TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2020-06-09
Meeting time:
- EST 09:00–10:30, GMT 14:00–15:30, CEST 15:00–16:30
- Started: 13:06Z; ended: 14:35Z
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EB)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Nicholas Cole (NC, until ~14:21Z)
- Jessica Lu (JL)
- Martina Scholger (MS, chair)
- Peter Stadler (PS)
- Raff Viglianti (RV, until 14:26Z)
Apologies/Not Present:
- Vanessa Bigot-Juloux (VBJ)
- Meaghan Brown (MB)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
Planning next release
- Release technicians: HC (lead technician), JL (support technician), NC (note taker)
- When: week of 9–15 Aug 20; Target: Tue 11 & Wed 12 Aug
- Finalize the content model of <standOff>: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1977
- SB: We really want to tackle the Web Annotation Data Model for the next release.
- HC presents shared document that describes the use-cases we envision and what we need to support WADM.
- HC, SB: we want to have a mapping on parts of the WADM that make sense.
- NC: what are the open questions that those examples raise?
- HC says his motivation was to convince himself that we can use WADM without inventing new elements. It works with existing TEI elements (except <assert> in #7).
- SB points out that the WADM has other features we need to consider, e.g. allowing multiple targets or bodies (or both), or allowing selection by CSS or XPath (or anything else)?
- RV affirms that there can be multiple bodies and targets in WADM: https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#cardinality-of-bodies-and-targets. “It is also possible for an Annotation to have multiple Bodies and/or Targets. In this case, each Body is considered to be equally related to each Target individually, rather than to the set of all of the Targets.”
- EB suggests we add examples that discuss whitespace issue.
- Council agrees: define the content model of <annotation> and add the necessary attributes for the next release. There has to be a section on <annotation> in the Guidelines too. RV & NC volunteer to help with writing documentation.
- Several issues with “Status:Go” https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Status%3A+Go%22+-label%3A%22Status%3A+Needs+Discussion%22+ that might go into the release. Should we add those to the Milestone 4.1.0?
- Action on MS to add milestone to “Status: Go” issues
- Aim to finish tickets at the end of July.
- Action on MS to send email to TEI-L on next release schedule by 2020-06-25.
Next (virtual) F2F meeting
- Sat 24–Mon 26 Oct
Report from labeling session
- the two groups have made good progress; more sessions are needed.
@version issue
- https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1993
- Action on MS: write to the TEI list about @version by 2020-06-25. Ask if and how the attribute is used; if it would affect projects if we removed it; if <schemaRef> and its attributes would be sufficient.
Reminder: “elections — terms — rotation”
- James Cummings (summary in Board discussion): To move to a 4, 4, 3 structure of 3 year terms, I believe that in the elections this year we should have 4 Council members elected for 3 years, and 1 Council member for 2 years.
- Next year we elect 4 Council members for 3 years, and 2 Council members for just 1 year. The year after that we elect 3 Council members and are in a solid 4,4,3 repeating pattern.
Ticket discussion #1916
- #1916: Corpus Exemplar should more explicitly state what it's for: This ticket was discussed by subgroup C (HC, MB, EB) at the VF2F. Their comments were “Subgroup agrees with Martin Holmes, we should recommend oXygen proceed with changing the template file names on disk. (Open a ticket on oXygen or contact Radu Coravu?)”.
- Council notes there has been significant discussion on the ticket since then.
- There has also been discussion on TEI-L recently.
- Address confusion over use of the Corpus customization for non-linguists. Generally we need to rethink the exemplars (i.e., the ODD files, etc., in P5/Exemplars/).
- PS suggests we keep the teiCorpus exemplar, but suppress it from being delivered to oXygen.
- SB asserts it is a useless exemplar, as it does nothing but supply a set of <moduleRef>s.
- MS notes a similar issue on dictionaries.
- SB notes that we have several such exemplars [that he called “template exemplars” in his jTEI paper].
- Action on SB: provide a summary categorization of the Exemplar/ ODDs on the ticket by 2020-06-30. They could be eliminated or reduced to a single example. If reduced to a single example, then corpora may be a good test case, as it requires @start of <schemaSpec> (to allow <TEI> or <teiCorpus> as the root).
- Piotr Banski has volunteered to create a new, more realistic exemplar for encoding linguistic corpora (but could take a while.) SB: The customizations on dictionaries, drama, math, speech don't seem necessary now (or then). Action on SB to ask Piotr to provide ODD for corpus by 2020-06-20.
- SB, PS, and JL to discuss issue https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1955.
- MS to contact Gerrit Brüning regarding MS SIG about not declaring it dormant by 2020-06-15.