Teleconference 2015-04-24 13:00 UTC

Teleconference 2015-04-24 13:00 UTC


Syd Bauman (SB)

Hugh Cayless (HC)

Martin Holmes (MH)

Stefan Majewski (SM)

Paul Schaffner (PFS)

Stefanie Gehrke (SG)

Peter Stadler (PWS)

Fabio Ciotti (FC)

Raff Viglianti (RV) (left at 13:39)


James Cummings (JC)

Lou Burnard (LB)

Call started @ ~13:03 and ended @ ~13:54 UTC.


Release 2.8.1?

MH: Didn’t add predeclare attribute, so this is a legitimate bug, but nobody else has reported problems. The Oxygen 17 release is coming up and an update might mess up the TEI plugin for them. Action: SB to look at 749 and evaluate. However, SB intends to get local build of P5 working, first.

Nominating Committee

Board would like two members of Council on the Nominating Committee. Preferably someone who is not up for election this year, or who has chosen not to run this year.

Tentative volunteers: HC and SM.

Transcription of Spoken Language Draft followup (HC)

ISO is working on a document that is not yet public; when it’s ready, Laurent Romary will share it with us for discussion.

Standoff discussion

PWS has worked with Laurent on polishing the materials in his repo. There’s a need for more work, examples etc. There has also been some overlap between this and the spoken language work. Laurent is really just waiting for the go-ahead from Council to produce a full draft. SB proposes calling the element “ldb” (for Linked Data Block). SB also suggests adding listChange to the content model. Action on PWS to meet with Laurent and try to have standoff ready for review by the F2F.


FC suggests we skype Laurent in during the F2F if possible. Action on HC to arrange.

May F2F

PFS has requested rooms from the hotel, waiting for confirmation. PFS to get back to us soon (by posting to tei-council list).

SB asks if we will continue our tradition of technical presentations? Suggests MH present on Oxygen plugin. MH agrees.

MH: Should we look at deprecating support for DTDs? They are more of a source for bugs than a useful part of TEI. If we can all agree that we would like to phase them out at some point, we could set a point X years in advance and announce it. This will go on the agenda for discussion.

Googlehangout for our meetings

Pros: chat window, easy to set up, free, has video (nice turn-taking), screenshare

Cons: we lost LB due to lack of bandwidth (but that might affect any VoIP?); lost RV due to bandwidth, too. Occasional loss of connectivity. Less taking of minutes due to video distraction ;) GoogleDoc flags both “GoogleHangout” and “Googlehangout” as misspelled.

SM points out GH has a call-in feature, too. We may try that, either directly or using conference call as a participant.


briefly discussed , assigned to SB.