responsibilities and documentation of the plugin.
- RV and SB are interested in helping with this — open-source solution is especially important for teaching purposes.
- Action on RV: email Marjorie for more info.
Status broken oXygen plugin
- https://github.com/TEIC/oxygen-tei/issues/30
- Action on MT: investigate the options and summarize/adjust documentation by 2020-01-25.
New feature request for Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
- https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1955
- No rush with this, will be tackled only after this release.
- SB joined the group of assignees.
I18n Working Group (internationalization)
- HC reports he and MS not sure they had been given go-ahead to create a working group.
- Council should provide a charge: deliverables, time framing, contact person, that kind of thing.
- HC reports we will be applying for a Mellon grant to get funding for this initiative for the TEI.