TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2023-06-09
Meeting times
- 6:30am PST / 9:30am EST / 2:30pm UTC / 3:30pm CET
- Started: 13:34Z Ended: 15:05Z
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Helena Bermúdez Sabel (HBS)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EBB, Chair)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- Janelle Jenstad (JJ)
- Patricia O'Connor (TOC)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Sabine Seifert (SS)
- Joey Takeda (JT)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Raff Viglianti (RV @ 14:30Z)
Apologies/Not Present:
- Elli Bleeker (EB)
Previous meeting minutes: Guelph F2F Paderborn F2F preparations
- Dates: Sun 03 (morning)–Tue 05 (midday) September
- Travel planning
- Workshop overlap with TEI F2F meeting: All Tuesday, council members including the chair will be in a workshop, as well as Monday morning.
- RV solution: Put all Council run workshops on Tuesday so only half a day is missed (Monday morning).
- Council will be placed in the same building as the keynote will be.
Future meeting dates/times
- EBB would like each of us to review dates and times for future monthly Council meetings
Updating TEI P5 subset
- SS needs help for updating TEI P5 subset — she is working in Windows and both test and test2 targets are failing due to “file not found” for a file that is clearly there.
- SB volunteers to meet with SS to try to help, but does not know much about Windows.
- Action on SS and SB: Sometime in July update documentation on updating the TEI P5 subset
Discussion of ATOP tickets
- #2306 — “tagdocs elements are available in silly contexts”:
- We think this is pretty much a no-brainer. Even Lou seems to agree. (Although SB suspects Michael might object.) However, it is potentially a lot of work, especially if we have a deprecation period.
- Example of the problem: <elementSpec> is allowed to go inside <head>, <handNote>, <item>, or <stage>
- Getting ODD declarations closer to the prose within the document is generally accepted as a good idea by members of the TEI community
- EBB: How long should the deprecation period be? (Needs to include a warning against usage).
- SB: At least when we initially established the system, we expected deprecation periods to be 6 months – 2 years. Often the 6 months deprecation period becomes a year [to users] because it only comes into effect with the next release. The need for deprecation is clear and straight-forward, but this is not an easy change to implement: e.g., there are 115 <classSpec>s that need fixing regardless of whether we deprecate or not.
- HC: How big of a problem is this, is it aesthetic or are people actively doing this?
- EBB: perhaps just silently remove warnings and see if there are any objections?
- Consensus: better to deprecate for 6 months (go through all >100 instances in the guidelines systematically)
- made GREEN for HC (with SB contributing) to implement with 6 month deprecation.
- #2173 — “Add warning when using <constraintSpec> inside <classSpec>”:
- This is the “where should @context be required?” issue.
- SB developed a solution back in 2021-09, but it requires testing, and no one has tested it.
- See comment of 2021-09-12.
- Council supports solution proposed by SB
- Council may later propose/decide to make @context mandatory for all cases
- #2369 — “Need to clarify the relationship between classSpec/@generate and classRef/@expand”:
- The bad news: explaining the problem may take a while — it is complex. The good news: we think the solution is all but trivial.
- `@generate` and `@expand` need to align better. Essentially `@expand` needs to be one of the values used on the referenced class’ `@generate`, but it (the <classRef> that wants to use @expand) may not have any way to know what the @generate says.
- HC points out that the order that the members of a class should be in (when using a “sequence” @generate) is not defined. SB agrees that this makes the “sequence” values almost useless, but asserts this is a problem for another ticket.
- SB points out that one obvious solution is simply to get rid of (or ignore) the @generate attribute. For those processors that actually want to generate patterns prior to ascertaining which are referred, they simply have to generate all [6] patterns [which is already the default in some cases]. TEI schemas are over 10,000 lines long as it is; adding an extra couple of hundred lines will make no significant difference.
- JT: Speculative origin: `@generate` may have been for ODD writers to specify the allowable ways in which a <classSpec> could be expanded
- HC, in large part because of the ambiguity of “sequence”, thinks we should deprecate [and then remove] both `@generate` and `@expand`.
- Consequences of deprecation: Longer deprecation period for `@expand` because it is used a lot more but a shorter deprecation period for `@generate`
- HBS: Couldn’t find any examples of `@generate` being used in the set of ODDs that ATOP has collected from users for testing. No one really knows any use cases for the attribute.
- RV: MEI had previously used @expand in their ODD, but it is not currently being used. MEI no longer needs to use those attributes so it suggests that these attributes are no longer needed.
- For #atop whether we remove `@expand` or not doesn't matter so much as `@generate` which is more important for moving ATOP along.
- #2426 — “Usage of <dataRef>+<dataSpec> and <macroRef>+<macroSpec>”:
- Again, an issue that may take some time to explain, but the solution is probably not that hard. Have to decide if <classRef> and maybe <macroRef> should be disallowed, too.
- Problem summary: Schema suggests that you can put an element within an attribute when XML doesn’t allow it at all. Thus there should be an error or a Schematron rule to inform users that doing this means your schema will be broken.
- Original solution by MH: Use <macroRef>
- Requested solution: dataSpec//anyElement and dataSpec//elementRef should be disallowed.
- Q: should we prevent macroRef from being used in <attDef>? That would prevent the other way of putting an element inside an attr.
- Assign to SB Status Go for implementing Schematron
TEI Lite2 customization
- Resolved at Guelph F2F: discuss / assign actions before next TEI release
- Absorb simplePrint into TEI Lite schema
- Update https://tei-c.org/guidelines/customization/
- From Guelph discussion:
- Lite2 should be more like an "on ramp" that doesn't cover all cases but takes us quite far as common ground.
- Action on JJ to get us started drafting a paragraph for the Customization page and the TEI Lite page that Council can review this summer--to share at July meeting.
- Action on MT to also get started on the Lite2 customization by July meeting.
- Need to update Lite and other customisations also mentioned in Chapter 22 at: https://tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/USE.html#MDlite
Infrastructure issues
- Next Infrastructure Group Meeting: https://www.when2meet.com/?20229458-wQsv5
- MT and HC discussion with MS to determine the best time to meet for next meeting
- Action on MS to follow up with others on availability for dates that suit HC and MT.