TEI Teleconference Minutes 2015-01-30

TEI Teleconference 2015-01-30 14:00Z


Syd Bauman (SB, arrived ~14:25Z)

Lou Burnard (LB),

Hugh Cayless (HC),

James Cummings (JC),

Martin Holmes (MH),

Stefan Majewski (SM),

Peter Stadler (PWS),

Paul Schaffner (PFS),

Raffaele Viglianti (RV),

Fabio Ciotti (FC),

Stefanie Gehrke (SG)




Review of Actions from last F2F

FC to poke LR

Actions from lastTeleconference:

Unassigned Bugs and Feature Requests

Update oncorrespDescproposal (PWS)

Update on TEI Simple (JC)

Update onredefiningmsPart (SG / PWS)

Update on Oxygen plugin test builds (MH)

Dates/times for teleconferences

Date of next release/release technician

Date/venue for next F2F

Action on ALL: Edit minutes document until 2015-02-04

Action on HC: Convert to minutes to TEI and get Webmaster to upload to TEI-C site by 2015-02-06 and mention to social-media coordinator.