TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2024-12-10
10:00–11:30 PDT | 13:00–14:30 EDT | 17:00–18:30 UTC | 19:00–20:30 CEST
- Syd Bauman (SB)
- Helena Bermúdez Sabel (HBS)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EBB, Chair)
- Elli Bleeker (EB)
- Patricia O'Connor (TOC)
- Gustavo Riva (GR)
- Torsten Roeder (TR)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Joey Takeda (JT)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
Invited Guests (new Council members starting terms January 2025):
- Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (UHK)
- Martin Holmes (MH)
Apologies/Not Present:
- Sabine Seifert (SS)
Introductions and calendar scheduling
- Welcome to new Council members!
- Happy birthday, Grace Hopper (yesterday), and Ada Byron Lovelace (today)! 🎂
- Decision re next Council meetings in 2025: Second Tuesday of each month: 10:30 PDT | 13:30 EDT | 17:30 UTC | 19:30 CST
Council & Stylesheets Chair Election 🪑
- No spontaneous nominations — EBB to continue × 1 year
- Anyone interested in chairing in 2026 to contact EBB to learn about the duties.
- Stylesheets Chair — HBS happy to continue (if anyone is interested in chairing in the future, contact HBS).
Next Release (4.9.0 & 7.58.0) timing
- Late January / early February 2025
- Issues to close for next release.
- Release technician volunteers: RV, TR, TOC
- RV asks we conclude by end of January
- Documentation for release techs: https://teic.github.io/Documentation/TCW/tcw22.html
- Refridge: Mon 2025-01-20–Tue 2025-01-21
- Note: Only mild changes to dev, e.g. prose edits. No changes to the schema or Stylesheet code during the refrigeration period.
- Freeze: Wed 2025-01-22
- Note: No more commits to dev
- Release day: Fri 2025-01-24
- MH points out there are 75 issues marked "Needs Discussion".
- MS created a new release milestone for the next release 4.10.0.
- Action on Council: Need to go through tickets to decide which get moved to the next release and update the milestone label to 4.10.0.
- Monitoring a release: Any Council member can join the release tech Zoom and watch the Slack chat.
- MS and HBS to mentor UHK and TR
- SB happy to continue mentoring EB, TOC happy to co-mentor.
TEI Lite 2 Working Group Charge
- Action on Council: Formalise the charge in the December meeting
- Discussion:
- Are the aims of the working group really larger than the title of the working group suggests?
- Should TEI Lite be fully conformant to TEI-all?
- Council endorses this working group forming and continuing investigating and reporting back on progress via slack channels
- Action on MS: to add the Working Group to the TEI website. [Done.]
- Group would make its repo(s) inside the TEI-C and shall confer with Council on how best to implement this.
TR: New SIG for Computable Text and Media
- Intention to provide better guidance for encoding computable text and media such as social media posts, e-mail, e-literature, punching cards (as discussed at BA conference), floppy disks etc.
- Would impact some modules and some other chapters of the TEI Guidelines, such as the Representation of Primary Sources.
- Discussion:
- SIG is needed for tackling unique problems of digitally born texts: RV notes that in helping people with editions on e-literature, hierarchical ordering of hypertext and born-digital documents is different from what we're accustomed to in TEI.
- Council endorses SIG forming now and to actively recruit participants.
- [following meeting]: TR contacted TEI-L and EBB posted new SIG description to TEI website. [Done.]