TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2021-10-14

Meeting times:


Apologies/Not Present:

Link to the conference program

Joint Board/Council meeting

Checking Pointers document

Reminder: issue 2173

Spec Translation Tool (HC)

Corpus Exemplars

Issues from SVF2F meeting

No. Group Title Comment
#1800 more on dictionary: The element <usg> inside <def> Comment from last VF2F (May): Subgroup suggests that RV should go with brute force approach (proposal 1). [usg is already allowed in cit, so does not need to be taken care of anymore] Council Meeting 10-14: Green for RV to proceed.
#1929 What is a paragraph, really? Sub-subgroup of HC and EB suggests we consider moving <ab> to core, and closing this ticket if there are no other actionable items. HC: We should jettison "semantic baggage" phrase in the prose. Try a PR with <ab> in core . We can’t delete <ab> now, but in keeping <ab> we could at least acknowledge that it’s a core sort of thing. SB is okay with trying an action out (as opposed to just greenlighting).
#1978 A Documentation Subgroup: We have some documentation in Documents folder in TEI repo and some in TEIC/Documentation repo.Issues: Should all the documentation be in TEI [encoding]? How should it be organized? Should some of the older documentation be consolidated and made TCWs?Should TEI/Documents be cleaned up and collapsed into TEI-C/Documentation? Some things can be moved to the Vault. But check on things that have been kept hidden and should see the light of day. Subgroup proposes that we maybe form a Council subcommittee to work on this next year. JJ suggests that we write a Records Management Plan (indicating what is stored where, who has access, and how to access it). SB said he’d help. HC said we could start it and get others to fill it in.
#2053 A naming and description of TEI Simple Print and TEI Lite Discussion on the ticket does not lead to a clear action item. Subgroup proposes we check in with MT re: this ticket and last October’s Slack discussion of Vanilla and resulting meetings. If Vanilla conversations have evolved into something more clearly actionable, can we close the ticket? (Remember: texts are complex; data modelling is hard work.)