TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2022-02-11
Meeting Times:
- 7am PST / 10am EST / 3pm BST / 4pm CEST
- Started: ~15:04Z Ended: 16:36Z
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Helena Bermúdez Sabel (HBS)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EBB)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Janelle Jenstad (JJ)
- Martina Scholger (MS, Chair)
- Sabine Seifert (SS)
- Peter Stadler (PS)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
Apologies/Not Present:
- Elli Bleeker (EB)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
Meeting minutes previous month (January)
Next release
- JJ (notetaker), HC, RV release technicians
- Get SS in the next release? Or have her join in when the times work for her?
- Refridge on Sunday, April 10.
- Freeze on Saturday, April 17. (Create release branch. Do checks.)
- Start release on Monday, April 19.
Next Council meeting
- March 11, conflict with DHd conference.
- Proposed move to March 18.
Stylesheets meeting times
- 4th Friday of each month, 8am PST / 11am EST / 5pm CET.
- Separate mailing for DST switch next month.
SVF2F meeting 2022
- April 1 and 2
Stylesheets task force
- EBB, HBS, JJ, and SS have written the charge for the task force.
- PS, RV, HC: Concerned that ODD processing really is better positioned in its own repo because it is used by multiple communities (e.g. MEI).
- We should see ODD as processing metalanguage distinct from TEI.
- RV: Keeping TEI and ODD in the same repo represents a mixing of concerns (data vs. processing logic)
- HC: ODD processing isn't only for the TEI.
- The circularity issue is the key problem.
- Council can decide where the Stylesheets belong.
- PS: Question of where to draw the line between what belongs in TEIC Guidelines processing vs. what processes ANY ODD.
- SB: What should the Task Force be doing? Create something flexible for the multiple communities who may use it as well as something specific to the TEI?
- HC: Amend charge to be “resolving the circularity problem without inconveniencing other users of ODD”.
- Possible rephrase of objective 2: Work on solutions to the circularity problem. Determine the optimal location for ODD processing and testing that separates the concerns of processing from data representation.
- In the charge, replace “Develop the new Stylesheets to be a functional part of the TEI/TEIC GitHub repository.” with “Refactor the Stylesheets to separate the concerns of processing from data representation for the TEI…”
- Need to address this point: March 2022: Create fork of the TEI/TEIC GitHub repo and create space for new Stylesheets.
- Action on Council: Bring the Council’s concerns (+ notes on Task Charge from today's meeting) to the next Stylesheets meeting on February 25.
- Action on JJ: Put Martin Holmes’ slides in the TEI General channel.
Migration of mailing lists
- Migrate to something controlled by TEI on the TEI HumaNum server (something we have always wanted to do).
- Does anyone know how much LISTSERV costs? (Didn’t we look that up last time?)
- Infrastructure group met and discussed the issue of migrating the mailing list from ADHO and Brown to Huma-Num. Laurent Romary will be getting in touch with Huma-Num administrators to find out if we can get help with migrating.
- Huma-Num uses Sympa, ADHO = mailman, Brown = LISTSERV.
Presentation of the translation tool (HC)
- https://translate.tei-c.org/user.html
- GitHub: TEIC/spec_translator (Please open issues as we spot things that are out of date/missing or come up with ideas/improvements to suggest.)
- Red X with a calendar icon means a translation is out of date.
- Red X means that there is untranslated material.
- The translation tool uses the GitHub API. Form filling creates a fork on the TEIC/TEI repo, and generates a pull request on completion. (Every save is a commit.)
- We can organize people to do a “translate-a-thon”.
- Spec pages could provide a button inviting visitors to check or update an out-dated translation.
- Eventually add information on the translation tool to the Guidelines Documentation page.
- https://bauman.zapto.org/~syd/temp/4TEICouncil/tcw32.html
- Publish end of February
- Disposition of tickets assigned to ex-Council members
- Should the ticket triage person just re-assign them, or should someone ask assignees if they would like to continue on any or all tickets first?
- JL TEI issues: ∅
- JL TEI PRs: #2143, #2187
- JL Stylesheets issues: #382, #447, #479
- JL Stylesheets PRs: ∅
- MB TEI issues: ∅
- MB TEI PRs: #2156, #2193
- MB Stylesheets issues: #401, #495
- MB Stylesheets PRs: ∅
Jenkins house cleaning
- Action on PS to send a list of candidates for removal to the tei-council list by 2022-02-25 so that folks can say “no, please keep” or “go ahead and nuke”
- PS: list is here: https://jenkins.tei-c.org/view/various%20branches/
- EBB: Please nuke TEIP5-branch-ebb_SchematronExplan2 (PS: done!)