TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2022-12-08
Meeting times:
- 8am PST / 11am EST / 4pm GMT / 5pm CET
- Started: ~16:05Z Ended: 17:32Z
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Helena Bermúdez Sabel (HBS)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EBB, Chair-elect)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Janelle Jenstad (JJ)
- Martina Scholger (MS, Chair)
- Sabine Seifert (SS)
- Peter Stadler (PS)
- Joey Takeda (JT, Councilor-elect)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
Apologies/Not Present:
- Elli Bleeker (EB)
- Patricia O Connor (TOC)
Meeting minutes previous month (November)
Welcome Joey
- Mentoring: RV and HC volunteer
New meeting times
- We will need new meeting times. Action on EBB to arrange new monthly meeting (via Doodle) by 2023-01-01.
Spring F2F meeting
- Date: May 7–9
- Options for the meeting:
- Providence?
- Boston / Northeastern? Action on SB to ask Julia Flanders et al. if Northeastern could host the meeting by 2022-12-10.
Fall F2F meeting
- The Conference and Members’ Meeting will be a joint event with MEI from Mon 04 Sep 23 through Fri 08 Sep 23 in Paderborn.
- Council may meet before or after the conference (PS)
Guidelines production via TEI Processing Model
- MT presents a prototype at https://guidelines.teipublisher.com/
- Request for testing and reporting issues (discrepancies with existing Guidelines) and feature requests via https://github.com/eeditiones/tei-guidelines
- Where is this version missing things (as in links to reference pages)? At what point shall we move this repo to TEI?
- RV suggests moving the repo to TEI to help us test it.
- Consider branding and design (involving touch-up of the TEI logo)
- MT seeks a budget for hiring a designer to work on updating the TEI logo
- Is this an individual request from MT to Board, or is Council in agreement to back this?
- Small budget request if it’s only the logo and less time-consuming.
- Original logo looks dated and clashes with modern websites. Text is hard to read in smaller sizes (because diagonal and italicized).
- PS has a logo for the upcoming TEI/MEI conference: it preserves brackets and color recognizable from current TEI logo (via https://en.99designs.de)
- PS: It’s not just the logo or the Guidelines but the whole TEI website. Design maybe needs a more general plan: color schemes, fonts, etc.
- SB: Logo & website design is (in general) a Board issue rather than a Council issue. Council needs to be involved somewhat to ensure that the Guidelines are well incorporated into the website.
- SB: TEI and markup is “agnostic about its own output”: providing multiple different views of the Guidelines would be a way to express this agnosticism. JJ noted in the chat that there are easier ways to demonstrate that TEI is output-agnostic.
- MT: The idea of ODD processing model was motivated by difficulty of maintaining Stylesheets. Council would need to decide what’s best to maintain in the long term.
- PS: Council will need a dedicated session to discuss how the ODD model replaces specific parts of the Stylesheets.
- HBS: We need a dedicated working group with this initiative to help Guidelines better support i18n.
- Next steps:
- Move the repo to TEI organization.
- Council reviews https://guidelines.teipublisher.com/ and files bug reports & feature requests as needed.
- Funding request to Board at meeting next Thursday 15 Dec 23.
- MS reminds that we need to request from the designer a full collection of material (design in a vector format that can be later adjusted, including fonts used etc.)
- MT: to ask for a quote we should limit the scope to the kind of “icon” logo that can be used in a narrow website header or favicon and have the expanded “Text Encoding Initiative” as a neighboring text with fonts suggested.
- We do need to discuss the TEI website in general and how it relates to the new design for Guidelines documentation. Action on JJ to work on this in January 2023.
- MT seeks a budget for hiring a designer to work on updating the TEI logo
- Roma
- RV reports he is at work on this, e.g. replacing hard-coded strings with lookups.
- Lou Burnard has already provided French translations.
- After next few weeks RV will need to start thinking about methods for collecting translations.
- Interface of SpecTranslator
- HC: complete translations for Spanish, but no other languages.
- Action on HC to prepare instructions, and to write up a call for more participation from folks contributing other languages.
Ling SIG — Council liaison
- Meeting between MT, Piotr Banski, HBS, & PS
- It was mostly a get-to-know each other event and discussion of how to bring the Ling SIG community together.
- Another meeting planned for mid-Jan 2023.
- Nothing specific to report, though.
Status of mailing lists
- We need to figure out how many of the 17 mailing lists from Brown we want to transfer to HumaNum.
- HC: Decide on which should be retired first.
- Action on SB to find inventory of Brown listservs and send them to Council list by 2022-12-16.
- Action on MS to ask Laurent Romary:
- With whom do we need to communicate at HumaNum?
- Can we move 5–8 mailing lists to HumaNum?
- Loop EBB on messages so she can keep rolling with this in January 2023.
- MS suggests we convene a subgroup.
- JJ, HC, and MS volunteer for the subgroup.
- Deal with TEI Wiki.
- Subgroup will meet after Christmas (i.e., after Jan. 11). Action on MS to organize a meeting by 2022-12-31.
Status #2049
- SB removed the deprecation in branch sydb_2049_on_altIdent_reduex, but not on dev. Given that the conversation never was resolved and petered out, SB chose proposal one and implemented it. Thus PR is waiting for review from one of EBB, MH, HC, JC, NC, and then (presuming thumbs up) SS can pull.
- Next steps: Action on HBS to test it, and if it’s passing, action on SS to merge it if HBS finds all is well.
- Request that people pay attention to tickets with atop label. While most are not actually blocking progress, resolution would speed things up.
- MS suggests to add Council Responsibility label to these tickets.
- PS will continue to work on CMC.
- SB reports various problems have come up delaying meetings, but still pushing forward.
- Next meeting is scheduled for next week.
Goodbye Peter and thank you! 😟❤️
Handing over the chair to Elisa 🪑
- EBB wonders why we can’t see Board meeting dates on TEI-C Google Calendar?
- MS: because they were not added to the calendar – fixed.
Next Stylesheets
- Scheduled for 29 December? HBS might suggest moving to January.