Teleconference 2016-02-25
14:00 UTC
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EBB)
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- James Cummings (JC)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Elli Mylonas (EM)
- Peter Stadler (PWS)
- Lou Burnard (LB)
- Syd Bauman (SB, ~14:20)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
- Stefan Majewski (SM)
Processing Model and Simple
- has current state of procmod branch
Does this go in 3.0.0 or wait?
go ahead for Processing Model elements
Simple: wait until later release
Pending meeting between MT, LB, and JC this weekend; they will report back and we will decide how to proceed
Raff will test and write a long feedback e-mail on Fri. prior to meeting
there is some introductory material (leaning more towards eXist-db implementation, but may be helpful
review emails and outstanding questions on the subject
TEI can be agnostic as to implementation of it, merely provide the elements to do so, trying not to limit things too much prematurely (eg being cautious with closed value lists and similar).
Some are already using it in production, but limited scope of application (see and EEBO & Shakespeare’s Plays app linked from there)
Release 3.0.0 (
Blockers other than Jenkins building master (#1411)? Anything missing from the milestone?
something about P5 now using pure ODD passim et seriatim would be nice
What's the state of the documentation?
integration of tutorial with description
James writing up a new ODD documenting common things people do in customising which will also exemplify some of the new Pure ODD features. He’ll be making this into a blog post with links to ODD and generated documentation.
Lou has teaching materials; as have Syd and Julia
Everyone review the ODD chapter!
- (annotatedU) and really need to be dealt with in 3.0 (see -- will go away)
- Lou looks at the tickets 539 and 511 and document, decides if ticket should be green.
Do we expect any Roma oddities when switching to PureODD?
HAC: I’d be surprised if there weren’t something! It should just work since uses underlying updated stylesheets. But uploading a Pure ODD might cause problems (at present, attribute datatypes don't appear correctly because underlying stylesheet library needs updating)
Roma would give old-style ODD: doesn't know how to produce the content model
Roma just lets you change classes; must use an existing content model
need to replace current eXist db of P5
List of debian packages:
What to do with Roma and oXgarage: big discussion for next face-to-face
oXgarage stylesheets: are they updated on new release automagically?—JC isn’t sure but thinks they might use local ones. JC thinks the script can install the release of guidelines in right place, but also be used to update Roma. While updates the eXist database used by Roma. JC thinks oXgarage has to be updated manually. But this needs to be checked. JC has added a fork of sebastian’s OxGarage repo to the TEIC organisation on github. Action on $releaseTechnicians: Check before release whether scripts are up to date and how each part gets updated with new stylesheets and guidelines.
Can we continue to support debian packages? Action on SB by 2016-02-28: ask Stefan.
SB asked about
- JC and others had commented on council list.
Choose a date & release technician
there are other roles involved such as ‘debian package maintainer’ who should be doing these things? It is noted that SM (not present) was last looking at debian package creation and management.
Release technicians: Syd and Elisa on March 22nd with a freeze date of Tuesday March 8.
Release documentation / procedures has had some updating and certainly needs more
Should freeze be delayed a bit to see outcome of LB/MT/JC Processing Model documentation discussion? (Consensus: Yes)
Builds: need a release X.X.X build and a master build for both TEI and Stylesheets.
Action on HC: Make the release branches or help release technician to do so, etc.
Action on HC: after we have release branches: tell Martin what we're planning re release and Jenkins