TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2020-04-14
Meeting time:
- EST 09:00–10:30, GMT 14:00–15:30, CEST 15:00–16:30
- Started: 14:05Z; ended: 15:37Z
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EB)
- Meaghan Brown (MB)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Nicholas Cole (NC)
- Jessica Lu (JL)
- Martina Scholger (MS, Chair)
- Peter Stadler (PS, until 16:00)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
Apologies/Not Present:
- Vanessa Bigot-Juloux (VBJ)
Planning of the virtual ‘F2F’ (VF2F) meeting
- 1–3 May
- Options for organizing the meeting
- PS, MT, NC, VB, MS start in the (CEST) morning with e.g. break out groups); Plenary session with full Council in the (CEST) afternoon; JL, SB, HC, RV, EB, MB continue in the (CEST) evening.
- Start in the CEST afternoon / EDT morning.
- Time to implement tickets with “Status: go”.
- Which conference system do we want to use? Suggestion to use Zoom.
- Decision for organizing the VF2F:
- Use Zoom with password
- See agenda for detailed table of meeting times
- Friday: full council group session (~4hrs) (EDT 09:00, GMT 14:00, CEST 15:00)
- Saturday: European break-outs (~3hrs) (BST 9:00, CEST 10:00 + full council session (~4hrs) (EDT 09:00, BST 14:00, CEST 15:00) + American break-outs (~3hrs) (EDT 15:00)
- Sunday: full council group session (~4hrs) (EDT 09:00, GMT 14:00, CEST 15:00)
Action on ...
- The TEI-C Board is searching for an issue-tracking system
- Do we want/need this as well?
- Suggestion to try comments/task assignments in Google
- “Action on” document is useful too.
- Our minutes are converted to HTML for Wordpress. Maybe use <span class=”action”>....</span> to make these easier to manage/feature/collect into a task list.
- https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1978
- Where should the documentation live?
- Using the GitHub repos, write in TEI.
- Some is in Documentation repo, some is in TEI repo.
- Perhaps we can create new directories in Documentation repo for Tutorials, etc.
- Move old stuff from TEI GitHub Documentation directory into the Documentation repo.
- TEI website documentation on customization (https://tei-c.org/guidelines/customization/)? Does it belong here? (general consensus = no, if anywhere, it belongs on TEI-Wiki)
- How do we want to format it? TEI? Markdown? Wiki?
- Should they all be in TEI? (Our minutes were in TEI from at least 1990 to ~2013)
- NC: we could use a better collaborative editor (in an intermediate format) for TEI documentation. What intermediate formats will work, (how do we translate into / out?). NC would like to work on this with anyone interested. HC is interested. Action on NC: prepare a show-and-tell for the VF2F of what he's been investigating. "Hurdles for multi-user collaboration in the TEI"
- Where and how do we want to publish it?
- We could post documentation in GitHub and make sure TEI website links to it, or publishes it from GitHub (via CETEIcean, etc.)
- Have one spot to edit the Documentation and publish them in multiple places.
- What is the place of the TEI-wiki?
- SB: for content that is community-written, not by Council.
- Do the SIGs use it? Used to be the SIGs were given a section of the wiki to edit. Some SIGs use the wiki. Should still be just an option for them.
- Some of it is working documents trying to figure out complex processes.
- TEI-Wiki issue with logins: How are these managed? How do people create new accounts? Action on the Infrastructure Group: Ask Luis about this; ensure there is some account management on TEI-Wiki (i.e., that a user can request an account).
- Infrastructure Group will be seeking new website manager / communications officer. Clarifying roles would be helpful.
- HC: Council should add pointers to where current Council documentation is.
- JL: TEI-Wiki has value as a community-authored space. If it's actually used it might increase a sense of community instead of current TEI website's top-down information dispensing. RV: TEI listserv and GitHub might be where our community connections are happening. What would we do with a revamped wiki? (TEI-by-example)
- Discussion of GitHub Wiki option vs. original TEI Wiki presents issue for us with having to migrate material, etc.
- What other documents should we pull in?
- Current list of available documentation near bottom of these minutes, just above the ticket-triage assignment table.
TEI 2020 Conference Submissions
- JL notes conference site indicates CFP deadline is tomorrow: https://tei2020.unl.edu/call-for-proposals/
- Action on MS to get in touch with conference organizers and TEI-C Board (textencoding2020@gmail.com, James Cummings, Kay Walters) and find out what's going on.
Report Working Group meeting I18n
- suggestion to consolidate l18n messages into a document for Council.
- Stand-off, annotations, and the Web Annotation Model: we need to work out the content model of <annotation>.
- uniHan: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1805
- TCW-22 Release Process notes should be revised to urge Council members to report major changes (such as things that would break ODDs) to Council when we go to refrigeration! Action on EB and JL to work on this documentation by 2020-04-27.
- Policy for inactive members to accompany change to 3-year terms? Action on EB, SB, JL to have a proposal by F2F
Documentation Currently Available
Documentation on GitHub (TEI): http://teic.github.io/TCW/:
- TCW 20: How to Edit the TEI Guidelines
- Testing and Building the Guidelines and Stylesheets
- TCW 22: Building TEI Release
- TCW 24: Style Guide for Editing the TEI Guidelines
- TCW 27: Procedure for handling practices that are no longer recommended or deprecated
- TCW 29: The Roma install on tei-c.org
- Draft tutorial on ODD chaining
- Draft tutorial on ODD purification
- Draft tutorial on ODD generation
- Draft Pure ODD Tutorial
Documentation in the TEI-Wiki (mediaWiki): https://wiki.tei-c.org/
- https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php?title=TEI-Council-FAQ
- Council minutes to 2015: https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php?title=Council : NONE of the minutes links works. A list of redirects exists in an unusable form for the current TEI website's nginx format. HC is working on it.
- https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/ODD_chaining
- https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php?title=Mapping_ODD_processing
Documentation on the Website (HTML):
- https://tei-c.org/guidelines/customization/ *outdated: Move to a new-and-improved TEI-Wiki?