TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2022-01-14

Meeting Times:


Meeting minutes previous month (December)

Welcome to new members: SS & EB

New meeting times

Stylesheets meeting times

(V)F2F meeting 2022

Stylesheets Task Force

Need new Chair for the Stylesheets Group




Issues from SVF2F meeting

No. Group Title Comment
#2067 A @assertedValue of <certainty> should also accept pointers Subgroup prompts original poster to respond to SB comment of 2020-12-13 Council → 2022-01-14: Original poster has responded and likes SB's idea. How to implement? customization ODD or Branch? SB will figure this out, leaning to customization ODD.
#2072 A change the content model of exemplum Subgroup suggestion: Let's introduce exemplumGrp because we have a considerable number of exempla with accompanying prose. Also this is analogous to noteGrp, etc. But this might open up a can of worms for processing. Council → 2022-01-14: Closing ticket. Consolidating work on #1933 to implement exemplumGrp
#2084 A moderately problematic issues in SATS Subgroup suggests additional Council members join HC in reviewing the checklist, especially RV (if available). Council → 2022-01-14: poke HC
#2085 A re-defining Node in SATS? ditto Council → 2022-01-14: poke HC
#2086 A uber-ticket for SATS ditto [here be dragons] Council → 2022-01-14: poke HC
#2090 B per-document defaults (of attribute values) totally sensible workflow-wise but do we need it in the standard? This introduces some convenience but not something meaningful from a modelling perspective. Council → 2022-01-14: reconsider for P6